[lice @ get doctor working. fix line-end-position. fix move-to-left-margin.]
[lice.git] / window.lisp
1 (in-package :lice)
3 (defvar *next-screen-context-lines* 2
4 "Number of lines of continuity when scrolling by screenfuls.")
6 (defvar *window-min-height* 4
7 "Delete any window less than this tall (including its mode line).")
9 (defvar *window-min-width* 10
10 "Delete any window less than this wide.")
12 ;; we just want a fast and easy dumping area for data. start and end
13 ;; are inclusive.
14 (defstruct cache-item
15 (start 0 :type integer)
16 (end 0 :type integer))
18 (defun make-empty-cache-item-vector ()
19 ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'cache-item
20 ;; :adjustable t
21 ;; :fill-pointer 0)
22 ())
24 ;; start and end are inclusive and are buffer points
25 (defclass line-cache ()
26 ((start :type integer :initform 0 :initarg :start :accessor lc-start)
27 (end :type integer :initform 0 :initarg :end :accessor lc-end)
28 (valid :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :valid :accessor lc-valid)
29 (cache :type list ;;(array cache-item 1)
30 :initform nil ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'cache-item
31 ;; :adjustable t
32 ;; :fill-pointer 0)
33 :initarg :cache :accessor lc-cache)))
35 (defun item-in-cache (window n)
36 "Return the Nth item in the cache or NIL if it doesn't exist."
37 (elt (lc-cache (window-cache window)) n))
38 ;; (when (< n (length (lc-cache (window-cache window))))
39 ;; (aref (lc-cache (window-cache window)) n)))
41 (defclass window ()
42 ((frame :initarg :frame :accessor window-frame)
43 (x :type integer :initarg :x :accessor window-x)
44 (y :type integer :initarg :y :accessor window-y)
45 (w :type integer :initarg :w :documentation
46 "The width of the window's contents.")
47 (h :type integer :initarg :h :documentation
48 "The total height of the window, including the mode-line.")
49 (seperator :type boolean :initform nil :accessor window-seperator :documentation
50 "T when the window is to draw a vertical seperator. used in horizontal splits.")
51 (line-state :type (array integer 1) :initarg :line-state :accessor window-line-state)
52 (cache :type line-cache :initarg :cache :accessor window-cache)
53 ;; Indices into cache (inclusive) that describe the range of the
54 ;; cache that will be displayed.
55 (top-line :type integer :initarg :top-line :accessor window-top-line)
56 (bottom-line :type integer :initarg :bottom-line :accessor window-bottom-line)
57 (point-col :type integer :initarg :point-col :accessor window-point-col)
58 (point-line :type integer :initarg :point-line :accessor window-point-line)
59 ;; The rest refer to points in the buffer
60 (buffer :type buffer :initarg :buffer :accessor window-buffer)
61 (bpoint :type marker :initarg :bpoint :accessor window-bpoint :documentation
62 "A marker marking where in the text the window point is.")
63 (top :type marker :initarg :top :accessor window-top :documentation
64 "The point in buffer that is the first character displayed in the window")
65 (bottom :type marker :initarg :bottom :accessor window-bottom :documentation
66 "The point in buffer that is the last character displayed
67 in the window. This should only be used if bottom-valid is T.")
68 (bottom-valid :type boolean :initform nil :accessor window-bottom-valid :documentation
69 "When this is T then bottom should be used to
70 calculate the visible contents of the window. This is used when
71 scrolling up (towards the beginning of the buffer)."))
72 (:documentation "A Lice Window."))
74 ;; (defun update-window-display-arrays (window)
75 ;; "Used to update the window display structures for window splits."
76 ;; (let* ((rows (window-height window t))
77 ;; (cols (window-width window t))
78 ;; (l (make-array (* rows cols)
79 ;; :element-type 'character))
80 ;; (d (make-array (list rows cols)
81 ;; :element-type 'character
82 ;; :displaced-to l :displaced-index-offset 0)))
83 ;; ;; FIXME: This forces needless redraw because the arrays are
84 ;; ;; reset.
85 ;; (setf (window-display window) l
86 ;; (window-2d-display window) d)))
88 (defun make-window (&key x y cols rows buffer frame
89 (top (make-marker))
90 (bpoint (make-marker))
91 (bottom (make-marker))
92 (type 'window))
93 "Return a new window. This is handy for setting up all the pesky
94 display structures.
