[lineal.git] / src / infix-parser.lisp
2 ;;;; I suggest you move along to another file,
3 ;;;; this one is terribly coded and in constant change.
4 ;;;; But if you care to look around - good luck.
6 ;;;; Heavily commented so I remember what happens here.
8 ; General setup:
9 ; An ordered stack of operations is build up as closures,
10 ; each hold an accumulated value. When an operator of lesser
11 ; "rank" (see rank constants below) is encountered, the stack unwinds
12 ; recursively, passing the encountered rank and the accumulated
13 ; value for the operation.
15 ; Obviously there are different scopes where these operations apply,
16 ; namely "paren" and "function" scopes. Both scopes have their own
17 ; "read-eval" loop which terminate by the usual stack unwind and
18 ; a thrown symbol corresponding to the scope:
19 ; 'break-paren scope and 'break-fn-scope
21 ; The order of events and the way the termination is handled
22 ; is DIFFERENT between the two. Function scope is notably more
23 ; complex because I don't require ONE function parameter to be
24 ; enclosed in parentheses, multiple parameters require them.
26 ;;; Define variables as constant integers
27 (defmacro enumerate-constants (&rest syms &aux (v 0))
28 (declare (integer v))
29 (cons 'progn
30 (mapcar
31 (lambda (k)
32 (unless (symbolp k)
33 (setf (values k v) (values-list k)))
34 (prog1 `(defconstant ,k ,v)
35 (incf v)))
36 syms)))
38 ;V Set precedence ranks.V
39 (enumerate-constants
40 +base-rank+
41 +paren-rank+
42 +comma-rank+
43 +fn-rank+
44 +addn-rank+
45 +subtrn-rank+
46 +multn-rank+
47 +divisn-rank+
48 +factorial-rank+
49 +exptn-rank+
50 +vip-rank+);< Virtually infinite precedence.
52 ;;; a b = a*b
53 (defun multn-if-last-read ()
54 (declare (special *last-read*))
55 (when *last-read*
56 ;; Implicit multiplication, two
57 ;; values were seperated by a space.
58 (catch 'fn-scope
59 (parsed-opern +multn-rank+ #'multn))))
61 ;;; See if /parsed-thing/ can be interpreted
62 ;;; in any way. If so, call success-fn, then
63 ;;; finish interpreting.
64 (defun interpret-parsed
65 (parsed-thing &optional (success-fn #'values))
66 (declare (special *last-read*))
67 (multn-if-last-read);< Check for implied multiplication.
68 (if (symbolp parsed-thing)
69 (when (boundp parsed-thing)
70 (let ((val (symbol-value parsed-thing)))
71 (funcall success-fn)
72 (if (symbolp val)
73 ;; A symbol representing a function
74 ;; was read, change scope.
75 (parse-function-scope
76 (symbol-function val))
77 (setq *last-read* val))))
78 (progn
79 ;; The reader thinks it's something other
80 ;; than a symbol, parser doesn't need to worry.
81 (funcall success-fn)
82 (setq *last-read* parsed-thing))))
84 ;;; An invalid symbol was read,
85 ;;; could be something like "34x"
86 (defun parse-compact (&optional sym &aux arrlen)
87 (declare (special *parse-next* *last-read*))
88 (if sym
89 ;; Must create *parse-next* from a symbol
90 (let ((sym-str (symbol-name sym)))
91 (setq arrlen (length sym-str)
92 *parse-next*
93 (make-array arrlen
94 :element-type 'character
95 :fill-pointer (1- arrlen)
96 :displaced-to sym-str)))
97 (setq arrlen (length *parse-next*)))
98 (loop
99 :for index :from (fill-pointer *parse-next*) :downto 1
101 (let (successp)
102 (setf (fill-pointer *parse-next*) index)
103 (interpret-parsed
104 (let ((*package* (find-package :lineal.client-vars)))
105 (read-from-string *parse-next*))
106 (lambda ()
107 ;; We found valid input.
