Make tty-menu-open-use-tmm a defcustom, update tmm docs accordingly.
[emacs.git] / lisp / tmm.el
1 ;;; tmm.el --- text mode access to menu-bar -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1994-1996, 2000-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Ilya Zakharevich <>
6 ;; Maintainer: FSF
7 ;; Keywords: convenience
9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
24 ;;; Commentary:
26 ;; This package provides text mode access to the menu bar.
28 ;;; Code:
30 (require 'electric)
32 (defgroup tmm nil
33 "Text mode access to menu-bar."
34 :prefix "tmm-"
35 :group 'menu)
37 ;;; The following will be localized, added only to pacify the compiler.
38 (defvar tmm-short-cuts)
39 (defvar tmm-old-mb-map nil)
40 (defvar tmm-c-prompt nil)
41 (defvar tmm-km-list)
42 (defvar tmm-next-shortcut-digit)
43 (defvar tmm-table-undef)
45 ;;;###autoload (define-key global-map "\M-`" 'tmm-menubar)
46 ;;;###autoload (define-key global-map [menu-bar mouse-1] 'tmm-menubar-mouse)
48 ;;;###autoload
49 (defun tmm-menubar (&optional x-position)
50 "Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
51 See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'.
52 X-POSITION, if non-nil, specifies a horizontal position within the menu bar;
53 we make that menu bar item (the one at that position) the default choice.
55 Note that \\[menu-bar-open] by default drops down TTY menus; if you want it
56 to invoke `tmm-menubar' instead, customize the variable
57 \`tty-menu-open-use-tmm' to a non-nil value."
58 (interactive)
59 (run-hooks 'menu-bar-update-hook)
60 ;; Obey menu-bar-final-items; put those items last.
61 (let ((menu-bar '())
62 (menu-end '())
63 menu-bar-item)
64 (map-keymap
65 (lambda (key binding)
66 (push (cons key binding)
67 ;; If KEY is the name of an item that we want to put last,
68 ;; move it to the end.
69 (if (memq key menu-bar-final-items)
70 menu-end
71 menu-bar)))
72 (tmm-get-keybind [menu-bar]))
73 (setq menu-bar `(keymap ,@(nreverse menu-bar) ,@(nreverse menu-end)))
74 (if x-position
75 (let ((column 0))
76 (catch 'done
77 (map-keymap
78 (lambda (key binding)
79 (when (> column x-position)
80 (setq menu-bar-item key)
81 (throw 'done nil))
82 (pcase binding
83 ((or `(,(and (pred stringp) name) . ,_) ;Simple menu item.
84 `(menu-item ,name ,_cmd ;Extended menu item.
85 . ,(and props
86 (guard (let ((visible
87 (plist-get props :visible)))
88 (or (null visible)
89 (eval visible)))))))
90 (setq column (+ column (length name) 1)))))
91 menu-bar))))
92 (tmm-prompt menu-bar nil menu-bar-item)))
94 ;;;###autoload
95 (defun tmm-menubar-mouse (event)
96 "Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
97 This command is used when you click the mouse in the menubar
98 on a console which has no window system but does have a mouse.
99 See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'."
100 (interactive "e")
101 (tmm-menubar (car (posn-x-y (event-start event)))))
103 (defcustom tmm-mid-prompt "==>"
104 "String to insert between shortcut and menu item.
105 If nil, there will be no shortcuts. It should not consist only of spaces,
106 or else the correct item might not be found in the `*Completions*' buffer."
107 :type 'string
108 :group 'tmm)
110 (defvar tmm-mb-map nil
111 "A place to store minibuffer map.")
113 (defcustom tmm-completion-prompt
114 "Press PageUp key to reach this buffer from the minibuffer.
115 Alternatively, you can use Up/Down keys (or your History keys) to change
116 the item in the minibuffer, and press RET when you are done, or press the
117 marked letters to pick up your choice. Type C-g or ESC ESC ESC to cancel.
119 "Help text to insert on the top of the completion buffer.
120 To save space, you can set this to nil,
121 in which case the standard introduction text is deleted too."
122 :type '(choice string (const nil))
123 :group 'tmm)
125 (defcustom tmm-shortcut-style '(downcase upcase)
126 "What letters to use as menu shortcuts.
