[elinstall.git] / elinstall.el
1 ;;;_ elinstall.el --- Automatically and flexibly install elisp files
3 ;;;_. Headers
4 ;;;_ , License
5 ;; Copyright (C) 2010 Tom Breton (Tehom)
7 ;; Author: Tom Breton (Tehom) <tehom@panix.com>
8 ;; Keywords: maint, tools, internal
10 ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
13 ;; any later version.
15 ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
22 ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
23 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 ;;;_ , Version
25 ;;Version: 1.0
27 ;;;_ , Commentary:
29 ;; Entry points:
30 ;; elinstall Use this for overall loading
32 ;; elinstall-update-directory-autoloads
33 ;; elinstall-update-file-autoloads
34 ;; elinstall-update-directory
35 ;; elinstall-update-file
37 ;; elinstall-arrange-preload - Use this for non-autogenerated files
38 ;; that need to be linked in. Packages are advised to write a spec
39 ;; instead of calling this directly.
41 ;;;_ , Requires
43 (require 'autoload)
44 (require 'pp)
45 (require 'cus-edit) ;;Because we save "installedness" manually
46 (require 'byte-compile nil t) ;;
49 ;;;_. Body
50 ;;;_ , Customizations
51 ;;;_ . Group
52 (defgroup elinstall
53 '()
54 "Customizations for elinstall"
55 :group 'development)
56 ;;;_ . elinstall-default-priority
57 (defcustom elinstall-default-priority
59 "Default priority for site-start"
60 :group 'elinstall
61 :type 'integer)
62 ;;;_ . elinstall-default-preload-target
63 (defcustom elinstall-default-preload-target
64 "~/.emacs.d/site-start.d/"
65 "Default preload-target for registering autoloads"
66 :group 'elinstall
67 :type
68 '(choice
69 (const "~/.emacs.d/site-start.d/")
70 (const "/etc/emacs/site-start.d/")
71 (directory "" )
72 (const nil)
73 (const 'dot-emacs)))
74 ;;;_ . elinstall-restrain-install
75 (defcustom elinstall-restrain-install '()
76 "Restrain elinstall for specific packages"
77 :group 'elinstall
78 :type
79 '(repeat
80 (list
81 (choice :format "%[%t%]: %v"
82 (string :tag "Package name")
83 (const :tag "All packages" t))
84 (repeat :tag "Actions to restrain:"
85 (group
86 (choice
87 (const install)
88 (const autoloads)
89 (const byte-compile)
90 (const preloads)
91 (const load-path)
92 (const info-path)
93 (const customizations)
94 (const tests)
95 (const :tag "Use as default" t))
96 (choice
97 (const
98 :tag "Do this unless it's up to date"
99 update)
100 (const
101 :tag "Use the package spec for this"
103 (const
104 :tag "Don't do this at all"
105 nil)
106 (const
107 :tag "Always ask."
108 ask)
109 (const
110 :tag "Ask only when it's up-to-date."
111 ask-for-old)
112 (const
113 :tag "Do everything even if it's up to date."
114 always)))))))
117 ;;;_ . elinstall-already-installed
118 (with-no-warnings
119 (defcustom elinstall-already-installed
121 "(AUTOMATIC) Things that have already been installed.
122 This exists for recording what has been installed.
124 Though it's saved as customizable, user interaction is not
125 contemplated." ))
126 ;;Tell the byte-compiler it's a variable.