96 TYPE isn't used yet. it's just there for hype."
97 (let* ((w (make-instance type
98 :frame frame
99 :x x :y y :w cols :h rows
100 :line-state (make-array rows :element-type 'integer :initial-element -1)
101 :cache (make-instance 'line-cache :valid t)
102 :top-line 0
103 :bottom-line 0
104 :point-col 0
105 :point-line 0
106 :buffer buffer
107 :top top
108 :bottom bottom
109 :bpoint bpoint
110 :point-col 0
111 :point-line 0)))
112 (set-marker bpoint (point buffer) buffer)
113 (set-marker top (begv buffer) buffer)
114 (set-marker bottom (begv buffer) buffer)
117 (defun make-test-window (buffer)
118 (make-window :x 0 :y 0 :cols 60 :rows 20 :buffer buffer))
121 ;;; Other non-display related functions
123 (defun window-height (w &optional include-mode-line)
124 "Return the height of the window. By default, the mode-line is not
125 included in the height."
126 ;; if the mode-line is nil, then there is no modeline.
127 (if (or include-mode-line
128 (null (buffer-mode-line (window-buffer w))))
129 (slot-value w 'h)
130 (1- (slot-value w 'h))))
132 (defun window-width (w &optional include-seperator)
133 "Return the width of the window. By default, the vertical seperator,
134 for horizontal splits, is not included in the width."
135 ;; if the mode-line is nil, then there is no modeline.
136 (if (or include-seperator
137 (not (window-seperator w)))
138 (slot-value w 'w)
139 (1- (slot-value w 'w))))
141 (defun get-current-window (&optional (frame (selected-frame)))
142 "Return the current window in the current frame. If FRAME is
143 specified, use that frame instead."
144 (frame-current-window frame))
146 (defun selected-window ()
147 "Return the window that the cursor now appears in and commands apply to."
148 (get-current-window))
150 (defun set-window-buffer (window buffer &optional keep-margins)
151 "Make WINDOW display BUFFER as its contents.
152 BUFFER can be a buffer or buffer name.
153 Optional third arg KEEP-MARGINS non-nil means that WINDOW's current
154 display margins, fringe widths, and scroll bar settings are maintained;
155 the default is to reset these from BUFFER's local settings or the frame
156 defaults."
157 ;; this is redundant if buffer is a string, since its
158 ;; looked up already.
159 (declare (type window window)
160 (type buffer buffer)
161 (type boolean keep-margins)
162 (ignore keep-margins))
163 (let ((buf (get-buffer buffer)))
164 (unless buf
165 (error "No buffer named ~a" buffer))
166 (unless (eq (window-buffer window) buf)
167 ;; update buffer time stamps
168 (incf (buffer-display-count buf))
169 ;; MOVITZ doesn't have get-universal-time
170 ;; (setf (buffer-display-time buf) (get-universal-time))
171 ;; update buffer list
172 (bring-buffer-to-front buf)
173 ;; display stuff
174 (set-marker (window-top window) 0 buf)
175 (set-marker (window-bottom window) 100 buf)
176 (set-marker (window-bpoint window) (marker-position (buffer-point buf)) buf)
177 ;; finally set the buffer
178 (setf (window-buffer window) buf)
179 ;; TODO: run hooks
182 (defgeneric cache-size (object))
184 (defmethod cache-size ((object line-cache))
185 (length (lc-cache object)))
187 (defmethod cache-size ((object window))
188 (cache-size (window-cache object)))
190 (defun reset-line-state (window)
191 (fill (window-line-state window) -1))
193 (defun window-reset-cache (window)
194 (with-slots (cache) window
195 (setf (lc-cache cache) nil
196 (lc-start cache) 0
197 (lc-end cache) 0
198 (lc-valid cache) t)))
200 (defun point-in-line-cache (line-cache p)
201 "Return the line in the cache that P is on. NIL if p is not in range"
202 (declare (type integer p))
203 (position-if (lambda (l)
204 (and (>= p (cache-item-start l))
205 (<= p (cache-item-end l))))
206 line-cache))
209 ;;; Display related functions. Generate the line cache based on
210 ;;; character cells, not pixels.
