Update website to reflect new maintainership
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1 <html>
2 <head><title>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control HOWTO</title>
3 <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/tux16-16.ico">
4 </head>
5 <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
7 <table width=100%><tr><td width=80%>
8 <H1>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control</H1>
9 </td><td></td><td valign=top align=right><a href=http://www.powerdns.com><img
10 src=http://ds9a.nl/pub/pdns88x33c.gif></a><p></td>
12 <tr><td><a href="http://ds9a.nl/">bert hubert</a> (<a
13 href=http://www.powerdns.com>PowerDNS.COM BV</a>) ,<br>
14 <table><tr valign=top><td>
15 Section authors: </td>
16 <td>
17 <a href="http://tgr.kaosu.ch/">Thomas Graf</a>,
18 <a href="http://linuxpower.cx/~greg/">Greg Maxwell</a> <a
19 href=mailto:greg@linuxpower.cx></a>,
20 <a href=http://slashme.org>Remco van Mook</a> (<a
21 href=http://www.virtu.nl>Virtu Secure Webservices</a>) <br>
22 Martijn van Oosterhout,
23 Paul B Schroeder,
24 <a href="http://jsp.ds9a.nl/">Jasper Spaans</a>,
25 Pedro Larroy
26 </td></table>
27 <br>
28 <a href="#mailinglist">lartc@vger.kernel.org</a>
29 (<small>mailing list, the <strong>only</strong> place to send questions!)<br>
30 <a href="http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#lartc">archive of the new mailing list</a>
31 <a href="http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/">archive of the old mailing list</a><br>
32 (<font color=#ff0000><a href=#mailinglist>subscribe</a> before posting!</font>)<br></small>
33 #lartc on <a href=http://www.oftc.net>irc.oftc.net</a> (<a
34 href="http://ds9a.nl/lartcbot/">archives</a>)</td><td valign=bottom align=right>
36 </td>
37 <td valign=top>Translations:
38 <br>
39 <a href=LARTC-zh_CN.GB2312.pdf>[ Chinese (zh_CN.GB2312) ] </a>
40 <br><a href=http://www.linux-france.org/prj/inetdoc/guides/Advanced-routing-Howto/>
41 [ French ]</a> (fixed)
42 <br><a href="http://www.linux.or.jp/JF/JFdocs/Adv-Routing-HOWTO/">
43 [ Japanese (Nihongo) ]</a>
44 <br><a href="http://www.gnukorea.org/">
45 [ Korean ]</a>
46 <br><a href=http://www.gulic.org/comos/LARTC>
47 [ Spanish ]</a>
48 <br><a href=http://mr0vka.eu.org/tlumaczenia/2.4routing.html>
49 [ Polish ]</a>
51 <p>
52 <table bgcolor=#ff0000><tr><td>
53 <a href=wondershaper><font color=#ffffff>ADSL/Cable Wondershaper!</a>
54 </td></table>
55 </td>
56 </table>
57 <center>
58 <table border=1>
59 <tr>
60 <td><a href="#news">News</a> </td>
61 <td><a href="#mailinglist">Mailinglist</a> </td>
62 <td><strong><a href="#download">Download</a></strong></td>
63 <td><a href=manpages/>Manpages</a></td>
64 <td><strong><a href=howto><font color=#ff0000>Dive
65 in!</font></a></strong>
66 <td><a href="#jobs">Jobs</a> </td>
67 <td><a href="#bazaar">Bazaar</a></td>
68 <td><a href="#sponsor">Sponsor</a>
69 </td></tr>
70 </table>
71 Massive thanks to:<br>
72 <small>
74 readfile("/home/ahu/content/lartc/cvs/2.4routing/contriblist");
76 </small></center>
77 <p>
79 Linux has very advanced Routing, filtering and traffic shaping options.
80 This site attempts to document how to configure and use these features.
82 <a name="news"></a>
83 <h2>News</H2>
84 <table border=1>
85 <tr><td valign=top>2012-05-20</td>
86 <td>lartc.org is now reachable via IPv6!</td>
87 <tr><td valign=top>2012-05-19</td>
88 <td>lartc.org has a new maintainer!<br>
89 <a href="http://ds9a.nl/">Bert Hubert</a> has transferred ownership of
90 the domain to <a href="http://www.hailfinger.org/">Carl-Daniel Hailfinger</a>.
91 A big THANK YOU goes to Bert Hubert for starting and hosting
92 lartc.org and the associated mailing list for many years.<br><br>
93 Everybody is invited to contribute to lartc.org and a git tree for the
94 website (including LARTC HOWTO, Wondershaper and man pages) has been
95 created at <a href="http://repo.or.cz/w/lartc.git">
96 http://repo.or.cz/w/lartc.git</a>. Please send any patches or
97 pull requests to the new LARTC mailing list
98 <a href="mailto:lartc@vger.kernel.org">lartc@vger.kernel.org</a> and
99 I'll try to integrate them in a timely manner.
100 Please note that the old mailing list and old HOWTO submission e-mail
101 addresses are no longer active.