127 (defvar elinstall-already-installed)
128 ;;;_ , Types
129 ;;;_ . elinstall-stages
130 (defstruct (elinstall-stages
131 (:constructor elinstall-make-stages)
132 (:conc-name elinstall-stages->)
133 (:copier nil))
134 "The elinstall stages"
135 build-deffiles
136 run-tests
137 byte-compile
138 arrange-preloads)
139 ;;;_ , Data
140 ;;;_ . Regular expressions
141 ;;;_ , elinstall-elisp-regexp
142 (defconst elinstall-elisp-regexp
143 (let ((tmp nil))
144 (dolist
145 (suf (get-load-suffixes))
146 (unless (string-match "\\.elc" suf) (push suf tmp)))
147 (concat "^[^=.].*" (regexp-opt tmp t) "\\'"))
148 "Regular expression that matches elisp files" )
149 ;;;_ , Utilities
150 ;;;_ . elinstall-file-mod-time
151 (defsubst elinstall-file-mod-time (file)
152 "Return the modification time of FILE"
153 (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))
155 ;;;_ . elinstall-directory-true-name
156 (defun elinstall-directory-true-name ()
157 "Get the true name of the directory the calling code lives in.
158 CAUTION: This is sensitive to where it's called. That's the point of it."
159 (file-name-directory
160 (if load-file-name
161 (file-truename load-file-name)
162 (file-truename buffer-file-name))))
163 ;;;_ . Checking installedness
164 ;;;_ , elinstall-get-installation-record
165 (defun elinstall-get-installation-record (project-name)
166 "Return the installation record for PROJECT-NAME."
168 (assoc project-name elinstall-already-installed))
170 ;;;_ , elinstall-already-installed
171 (defun elinstall-already-installed (project-name)
172 "Return non-nil if PROJECT-NAME has been installed."
173 (elinstall-get-installation-record project-name))
175 ;;;_ , elinstall-record-installed
176 (defun elinstall-record-installed (project-name &optional version)
177 "Record that PROJECT-NAME has been installed."
178 (let
179 ((new-item
180 (list
181 project-name
182 (or version "0")
183 (current-time)
184 'installed))
185 (old-item
186 (elinstall-get-installation-record project-name))
187 (print-length nil)
188 (print-level nil))
189 (when old-item
190 (setq elinstall-already-installed
191 (delete old-item elinstall-already-installed)))
192 (push new-item elinstall-already-installed)
193 (customize-save-variable
194 'elinstall-already-installed
195 elinstall-already-installed
196 "Set by elinstall-record-installed")))
197 ;;;_ . Finding deffiles
198 ;;;_ , elinstall-expand-deffile-name
199 (defun elinstall-expand-deffile-name (deffile)
200 "Expand DEFFILE autoload.el's way."
202 (expand-file-name (or deffile "loaddefs.el")
203 (expand-file-name "lisp"
204 source-directory)))
205 ;;;_ . Checking restraint specs
206 ;;;_ , elinstall-call-with-restraints
207 (defun elinstall-call-with-restraints (restraints package func &rest args)
208 "Call FUNC with ARGS, in scope of RESTRAINTS.
209 RESTRAINTS is a list of package restraints. User restraints for the
210 given package will also be applied in scope.
212 PACKAGE can be `t' or a string naming a package."
214 (let*
215 ((elinstall:*pkg-restraints* restraints)
216 (elinstall:*user-restraints*
217 (let
218 ((cell
220 (assoc package elinstall-restrain-install)
221 (assoc t elinstall-restrain-install))))
222 (if cell
223 (second cell)
224 '()))))
225 (declare (special
226 elinstall:*pkg-restraints*
227 elinstall:*user-restraints*))
228 (apply func args)))
229 ;;;_ , elinstall-get-restraint
230 (defun elinstall-get-restraint (topic)
231 "Get the applicable restraint symbol for TOPIC.
232 Call this transitively only thru `elinstall-call-with-restraints'."
233 (check-type topic symbol)
234 (declare (special
235 elinstall:*pkg-restraints*
236 elinstall:*user-restraints*))
237 (unless (and
238 (boundp 'elinstall:*pkg-restraints*)
239 (boundp 'elinstall:*user-restraints*))
240 (error "elinstall-proceed-p called out of scope"))
241 (let*
243 (cell
245 (assq topic elinstall:*user-restraints*)
246 (assq t elinstall:*user-restraints*)))
247 (cell
248 ;;`t' means use the pkg-restraints value instead.
