[lice @ add all function symbols emacs implements in C]
[lice.git] / keymap.lisp
1 ;;; keymaps for lice
3 (in-package "LICE")
5 (defstruct key char control meta alt shift hyper super)
6 ;; (defclass key ()
7 ;; ((char :type character :initarg :char :reader key-char)
8 ;; (control :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :control :reader key-control)
9 ;; (meta :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :meta :reader key-meta)
10 ;; (alt :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :alt :reader key-alt)
11 ;; (shift :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :shift :reader key-shift)
12 ;; (hyper :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :hyper :reader key-hyper)
13 ;; (super :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :super :reader key-super))
14 ;; (:documentation "A key event."))
16 (defun print-mods (key)
17 (concatenate 'string
18 (when (key-control key) "C-")
19 (when (key-meta key) "M-")
20 (when (key-alt key) "A-")
21 (when (key-shift key) "S-")
22 (when (key-super key) "s-")
23 (when (key-hyper key) "H-")))
25 (defun print-key (key)
26 (format nil "~a~a" (print-mods key) (or (char-name (key-char key)) (key-char key))))
28 (defmethod print-object ((obj key) stream)
29 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
30 (format stream "~s" (print-key obj))))
32 (define-condition kbd-parse (lice-condition)
33 () (:documentation "Raised when a kbd string failed to parse."))
35 (defun parse-mods (mods end)
36 "MODS is a sequence of <MOD CHAR> #\- pairs. Return a list suitable
37 for passing as the last argument to (apply #'make-key ...)"
38 (unless (evenp end)
39 (signal 'kbd-parse))
40 (apply #'nconc (loop for i from 0 below end by 2
41 if (char/= (char mods (1+ i)) #\-)
42 do (signal 'kbd-parse)
43 collect (case (char mods i)
44 (#\M (list :meta t))
45 (#\A (list :alt t))
46 (#\C (list :control t))
47 (#\H (list :hyper t))
48 (#\s (list :super t))
49 (#\S (list :shift t))
50 (t (signal 'kbd-parse))))))
52 (defun parse-char-name (string)
53 "Return the character whose name is STRING."
54 (or (cond
55 ((string= string "RET") #\Newline)
56 ((string= string "TAB") #\Tab))
57 (name-char string)
58 (and (= (length string) 1)
59 (char string 0))))
61 (defun parse-key (string)
62 "Parse STRING and return a key structure."
63 ;; FIXME: we want to return NIL when we get a kbd-parse error
64 ;;(ignore-errors
65 (let* ((p (when (> (length string) 2)
66 (position #\- string :from-end t :end (- (length string) 1))))
67 (mods (parse-mods string (if p (1+ p) 0)))
68 (ch (parse-char-name (subseq string (if p (1+ p) 0)))))
69 (and ch
70 (apply #'make-key :char ch mods))))
72 (defun parse-key-seq (keys)
73 "KEYS is a key sequence. Parse it and return the list of keys."
74 (mapcar 'parse-key (split-string keys)))
76 (defun kbd (keys)
77 "Convert KEYS to the internal Emacs key representation.
78 KEYS should be a string constant in the format used for
79 saving keyboard macros ***(see `insert-kbd-macro')."
80 ;; XXX: define-key needs to be fixed to handle a list of keys
81 (first (parse-key-seq keys)))
83 ;; ;; XXX: This is hacky. Convert the class into a sequence. Maybe we should
84 ;; ;; use defstruct then?
85 ;; (defun key-hashid (event)
86 ;; (typecase event
87 ;; (key (list (key-char event)
88 ;; (key-control event)
89 ;; (key-meta event)
90 ;; (key-alt event)
91 ;; (key-hyper event)
92 ;; (key-super event)))
93 ;; (t t)))
95 (defvar *current-keymap-theme* :lice)
97 (defvar *overriding-terminal-local-map* nil
98 "Per-terminal keymap that overrides all other local keymaps.
99 If this variable is non-nil, it is used as a keymap instead of the
100 buffer's local map, and the minor mode keymaps and text property keymaps.
101 It also replaces `overriding-local-map'.
103 This variable is intended to let commands such as `universal-argument'
104 set up a different keymap for reading the next command.")
106 (defvar *overriding-local-map* nil
107 "Keymap that overrides all other local keymaps.
108 If this variable is non-nil, it is used as a keymap--replacing the
109 buffer's local map, the minor mode keymaps, and char property keymaps.")
111 (defclass keymap ()
112 ((parent :initform nil :initarg :parent :accessor keymap-parent)
113 (prompt :initform nil :initarg :prompt :accessor keymap-prompt)
114 (themes :initform (make-hash-table) :accessor keymap-themes)))
116 (defun keymapp (object)
117 (typep object 'keymap))
119 (defun make-sparse-keymap (&optional prompt)
120 "Construct and return a new sparse keymap.
121 The optional arg STRING supplies a menu name for the keymap
122 in case you use it as a menu with `x-popup-menu'."
