Add netlink address class
[iolib.git] / src / sockets / address.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- IP address classes and main methods.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.sockets)
8 ;;;; Class Definitions
10 (defclass address ()
12 (:documentation "Base class for all socket address classes."))
14 (defclass named-address ()
15 ((name :initarg :name :reader address-name :type vector))
16 (:documentation "Base class for socket address with a name."))
18 (defclass inet-address (named-address) ()
19 (:documentation "Base class for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."))
21 (defclass ipv4-address (inet-address) ()
22 (:documentation "IPv4 address. Its low-level representation
23 can be accessed as vector of type IPV4-ARRAY through the
24 ADDRESS-NAME reader."))
26 (defclass ipv6-address (inet-address) ()
27 (:documentation "IPv6 address. Its low-level representation
28 can be accessed as vector of type IPV6-ARRAY through the
29 ADDRESS-NAME reader."))
31 (defclass local-address (named-address)
32 ((abstract :initform nil :initarg :abstract
33 :reader abstract-address-p :type boolean))
34 (:documentation "UNIX socket address."))
35 (unset-method-docstring #'abstract-address-p () '(local-address))
36 (set-function-docstring 'abstract-address-p "Return T if ADDRESS is a LOCAL-ADDRESS that lives in the abstract namespace.")
38 (defclass netlink-address (address)
39 ((multicast-groups :initform 0 :initarg :multicast-groups
40 :reader netlink-address-multicast-groups)))
42 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((address local-address) &key)
43 (with-slots (name) address
44 (etypecase name
45 (string t)
46 (pathname (setf name (namestring name))))))
48 (defmethod make-load-form ((address inet-address) &optional env)
49 (declare (ignore env))
50 `(make-instance ,(class-of address)
51 :name ,(address-name address)))
53 (defmethod make-load-form ((address local-address) &optional env)
54 (declare (ignore env))
55 `(make-instance ,(class-of address)
56 :name ,(address-name address)
57 :abstract ,(abstract-address-p address)))
59 ;;;; Conversion functions for SOCKADDR_* structs
61 (defun sockaddr-in->sockaddr (sin)
62 (with-foreign-slots ((addr port) sin sockaddr-in)
63 (values (make-instance 'ipv4-address
64 :name (integer-to-vector (ntohl addr)))
65 (ntohs port))))
67 (defun sockaddr-in6->sockaddr (sin6)
68 (with-foreign-slots ((addr port) sin6 sockaddr-in6)
69 (values (make-instance 'ipv6-address
70 :name (in6-addr-to-ipv6-array addr))
71 (ntohs port))))
73 (defun parse-un-path (path)
74 (foreign-string-to-lisp path :max-chars (1- unix-path-max)))
76 (defun sockaddr-un->sockaddr (sun)
77 (with-foreign-slots ((path) sun sockaddr-un)
78 (multiple-value-bind (name abstract)
79 (if (zerop (mem-aref path :uint8 0))
80 (values (parse-un-path (inc-pointer path 1)) t)
81 (values (parse-un-path path) nil))
82 (make-instance 'local-address :name name :abstract abstract))))
84 (defun sockaddr-nl->sockaddr (snl)
85 (with-foreign-slots ((groups port) snl sockaddr-nl)
86 (values (make-instance 'netlink-address :multicast-groups groups)
87 port)))
89 (defun sockaddr-storage->sockaddr (ss)
90 (with-foreign-slots ((family) ss sockaddr-storage)
91 (switch (family :test #'=)
92 (af-inet (sockaddr-in->sockaddr ss))
93 (af-inet6 (sockaddr-in6->sockaddr ss))
94 (af-local (sockaddr-un->sockaddr ss))
95 (af-netlink (sockaddr-nl->sockaddr ss)))))
97 (defun sockaddr->sockaddr-storage (ss sockaddr &optional (port 0))
98 (etypecase sockaddr
99 (ipv4-address (make-sockaddr-in ss (address-name sockaddr) port))
100 (ipv6-address (make-sockaddr-in6 ss (address-name sockaddr) port))
101 (local-address (make-sockaddr-un ss (address-name sockaddr)
102 (abstract-address-p sockaddr)))
103 (netlink-address (make-sockaddr-nl ss (multicast-groups sockaddr) port))))
105 (defun sockaddr-size (ss)
106 (with-foreign-slots ((family) ss sockaddr-storage)
107 (switch (family :test #'=)
108 (af-inet (isys:sizeof 'sockaddr-in))
109 (af-inet6 (isys:sizeof 'sockaddr-in6))
110 (af-local (isys:sizeof 'sockaddr-un))
111 (af-netlink (isys:sizeof 'sockaddr-nl)))))
113 ;;;; Conversion functions
115 (defun integer-to-dotted (integer)
116 "Convert an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) IPv4 address to a dotted string."