249 (if
250 (or (not cell) (eq (second cell) t))
252 (assq topic elinstall:*pkg-restraints*)
253 (assq t elinstall:*pkg-restraints*))
254 cell)))
255 ;;Default is to just update.
256 (if cell (second cell) 'update)))
258 ;;;_ , elinstall-proceed-p
259 (defun elinstall-proceed-p
260 (topic message-params &optional already-p)
261 "Return non-nil if actions on TOPIC should proceed.
262 Call this transitively only thru `elinstall-call-with-restraints'.
263 TOPIC is a symbol indicating the topic, such as `byte-compile'.
264 MESSAGE-PARAMS is a cons of:
265 * A list of format strings:
266 * To ask whether to do this action
267 * To ask whether to redo this action, for `ask-for-old'
268 * To report that this action was skipped because already done.
269 * The arguments to the formatter.
270 ALREADY-P is an extended boolean whether the task has been done
271 before, if caller can tell."
274 (destructuring-bind
275 ((ask-prompt &optional redo-prompt noredo-msg) &rest message-args)
276 message-params
277 (case (elinstall-get-restraint topic)
278 ((nil)
279 nil)
280 ((t always)
282 (update
283 (if already-p
284 (progn
285 (apply #'message noredo-msg message-args)
286 nil)
288 (ask-for-old
289 (if already-p
290 (y-or-n-p (apply #'format redo-prompt message-args))
292 (ask
293 (y-or-n-p
294 (apply #'format ask-prompt message-args))))))
295 ;;;_ , elinstall-proceed-at-all-p
296 (defsubst elinstall-proceed-at-all-p (topic)
297 "Return non-nil if there's any possibility that actions on TOPIC should proceed."
298 ;;It just so happens that `nil' treatment corresponds to `nil'
299 ;;return value here.
300 (elinstall-get-restraint topic))
302 ;;;_ , Work
303 ;;;_ . Doing actions
305 ;;;_ , Doing autoload actions (adapted from autoload.el)
306 ;;;_ . Utilities about the action list
307 ;;;_ , elinstall-remove-autogen-action
308 (defun elinstall-remove-autogen-action (file actions)
309 "Return ACTIONS minus any add-file-autoloads on FILE removed."
311 (delq nil
312 (mapcar
313 #'(lambda (act)
314 (case (car act)
315 (add-file-autoloads
316 (if (equal file (third act))
318 act))
319 (t act)))
320 actions)))
321 ;;;_ , elinstall-get-autogen-action
322 (defun elinstall-get-autogen-action (file actions)
324 (let
325 ((the-act))
326 (dolist (act actions)
327 (case (car act)
328 (add-file-autoloads
329 (when (equal file (third act))
330 (setq the-act act)))))
331 the-act))
332 ;;;_ . About printing to autoload file
333 ;;;_ , elinstall-insert-section-header
334 (defun elinstall-insert-section-header (outbuf form)
335 "Insert the section-header line,
336 which lists the file name and which functions are in it, etc."
337 (insert generate-autoload-section-header)
338 (prin1 form outbuf)
339 (terpri outbuf)
340 ;; Break that line at spaces, to avoid very long lines.
341 ;; Make each sub-line into a comment.
342 (with-current-buffer outbuf
343 (save-excursion
344 (forward-line -1)
345 (while (not (eolp))
346 (move-to-column 64)
347 (skip-chars-forward "^ \n")
348 (or (eolp)
349 (insert "\n" generate-autoload-section-continuation))))))
351 ;;;_ , elinstall-insert-autoload-section
352 (defun elinstall-insert-autoload-section (text form &optional comment-string)
353 "Insert TEXT into current buffer as an autoload section"
355 (let* (
356 (print-length nil)
357 (print-level nil)
358 ;; This does something in Lucid Emacs.