212 (defun add-line-to-cache (cache from to &optional at-beginning)
213 "Add a single line to the cache list. Return the new cache list."
214 (let ((line (make-cache-item :start from :end to)))
215 (if at-beginning
216 (cons line cache)
217 (nconc1 cache line))))
218 ;; (progn
219 ;; (grow-vector lines 1 line)
220 ;; (replace lines lines :start1 1)
221 ;; (setf (elt lines 0) line))
222 ;; (vector-push-extend line lines))))
225 ;; (defun generate-lines-region (cache buffer width from to)
226 ;; "FROM must not be a newline (It should be the character after a new
227 ;; line or the beginning of the buffer) and TO must be newline or the
228 ;; end of the buffer."
229 ;; (declare (type line-cache cache)
230 ;; (type buffer buffer)
231 ;; (type integer width from to))
232 ;; (let ((lines (make-array 0 :element-type 'cache-item
233 ;; :adjustable t
234 ;; :fill-pointer 0))
235 ;; (rplc-start (= (1+ to) (lc-start cache)))
236 ;; (rplc-end (= (1- from) (lc-end cache)))
237 ;; (empty-cache (= (length (lc-cache cache)) 0)))
238 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "generate-n-lines: ~a ~a~%" from to)
239 ;; ;; Make sure either from-1 or to+1 is already in the cache, its
240 ;; ;; the first one. A point cannot exist in 2 cache lines because
241 ;; ;; points are inclusive.
242 ;; (when (or rplc-start rplc-end empty-cache)
243 ;; ;; search for newlines until we hit TO
244 ;; (do ((last-p from (1+ p))
245 ;; (p (buffer-scan-newline buffer from to 1)
246 ;; (buffer-scan-newline buffer (1+ p) to 1))
247 ;; (l 0 (1+ l)))
248 ;; (nil)
250 ;; ;; Break the buffer line into chunks that fit on one window line
251 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "last-p: ~a p:~a~%" last-p p)
252 ;; (loop for i from last-p by width
253 ;; do (vector-push-extend (make-cache-item :start i
254 ;; :end (if (<= (+ i (1- width)) p)
255 ;; (+ i (1- width))
256 ;; p))
257 ;; lines)
258 ;; always (< (+ i (1- width)) p))
259 ;; ;; Once we've processed the new line, check if we've run out of
260 ;; ;; buffer to process.
261 ;; (when (= p to)
262 ;; (return)))
263 ;; ;; Add these new items to the cache
264 ;; (let ((carray (lc-cache cache)))
265 ;; (adjust-array cache
266 ;; (+ (length carray)
267 ;; (length lines))
268 ;; :initial-element (aref lines 0)
269 ;; :fill-pointer (+ (length carray)
270 ;; (length lines)))
271 ;; (cond (rplc-start
272 ;; ;; Put it at the beginning
273 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "rplc-start~%")
274 ;; (setf (lc-start cache) from)
275 ;; (replace carray carray :start1 (length lines))
276 ;; (replace carray lines))
277 ;; (rplc-end
278 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "rplc-end~%")
279 ;; (setf (lc-end cache) to)
280 ;; (replace carray lines :start1 (- (length carray)
281 ;; (length lines))))
282 ;; (empty-cache
283 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "empty-cache~%")
284 ;; (setf (lc-start cache) from)
285 ;; (setf (lc-end cache) to)
286 ;; ;; FIXME: we could just use lines instead of copy them over, right?
287 ;; (replace carray lines))))))
288 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "after gen-n-lines: ~a~%" (lc-cache cache)))
290 (defun generate-n-lines-forward (buffer width from n-lines)
291 "Return an array of cache-items for N-LINES lines in BUFFER rendered
292 with WIDTH columns starting at FROM. The array will have length at
293 least N-LINES."