117 (check-type integer ub32 "an '(unsigned-byte 32)")
118 (let ((*print-pretty* nil) (*print-base* 10))
119 (format nil "~A.~A.~A.~A"
120 (ldb (byte 8 24) integer)
121 (ldb (byte 8 16) integer)
122 (ldb (byte 8 8) integer)
123 (ldb (byte 8 0) integer))))
125 (defun dotted-to-vector (address)
126 "Convert a dotted IPv4 address to a (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) 4)."
127 (check-type address string "a string")
128 (let ((addr (make-array 4 :element-type 'ub8 :initial-element 0))
129 (split (split-sequence #\. address :count 5)))
130 (flet ((set-array-value (index str)
131 (setf (aref addr index)
132 (ensure-number str :type 'ub8))))
133 (let ((len (length split)))
134 (unless (<= 1 len 4)
135 (error 'parse-error))
136 (set-array-value 3 (nth (1- len) split))
137 (loop :for n :in split
138 :for index :below (1- len)
139 :do (set-array-value index n))))
140 (values addr)))
142 (defun dotted-to-integer (address)
143 "Convert a dotted IPv4 address to an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32)."
144 (vector-to-integer (dotted-to-vector address)))
146 (defun vector-to-dotted (vector)
147 "Convert an 4-element vector to a dotted string."
148 (coercef vector 'ipv4-array)
149 (let ((*print-pretty* nil) (*print-base* 10))
150 (with-output-to-string (s)
151 (princ (aref vector 0) s) (princ #\. s)
152 (princ (aref vector 1) s) (princ #\. s)
153 (princ (aref vector 2) s) (princ #\. s)
154 (princ (aref vector 3) s))))
156 ;;; TODO: add tests against inet_pton(). Optimize if necessary.
157 ;;; <>
158 (defun colon-separated-to-vector (string)
159 "Convert a colon-separated IPv6 address to a (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 16) 8)."
160 (check-type string string "a string")
161 (when (< (length string) 2)
162 (error 'parse-error))
163 (flet ((handle-trailing-and-leading-colons (string)
164 (let ((start 0)
165 (end (length string))
166 (start-i 0)
167 (trailing-colon-p nil)
168 (tokens-from-leading-or-trailing-zeros 0))
169 (when (char= #\: (char string 0))
170 (incf start)
171 (unless (char= #\: (char string 1))
172 (setq start-i 1)
173 (setq tokens-from-leading-or-trailing-zeros 1)))
174 (when (char= #\: (char string (- end 1)))
175 (setq trailing-colon-p t)
176 (unless (char= #\: (char string (- end 2)))
177 (incf tokens-from-leading-or-trailing-zeros))
178 (decf end))
179 (values start end start-i trailing-colon-p
180 tokens-from-leading-or-trailing-zeros)))
181 ;; we need to use this instead of dotted-to-vector because
182 ;; abbreviated IPv4 addresses are invalid in this context.