359 (print-readably t)
360 (float-output-format nil))
362 (elinstall-insert-section-header (current-buffer) form)
363 (when comment-string
364 (insert ";;; " comment-string "\n"))
365 (insert text)
366 (insert generate-autoload-section-trailer)))
368 ;;;_ . Making autoloads
369 ;;;_ , elinstall-make-autoload-action
370 (defun elinstall-make-autoload-action (buf def-file load-path-element full-path)
371 "Return the autoloads for current buffer as a string"
373 ;;We put all the text into a temp buffer, then get that buffer's
374 ;;string.
375 (let
376 ((outbuf
377 (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))
378 (autoloads-done '())
379 (short-name
380 (file-name-nondirectory full-path))
382 (print-length nil)
383 (print-level nil)
384 ;; Apparently this does something in Lucid Emacs.
385 (print-readably t)
386 (float-output-format nil)
388 ;;load-name relative to a member of load-path.
389 (relative-name
390 (file-name-sans-extension
391 (file-relative-name
392 full-path
393 load-path-element))))
395 (with-current-buffer buf
396 (unwind-protect
397 (save-excursion
398 (save-restriction
399 (widen)
400 (goto-char (point-min))
401 (message "Finding autoloads for %s..." short-name)
402 (while (not (eobp))
403 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\f")
404 (cond
405 ((looking-at (regexp-quote generate-autoload-cookie))
406 (search-forward generate-autoload-cookie)
407 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
408 (if (eolp)
409 ;; Read the next form and make an autoload.
410 (let* ((form (prog1 (read (current-buffer))
411 (or (bolp) (forward-line 1))))
412 (autoload
413 (make-autoload form relative-name)))
414 (if autoload
415 (push (nth 1 form) autoloads-done)
416 (setq autoload form))
417 (let ((autoload-print-form-outbuf outbuf))
418 (autoload-print-form autoload)))
420 ;; Copy the rest of the line to the output.
421 (princ (buffer-substring
422 (progn
423 ;; Back up over whitespace,
424 ;; to preserve it.
425 (skip-chars-backward " \f\t")
426 (if (= (char-after (1+ (point))) ? )
427 ;; Eat one space.
428 (forward-char 1))
429 (point))
430 (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
431 outbuf)))
432 ((looking-at ";")
433 ;; Don't read the comment.
434 (forward-line 1))
436 (forward-sexp 1)
437 (forward-line 1))))
438 (message "Finding autoloads for %s...done" short-name))
440 ;;Return this action. The temp buffer's contents is
441 ;;our final string.
442 `(add-file-autoloads
443 ,def-file
444 ,relative-name
445 ,full-path
446 ,(with-current-buffer outbuf (buffer-string))
447 ,autoloads-done))
449 ;;This in unwind-protected
450 (when (buffer-live-p outbuf) (kill-buffer outbuf))))))
453 ;;;_ , elinstall-generate-file-autoloads
455 (defun elinstall-generate-file-autoloads
456 (relative-name full-name text autoloads-done)
457 "Insert at point a loaddefs autoload section for FILE.
458 Autoloads are generated for defuns and defmacros in FILE
459 marked by `generate-autoload-cookie' (which see).
460 If FILE is being visited in a buffer, the contents of the buffer
461 are used.
462 Return non-nil in the case where no autoloads were added at point.
464 FULL-NAME is the absolute name of the file.
465 RELATIVE-NAME is its name respective to some component of load-path."
466 (if (not (equal text ""))
467 ;; Insert the section-header line which lists the file name and
468 ;; which functions are in it, etc.
469 (elinstall-insert-autoload-section
470 text
471 (list 'autoloads
472 autoloads-done
473 relative-name
474 (autoload-trim-file-name full-name)
475 (elinstall-file-mod-time full-name))
476 (concat
477 "Generated autoloads from "
478 (autoload-trim-file-name full-name)))
481 ;;;_ , elinstall-deffile-insert-autoloads
482 (defun elinstall-deffile-insert-autoloads (file args)
483 "Update the autoloads for FILE in current buffer.