294 (declare (type buffer buffer)
295 (type integer width from))
296 (let ((lines (make-empty-cache-item-vector))
297 (to (1- (buffer-size buffer))))
298 (dformat +debug-vvv+ "generate-n-lines: ~a ~a~%" from to)
299 ;; search for newlines until we hit TO
300 (do ((last-p from (1+ p))
301 (p (buffer-scan-newline buffer from to 1)
302 (buffer-scan-newline buffer (1+ p) to 1))
303 (l 0 (1+ l)))
304 (nil)
306 ;; Break the buffer line into chunks that fit on one window line
307 (dformat +debug-vvv+ "last-p: ~a p:~a~%" last-p p)
308 (loop for i from last-p by width
309 do (setf lines (add-line-to-cache lines i (if (<= (+ i (1- width)) p)
310 (+ i (1- width))
311 p)))
312 ;; (vector-push-extend (make-cache-item :start i
313 ;; :end (if (<= (+ i (1- width)) p)
314 ;; (+ i (1- width))
315 ;; p))
316 ;; lines)
317 always (< (+ i (1- width)) p))
318 ;; Once we've processed the new line, check if we've generated
319 ;; enough lines. Return LINES we're done.
320 (when (or (>= (length lines) n-lines)
321 (>= p to))
322 (return lines)))))
324 (defun generate-n-lines-backward (buffer width from n-lines)
325 "Return an array of cache-items for N-LINES lines in BUFFER rendered
326 with WIDTH columns starting at FROM and going backward. The array will
327 have length at least N-LINES.
329 FROM is assumed to the char pos of the newline at the end of the
330 starting line."
331 (declare (type buffer buffer)
332 (type integer width from))
333 (let ((lines (make-empty-cache-item-vector))
334 (to 0))
335 (dformat +debug-vvv+ "generate-n-lines: ~a ~a~%" from to)
336 ;; search for newlines until we hit TO.
337 (do ((last-p from p)
338 (p (buffer-scan-newline buffer (1- from) to -1)
339 (buffer-scan-newline buffer (1- p) to -1))
340 (l 0 (1+ l)))
341 (nil)
343 ;; Break the buffer line into chunks that fit on one window line
344 (dformat +debug-vvv+ "last-p: ~a p:~a~%" last-p p)
345 ;; unless we're at the beginning of the buffer, we want the char
346 ;; after p because p will be a newline. last-p will be the
347 ;; newline at the end of the line, 1+ p will be the beginning.
349 ;; this is a bit hairy because we're going backwards, but we go
350 ;; through the line forward.
351 ;;(let ((items (make-empty-cache-item-vector)))
352 (loop for i from (if (zerop p) 0 (1+ p)) by width
353 do (setf lines (add-line-to-cache lines
355 (if (<= (+ i (1- width)) last-p)
356 (+ i (1- width))
357 last-p)
359 ;; (vector-push-extend (make-cache-item :start i
360 ;; :end (if (<= (+ i (1- width)) last-p)
361 ;; (+ i (1- width))
362 ;; last-p))
363 ;; items)
364 always (< (+ i (1- width)) last-p))
365 ;;(vector-append lines (nreverse items)))
366 ;; Once we've processed the new line, check if we've generated
367 ;; enough lines. Return LINES we're done.
368 (when (or (>= (length lines) n-lines)
369 (<= p to))
370 (return lines ;; (nreverse lines)
371 )))))
373 ;; (defun update-cache (cache buffer width point n-many)
374 ;; "Add N-MANY lines to the end of the line cache CACHE unless N-MANY
375 ;; is negative. In that case add (abs n-many) to the beginning. This
376 ;; function requires at least 1 line in the cache already.
378 ;; Lines are WIDTH in length. BUFFER is the data for caching."
379 ;; ;; Fill in above the cache
380 ;; (dformat +debug-vv+ "update-cache: ~a~%" n-many)
381 ;; (if (> n-many 0)
382 ;; (let* ((end (1+ (lc-end cache)))
383 ;; pt)
384 ;; ;; Go forward
385 ;; (when (< end (1- (buffer-size buffer)))
386 ;; ;; Add cache entries
387 ;; (setf pt (buffer-scan-newline buffer
388 ;; end (1- (buffer-size buffer))
389 ;; n-many))
390 ;; (generate-lines-region cache buffer width end pt)))
391 ;; ;; Go backward
392 ;; (let* ((start (1- (lc-start cache)))
393 ;; pt)
394 ;; ;; We need this because start is a newline, which we want to skip over
395 ;; (setf n-many (1- n-many))
396 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "backward: ~a ~a ~a~%"
397 ;; start n-many (lc-cache cache))
398 ;; (when (and (> start 0)
399 ;; (/= n-many 0))
400 ;; ;; Add cache entries
401 ;; (setf pt (buffer-scan-newline buffer start 0 n-many))
402 ;; (generate-lines-region cache buffer width (if (> pt 0) (1+ pt) pt) start)))))
404 (defun add-end-of-buffer (buffer lines)
405 "The point can be at (buffer-size buffer) but we only scan to
406 1- that. So if we're scanned to the end of the buffer properly
407 alter LINES to contain that point."