183 (ipv4-string-to-ub16-list (string)
184 (let ((tokens (split-sequence #\. string)))
185 (when (= (length tokens) 4)
186 (let ((ipv4 (map 'vector
187 (lambda (string)
188 (let ((x (ignore-errors
189 (parse-integer string))))
190 (if (or (null x) (not (<= 0 x #xff)))
191 (error 'parse-error)
192 x)))
193 tokens)))
194 (list (dpb (aref ipv4 0) (byte 8 8) (aref ipv4 1))
195 (dpb (aref ipv4 2) (byte 8 8) (aref ipv4 3)))))))
196 (parse-hex-ub16 (string)
197 (ensure-number string :type 'ub16 :radix 16)))
198 (multiple-value-bind (start end start-i trailing-colon-p extra-tokens)
199 (handle-trailing-and-leading-colons string)
200 (let* ((vector (make-array 8 :element-type 'ub16 :initial-element 0))
201 (tokens (split-sequence #\: string :start start :end end))
202 (empty-tokens (count-if #'emptyp tokens))
203 (token-count (+ (length tokens) extra-tokens)))
204 (unless trailing-colon-p
205 (let ((ipv4 (ipv4-string-to-ub16-list (lastcar tokens))))
206 (when ipv4
207 (incf token-count)
208 (setq tokens (nconc (butlast tokens) ipv4)))))
209 (when (or (> token-count 8) (> empty-tokens 1)
210 (and (zerop empty-tokens) (/= token-count 8)))
211 (error 'parse-error))
212 (loop for i from start-i and token in tokens do
213 (cond
214 ((integerp token) (setf (aref vector i) token))
215 ((emptyp token) (incf i (- 8 token-count)))
216 (t (setf (aref vector i) (parse-hex-ub16 token)))))
217 vector))))
219 (defun ipv4-on-ipv6-mapped-vector-p (vector)
220 (and (dotimes (i 5 t)
221 (when (plusp (aref vector i))
222 (return nil)))
223 (= (aref vector 5) #xffff)))
225 (defun princ-ipv4-on-ipv6-mapped-address (vector s)
226 (princ "::ffff:" s)
227 (let ((*print-base* 10) (*print-pretty* nil))
228 (princ (ldb (byte 8 8) (aref vector 6)) s) (princ #\. s)
229 (princ (ldb (byte 8 0) (aref vector 6)) s) (princ #\. s)
230 (princ (ldb (byte 8 8) (aref vector 7)) s) (princ #\. s)
231 (princ (ldb (byte 8 0) (aref vector 7)) s)))
233 (defun vector-to-colon-separated (vector &optional (case :downcase))
234 "Convert an (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 16) 8) to a colon-separated IPv6
235 address. CASE may be :DOWNCASE or :UPCASE."
236 (coercef vector 'ipv6-array)
237 (check-type case (member :upcase :downcase) "either :UPCASE or :DOWNCASE")
238 (let ((s (make-string-output-stream)))
239 (flet ((find-zeros ()
240 (let ((start (position 0 vector :start 1 :end 7)))
241 (when start
242 (values start
243 (position-if #'plusp vector :start start :end 7)))))
244 (princ-subvec (start end)
245 (loop :for i :from start :below end
246 :do (princ (aref vector i) s) (princ #\: s))))
247 (cond
248 ((ipv4-on-ipv6-mapped-vector-p vector)
249 (princ-ipv4-on-ipv6-mapped-address vector s))
251 (let ((*print-base* 16) (*print-pretty* nil))
252 (when (plusp (aref vector 0)) (princ (aref vector 0) s))
253 (princ #\: s)
254 (multiple-value-bind (start end) (find-zeros)
255 (cond (start (princ-subvec 1 start)
256 (princ #\: s)
257 (when end (princ-subvec end 7)))
258 (t (princ-subvec 1 7))))
259 (when (plusp (aref vector 7)) (princ (aref vector 7) s))))))
260 (let ((str (get-output-stream-string s)))
261 (ecase case
262 (:downcase (nstring-downcase str))
263 (:upcase (nstring-upcase str))))))
265 (defmacro ignore-parse-errors (&body body)
266 ;; return first value only
267 `(values (ignore-some-conditions (parse-error) ,@body)))
269 (defun string-address-to-vector (address)
270 "Convert a string address (dotted or colon-separated) to a vector address.
