Modify the ping example to wait for the reply
[iolib.git] / extras / ping.lisp
1 (in-package :iolib.sockets)
3 (defcstruct ip-header
4 (ver-ihl :uint8)
5 (tos :uint8)
6 (length :uint16)
7 (id :uint16)
8 (offset :uint16)
9 (ttl :uint8)
10 (protocol :uint8)
11 (checksum :uint16)
12 (saddr :uint32)
13 (daddr :uint32))
15 (defcstruct icmp-header
16 (type :uint8)
17 (code :uint8)
18 (checksum :uint16)
19 (quench :uint32))
21 (defun write-ip-header (ip-header total-length target-ip)
22 (with-foreign-slots ((ver-ihl length id offset ttl protocol daddr)
23 ip-header (:struct ip-header))
24 (setf ver-ihl #x45 ; Version 4, header length 5 words(20 bytes)
25 length total-length
26 offset #b01000000 ; Don't fragment
27 ttl 64
28 protocol ipproto-icmp
29 daddr (htonl target-ip))))
31 (defun compute-icmp-checksum (icmp-header packet-size)
32 (let* ((sum1
33 (loop :for offset :from 0 :below (/ packet-size 2)
34 :sum (mem-aref icmp-header :uint16 offset)))
35 (sum2 (+ (ash sum1 -16)
36 (logand sum1 #xFFFF))))
37 (logand #xFFFF (lognot (+ sum2 (ash sum2 -16))))))
39 (defun write-icmp-header (icmp-header packet-size id seqno)
40 (with-foreign-slots ((type quench checksum)
41 icmp-header (:struct icmp-header))
42 (let ((new-quench
43 (+ (ash id 16) seqno)))
44 (setf type icmp-echo-request
45 quench (htonl new-quench))
46 (setf checksum (compute-icmp-checksum icmp-header packet-size)))))
48 (defun ping (target &key (id #xFF) (seqno 1))
49 (with-open-socket (socket :address-family :ipv4 :type :raw :protocol ipproto-icmp
50 :include-headers t)
51 (let* ((payload-size 4)
52 (icmp-packet-size (+ (isys:sizeof '(:struct icmp-header)) payload-size))
53 (frame-size (+ (isys:sizeof '(:struct ip-header)) icmp-packet-size)))
54 (with-foreign-object (frame :uint8 frame-size)
55 (isys:bzero frame frame-size)
56 (let* ((ip-header frame)
57 (icmp-header (cffi:inc-pointer ip-header (isys:sizeof '(:struct ip-header))))
58 (payload (cffi:inc-pointer icmp-header (isys:sizeof '(:struct icmp-header)))))
59 (write-ip-header ip-header frame-size (dotted-to-integer target))
60 (setf (mem-ref payload :uint32) (htonl #x1A2B3C4D))
61 (write-icmp-header icmp-header icmp-packet-size id seqno)
62 (send-to socket frame :end frame-size :remote-host target)
63 (iolib/multiplex:wait-until-fd-ready (socket-os-fd socket) :input)
64 (receive-from socket :size (* 64 1024)))))))