descriptionFree Firewire Audio Drivers
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last changeSat, 22 Nov 2014 08:21:03 +0000 (22 08:21 +0000)
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2014-11-22 jwoitheClean up compiler warnings when compiling on 64-bit... master
2014-10-22 jwoitheconfiguration: Yves Grenier has reported via ffado...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: use list() for dict.items() in...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: improve the number of characters...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: use mutable tuple instead of immuta...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: remove loading of unused python...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: remove unused variables
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: remove trailing spaces
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/ BeBoB/Yamaha: remove needless spaces in both...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: remove spaces in both sides of...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: add a space after delimiter for...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/Yamaha: improvement of indentation
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/MAudio: use list() for tuple.items() in...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/MAudio: improve the number of characters...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/MAudio: Fix refering to variables in extern...
2014-10-15 mocchiMixer/BeBoB/MAudio: remove unused variables
9 years ago master
12 years ago mob
12 years ago debug-cleanup