127 Must be either one of the symbols `downcase' or `upcase',
128 or else a list of the two in the order you prefer."
129 :type '(choice (const downcase)
130 (const upcase)
131 (repeat (choice (const downcase) (const upcase))))
132 :group 'tmm)
134 (defcustom tmm-shortcut-words 2
135 "How many successive words to try for shortcuts, nil means all.
136 If you use only one of `downcase' or `upcase' for `tmm-shortcut-style',
137 specify nil for this variable."
138 :type '(choice integer (const nil))
139 :group 'tmm)
141 (defface tmm-inactive
142 '((t :inherit shadow))
143 "Face used for inactive menu items."
144 :group 'tmm)
146 (defun tmm--completion-table (items)
147 (lambda (string pred action)
148 (if (eq action 'metadata)
149 '(metadata (display-sort-function . identity))
150 (complete-with-action action items string pred))))
152 ;;;###autoload
153 (defun tmm-prompt (menu &optional in-popup default-item)
154 "Text-mode emulation of calling the bindings in keymap.
155 Creates a text-mode menu of possible choices. You can access the elements
156 in the menu in two ways:
157 *) via history mechanism from minibuffer;
158 *) Or via completion-buffer that is automatically shown.
159 The last alternative is currently a hack, you cannot use mouse reliably.
161 MENU is like the MENU argument to `x-popup-menu': either a
162 keymap or an alist of alists.
163 DEFAULT-ITEM, if non-nil, specifies an initial default choice.
164 Its value should be an event that has a binding in MENU."
165 ;; If the optional argument IN-POPUP is t,
166 ;; then MENU is an alist of elements of the form (STRING . VALUE).
167 ;; That is used for recursive calls only.
168 (let ((gl-str "Menu bar") ;; The menu bar itself is not a menu keymap
169 ; so it doesn't have a name.
170 tmm-km-list out history history-len tmm-table-undef tmm-c-prompt
171 tmm-old-mb-map tmm-short-cuts
172 chosen-string choice
173 (not-menu (not (keymapp menu))))
174 (run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook)
175 ;; Compute tmm-km-list from MENU.
176 ;; tmm-km-list is an alist of (STRING . MEANING).
177 ;; It has no other elements.
178 ;; The order of elements in tmm-km-list is the order of the menu bar.
179 (if (not not-menu)
180 (map-keymap (lambda (k v) (tmm-get-keymap (cons k v))) menu)
181 (dolist (elt menu)
182 (cond
183 ((stringp elt) (setq gl-str elt))
184 ((listp elt) (tmm-get-keymap elt not-menu))
185 ((vectorp elt)
186 (dotimes (i (length elt))
187 (tmm-get-keymap (cons i (aref elt i)) not-menu))))))
188 (setq tmm-km-list (nreverse tmm-km-list))
189 ;; Choose an element of tmm-km-list; put it in choice.
190 (if (and not-menu (= 1 (length tmm-km-list)))
191 ;; If this is the top-level of an x-popup-menu menu,
192 ;; and there is just one pane, choose that one silently.
193 ;; This way we only ask the user one question,
194 ;; for which element of that pane.
195 (setq choice (cdr (car tmm-km-list)))
196 (unless tmm-km-list
197 (error "Empty menu reached"))
198 (and tmm-km-list
199 (let ((index-of-default 0))
200 (if tmm-mid-prompt
201 (setq tmm-km-list (tmm-add-shortcuts tmm-km-list))
203 ;; Find the default item's index within the menu bar.
204 ;; We use this to decide the initial minibuffer contents
205 ;; and initial history position.
206 (if default-item
207 (let ((tail menu) visible)
208 (while (and tail
209 (not (eq (car-safe (car tail)) default-item)))
210 ;; Be careful to count only the elements of MENU
211 ;; that actually constitute menu bar items.