484 Return FILE if there was no autoload cookie in it, else nil.
486 Current buffer must be a loaddef-style file.
488 LOAD-NAME is the absolute name of the file.
489 RELATIVE-NAME is its name respective to some component of load-path."
490 (let (
491 (found nil)
492 (no-autoloads nil))
494 (save-excursion
495 (save-restriction
496 (widen)
497 (goto-char (point-min))
498 ;; Look for the section for FILE
499 (while (and (not found)
500 (search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t))
501 (let ((form (autoload-read-section-header)))
502 (cond
503 ((equal (nth 2 form) file)
504 ;; We found the section for this file.
505 (let ((begin (match-beginning 0)))
506 (progn
507 (search-forward generate-autoload-section-trailer)
508 (delete-region begin (point))
509 (setq found t))))
510 ((string< file (nth 2 form))
511 ;; We've come to a section alphabetically later than
512 ;; FILE. We assume the file is in order and so
513 ;; there must be no section for FILE. We will
514 ;; insert one before the section here.
515 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
516 (setq found 'new)))))
517 (unless found
518 (progn
519 (setq found 'new)
520 ;; No later sections in the file. Put before the last page.
521 (goto-char (point-max))
522 (search-backward "\f" nil t)))
523 (setq no-autoloads
524 (apply #'elinstall-generate-file-autoloads
525 file args))))
527 (if no-autoloads file nil)))
528 ;;;_ . Arranging to add to info-path and load-path
529 ;;;_ , elinstall-generate-add-to-path
530 (defun elinstall-generate-add-to-path (path-element type)
531 "Insert code at point to add PATH-ELEMENT to a path.
532 If TYPE is:
533 * `add-to-load-path', add to load-path
534 * `add-to-info-path', add to Info-additional-directory-list
536 Current buffer must be a loaddef-style file."
537 (let ( (path-symbol
538 (case type
539 (add-to-load-path 'load-path)
540 (add-to-info-path 'Info-additional-directory-list)
541 (t (error "Type not recognized"))))
542 (description
543 (case type
544 (add-to-load-path "load-path")
545 (add-to-info-path "info-path")))
546 (autoloads-done '())
547 (print-length nil)
548 (print-level nil)
549 ;; This does something in Lucid Emacs.
550 (print-readably t)
551 (float-output-format nil))
553 (message "Generating %s additions..." description)
555 (elinstall-insert-autoload-section
556 (pp-to-string
557 `(add-to-list ',path-symbol
558 (expand-file-name
559 ,(file-relative-name path-element)
560 (if load-file-name
561 (file-name-directory
562 (file-truename load-file-name))))))
563 (list type (list path-element) nil nil nil)
564 nil)
565 (message "Generating %s additions...done" description)))
568 ;;;_ , elinstall-deffile-insert-add-to-path
569 (defun elinstall-deffile-insert-add-to-path (path-element type)
570 "Insert code in current buffer to add PATH-ELEMENT to a path.
571 If TYPE is:
572 * `add-to-load-path', add to load-path
573 * `add-to-info-path', add to Info-default-directory-list
575 Current buffer must be a loaddef-style file."
576 (let (
577 (found nil)
578 (no-autoloads nil))
580 (save-excursion
581 (save-restriction
582 (widen)
583 (goto-char (point-min))
584 ;; Look for the section for PATH-ELEMENT
585 (while (and (not found)
586 (search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t))
587 (let ((form (autoload-read-section-header)))
588 (cond
589 ((and
590 (equal (nth 0 form) type)
591 (member path-element (nth 1 form)))
593 ;; We found the section for this add.
594 (let ((begin (match-beginning 0)))
595 (progn
596 (search-forward generate-autoload-section-trailer)
597 (delete-region begin (point))
598 (setq found t)))))))
600 (unless found
601 (progn
602 (setq found 'new)
603 ;; No later sections in the file. Put before the last page.
604 (goto-char (point-max))
605 (search-backward "\f" nil t)))
607 (elinstall-generate-add-to-path path-element type)))
609 ;;This never belongs in the no-autoloads section.