102 Users of the old mailing list are encouraged to move to
103 <a href="mailto:lartc@vger.kernel.org">lartc@vger.kernel.org</a>.<br>
104 Bert Hubert has offered to continue hosting the old mailing list archives at
105 <a href="http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/">
106 http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/</a>.<br></td>
107 </tr>
108 <tr>
109 <td>200[0123]</td><td><a href=oldnews.html>Older news</a></td>
110 </tr>
111 </table>
112 <a name="mailinglist"></a>
113 <H2>LARTC Mailinglist</H2>
114 It appears that the topic of our HOWTO is getting popular, so we decided to
115 start a mailinglist dedicated to discussions about advanced routing &amp;
116 shaping with Linux!
118 The advent of the Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control list also
119 means that questions asked privately will no longer be answered, as these
120 answers benefit only single users. Asking questions on the list is far more
121 net-friendly. So if you want to ask us a question,
122 <a href="http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#lartc">subscribe to the new
123 mailing list</a>, and ask it! An <a href="http://www.spinics.net/lists/lartc/">
124 archive of the new mailing list</a> is available. An
125 <a href="http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/">archive of the old mailing
126 list</a> is also available, and google has picked it up as well.
128 <font color=#ff0000>Please note that due to excessive spam the list has
129 become 'members only' - so please <a
130 href="http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#lartc">subscribe</a> first!</font>
131 The moderator will not approve postings from non-subscribed addresses as he
132 is not available at all times. If you just want to post, and not receive
133 mail, you can indicate this on the Mailman mailinglist management page.
134 FIXME: Is the new mailing list subscriber-only as well?
136 <a name="download"></a>
137 <H2>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control HOWTO</H2>
139 Current version is 1.0.0 Files were last updated at
141 if(!($st=stat("lartc.db")))
142 $st=stat("lartc.db");
143 print date("Y-m-d H:i",$st[9]);
144 print " CET ";
146 printf("(ie, about %.1f hours ago). ",((time()-$st[9])/3600));
147 if(((time()-$st[9])/3600)<1)
149 print "There has been a recent update - use of shift-reload".
150 " is advised!";
154 The French
155 version by Laurent Foucher and Philippe Latu from the
156 <a href=http://www.linux-france.org/prj/inetdoc>
157 Technology Institute of the University of Toulouse</a>
158 plus Thierry Mallard and Yannick Quenec'hdu from
159 <a href=http://www.idealx.com>
160 Idealx</a> is available <a href=http://www.linux-france.org/prj/inetdoc/guides/Advanced-routing-Howto>
161 here</a>. Terrific work!
163 A Korean translation can be found on
164 <a href="http://www.gnukorea.org/2.4routing-kr/2.4routing.html">here</a>.
166 Polish translation is <a
167 href=http://mr0vka.eu.org/tlumaczenia/2.4routing.html>here</a>.
168 <ul>
169 <li><a href="changelog.txt">GIT Changelog</a>
170 <li><a href="lartc.db">DocBook SGML</A>
171 <li><a href="lartc.txt">ASCII</A>, .txt
172 <li><a href="howto/">HTML</A>, <a
173 href="lartc.html">One-big-page
174 HTML</A>, <a href="html.tar.gz">HTML tarfile</A>
175 <li><a href="lartc.ps">ps</A>, <a href="lartc.ps.gz">ps.gz</A>
176 <li><a href="lartc.pdf">pdf</A>, <a
177 href="lartc.pdf.gz">pdf.gz</A>
178 </ul>
179 <a name="jobs"></a>
180 <H2>Jobs list</H2>
181 Like the Linux kernel, we have a jobs list. If you have any expertise
182 in any of these areas, please pitch in.
183 <ul>
184 <li>remove incorrect or dead content
185 <li>There are a *lot* of FIXME notices, so this means YOU!</li>
186 <li>IPsec</li>
187 <li>Multipath routing
188 </ul>
189 <a name="bazaar"></a>
190 <H2>Bazaar</H2>
191 This HOWTO is intended to be very much a <a
192 href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/">Bazaar</a> style development. If it
194 were to be any more open, bits would fall out.
196 A GIT tree is available. try this:
197 <pre>
198 $ git clone git://repo.or.cz/lartc.git
199 or (if you're behind a firewall which only allows HTTP)
200 $ git clone http://repo.or.cz/r/lartc.git
201 Enter the checked out directory:
202 $ cd lartc.git
203 If you want to update your local copy, run
204 $ git pull
205 </pre>
207 If you made changes and want to contribute them, run 'git diff',
208 and mail the output to <a href=mailto:lartc@vger.kernel.org>lartc@vger.kernel.org</a>, we
209 can then integrate it easily. Thanks! Please make sure that you edit the
210 .db file, by the way, the other files are generated from that one.
212 The idea is that this HOWTO will be a cooperative effort, much like the
213 Linux kernel itself.
214 </p>
217 <a name="sponsor"></a>
218 <H2>Sponsor</h2>
219 <a href=http://www.powerdns.com>
220 This site made possible by PowerDNS, for all your domain needs and
221 nameserver software.
222 </a>
223 <br>
224 <a href=http://ds9a.nl/>Other ds9a.nl projects.</a>
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