108 (setf successp t)
109 (if (= index arrlen)
110 (setf *parse-next* nil)
111 (setf
112 (fill-pointer *parse-next*) arrlen
113 *parse-next*
114 (make-array (- arrlen index)
115 :element-type 'character
116 :fill-pointer t
117 :displaced-to *parse-next*
118 :displaced-index-offset index)))))
119 (when successp (return)))
120 :finally
121 ;; Nothing matched; quit trying.
122 (setf (fill-pointer *parse-next*) arrlen)
123 (signal 'unbound-variable :name *parse-next*)))
126 ;;; Everything in the file calls this
127 ;;; read function on the infix stream.
128 (defun read-next-infix ()
129 (declare (special *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*
130 *parse-strm* *parse-next*))
131 (if *parse-next* (parse-compact)
132 (handler-case
133 (let (this-read)
134 (let ((*package* (find-package
135 :lineal.client-vars)))
136 ;; Sometimes an exception is thrown and
137 ;; control breaks to the current "read loop"
138 (setq this-read (read *parse-strm*)))
139 (when (and this-read
140 ;; Did not just read an operator.
141 (let (successp)
142 (interpret-parsed
143 this-read
144 (lambda () (setf successp t)))
145 (not successp)))
146 ;; We have no idea wtf was just read.
147 (parse-compact this-read)))
148 (end-of-file
149 (condit)
150 (declare (ignore condit))
151 ;; Don't check for unclosed parentheses,
152 ;; be like the TI-83
153 (funcall *unwind-rank-fn*
154 +base-rank+ *last-read*)))))
156 ;;; This is a generic construct for a closure
157 ;;; which will be stored as *unwind-rank-fn*
158 (defmacro opern-climber-lambda
159 ((this-rank op-rank val) . body)
160 `(lambda (,op-rank ,val)
161 (unless ,val
162 ;; A prefixed operator (see function below)
163 ;; was parsed last, unary-pre-opern.
164 (unary-pre-opern
165 ,this-rank (the function ,op-rank)))
166 (locally
167 (declare (type (integer 0 ,+vip-rank+) ,op-rank))
168 ,@body)))
170 ;;; When something like 2 + -3 is encountered,
171 ;;; the negative is what this function deals with.
172 (defun unary-pre-opern (prev-rank this-op-fn)
173 (declare (special *unwind-rank-fn*))
174 (let ((prev-unwind-rank-fn *unwind-rank-fn*)
175 this-unwind-rank-fn)
176 (setq
177 this-unwind-rank-fn
178 (opern-climber-lambda
179 (prev-rank op-rank val)
180 (if (and (< prev-rank op-rank)
181 (< +multn-rank+ op-rank))
182 (progn (setq *unwind-rank-fn*
183 this-unwind-rank-fn)
184 val)
185 (funcall prev-unwind-rank-fn op-rank
186 (funcall this-op-fn val))))
187 *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
188 (throw 'fn-scope (values))))
190 ;;; A binary operator is parsed.
191 (defun parsed-opern (this-rank this-op-fn)
192 (declare (special *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*))
193 (unless *last-read*
194 (funcall *unwind-rank-fn* this-op-fn nil))
195 (let* ((args (cons (funcall *unwind-rank-fn*
196 this-rank *last-read*)
197 nil))
198 (tail args)
199 (prev-unwind-rank-fn *unwind-rank-fn*)
200 this-unwind-rank-fn)
201 (setq
202 *last-read* nil
203 this-unwind-rank-fn
204 (opern-climber-lambda
205 (this-rank op-rank val)
206 (cond
207 ((= this-rank op-rank)
208 (setq
209 *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn
210 *last-read* nil
211 tail (setf (cdr tail) (cons val nil)))
212 (throw 'fn-scope (values)))
213 ((< this-rank op-rank)
214 (setq *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
215 val)
217 (rplacd tail (cons val nil))
218 (funcall prev-unwind-rank-fn op-rank
219 (apply this-op-fn args)))))
220 *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
221 nil))
223 ;;; Parse an exclaimation point character.
224 (defun factorial-reader (c strm)
225 (declare (ignore c strm)
226 (special *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*))
227 (unless *last-read*
228 ;; Make sure any negatives are applied.