408 (let ((end (1- (buffer-size buffer)))
409 (last-elt (elt lines (1- (length lines)))))
410 (when (= (cache-item-end last-elt) end)
411 (if (char= (buffer-char-after buffer end) #\Newline)
412 (add-line-to-cache lines (buffer-size buffer) (buffer-size buffer))
413 (incf (cache-item-end last-elt))))))
415 (defun window-framer-from-top (window point &optional always-return-lines)
416 "Fill in window's line cache from WINDOW-TOP with a full window's
417 worth of lines and return T if POINT was in the line cache. otherwise
418 don't change anything and return nil."
419 (let* ((lines (generate-n-lines-forward (window-buffer window) (window-width window)
420 (marker-position (window-top window))
421 (window-height window))))
422 (add-end-of-buffer (window-buffer window) lines)
423 (when (or always-return-lines
424 (point-in-line-cache lines point))
425 lines)))
427 (defun window-framer-from-bottom (window point &optional always-return-lines)
428 "Fill in window's line cache from WINDOW-BOTTOM with a full window's
429 worth of lines and return T if POINT was in the line cache. otherwise
430 don't change anything and return nil."
431 (let* ((lines (generate-n-lines-backward (window-buffer window) (window-width window)
432 (marker-position (window-bottom window))
433 (window-height window))))
434 (add-end-of-buffer (window-buffer window) lines)
435 (when (or always-return-lines
436 (point-in-line-cache lines point))
437 lines)))
439 (defun window-framer-around-point (window point n-many)
440 "Fill in window's line cache going out from point with n-many lines
441 above WINDOW-POINT, or as many as possible if we hit the top of the window."
442 ;; Add the line with the pointer on it
443 (let* ((max (1- (buffer-size (window-buffer window))))
444 (b (buffer-scan-newline (window-buffer window) point 0 0))
445 (e (buffer-scan-newline (window-buffer window) point max 1))
446 (lines-above (generate-n-lines-backward (window-buffer window) (window-width window)
447 e n-many))
448 (lines-below (when (< e max)
449 (generate-n-lines-forward (window-buffer window) (window-width window)
450 (1+ e)
451 (- (window-height window)
452 (min n-many
453 (length lines-above)))))))
454 (declare (ignore b))
455 (if lines-below
456 (add-end-of-buffer (window-buffer window) lines-below)
457 (add-end-of-buffer (window-buffer window) lines-above))
458 (when (or (point-in-line-cache lines-above point)
459 (point-in-line-cache lines-below point))
460 (if lines-below
461 (nconc lines-above lines-below)
462 ;; (grow-vector lines-above (length lines-below) (elt lines-below 0))
463 ;; (replace lines-above lines-below :start1 end))
464 lines-above))))
466 (defun window-framer (window point n-many)
467 "fill in window's line-cache."
468 ;; first try the top/bottom markers. if point isn't in there then
469 ;; center the window around point.