123 (make-instance 'keymap :prompt prompt))
125 (defun get-keymap-theme (keymap theme)
126 (gethash theme (keymap-themes keymap)))
128 (defun get-keymap-theme-create (keymap theme)
129 (or (get-keymap-theme keymap theme)
130 (setf (gethash theme (keymap-themes keymap)) (make-hash-table :size 200 :test 'equalp))))
132 (defun define-key (keymap key def &optional (theme :lice))
133 (let ((map (get-keymap-theme-create keymap theme)))
134 (setf (gethash #|(key-hashid key)|# key map) def)))
136 (defun lookup-key-internal (keymap key accept-default theme norecurse)
137 (let* ((map (get-keymap-theme keymap theme))
138 ;; some maps may not have a hash table for the theme.
139 (cmd (and map (gethash #|(key-hashid key)|# key map))))
141 ;; if the binding is another keymap, then lookup the rest of the key sequence
142 (cond
143 ((and (keymapp cmd) (not norecurse))
144 (lookup-key-internal cmd (cdr key) accept-default theme norecurse))
145 (t cmd))
146 ;; check parent for binding
147 (when (keymap-parent keymap)
148 (lookup-key-internal (keymap-parent keymap) key nil theme norecurse))
149 (when accept-default
150 (and map (gethash t map))))))
152 (defun lookup-key (keymap key &optional accept-default (theme :lice))
153 "In keymap KEYMAP, look up key sequence KEY. Return the definition.
154 nil means undefined. See doc of `define-key' for kinds of definitions.
156 Normally, `lookup-key' ignores bindings for t, which act as default
157 bindings, used when nothing else in the keymap applies; this makes it
158 usable as a general function for probing keymaps. However, if the
159 third optional argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil, `lookup-key' will
160 recognize the default bindings, just as `read-key-sequence' does."
161 (check-type keymap keymap)
162 (lookup-key-internal keymap key accept-default theme nil))
164 (depricate set-keymap-parent (setf keymap-parent))
165 (defun set-keymap-parent (keymap parent)
166 "Modify keymap to set its parent map to parent.
167 Return parent. parent should be nil or another keymap."
168 (setf (keymap-parent keymap) parent))
170 (defun make-keymap (&optional string)
171 (declare (ignore string))
172 (error "unimplemented"))
174 (defun map-keymap (function keymap &optional (theme :lice))
175 "Call FUNCTION once for each event binding in KEYMAP.
176 FUNCTION is called with two arguments: the event that is bound, and
177 the definition it is bound to. If the event is an integer, it may be
178 a generic character (see Info node `(elisp)Splitting Characters'), and
179 that means that all actual character events belonging to that generic
180 character are bound to the definition.
182 If KEYMAP has a parent, the parent's bindings are included as well.
183 This works recursively: if the parent has itself a parent, then the
184 grandparent's bindings are also included and so on."
185 (let ((map (get-keymap-theme keymap theme)))
186 (maphash function map)
187 (when (keymap-parent keymap)
188 (map-keymap function (keymap-parent keymap) theme))))
190 (defvar *global-map* (make-sparse-keymap)
191 "The top level global keymap.")
193 (defvar *ctl-x-4-map* (make-sparse-keymap)
194 "The C-x 4 keymap.")
196 (defvar *ctl-x-map* (make-sparse-keymap)
197 "The C-x keymap.")
199 (defvar *ctl-c-map* (make-sparse-keymap)
200 "The C-c keymap.")
202 (defvar *ctl-h-map* (make-sparse-keymap)
203 "The C-h keymap.")
205 (defvar *current-global-map* *global-map*)
207 (defvar *current-kmap* nil
208 "The key map that the next key event will use to find a
209 corresponding command.")
211 (defun make-ctrl-h-map ()
212 (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
213 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\f) 'describe-symbol)
214 kmap))
216 (defun make-ctrl-x-4-map ()
217 (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
218 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\b) 'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
219 kmap))
221 (defun make-ctrl-x-map (ctl-x-4-map)
222 (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
223 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\e :control t) 'eval-last-sexp)
224 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\b) 'switch-to-buffer)
225 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\c :control t) 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
226 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\f :control t) 'find-file)
227 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\s :control t) 'save-buffer)
228 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\k) 'kill-buffer)
229 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\o) 'other-window)
230 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\1) 'delete-other-windows)
231 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\2) 'split-window-vertically)
232 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\3) 'split-window-horizontally)
233 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\x :control t) 'exchange-point-and-mark)
234 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\t :control t) 'transpose-lines)
235 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\4) ctl-x-4-map)
236 kmap))
238 (defun make-ctrl-c-map ()
239 (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
240 kmap))
242 (defun make-global-map (ctl-x-prefix ctl-c-prefix ctl-h-prefix)
243 "Generate self-insert commands for all printable characters. And
244 more."