271 If the string is not a valid address, return NIL."
272 (or (ignore-parse-errors (dotted-to-vector address))
273 (ignore-parse-errors (colon-separated-to-vector address))))
275 (defun address-to-vector (address)
276 "Convert any representation of an internet address to a vector.
277 Allowed inputs are: unsigned 32-bit integers, strings, vectors
278 and INET-ADDRESS objects. If the address is valid, two values
279 are returned: the vector and the address type (:IPV4 or IPV6),
280 otherwise NIL is returned."
281 (let (vector addr-type)
282 (typecase address
283 (number (and (ignore-parse-errors
284 (setf vector (integer-to-vector address)))
285 (setf addr-type :ipv4)))
286 (string (cond
287 ((ignore-parse-errors (setf vector (dotted-to-vector address)))
288 (setf addr-type :ipv4))
289 ((ignore-parse-errors
290 (setf vector (colon-separated-to-vector address)))
291 (setf addr-type :ipv6))))
292 ((vector * 4) (and (ignore-parse-errors
293 (setf vector (coerce address 'ipv4-array)))
294 (setf addr-type :ipv4)))
295 ((vector * 8) (and (ignore-parse-errors
296 (setf vector (coerce address 'ipv6-array)))
297 (setf addr-type :ipv6)))
298 (ipv4-address (setf vector (copy-seq (address-name address))
299 addr-type :ipv4))
300 (ipv6-address (setf vector (copy-seq (address-name address))
301 addr-type :ipv6)))
302 (when vector
303 (values vector addr-type))))
305 (defun ensure-address (address &key (family :internet) abstract (errorp t))
306 "If FAMILY is :LOCAL, a LOCAL-ADDRESS is instantiated with
307 ADDRESS as its NAME slot. If FAMILY is :INTERNET, an appropriate
308 subtype of INET-ADDRESS is instantiated after guessing the
309 address type through ADDRESS-TO-VECTOR. If the address is invalid
310 and ERRORP is not NIL, then a CL:PARSE-ERROR is signalled,
311 otherwise NIL is returned.
313 When ADDRESS is already an instance of the ADDRESS class, a check
314 is made to see if it matches the FAMILY argument and it is
315 returned unmodified."
316 (ecase family
317 (:internet
318 (typecase address
319 (address (cond
320 (errorp
321 (check-type address inet-address "an INET address"))
322 ((not (typep address 'inet-address))
323 (return* nil)))
324 address)
325 (t (let ((vector (address-to-vector address)))
326 (cond
327 (vector (make-address vector))
328 (errorp (error 'parse-error)))))))
329 (:local
330 (etypecase address
331 (string (make-instance 'local-address :name address :abstract abstract))
332 (address (cond
333 (errorp
334 (check-type address local-address "a local address"))
335 ((not (typep address 'local-address))
336 (return* nil)))
337 address)))))
339 ;;;; Print Methods
341 (defgeneric address-to-string (address)
342 (:documentation "Returns a textual presentation of ADDRESS."))