470 (let* ((bot (and (window-bottom-valid window)
471 (window-framer-from-bottom window point)))
472 (top (unless bot
473 (window-framer-from-top window point)))
474 (around (unless top
475 (window-framer-around-point window point n-many)))
476 (lines (or bot top around)))
477 (assert lines)
478 ;; set the top marker
479 (setf (window-bottom-valid window) nil)
480 (cond (bot
481 (let* ((tl (max 0 (- (length lines) (window-height window))))
482 (bl (min (1- (length lines)) (+ tl (1- (window-height window))))))
483 (setf (marker-position (window-top window))
484 (cache-item-start (elt lines tl))
485 (window-top-line window) tl
486 (marker-position (window-bottom window)) (cache-item-end (elt lines bl)))))
487 (top
488 (let* ((tl (point-in-line-cache lines (marker-position (window-top window))))
489 (bl (min (1- (length lines)) (+ tl (1- (window-height window))))))
490 (setf (window-top-line window) tl
491 (marker-position (window-bottom window)) (cache-item-end (elt lines bl)))))
492 (around
493 (let* ((pl (point-in-line-cache lines point))
494 (tl (max 0 (- pl n-many)))
495 (bl (min (1- (length lines)) (+ tl (1- (window-height window))))))
496 (setf (marker-position (window-top window))
497 (cache-item-start (elt lines tl))
498 (window-top-line window) tl
499 (marker-position (window-bottom window)) (cache-item-end (elt lines bl))))))
500 ;; fill in window's cache
501 (with-slots (cache) window
502 (setf (lc-cache cache) lines
503 (lc-start cache) (cache-item-start (elt lines 0))
504 (lc-end cache) (cache-item-end (elt lines (1- (length lines))))
505 (lc-valid cache) t))))
508 ;; (defun window-framer (window point n-many)
509 ;; "Decide what part of the buffer to display in window. Sets top,
510 ;; bottom, point-col, and point-line in window. N-MANY is the number of
511 ;; lines from point to the top of the window."
512 ;; ;; Add the line with the pointer on it
513 ;; (let ((b (buffer-scan-newline (window-buffer window) point 0 0))
514 ;; (e (buffer-scan-newline (window-buffer window)
515 ;; point (1- (buffer-size (window-buffer window))) 1)))
516 ;; (dformat +debug-vv+ "point line: ~a ~a~%" b e)
517 ;; (generate-lines-region window (if (= b 0) b (1+ b)) e))
518 ;; ;; search up n-many the window height
519 ;; (update-cache window (- n-many))
520 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "cache s/e: ~a ~a~%"
521 ;; (lc-start (window-cache window))
522 ;; (lc-end (window-cache window)))
523 ;; ;; search down height - n-many + 1 (we've already generated the point's line)
524 ;; (update-cache window (- (window-height window) n-many -1))
525 ;; ;; Special case. if we got to the end of the buffer and it ends with
526 ;; ;; a newline. Add an extra cache line for line after that which
527 ;; ;; could contain the cursor.
528 ;; (when (= (lc-end (window-cache window))
529 ;; (1- (buffer-size (window-buffer window))))
530 ;; (add-line-to-cache window
531 ;; (buffer-size (window-buffer window))
532 ;; (buffer-size (window-buffer window))
533 ;; nil t nil))
534 ;; ;; if we find window-top or window bottom in the cache then we
535 ;; ;; should use it as the top/bottom and generate the remaining lines
536 ;; (let ((wtop (point-window-line window (marker-position (window-top window))))
537 ;; (pline (point-window-line window point))
538 ;; (wbot (point-window-line window (marker-position (window-bottom window)))))
539 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "cache: ~a~%" (lc-cache (window-cache window)))
540 ;; (dformat +debug-vv+ ">>>wtop: ~a ~a pline: ~a ~a wbot: ~a ~a~%"
541 ;; wtop (marker-position (window-top window))
542 ;; pline point
543 ;; wbot (marker-position (window-bottom window)))
544 ;; (cond ((and wtop
545 ;; (<= wtop pline))
546 ;; (dformat +debug-vv+ "wtop. ~a ~%" (cache-size window))
547 ;; (let ((lines-left (- (window-height window)
548 ;; (- (cache-size window) wtop))))
549 ;; (when (> lines-left 0)
550 ;; (update-cache window lines-left))
551 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "wtop cache: ~a~%" (lc-cache (window-cache window)))
552 ;; (setf (window-top-line window) wtop
553 ;; (marker-position (window-top window)) (cache-item-start
554 ;; (aref (lc-cache (window-cache window)) wtop))
555 ;; (window-bottom-line window) (min (1- (cache-size window))
556 ;; (+ wtop (window-height window) -1))