229 (funcall *unwind-rank-fn*
230 #'lineal.overload::over-factorial nil))
231 (setq *last-read*
232 (lineal.overload::factorial
233 (funcall *unwind-rank-fn*
234 +factorial-rank+ *last-read*)))
235 nil)
238 (defun open-paren-after-whitespace-peekp ()
239 (declare (special *parse-strm* *parse-next*))
240 (unless *parse-next*
241 (do () ((not (char= #\Space (peek-char nil *parse-strm*)))
242 (char= #\( (peek-char nil *parse-strm*)))
243 (read-char *parse-strm*))))
245 (defun closed-paren-peekp ()
246 (declare (special *parse-strm* *parse-next*))
247 (unless *parse-next*
248 (char= #\) (peek-char nil *parse-strm*))))
250 (defun parse-function-scope (this-fn)
251 (declare (special *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*))
252 (when (open-paren-after-whitespace-peekp)
253 ;; User chose to enclose the
254 ;; argument(s) in parentheses.
255 (read-next-infix)
256 (setq *last-read*
257 (if (consp *last-read*)
258 (apply this-fn *last-read*)
259 (funcall this-fn *last-read*)))
260 (return-from parse-function-scope (values)))
261 (when (closed-paren-peekp)
262 ;; Using notation like (f*g)(x)
263 ;; (unimplemented)
264 (setq *last-read* this-fn)
265 (return-from parse-function-scope (values)))
266 (let ((prev-unwind-rank-fn *unwind-rank-fn*)
267 this-unwind-rank-fn)
268 (setq
269 *last-read* nil
270 this-unwind-rank-fn
271 (opern-climber-lambda
272 (+fn-rank+ op-rank val)
273 (cond
274 ((< op-rank +fn-rank+)
275 ;; Breaking from parens or program.
276 (funcall prev-unwind-rank-fn
277 op-rank (if (consp val)
278 (apply this-fn val)
279 (funcall this-fn val))))
280 ((= op-rank +fn-rank+)
281 ;; Return from the function scope.
282 (setq *unwind-rank-fn* prev-unwind-rank-fn
283 *last-read* (if (consp val)
284 (apply this-fn val)
285 (funcall this-fn val)))
286 (throw 'break-fn-scope (values)))
287 (t ;V Stay in the function scope.V
288 (setq *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
289 val)))
290 *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
291 (catch
292 'break-fn-scope
293 (do () (nil)
294 (catch 'fn-scope
295 (read-next-infix))))
296 (funcall *unwind-rank-fn*
297 +fn-rank+ *last-read*)))
299 ;;; "read-eval" loop used by process-infix-from-stream
300 ;;; and open-paren-reader
301 (defun parse-infix ()
302 (declare (special *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*))
303 (let ((prev-unwind-rank-fn *unwind-rank-fn*)
304 this-unwind-rank-fn)
305 (setq
306 *last-read* nil
307 this-unwind-rank-fn
308 (opern-climber-lambda
309 (+paren-rank+ op-rank val)
310 (cond
311 ((< op-rank +paren-rank+)
312 (funcall prev-unwind-rank-fn
313 op-rank val))
314 ((= op-rank +paren-rank+)
315 ;; Closing paren encountered.
316 (setq *unwind-rank-fn* prev-unwind-rank-fn
317 *last-read* val)
318 (throw 'break-paren-scope (values)))
320 (setq *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
321 val)))
322 *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
323 (do () (nil)
324 (catch
325 'break-fn-scope
326 (catch
327 'fn-scope
328 (read-next-infix))))))
330 (defun open-paren-reader (strm ch)
331 (declare (ignore strm ch))
332 (multn-if-last-read)
333 (catch 'break-paren-scope
334 (parse-infix))
335 nil)
337 ;;; Unwind the operation stack.
338 ;;; When the paren closure is reached,
339 ;;; *last-read* is set to the value calculated within
340 ;;; the parenthesis and 'break-paren-scope is thrown.
