[lice.git] / src / data-types.lisp
1 ;;; declare all our data types
3 (in-package "LICE")
5 \f
6 ;;; Markers
8 (deftype marker-insertion-type () '(member :before :after))
10 (defclass marker ()
11 ((position :type integer :initform 0 :accessor marker-position)
12 (buffer #|:type (or buffer null)|# :initform nil :accessor marker-buffer)
13 (insertion-type :type marker-insertion-type :initform :after :accessor marker-insertion-type))
14 (:documentation "A Marker"))
16 (defmethod print-object ((obj marker) stream)
17 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
18 (format stream "~a" (marker-position obj))))
21 ;;; Intervals
23 ;; interval node is a list: (key left right &rest plist)
24 (defstruct (interval
25 (:print-function (lambda (i s d)
26 (declare (ignore d))
27 (format s "#S(interval ~s ~s ~s | ~s ~s)"
28 (interval-pt i)
29 (interval-length i)
30 (interval-plist i)
31 (interval-left i)
32 (interval-right i)))))
33 (pt nil)
34 (length nil)
35 (left nil)
36 (right nil)
37 (parent nil #|:type (or null pstring buffer interval)|#)
38 (plist nil :type list))
40 ;; MOVITZ's defstruct doesn't create copy-interval
41 #+movitz
42 (defun copy-interval (interval)
43 (make-interval :pt (interval-pt interval)
44 :length (interval-length interval)
45 :left (interval-left interval)
46 :right (interval-right interval)
47 :parent (interval-parent interval)
48 :plist (interval-plist interval)))
51 ;;; Buffers
53 (defclass pstring ()
54 ((data :type string :initarg :data :accessor pstring-data)
55 (intervals #|:type (or null interval)|# :initform nil :initarg :intervals :accessor intervals))
56 (:documentation "The lice string implementation."))
58 (defmethod print-object ((obj pstring) stream)
59 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
60 (format stream "~s" (pstring-data obj))))
62 (defun pstring-length (ps)
63 "Return the length of the string in PS"
64 (declare (type pstring ps))
65 (length (pstring-data ps)))
67 (defclass base-buffer ()
68 ((file :type (or null pathname) :initarg :file :accessor buffer-file)
69 (name :type string :initarg :name :accessor buffer-name)
70 (mode-line-string :type string :initform "" :accessor buffer-mode-line-string)
71 (modified :type boolean :initform nil :accessor buffer-modified-p)
72 (read-only :type boolean :initform nil)
73 (tick :type integer :initform 0 :accessor buffer-modified-tick :documentation
74 "The buffer's tick counter. It is incremented for each change
75 in text.")
76 (display-count :type integer :initform 0 :accessor buffer-display-count :documentation
77 "The buffer's display counter. It is incremented each time it
78 is displayed in a window.")
79 (display-time :type integer :initform 0 :accessor buffer-display-time :documentation
80 "The last time the buffer was switched to in a window.")
81 (major-mode #|:type major-mode|# :initarg :major-mode :accessor buffer-major-mode)
82 (local-map :initform nil :initarg :local-map :accessor buffer-local-map :documentation
83 "The keymap local to the buffer. This overrides major mode bindings.")
84 (syntax-table :initform nil :initarg :syntax-table :accessor buffer-syntax-table)
85 (locals-variables :type hash-table :initform (make-hash-table) :accessor buffer-local-variables)
86 (locals :type hash-table :initform (make-hash-table) :accessor buffer-locals))
87 (:documentation "A Buffer."))
89 ;; undo structures used to record types of undo information. This is
90 ;; an alternative to the cons cells gnu emacs uses which I find
91 ;; obscure.
92 (defstruct undo-entry-insertion
93 beg end)
94 (defstruct undo-entry-delete
95 text position)
96 (defstruct undo-entry-modified
97 time)
98 (defstruct undo-entry-property
99 prop value beg end)
100 (defstruct undo-entry-apply
101 function args)
102 (defstruct undo-entry-selective
103 delta beg end function args)
104 (defstruct undo-entry-marker
105 marker distance)
107 (defclass buffer (base-buffer)
108 ((point #|:type marker|# :initarg :point :accessor buffer-point)
109 (mark #|:type marker|# :initarg :mark :accessor buffer-mark-marker)
110 ;; A string containing the raw buffer
111 (data :type (array character 1) :initarg :data :accessor buffer-data)
112 (intervals #|:type (or null interval)|# :initform nil :initarg :intervals :accessor intervals)
113 (gap-start :type integer :initarg :gap-start :accessor buffer-gap-start)
114 (gap-size :type integer :initarg :gap-size :accessor buffer-gap-size)
115 (markers :type list :initform '() :accessor buffer-markers)
116 (auto-save-modified :type integer :initform 0 :accessor buffer-auto-save-modified)
117 (modiff :type integer :initform 0 :accessor buffer-modiff)
118 ;;(syntax-table :initform *standard-syntax-table* :accessor buffer-syntax-table)
119 (undo-list :initform '() :accessor buffer-undo-list
120 :documentation "List of undo entries in current buffer.
121 Recent changes come first; older changes follow newer.
123 An entry (BEG . END) represents an insertion which begins at
124 position BEG and ends at position END.
126 An entry (TEXT . POSITION) represents the deletion of the string TEXT
127 from (abs POSITION). If POSITION is positive, point was at the front
128 of the text being deleted; if negative, point was at the end.