557 ;; (marker-position (window-bottom window)) (cache-item-end
558 ;; (aref (lc-cache (window-cache window))
559 ;; (window-bottom-line window))))))
560 ;; ((and wbot
561 ;; (>= wbot pline))
562 ;; (dformat +debug-vv+ "wbot. ~a ~%" (cache-size window))
563 ;; (let ((lines-left (- (window-height window) wbot 1)))
564 ;; (when (> lines-left 0)
565 ;; (update-cache window (- lines-left)))
566 ;; (dformat +debug-vvv+ "wbot cache: ~a~%" (lc-cache (window-cache window)))
567 ;; ;; we need to rescan bottom since lines may have been
568 ;; ;; added above it, invalidating wbot
569 ;; (setf wbot (point-window-line window (marker-position (window-bottom window)))
570 ;; (window-bottom-line window) wbot
571 ;; (marker-position (window-bottom window)) (cache-item-end (aref
572 ;; (lc-cache (window-cache window))
573 ;; wbot))
574 ;; (window-top-line window) (max 0 (- wbot (window-height window) 1))
575 ;; (marker-position (window-top window)) (cache-item-start (aref
576 ;; (lc-cache (window-cache window))
577 ;; (window-top-line window))))))
578 ;; (t
579 ;; (dformat +debug-vv+ "we need to scroll. ~a ~%" (cache-size window))
580 ;; (setf (window-top-line window) (max 0 (- pline n-many))
581 ;; (marker-position (window-top window)) (cache-item-start (aref (lc-cache (window-cache window))
582 ;; (window-top-line window)))
583 ;; (window-bottom-line window) (min
584 ;; (1- (cache-size window))
585 ;; (+ (window-top-line window) (window-height window) -1))
586 ;; (marker-position (window-bottom window)) (cache-item-end
587 ;; (aref (lc-cache (window-cache window))
588 ;; (window-bottom-line window)))))))
589 ;; (setf (window-point-line window) (point-window-line window point))
590 ;; (dformat +debug-vv+ "<<<top: ~a ~a pt: ~a ~a bot: ~a ~a~%"
591 ;; (window-top-line window) (marker-position (window-top window))
592 ;; (window-point-line window) point
593 ;; (window-bottom-line window) (marker-position (window-bottom window))))
595 (defun window-point (&optional window)
596 "Return current value of point in WINDOW. For a nonselected window,
597 this is the value point would have if that window were selected."
598 (if (eq window (get-current-window))
599 (point (window-buffer window))
600 (marker-position (window-bpoint window))))
602 (defun set-window-point (window pos)
603 (let ((mark (if (eq window (get-current-window))
604 (buffer-point (window-buffer window))
605 (window-bpoint window))))
606 (if (and (<= pos (buffer-max (window-buffer window)))
607 (>= pos (buffer-min (window-buffer window))))
608 (setf (marker-position mark) pos)
609 (error "out of range"))))
611 (defun get-buffer-window (buffer &optional frame)
612 "Return a window currently displaying BUFFER, or nil if none.
613 If optional argument FRAME is `visible', search all visible frames.
614 If optional argument FRAME is 0, search all visible and iconified frames.
615 If FRAME is t, search all frames.
616 If FRAME is nil, search only the selected frame.
617 If FRAME is a frame, search only that frame."
618 ;; TODO: honour FRAME
619 (setf frame (selected-frame)
620 buffer (get-buffer buffer))
621 (find buffer (frame-window-list frame) :key 'window-buffer))
623 (defun window-scroll-up (window n-lines)
624 "scroll the window up (go torwards the end of the buffer) LINES many
625 lines, moving the window point to be visible."
626 (let* ((len (+ (window-height window) n-lines))
627 (lines (generate-n-lines-forward (window-buffer window) (window-width window)
628 (marker-position (window-top window))
629 len)))
630 ;; if there aren't n-lines left in the buffer then signal
631 ;; an end-of-buffer error.
632 ;; (unless (>= (length lines) n-lines)
633 ;; (error "end of buffer"))
634 (setf (marker-position (window-top window)) (cache-item-start (elt lines
635 (1- (min (length lines)
636 n-lines)))))
637 ;; FIXME: for now, set the point at the top of the window if it
638 ;; isn't visible.
639 (when (or (< (window-point window) (marker-position (window-top window)))
640 (not (point-in-line-cache lines (window-point window))))
641 (set-window-point window (marker-position (window-top window))))))
643 (defun window-scroll-down (window n-lines)
644 "scroll the window down (go torwards the beginning of the buffer)
645 LINES many lines, moving the window point to be visible."
646 (let* ((len (+ (window-height window) n-lines))
647 ;; FIXME: this is basically, gross.