212 (if (and (consp (car tail))
213 (or (stringp (car-safe (cdr (car tail))))
214 (and
215 (eq (car-safe (cdr (car tail))) 'menu-item)
216 (progn
217 (setq visible
218 (plist-get
219 (nthcdr 4 (car tail)) :visible))
220 (or (not visible) (eval visible))))))
221 (setq index-of-default (1+ index-of-default)))
222 (setq tail (cdr tail)))))
223 (let ((prompt (concat "^." (regexp-quote tmm-mid-prompt))))
224 (setq history
225 (reverse (delq nil
226 (mapcar
227 (lambda (elt)
228 (if (string-match prompt (car elt))
229 (car elt)))
230 tmm-km-list)))))
231 (setq history-len (length history))
232 (setq history (append history history history history))
233 (setq tmm-c-prompt (nth (- history-len 1 index-of-default) history))
234 (setq out
235 (if default-item
236 (car (nth index-of-default tmm-km-list))
237 (minibuffer-with-setup-hook #'tmm-add-prompt
238 (completing-read
239 (concat gl-str
240 " (up/down to change, PgUp to menu): ")
241 (tmm--completion-table tmm-km-list) nil t nil
242 (cons 'history
243 (- (* 2 history-len) index-of-default))))))))
244 (setq choice (cdr (assoc out tmm-km-list)))
245 (and (null choice)
246 (string-prefix-p tmm-c-prompt out)
247 (setq out (substring out (length tmm-c-prompt))
248 choice (cdr (assoc out tmm-km-list))))
249 (and (null choice) out
250 (setq out (try-completion out tmm-km-list)
251 choice (cdr (assoc out tmm-km-list)))))
252 ;; CHOICE is now (STRING . MEANING). Separate the two parts.
253 (setq chosen-string (car choice))
254 (setq choice (cdr choice))
255 (cond (in-popup
256 ;; We just did the inner level of a -popup menu.
257 choice)
258 ;; We just did the outer level. Do the inner level now.
259 (not-menu (tmm-prompt choice t))
260 ;; We just handled a menu keymap and found another keymap.
261 ((keymapp choice)
262 (if (symbolp choice)
263 (setq choice (indirect-function choice)))
264 (condition-case nil
265 (require 'mouse)
266 (error nil))
267 (tmm-prompt choice))
268 ;; We just handled a menu keymap and found a command.
269 (choice
270 (if chosen-string
271 (progn
272 (setq last-command-event chosen-string)
273 (call-interactively choice))
274 choice)))))
276 (defun tmm-add-shortcuts (list)
277 "Add shortcuts to cars of elements of the list.
278 Takes a list of lists with a string as car, returns list with
279 shortcuts added to these cars.
280 Stores a list of all the shortcuts in the free variable `tmm-short-cuts'."
281 (let ((tmm-next-shortcut-digit ?0))
282 (mapcar 'tmm-add-one-shortcut (reverse list))))
284 (defsubst tmm-add-one-shortcut (elt)
285 ;; uses the free vars tmm-next-shortcut-digit and tmm-short-cuts
286 (cond
287 ((eq (cddr elt) 'ignore)
288 (cons (concat " " (make-string (length tmm-mid-prompt) ?\-)
289 (car elt))
290 (cdr elt)))
292 (let* ((str (car elt))
293 (paren (string-match "(" str))
294 (pos 0) (word 0) char)
295 (catch 'done ; ??? is this slow?
296 (while (and (or (not tmm-shortcut-words) ; no limit on words
297 (< word tmm-shortcut-words)) ; try n words
298 (setq pos (string-match "\\w+" str pos)) ; get next word
299 (not (and paren (> pos paren)))) ; don't go past "(binding.."
300 (if (or (= pos 0)
301 (/= (aref str (1- pos)) ?.)) ; avoid file extensions
302 (let ((shortcut-style
303 (if (listp tmm-shortcut-style) ; convert to list
304 tmm-shortcut-style
305 (list tmm-shortcut-style))))
306 (while shortcut-style ; try upcase and downcase variants
307 (setq char (funcall (car shortcut-style) (aref str pos)))
308 (if (not (memq char tmm-short-cuts)) (throw 'done char))
309 (setq shortcut-style (cdr shortcut-style)))))
310 (setq word (1+ word))
311 (setq pos (match-end 0)))
312 (while (<= tmm-next-shortcut-digit ?9) ; no letter shortcut, pick a digit
313 (setq char tmm-next-shortcut-digit)
314 (setq tmm-next-shortcut-digit (1+ tmm-next-shortcut-digit))
315 (if (not (memq char tmm-short-cuts)) (throw 'done char)))
316 (setq char nil))
317 (if char (setq tmm-short-cuts (cons char tmm-short-cuts)))
318 (cons (concat (if char (concat (char-to-string char) tmm-mid-prompt)
319 ;; keep them lined up in columns
320 (make-string (1+ (length tmm-mid-prompt)) ?\s))
321 str)
322 (cdr elt))))))
324 ;; This returns the old map.