344 (defmethod address-to-string ((address ipv4-address))
345 (vector-to-dotted (address-name address)))
347 (defmethod address-to-string ((address ipv6-address))
348 (vector-to-colon-separated (address-name address)))
350 (defmethod address-to-string ((address local-address))
351 (format nil "~:[~;@~]~S" (abstract-address-p address)
352 (address-name address)))
354 (defmethod address-to-string ((address netlink-address))
355 (format nil "~A" (netlink-address-multicast-groups address)))
357 (defmethod print-object ((address inet-address) stream)
358 (let ((namestring (address-to-string address)))
359 (if (or *print-readably* *print-escape*)
360 (format stream "#/~S/~A" 'ip namestring)
361 (write-string namestring stream))))
363 (defmethod print-object ((address local-address) stream)
364 (print-unreadable-object (address stream :type nil :identity nil)
365 (format stream "Unix socket address: ~A"
366 (address-to-string address))))
368 (defmethod print-object ((address netlink-address) stream)
369 (print-unreadable-object (address stream :type nil :identity nil)
370 (format stream "Netlink socket address: ~A"
371 (address-to-string address))))
373 ;;;; Reader Macro
375 (define-literal-reader ip (stream)
376 (loop :with sstr := (make-string-output-stream)
377 :for char := (read-char stream nil nil)
378 :while char
379 :do (cond ((or (digit-char-p char 16)
380 (member char '(#\. #\:) :test #'char=))
381 (write-char char sstr))
383 (unread-char char stream)
384 (loop-finish)))
385 :finally (return (or (ensure-address (get-output-stream-string sstr)
386 :errorp nil)
387 (error 'reader-error :stream stream)))))
389 ;;;; Equality Methods
391 (defun vector-equal (v1 v2)
392 (and (= (length v1) (length v2))
393 (every #'eql v1 v2)))
395 (defgeneric address= (addr1 addr2)
396 (:documentation "Returns T if both arguments are the same socket address."))
398 (defmethod address= ((addr1 inet-address) (addr2 inet-address))
399 (vector-equal (address-name addr1) (address-name addr2)))
401 (defmethod address= ((addr1 local-address) (addr2 local-address))
402 (equal (address-name addr1) (address-name addr2)))
404 (defun address-equal-p (addr1 addr2 &optional (family :internet))
405 "Returns T if both arguments are designators for the same socket address."
406 (address= (ensure-address addr1 :family family)
407 (ensure-address addr2 :family family)))
409 ;;;; Copy Methods
411 (defgeneric copy-address (address)
412 (:documentation
413 "Returns a copy of ADDRESS which is ADDRESS= to the original."))
415 (defmethod copy-address ((addr ipv4-address))
416 (make-instance 'ipv4-address :name (copy-seq (address-name addr))))
418 (defmethod copy-address ((addr ipv6-address))
419 (make-instance 'ipv6-address :name (copy-seq (address-name addr))))
421 (defmethod copy-address ((addr local-address))
422 (make-instance 'local-address
423 :name (copy-seq (address-name addr))
424 :abstract (abstract-address-p addr)))
426 (defun map-ipv4-address-to-ipv6 (address)
427 "Returns an IPv6 address by mapping ADDRESS onto it."
428 (make-instance 'ipv6-address
429 :name (map-ipv4-vector-to-ipv6 (address-name address))))
431 (defun map-ipv6-address-to-ipv4 (address)
432 "Extracts the IPv4 part of an IPv6-mapped IPv4 address.
433 Signals an error if ADDRESS is not an IPv6-mapped IPv4 address."
434 (assert (ipv6-ipv4-mapped-p address) (address)
435 "Not an IPv6-mapped IPv4 address: ~A" address)
436 (make-instance 'ipv4-address
437 :name (map-ipv6-vector-to-ipv4 (address-name address))))
439 ;;;; Constructor
441 (defun make-address (name)
442 "Constructs an ADDRESS object. NAME should be of type
443 IPV4-ARRAY, IPV6-ARRAY or STRING in which case an instance of
444 IPV4-ADDRESS, IPV6-ADDRESS or LOCAL-ADDRESS, respectively, will
445 be created. Otherwise, a TYPE-ERROR is signalled. See also
447 (cond
448 ((ignore-errors (coercef name 'ipv4-array))
449 (make-instance 'ipv4-address :name name))
450 ((ignore-errors (coercef name 'ipv6-array))
451 (make-instance 'ipv6-address :name name))
452 ((stringp name) (make-instance 'local-address :name name))
453 (t (error 'type-error :datum name
454 :expected-type '(or string ipv4-array ipv6-array)))))