245 (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
246 (loop for i in '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9
247 #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j
248 #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t
249 #\u #\v #\w #\x #\y #\z
250 #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H #\I #\J
251 #\K #\L #\M #\N #\O #\P #\Q #\R #\S #\T
252 #\U #\V #\W #\X #\Y #\Z
253 #\Space #\! #\" #\# #\$ #\% #\& #\' #\(
254 #\) #\* #\+ #\, #\- #\. #\/ #\: #\; #\<
255 #\= #\> #\? #\@ #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\_ #\`
256 #\| #\} #\~ #\{)
257 do (define-key kmap (make-key :char i) 'self-insert-command))
258 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\Return) 'newline)
259 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\Newline) 'newline)
260 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\o :control t) 'open-line)
261 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\j :control t) 'newline)
262 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\m :control t) 'newline)
263 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\f :control t) 'forward-char)
264 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\f :meta t) 'forward-word)
265 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\f :control t :meta t) 'forward-sexp)
266 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\b :control t :meta t) 'backward-sexp)
267 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\n :control t) 'next-line)
268 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\p :control t) 'previous-line)
269 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\b :control t) 'backward-char)
270 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\b :meta t) 'backward-word)
271 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\d :control t) 'delete-char)
272 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\d :meta t) 'kill-word)
273 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\Rubout :meta t) 'backward-kill-word)
274 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\Rubout) 'delete-backward-char)
275 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\Delete) 'delete-backward-char)
276 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\t :meta t) 'transpose-words)
277 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\t :control t) 'transpose-chars)
278 ;;(define-key kmap (make-key :char #\h :control t) 'delete-backward-char)
279 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\u :control t) 'universal-argument)
280 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\a :control t) 'beginning-of-line)
281 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\e :control t) 'end-of-line)
282 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\g :control t) 'keyboard-quit)
283 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\v :control t) 'scroll-up)
284 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\v :meta t) 'scroll-down)
285 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\k :control t) 'kill-line)
286 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\w :control t) 'kill-region)
287 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\y :control t) 'yank)
288 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\y :meta t) 'yank-pop)
289 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\w :meta t) 'kill-ring-save)
290 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\> :meta t) 'end-of-buffer)
291 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\< :meta t) 'beginning-of-buffer)
292 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\x :meta t) 'execute-extended-command)
293 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\: :meta t) 'eval-expression)
294 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\Space :control t) 'set-mark-command)
295 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\` :control t) 'set-mark-command)
296 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\! :meta t) 'shell-command)
297 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\Space :meta t) 'just-one-space)
298 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\\ :control t :meta t) 'indent-region)
299 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\a :control t :meta t) 'beginning-of-defun)
300 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\e :control t :meta t) 'end-of-defun)
301 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\_ :control t) 'undo)
302 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\/ :control t) 'undo)
303 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\} :meta t) 'forward-paragraph)
304 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\{ :meta t) 'backward-paragraph)
305 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\x :control t) ctl-x-prefix)
306 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\c :control t) ctl-c-prefix)
307 (define-key kmap (make-key :char #\h :control t) ctl-h-prefix)
308 kmap))
310 (defun make-global-keymaps ()
311 "Create the default global keymaps and store them in *global-kmap
312 *ctl-x-map*, ..."
313 (setf *ctl-x-4-map* (make-ctrl-x-4-map)
314 *ctl-x-map* (make-ctrl-x-map *ctl-x-4-map*)
315 *ctl-c-map* (make-ctrl-c-map)
316 *ctl-h-map* (make-ctrl-h-map)
317 *global-map* (make-global-map *ctl-x-map* *ctl-c-map* *ctl-h-map*)))
319 (defun copy-keymap (keymap)
320 (declare (ignore keymap))
321 (error "unimplemented"))
323 (defun command-remapping ()
324 (error "unimplemented"))
326 (defun key-binding (key &optional accept-default no-remap)
327 (declare (ignore key accept-default no-remap))
328 (error "unimplemented"))
330 (defun local-key-binding ()
331 (error "unimplemented"))
333 (defun global-key-binding ()
334 (error "unimplemented"))
336 (defun minor-mode-key-binding ()
337 (error "unimplemented"))
339 (defun define-prefix-command ()
340 (error "unimplemented"))
342 (defun use-global-map (keymap)
343 (check-type keymap keymap)
344 (setf *current-global-map* keymap))
346 (defun use-local-map (keymap)
347 "Select KEYMAP as the local keymap.
348 If KEYMAP is nil, that means no local keymap."
349 (check-type keymap keymap)
350 (setf (buffer-local-map (current-buffer)) keymap))
352 (defun current-local-map ()
353 "Return current buffer's local keymap, or nil if it has none.
355 LICE: the local map in really the major mode map. Except it might
356 not be in the future."
357 (buffer-local-map (current-buffer)))
359 (defun current-global-map ()
360 "Return the current global keymap."
361 *current-global-map*)
363 (defun current-minor-mode-maps ()
364 (error "unimplemented"))
366 (defun current-active-maps ()
367 (error "unimplemented"))
369 (defun accessible-keymaps ()
370 (error "unimplemented"))
372 (defun key-description ()
373 (error "unimplemented"))
375 (defun describe-vector ()
376 (error "unimplemented"))
378 (defun single-key-description ()
379 (error "unimplemented"))
381 (defun text-char-description ()
382 (error "unimplemented"))
384 (defun where-is-internal ()
385 (error "unimplemented"))
387 (defun describe-buffer-bindings ()
388 (error "unimplemented"))
390 (defun apropos-internal ()
391 (error "unimplemented"))