[lice.git] / commands.lisp
1 ;; Command related functions
3 (in-package "LICE")
5 (defclass command ()
6 ((name :type symbol :initarg :name :accessor command-name)
7 (args :type list :initarg :args :accessor command-args)
8 (fn :type function :initarg :fn :accessor command-fn)
9 (doc :type (or null string) :initarg :doc :accessor command-doc))
10 (:documentation "An interactive command."))
12 (defvar *commands* (make-hash-table)
13 "A hash table of interactive commands")
15 (defmacro defcommand (name (&optional args &rest interactive-args) &body body)
16 "Create an interactive command named NAME."
17 (let ((tmp (gensym)))
18 `(progn
19 (defun ,name ,args
20 ,@body)
21 (setf (gethash ',name *commands*)
22 (make-instance
23 'command
24 :name ',name
25 :args ',interactive-args
26 :doc ,(when (typep (first body) 'string) (first body))
27 :fn (lambda ()
28 (let ((,tmp (list ,@(mapcar (lambda (a)
29 (if (listp a)
30 `(funcall (gethash ,(first a) *command-arg-type-hash*) ,@(cdr a))
31 `(funcall (gethash ,a *command-arg-type-hash*))))
32 interactive-args))))
33 ;; XXX: Is this a sick hack? We need to reset the
34 ;; prefix-arg at the right time. After the command
35 ;; is executed we can't because the universal
36 ;; argument code sets the prefix-arg for the next
37 ;; command. The Right spot seems to be to reset it
38 ;; once a command is about to be executed, and
39 ;; after the prefix arg has been gathered to be
40 ;; used in the command. Which is right here.
41 (setf *prefix-arg* nil)
42 ;; Note that we use the actual function. If the
43 ;; function is redefined, the command will
44 ;; continue to be defined and will call the
45 ;; function declared above, not the redefined one.
46 (apply #',name ,tmp))))))))
48 (defgeneric lookup-command (name)
49 (:documentation "lookup the command named NAME."))
51 (defmethod lookup-command ((name symbol))
52 (gethash name *commands*))
54 (defmethod lookup-command ((name string))
55 ;; FIXME: this can fill the keyword package with lots of junk
56 ;; symbols.
57 (gethash (intern (string-upcase name) "KEYWORD") *commands*))
59 (defun call-command (name &rest args)
60 "Use this command to call an interactive command from a lisp program."
61 (let ((cmd (lookup-command name)))
62 (apply (command-fn cmd) args)))
64 (defvar *command-arg-type-hash* (make-hash-table)
65 "A hash table of symbols. each symbol is an interactive argument
66 type whose value is a function that is called to gather input from the
67 user (or somewhere else) and return the result. For instance,
68 :BUFFER's value is read-buffer which prompts the user for a buffer and
69 returns it.
71 This variable is here to allow modules to add new argument types easily.")
73 (defvar mark-even-if-inactive nil
74 "*Non-nil means you can use the mark even when inactive.
75 This option makes a difference in Transient Mark mode.
76 When the option is non-nil, deactivation of the mark
77 turns off region highlighting, but commands that use the mark
78 behave as if the mark were still active.")