610 nil))
611 ;;;_ . elinstall-deffile-insert
613 (defun elinstall-deffile-insert (action)
614 "Insert autoloads etc into current file according to ACTION.
615 The format of ACTION is described in the design docs.
617 Return filename if this action belongs in the no-autoload section."
619 (when action
620 (case (car action)
621 (add-file-autoloads
622 (elinstall-deffile-insert-autoloads
623 (third action)
624 (nthcdr 3 action)))
626 (add-to-load-path
627 (elinstall-deffile-insert-add-to-path
628 (third action)
629 'add-to-load-path)
630 nil)
632 (add-to-info-path
633 (elinstall-deffile-insert-add-to-path
634 (third action)
635 'add-to-info-path)
636 nil)
638 ((preload-file run-tests byte-compile)
639 (error "This case should not come here.")))))
641 ;;;_ . elinstall-prepare-deffile
642 (defun elinstall-prepare-deffile (deffile)
643 "Try to ensure that DEFFILE is available for receiving autoloads"
645 (autoload-ensure-default-file deffile)
646 (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect deffile)
649 ;; We must read/write the file without any code conversion,
650 ;; but still decode EOLs.
651 (let ((coding-system-for-read 'raw-text))
653 ;; This is to make generated-autoload-file have Unix EOLs, so
654 ;; that it is portable to all platforms.
655 (setq buffer-file-coding-system 'raw-text-unix))
656 (or (> (buffer-size) 0)
657 (error "Autoloads file %s does not exist" buffer-file-name))
658 (or (file-writable-p buffer-file-name)
659 (error "Autoloads file %s is not writable"
660 buffer-file-name))))
662 ;;;_ . elinstall-update-deffile
664 ;;Adapted from autoload.el `update-directory-autoloads'.
666 (defun elinstall-update-deffile (target actions &optional use-load-path)
668 Update file TARGET with current autoloads as specified by ACTIONS.
669 Also remove any old definitions pointing to libraries that can no
670 longer be found.
672 ACTIONS must be a list of actions (See the format doc). Each one's
673 filename must be relative to some element of load-path.
675 USE-LOAD-PATH is a list to use as load-path. It should include
676 any new load-path that we are arranging to create. If it's not given,
677 load-path itself is used.
679 This uses `update-file-autoloads' (which see) to do its work.
680 In an interactive call, you must give one argument, the name
681 of a single directory."
682 (let
684 (use-load-path (or use-load-path load-path))
685 (this-time (current-time))
686 ;;files with no autoload cookies.
687 (no-autoloads nil))
689 (elinstall-prepare-deffile target)
690 (with-current-buffer
691 (find-file-noselect target)
692 (save-excursion
693 (setq actions
694 (elinstall-remove-autogen-action
695 (autoload-trim-file-name target)
696 actions))
698 (goto-char (point-min))
699 (while (search-forward generate-autoload-section-header nil t)
700 (let* ((form (autoload-read-section-header))
701 (file (nth 3 form)))
702 (cond ((and (consp file) (stringp (car file)))
703 ;; This is a list of files that have no
704 ;; autoload cookies.
705 ;; There shouldn't be more than one such entry.
706 ;; Remove the obsolete section.
707 (autoload-remove-section (match-beginning 0))
708 (let ((last-time (nth 4 form)))
709 (dolist (file file)
710 (let ((file-time (elinstall-file-mod-time file)))
711 (when (and file-time
712 (not (time-less-p last-time file-time)))
713 ;; file unchanged
714 (push file no-autoloads)
715 (setq actions
716 (elinstall-remove-autogen-action
717 file actions)))))))
718 ((not (stringp file)))
720 (let
721 ((file-path
722 (locate-library file nil use-load-path)))
723 (cond
724 ;;$$MAKE ME SAFER Also check normal
725 ;;load-path in case `use-load-path' is
726 ;;too restrictive.
727 ;;$$MAKE ME SAFER Don't do this for a
728 ;;file we are inserting. Need a boolean
729 ;;return for checking that.
