[lice.git] / mcl-render.lisp
1 (in-package "LICE")
3 (defclass mcl-window (ccl:window)
4 ())
6 (defclass mcl-frame (frame mcl-window)
7 ((double-buffer :type (array character 1) :initarg :double-buffer :accessor frame-double-buffer :documentation
8 "The display double buffer. This structure is compared to
9 the characters we want to blit. Only differences are sent to the video
10 hardware.")
11 (2d-double-buffer :type (array character 2) :initarg :2d-double-buffer :accessor frame-2d-double-buffer :documentation
12 "Displaced from DISPLAY. This array is divided into rows and columns.")
13 (cursor :initform #(0 0) :accessor mcl-frame-cursor)
14 (font-width :initarg :font-width :accessor mcl-frame-font-width)
15 (font-height :initarg :font-height :accessor mcl-frame-font-height)
16 (font-ascent :initarg :font-ascent :accessor mcl-frame-font-ascent)))
18 (defmethod frame-start-render ((frame mcl-frame))
19 (declare (ignore frame))
22 (defmethod frame-end-render ((frame mcl-frame))
23 (declare (ignore frame))
24 (ccl:event-dispatch))
27 (defun window-move-cursor (window x y)
28 (declare (ignore window x y))
31 (defmethod frame-move-cursor ((frame mcl-frame) win x y)
32 ;; (setf x (* x (mcl-frame-font-width frame))
33 ;; y (+ (* y (mcl-frame-font-height frame)) 10))
34 ;; (ccl:invert-rect frame x y (+ x (mcl-frame-font-width frame)) (+ y (mcl-frame-font-height frame)))
35 (setf (mcl-frame-cursor frame) (vector (+ (window-x win) x) (+ (window-y win) y)))
36 (window-move-cursor win x y))
38 (defun putch (ch x y window frame)
39 ;; (0,0) is above the visible area of the window. so add 25 (experimentally determined).
40 ;; (setf x (* x (mcl-frame-font-width frame))
41 ;; y (+ (* y (mcl-frame-font-height frame)) 10))
42 ;; (ccl:move-to (mcl-frame-window frame) x y)
43 ;; (princ ch (mcl-frame-window frame))
44 (setf (aref (frame-2d-double-buffer frame) (+ y (window-y window)) (+ (window-x window) x)) ch)
47 (defun putstr (s x y w frame)
48 (loop for i from 0 below (length s)
49 for j from x by 1
50 ;;if (char/= (aref (window-2d-display w) y j) (aref s i))
51 do (putch (char s i) j y w frame)))
53 (defun clear-line-between (w y start end frame)
54 "insert LEN spaces from START on line Y."
55 (window-move-cursor w start y)
56 ;; FIXME: this could be done faster
57 (loop for i from start to end
58 do (putch #\Space i y w frame)))
60 (defun clear-to-eol (y start window frame)
61 (declare (type window window)
62 (type fixnum y start))
63 ;; (let ((display (frame-2d-double-buffer frame))
64 ;; (linear (frame-double-buffer frame)))
65 (clear-line-between window y start (1- (window-width window)) frame)
66 ;; draw the seperator
67 (when (window-seperator window)
68 (putch #\| (+ (window-x window) (1- (window-width window t))) y window frame)))
70 (defun turn-on-attributes (buffer point)
71 (declare (ignore buffer point))
74 (defmethod frame-end-render ((frame mcl-frame))
75 (ccl:invalidate-view frame))
77 (defmethod window-render (w (frame mcl-frame))
78 "Render a window."
79 ;; clear the window
80 ;; (ccl:with-fore-color ccl:*white-color*
81 ;; (ccl:paint-rect (mcl-frame-window frame) 0 0
82 ;; (ccl:point-h (ccl:view-size (mcl-frame-window frame)))
83 ;; (ccl:point-v (ccl:view-size (mcl-frame-window frame))))
84 ;; (ccl:event-dispatch))
85 (let ((p (buffer-char-to-aref (window-buffer w) (marker-position (window-top w))))
86 ;; current point in buffer buffer
87 (bp (marker-position (window-top w)))
88 (buf (window-buffer w))
89 ;; The cursor point in the buffer. When the buffer isn't
90 ;; current, then use the window's backup of the point.