648 (above (generate-n-lines-backward (window-buffer window) (window-width window)
649 (max (buffer-min (window-buffer window))
650 (1- (marker-position (window-top window))))
651 n-lines))
652 (lines (generate-n-lines-forward (window-buffer window) (window-width window)
653 (cache-item-start
654 (elt above (max 0 (- (length above) n-lines))))
655 len)))
656 ;; if there aren't n-lines left in the buffer then signal
657 ;; an end-of-buffer error.
658 ;; (unless (>= (length above) n-lines)
659 ;; (error "beginning of buffer"))
660 (setf (marker-position (window-top window)) (cache-item-start (elt lines 0)))
661 ;; FIXME: for now, set the point at the bottom of the window if it
662 ;; isn't visible.
663 (let ((eow (elt lines (1- (min (length lines)
664 (window-height window))))))
665 (when (or (> (window-point window) (cache-item-end eow))
666 (not (point-in-line-cache lines (window-point window))))
667 (set-window-point window (cache-item-start eow))))))
669 (defun window-save-point (window)
670 "Save WINDOW's buffer's point to WINDOW-BPOINT."
671 (setf (marker-position (window-bpoint window)) (point (window-buffer window))))
673 (defun window-restore-point (window)
674 "Restore the WINDOW's buffer's point from WINDOW-BPOINT."
675 ;; restore the point
676 (setf (marker-position (buffer-point (window-buffer window)))
677 (marker-position (window-bpoint window))))
679 (defcommand delete-other-windows ()
680 (let* ((frame (selected-frame))
681 (cw (get-current-window))
682 (mb (window-tree-find-if (lambda (w)
683 (typep w 'minibuffer-window))
684 (frame-window-tree frame)
685 t)))
686 ;; FIXME: This doesn't properly refresh and the window's display
687 ;; arrays aren't resized.
688 (setf (window-x cw) 0
689 (window-y cw) 0
690 (window-seperator cw) nil
691 (slot-value cw 'w) (frame-width frame)
692 (slot-value cw 'h) (- (frame-height frame) (window-height mb t))
693 (frame-window-tree frame) (list cw mb))
694 ;;(update-window-display-arrays cw)
697 (defun window-parent (window)
698 "Return the parent list in frame-window-tree for WINDOW."
699 (labels ((parent-of (tree parent window)
700 (cond ((listp tree)
701 (loop for i in tree
702 thereis (parent-of i tree window)))
704 (when (eq tree window)
705 parent)))))
706 (parent-of (frame-window-tree (window-frame window)) nil window)))
708 (defun delete-window (&optional (window (selected-window)))
709 (check-type window window)
710 (when (or (typep window 'minibuffer-window)
711 (typep (frame-window-tree (window-frame window)) 'window))
712 (error "Attempt to delete minibuffer or sole ordinary window")))
714 (defun pos-visible-in-window-p (&optional (pos (point)) (window (selected-window)) partially)
715 "Return non-nil if position POS is currently on the frame in WINDOW.
716 Return nil if that position is scrolled vertically out of view.
717 If a character is only partially visible, nil is returned, unless the
718 optional argument PARTIALLY is non-nil.
719 If POS is only out of view because of horizontal scrolling, return non-nil.
720 If POS is t, it specifies the position of the last visible glyph in WINDOW.
721 POS defaults to point in WINDOW; WINDOW defaults to the selected window.
723 If POS is visible, return t if PARTIALLY is nil; if PARTIALLY is non-nil,
724 return value is a list of 2 or 6 elements (X Y [RTOP RBOT ROWH VPOS]),
725 where X and Y are the pixel coordinates relative to the top left corner
726 of the window. The remaining elements are omitted if the character after
727 POS is fully visible; otherwise, RTOP and RBOT are the number of pixels
728 off-window at the top and bottom of the row, ROWH is the height of the
729 display row, and VPOS is the row number (0-based) containing POS."
730 (declare (ignore partially))
731 (check-type pos number)
732 (check-type window window)
733 ;; FIXME: horizontal scrolling. and all the partial stuff aint there
734 (or (< pos (marker-position (window-top window)))
735 (> pos (marker-position (window-bottom window)))))
737 (provide :lice-0.1/window)