325 (defun tmm-define-keys (minibuffer)
326 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
327 (suppress-keymap map t)
328 (dolist (c tmm-short-cuts)
329 (if (listp tmm-shortcut-style)
330 (define-key map (char-to-string c) 'tmm-shortcut)
331 ;; only one kind of letters are shortcuts, so map both upcase and
332 ;; downcase input to the same
333 (define-key map (char-to-string (downcase c)) 'tmm-shortcut)
334 (define-key map (char-to-string (upcase c)) 'tmm-shortcut)))
335 (if minibuffer
336 (progn
337 (define-key map [pageup] 'tmm-goto-completions)
338 (define-key map [prior] 'tmm-goto-completions)
339 (define-key map "\ev" 'tmm-goto-completions)
340 (define-key map "\C-n" 'next-history-element)
341 (define-key map "\C-p" 'previous-history-element)))
342 (prog1 (current-local-map)
343 (use-local-map (append map (current-local-map))))))
345 (defun tmm-completion-delete-prompt ()
346 (with-current-buffer standard-output
347 (goto-char (point-min))
348 (delete-region (point) (search-forward "Possible completions are:\n"))))
350 (defun tmm-remove-inactive-mouse-face ()
351 "Remove the mouse-face property from inactive menu items."
352 (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
353 (inactive-string
354 (concat " " (make-string (length tmm-mid-prompt) ?\-)))
355 next)
356 (save-excursion
357 (goto-char (point-min))
358 (while (not (eobp))
359 (setq next (next-single-char-property-change (point) 'mouse-face))
360 (when (looking-at inactive-string)
361 (remove-text-properties (point) next '(mouse-face))
362 (add-text-properties (point) next '(face tmm-inactive)))
363 (goto-char next)))
364 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
366 (defun tmm-add-prompt ()
367 (unless tmm-c-prompt
368 (error "No active menu entries"))
369 (setq tmm-old-mb-map (tmm-define-keys t))
370 ;; Get window and hide it for electric mode to get correct size
371 (or tmm-completion-prompt
372 (add-hook 'completion-setup-hook
373 'tmm-completion-delete-prompt 'append))
374 (unwind-protect
375 (minibuffer-completion-help)
376 (remove-hook 'completion-setup-hook 'tmm-completion-delete-prompt))
377 (with-current-buffer "*Completions*"
378 (tmm-remove-inactive-mouse-face)
379 (when tmm-completion-prompt
380 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
381 (goto-char (point-min))
382 (insert tmm-completion-prompt))))
383 (insert tmm-c-prompt))
385 (defun tmm-shortcut ()
386 "Choose the shortcut that the user typed."
387 (interactive)
388 (let ((c last-command-event) s)
389 (if (symbolp tmm-shortcut-style)
390 (setq c (funcall tmm-shortcut-style c)))
391 (if (memq c tmm-short-cuts)
392 (if (equal (buffer-name) "*Completions*")
393 (progn
394 (goto-char (point-min))
395 (re-search-forward
396 (concat "\\(^\\|[ \t]\\)" (char-to-string c) tmm-mid-prompt))
397 (choose-completion))
398 ;; In minibuffer
399 (delete-region (minibuffer-prompt-end) (point-max))
400 (dolist (elt tmm-km-list)
401 (if (string=
402 (substring (car elt) 0
403 (min (1+ (length tmm-mid-prompt))
404 (length (car elt))))
405 (concat (char-to-string c) tmm-mid-prompt))
406 (setq s (car elt))))
407 (insert s)
408 (exit-minibuffer)))))
410 (defun tmm-goto-completions ()
411 "Jump to the completions buffer."
412 (interactive)
413 (let ((prompt-end (minibuffer-prompt-end)))
414 (setq tmm-c-prompt (buffer-substring prompt-end (point-max)))
415 ;; FIXME: Why?