91 (point (window-point w))
92 cursor-x
93 cursor-y
94 (cache-size (length (lc-cache (window-cache w))))
95 (linear (frame-double-buffer frame))
96 (display (frame-2d-double-buffer frame)))
97 (declare (ignore display linear))
98 ;; clear the window
99 ;; (ccl:erase-rect (mcl-frame-window frame) 0 0
100 ;; (ccl:point-h (ccl:view-size (mcl-frame-window frame)))
101 ;; (ccl:point-v (ccl:view-size (mcl-frame-window frame))))
102 ;; Special case: when the buffer is empty
103 (if (= (buffer-size (window-buffer w)) 0)
104 (progn
105 (dotimes (y (window-height w))
106 (clear-to-eol y 0 w frame))
107 (setf cursor-x 0
108 cursor-y 0))
109 (let ((end (loop named row
110 for y below (window-height w)
111 for line from (window-top-line w) below cache-size
112 ;; return the last line, so we can erase the rest
113 finally (return-from row y)
114 ;; go to the next line
115 do (let* ((line-end (cache-item-end (item-in-cache w line)))
116 (line-start (cache-item-start (item-in-cache w line)))
117 (next-prop (next-single-property-change line-start :face (window-buffer w) line-end)))
118 (setf bp (cache-item-start (item-in-cache w line))
119 p (buffer-char-to-aref (window-buffer w) bp))
120 ;; setup the display properties.
121 (turn-on-attributes (window-buffer w) bp)
122 (loop named col
123 for x below (window-width w) do
124 (progn
125 ;; Skip the gap
126 (when (= p (buffer-gap-start buf))
127 (incf p (buffer-gap-size buf)))
128 ;; Record point position on screen
129 (when (eq bp point)
130 (setf cursor-x x)
131 (setf cursor-y y))
132 (when (or (> bp line-end)
133 (>= p (length (buffer-data buf))))
134 ;; Check if the rest of the line is blank
135 (clear-to-eol y x w frame)
136 (return-from col))
137 ;; update attributes
138 (when (>= bp next-prop)
139 (turn-on-attributes (window-buffer w) bp))
140 (let ((ch (elt (buffer-data buf) p)))
141 ;; Update display
142 (cond ((char= ch #\Newline)
143 (putch #\Space x y w frame))
145 (putch ch x y w frame)))
146 ;; go to the next character in the buffer
147 (incf p)
148 (incf bp))))))))
149 ;; Check if the bottom of the window needs to be erased.
150 (when (< end (1- (window-height w)))
151 (loop for i from end below (window-height w) do
152 (clear-to-eol i 0 w frame)))))
153 ;; Update the mode-line if it exists. FIXME: Not the right place
154 ;; to update the mode-line.
155 (when (buffer-mode-line (window-buffer w))
156 (update-mode-line (window-buffer w))
157 (putstr (truncate-mode-line (window-buffer w) (window-width w))
158 0 (window-height w nil) w frame)
159 ;; don't forget the seperator on the modeline line
160 (when (window-seperator w)
161 (putch #\| (+ (window-x w) (window-width w)) (window-height w) w frame)))
162 (reset-line-state w)
163 ;; Set the cursor at the right spot
164 (values cursor-x cursor-y)))
166 (defvar *mcl-stackgroup* (ccl:make-stack-group "lice")
169 (defun mcl-lice ()
170 "Boot lice on mcl"
171 (ccl:stack-group-preset *mcl-stackgroup* #'lice)
172 (funcall *mcl-stackgroup* nil))
174 (ccl:defrecord Event
175 (what integer)
176 (message longint)
177 (when longint)
178 (where point)
179 (modifiers integer))
181 (defvar *mcl-key-list* nil
182 "List of keys pressed.")