341 (defun close-paren-reader (strm ch)
342 (declare (ignore strm ch)
343 (special *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*))
344 (funcall *unwind-rank-fn*
345 +paren-rank+ *last-read*))
347 ;;; If *last-read* is nil, an operator
348 ;;; was read last, we can't logically
349 ;;; break from a function in that case.
350 (defun space-reader (strm ch)
351 (declare (ignore strm ch)
352 (special *last-read*))
353 (when *last-read*
354 (throw 'break-fn-scope (values))))
356 (defun comma-reader (strm ch)
357 (declare (ignore strm ch)
358 (special *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*))
359 (let* ((lis (cons (funcall *unwind-rank-fn*
360 +comma-rank+ *last-read*)
361 nil))
362 (tail lis)
363 (prev-unwind-rank-fn *unwind-rank-fn*)
364 this-unwind-rank-fn)
365 (setq
366 *last-read* nil
367 this-unwind-rank-fn
368 (opern-climber-lambda
369 (+comma-rank+ op-rank val)
370 (cond
371 ((= +comma-rank+ op-rank)
372 (setq
373 *unwind-rank-fn*
374 this-unwind-rank-fn
375 *last-read* nil
376 tail
377 (cdr (rplacd tail (cons val nil))))
378 (throw 'break-fn-scope (values)))
379 ((< +comma-rank+ op-rank)
380 ;todo: figure out what this does
381 (setq *unwind-rank-fn*
382 this-unwind-rank-fn)
383 val)
384 (t (rplacd tail (cons val nil))
385 (funcall prev-unwind-rank-fn op-rank
386 lis))))
387 *unwind-rank-fn* this-unwind-rank-fn)
388 nil))
390 (defun set-opern-reader (ch this-rank this-op-fn)
391 (set-macro-character
393 (lambda (strm ch)
394 (declare (ignore strm ch))
395 (parsed-opern this-rank this-op-fn))))
397 (defparameter *infix-readtable* (copy-readtable))
399 (let ((*readtable* *infix-readtable*))
400 (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
401 (set-macro-character #\( #'open-paren-reader)
402 (set-macro-character #\) #'close-paren-reader)
403 (set-macro-character #\Space #'space-reader)
404 (set-macro-character #\, #'comma-reader)
405 (set-opern-reader #\+ +addn-rank+ #'addn)
406 (set-opern-reader #\- +subtrn-rank+ #'subtrn)
407 (set-opern-reader #\* +multn-rank+ #'multn)
408 (set-opern-reader #\/ +divisn-rank+ #'divisn)
409 (set-macro-character #\! #'factorial-reader)
410 (set-opern-reader #\^ +exptn-rank+ #'exptn))
412 (defun process-infix-from-stream (strm)
413 (let ((*readtable* *infix-readtable*)
414 (*parse-strm* strm);< Stream to parse.
415 *parse-next*;< Temporary buffer if we overparsed.
416 (*unwind-rank-fn*
417 (lambda (op-rank val)
418 (declare (ignore op-rank))
419 (throw 'end-result val)))
420 *last-read*)
421 (declare (special
422 *parse-strm* *parse-next*
423 *unwind-rank-fn* *last-read*))
424 (handler-case
425 (catch 'over-ex
426 (catch 'end-result
427 (parse-infix)))
428 (control-error
429 (condit)
430 (declare (ignore condit))
431 (format
432 nil "Likely too many parens! ~
433 (as if there were such a thing)~%"))
434 (unbound-variable
435 (condit)
436 (format nil "I don't understand: ~A~%"
437 (cell-error-name condit)))
438 (error
439 (condit)
440 (format
441 nil "Evaluation flopped, perhaps bad input?~%~
442 Debug info: ~A~%" condit)))))
444 (defun process-input-from-stream
445 (strm &optional (infixp t))
446 (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
447 (*read-eval* nil))
448 (if infixp (process-infix-from-stream strm)
449 (process-prefix-from-stream strm))))
451 (defun process-input-from-string
452 (text &optional (infixp t))
453 (with-input-from-string (strm text)
454 (process-input-from-stream strm infixp)))