130 An entry (t HIGH . LOW) indicates that the buffer previously had
131 \"unmodified\" status. HIGH and LOW are the high and low 16-bit portions
132 of the visited file's modification time, as of that time. If the
133 modification time of the most recent save is different, this entry is
134 obsolete.
136 An entry (nil PROPERTY VALUE BEG . END) indicates that a text property
137 was modified between BEG and END. PROPERTY is the property name,
138 and VALUE is the old value.
140 An entry (apply FUN-NAME . ARGS) means undo the change with
141 \(apply FUN-NAME ARGS).
143 An entry (apply DELTA BEG END FUN-NAME . ARGS) supports selective undo
144 in the active region. BEG and END is the range affected by this entry
145 and DELTA is the number of bytes added or deleted in that range by
146 this change.
148 An entry (MARKER . DISTANCE) indicates that the marker MARKER
149 was adjusted in position by the offset DISTANCE (an integer).
151 An entry of the form POSITION indicates that point was at the buffer
152 location given by the integer. Undoing an entry of this form places
153 point at POSITION.
155 nil marks undo boundaries. The undo command treats the changes
156 between two undo boundaries as a single step to be undone.
158 If the value of the variable is t, undo information is not recorded.
160 (:documentation "A text Buffer."))
162 (defmethod print-object ((obj buffer) stream)
163 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
164 (format stream "~a" (buffer-name obj))))
166 (defvar *current-buffer* nil
167 "When this buffer is non-nil, it contains the current buffer. Calls
168 to `current-buffer' return this buffer. Otherwise, `current-buffer'
169 returns the current frames's current window's buffer.
171 This variable should never be set using `setq' or `setf'. Bind it with
172 `let' for as long as it needs to be set.")
174 (defun current-buffer ()
175 "Return the current buffer."
176 *current-buffer*)
178 ;;; Windows
180 ;; start and end are inclusive and are buffer points
181 (defclass line-cache ()
182 ((start :type integer :initform 0 :initarg :start :accessor lc-start)
183 (end :type integer :initform 0 :initarg :end :accessor lc-end)
184 (valid :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :valid :accessor lc-valid)
185 (cache :type list ;;(array cache-item 1)
186 :initform nil ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'cache-item
187 ;; :adjustable t
188 ;; :fill-pointer 0)
189 :initarg :cache :accessor lc-cache)))
191 (defclass window ()
192 ((frame :initarg :frame :accessor window-frame)
193 (x :type integer :initarg :x :accessor window-x)
194 (y :type integer :initarg :y :accessor window-y)
195 (w :type integer :initarg :w :documentation
196 "The width of the window's contents.")
197 (h :type integer :initarg :h :documentation
198 "The total height of the window, including the mode-line.")
199 (seperator :type boolean :initform nil :accessor window-seperator :documentation
200 "T when the window is to draw a vertical seperator. used in horizontal splits.")
201 (line-state :type (array integer 1) :initarg :line-state :accessor window-line-state)
202 (cache :type line-cache :initarg :cache :accessor window-cache)
203 ;; Indices into cache (inclusive) that describe the range of the
204 ;; cache that will be displayed.
205 (top-line :type integer :initarg :top-line :accessor window-top-line)
206 (bottom-line :type integer :initarg :bottom-line :accessor window-bottom-line)
207 (point-col :type integer :initarg :point-col :accessor window-point-col)
208 (point-line :type integer :initarg :point-line :accessor window-point-line)
209 ;; The rest refer to points in the buffer
210 (buffer :type buffer :initarg :buffer :accessor window-buffer)
211 (bpoint :type marker :initarg :bpoint :accessor window-bpoint :documentation
212 "A marker marking where in the text the window point is.")
213 (top :type marker :initarg :top :accessor window-top :documentation
214 "The point in buffer that is the first character displayed in the window")
215 (bottom :type marker :initarg :bottom :accessor window-bottom :documentation
216 "The point in buffer that is the last character displayed
217 in the window. This should only be used if bottom-valid is T.")
218 (bottom-valid :type boolean :initform nil :accessor window-bottom-valid :documentation
219 "When this is T then bottom should be used to
220 calculate the visible contents of the window. This is used when
221 scrolling up (towards the beginning of the buffer)."))
222 (:documentation "A Lice Window."))
224 (defclass minibuffer-window (window)
227 (defvar *selected-window* nil
228 "The window that the cursor now appears in and commands apply to.")
230 ;;; frames
232 (defclass frame ()
233 ((window-tree :type (or list window) :initarg :window-tree :accessor frame-window-tree)
234 (width :type fixnum :initarg :width :accessor frame-width)
235 (height :type fixnum :initarg :height :accessor frame-height)
236 (minibuffer-window :type window :initarg :minibuffer-window :accessor frame-minibuffer-window)
237 (minibuffers-active :type fixnum :initform 0 :initarg minibuffers-active :accessor frame-minibuffers-active)
238 (selected-window :type window :initarg :selected-window :accessor frame-selected-window))
239 (:documentation "A Lice frame is super cool."))
241 ;; XXX: This is only temporary
242 (defvar *selected-frame* nil
243 "The frame that accepts input.")
245 ;;; Events
247 (defvar *last-point-position* nil
248 "The value of point when the last command was started.")
250 (defvar *last-point-position-buffer* nil
251 "The buffer that was current when the last command was started.")
253 (defvar *last-point-position-window* nil
254 "The window that was selected when the last command was started.")
256 (defvar *current-event* nil
257 "The current event being processed.")