184 (defmethod ccl:view-key-event-handler :after ((w mcl-window) ch)
185 (declare (ignore ch))
186 (let* ((keystroke (ccl:keystroke-name (ccl:event-keystroke (ccl:rref ccl:*current-event* :event.message) (ccl:rref ccl:*current-event* :event.modifiers))))
187 (ch (if (listp keystroke)
188 (car (last keystroke))
189 keystroke))
190 (mods (and (listp keystroke)
191 (butlast keystroke))))
192 ;;(format t "k: ~s ~s ~s~%" keystroke ch mods)
193 (setf *mcl-key-list* (nconc *mcl-key-list*
194 (list (make-key
195 :meta (and (find :meta mods) t)
196 :control (and (find :control mods) t)
197 :char ch))))
198 (funcall *mcl-stackgroup* nil)))
200 (defmethod ccl:view-draw-contents ((win frame))
201 (ccl:erase-rect win 0 0
202 (ccl:point-h (ccl:view-size win))
203 (ccl:point-v (ccl:view-size win)))
204 ;; characters
205 (loop
206 for y from 0 below (array-dimension (frame-2d-double-buffer win) 0)
207 for i from (mcl-frame-font-ascent win) by (mcl-frame-font-height win) do
208 (loop
209 for x from 0 below (array-dimension (frame-2d-double-buffer win) 1)
210 for j from 0 by (mcl-frame-font-width win) do
211 (ccl:move-to win j i)
212 (princ (aref (frame-2d-double-buffer win) y x) win)))
213 ;; point
214 (let ((x (* (elt (mcl-frame-cursor win) 0) (mcl-frame-font-width win)))
215 (y (* (elt (mcl-frame-cursor win) 1) (mcl-frame-font-height win))))
216 (ccl:invert-rect win x y (+ x (mcl-frame-font-width win)) (+ y (mcl-frame-font-height win)))))
218 (defmethod frame-read-event ((frame mcl-frame))
219 ;; wait for more input
220 (unless *mcl-key-list*
221 (ccl:stack-group-return nil))
222 ;; process the new input
223 (pop *mcl-key-list*))
225 (defun mcl-font-width (font-name font-size)
226 (multiple-value-bind (ascent descent maxwidth leading) (ccl::font-info (list font-name font-size))
227 (declare (ignore ascent descent leading))
228 maxwidth))
230 (defun mcl-font-height (font-name font-size)
231 (multiple-value-bind (ascent descent maxwidth leading) (ccl::font-info (list font-name font-size))
232 (declare (ignore maxwidth))
233 (+ ascent descent leading)))
235 (defun mcl-font-ascent (font-name font-size)
236 (multiple-value-bind (ascent descent maxwidth leading) (ccl::font-info (list font-name font-size))
237 (declare (ignore descent maxwidth leading))
238 ascent))
240 (defun make-default-mcl-frame (buffer)
241 (let* ((lines 25)
242 (height (1- lines))
243 (fw (mcl-font-width "Monaco" 12))
244 (fh (mcl-font-height "Monaco" 12))
245 (ascent (mcl-font-ascent "Monaco" 12))
246 (cols 80)
247 (l (make-array (* lines cols)
248 :element-type 'character))
249 (d (make-array (list lines cols)
250 :element-type 'character
251 :displaced-to l :displaced-index-offset 0))
252 (w (make-window :x 0 :y 0 :cols cols :rows height :buffer buffer))
253 (mb (make-minibuffer-window lines cols))
254 (frame (make-instance 'mcl-frame
255 :width cols
256 :height lines
257 :window-tree (list w mb)
258 :selected-window w
259 :minibuffer-window mb
260 :double-buffer l
261 :2d-double-buffer d
262 :font-height fh
263 :font-width fw
264 :font-ascent ascent
265 :view-size (ccl:make-point (* cols fw) (* lines fh))
266 :view-font '("Monaco" 12))))
267 (setf (window-frame w) frame
268 (window-frame mb) frame)
269 frame))