416 (delete-region prompt-end (point-max)))
417 (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Completions*")
418 (search-forward tmm-c-prompt)
419 (search-backward tmm-c-prompt))
421 (defun tmm-get-keymap (elt &optional in-x-menu)
422 "Prepend (DOCSTRING EVENT BINDING) to free variable `tmm-km-list'.
423 The values are deduced from the argument ELT, that should be an
424 element of keymap, an `x-popup-menu' argument, or an element of
425 `x-popup-menu' argument (when IN-X-MENU is not-nil).
426 This function adds the element only if it is not already present.
427 It uses the free variable `tmm-table-undef' to keep undefined keys."
428 (let (km str plist filter visible enable (event (car elt)))
429 (setq elt (cdr elt))
430 (if (eq elt 'undefined)
431 (setq tmm-table-undef (cons (cons event nil) tmm-table-undef))
432 (unless (assoc event tmm-table-undef)
433 (cond ((if (listp elt)
434 (or (keymapp elt) (eq (car elt) 'lambda))
435 (and (symbolp elt) (fboundp elt)))
436 (setq km elt))
438 ((if (listp (cdr-safe elt))
439 (or (keymapp (cdr-safe elt))
440 (eq (car (cdr-safe elt)) 'lambda))
441 (and (symbolp (cdr-safe elt)) (fboundp (cdr-safe elt))))
442 (setq km (cdr elt))
443 (and (stringp (car elt)) (setq str (car elt))))
445 ((if (listp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))
446 (or (keymapp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))
447 (eq (car (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))) 'lambda))
448 (and (symbolp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))
449 (fboundp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))))
450 (setq km (cddr elt))
451 (and (stringp (car elt)) (setq str (car elt))))
453 ((eq (car-safe elt) 'menu-item)
454 ;; (menu-item TITLE COMMAND KEY ...)
455 (setq plist (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
456 (when (consp (car-safe plist))
457 (setq plist (cdr-safe plist)))
458 (setq km (nth 2 elt))
459 (setq str (eval (nth 1 elt)))
460 (setq filter (plist-get plist :filter))
461 (if filter
462 (setq km (funcall filter km)))
463 (setq visible (plist-get plist :visible))
464 (if visible
465 (setq km (and (eval visible) km)))
466 (setq enable (plist-get plist :enable))
467 (if enable
468 (setq km (if (eval enable) km 'ignore))))
470 ((if (listp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
471 (or (keymapp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
472 (eq (car (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))) 'lambda))
473 (and (symbolp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
474 (fboundp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))))
475 ; New style of easy-menu
476 (setq km (cdr (cddr elt)))
477 (and (stringp (car elt)) (setq str (car elt))))
479 ((stringp event) ; x-popup or x-popup element
480 (setq str event)
481 (setq event nil)
482 (setq km (if (or in-x-menu (stringp (car-safe elt)))
483 elt (cons 'keymap elt)))))
484 (unless (or (eq km 'ignore) (null str))
485 (let ((binding (where-is-internal km nil t)))
486 (when binding
487 (setq binding (key-description binding))
488 ;; Try to align the keybindings.
489 (let ((colwidth (min 30 (- (/ (window-width) 2) 10))))
490 (setq str
491 (concat str
492 (make-string (max 2 (- colwidth
493 (string-width str)
494 (string-width binding)))
495 ?\s)
496 binding)))))))
497 (and km (stringp km) (setq str km))
498 ;; Verify that the command is enabled;
499 ;; if not, don't mention it.
500 (when (and km (symbolp km) (get km 'menu-enable))
501 (setq km (if (eval (get km 'menu-enable)) km 'ignore)))
502 (and km str
503 (or (assoc str tmm-km-list)
504 (push (cons str (cons event km)) tmm-km-list))))))
506 (defun tmm-get-keybind (keyseq)
507 "Return the current binding of KEYSEQ, merging prefix definitions.
508 If KEYSEQ is a prefix key that has local and global bindings,
509 we merge them into a single keymap which shows the proper order of the menu.
510 However, for the menu bar itself, the value does not take account
511 of `menu-bar-final-items'."
512 (lookup-key (cons 'keymap (nreverse (current-active-maps))) keyseq))
514 (provide 'tmm)
516 ;;; tmm.el ends here