730 ;;File doesn't exist, so remove its
731 ;;section.
732 ((not file-path)
733 (autoload-remove-section
734 (match-beginning 0)))
735 ;;$$IMPROVE ME Consult elinstall-proceed-p.
736 ;; File hasn't changed, so do nothing.
737 ((equal
738 (nth 4 form)
739 (elinstall-file-mod-time file-path))
740 nil)
742 (elinstall-deffile-insert
743 (elinstall-get-autogen-action
744 file actions))))
746 (setq actions
747 (elinstall-remove-autogen-action
748 file actions))))))))
750 ;; Remaining actions have no existing autoload sections yet.
751 (setq no-autoloads
752 (append no-autoloads
753 (delq nil (mapcar #'elinstall-deffile-insert actions))))
754 (when no-autoloads
755 ;; Sort them for better readability.
756 (setq no-autoloads (sort no-autoloads 'string<))
757 ;; Add the `no-autoloads' section.
758 (goto-char (point-max))
759 (search-backward "\f" nil t)
760 (elinstall-insert-autoload-section
762 (list 'autoloads nil nil no-autoloads this-time)))
763 (save-buffer))))
765 ;;;_ . elinstall-stage-update-deffiles
766 (defun elinstall-stage-update-deffiles (segment-list use-load-path)
767 "Update any deffiles mentioned in SEGMENT-LIST.
768 FORCE and USE-LOAD-PATH have the same meaning as in
769 `elinstall-update-deffile'.
771 (mapcar
772 #'(lambda (segment)
773 (let*
774 ((deffile (car segment)))
775 (if (stringp deffile)
776 (elinstall-update-deffile
777 deffile
778 (cdr segment)
779 use-load-path))))
780 segment-list))
782 ;;;_ , Doing actions to arrange preloads
783 ;;;_ . elinstall-symlink-on-emacs-start
784 (defun elinstall-symlink-on-emacs-start
785 (filename target-basename target-dir &optional priority)
786 "Symlink to TARGET-BASENAME.el in TARGET-DIR
788 If PRIORITY is given, it will be used as the priority prefix,
789 otherwise elinstall-default-priority will be.
790 PRIORITY must be an integer or nil."
791 (let*
793 (priority (or priority elinstall-default-priority))
794 (target-name-nodir
795 (format
796 "%d%s.el"
797 priority
798 target-basename))
799 (target
800 (expand-file-name target-name-nodir target-dir)))
803 (cond
804 ;;Path should already exist.
805 ((not
806 (file-exists-p target-dir))
807 (message "The target directory doesn't exist."))
808 ;;$$IMPROVE ME If it is a symlink pointing to the same place,
809 ;;do nothing.
811 ;;$$IMPROVE ME The condition here is really not updating but
812 ;;bulldozing a possibly different symlink. Add another
813 ;;treatment symbol meaning to bulldoze what's in the way.
814 ((elinstall-proceed-p 'preloads
815 (list
816 '( "Symlink %s? "
817 "Really overwrite %s? "
818 "File %s already exists")
819 target)
820 (file-exists-p target))
821 (make-symbolic-link
822 filename
823 target
824 nil)))))
826 ;;;_ . elinstall-add-to-dot-emacs
827 (defun elinstall-add-to-dot-emacs (dot-emacs-name filename &rest r)
828 "Add code to load FILENAME to .emacs.
829 FILENAME should not have an extension"
831 ;;Visit .emacs
832 (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect dot-emacs-name)
833 (save-excursion
834 ;;add at end of file
835 (goto-char (point-max))
836 (insert "\n;;Added by elinstall")
837 (insert "\n;;Consider using my-site-start to manage .emacs\n")
838 (pp `(load ,filename) (current-buffer))
839 (save-buffer))))
842 ;;;_ . elinstall-arrange-preload
843 ;;;###autoload
844 (defun elinstall-arrange-preload (filename basename &optional priority)
845 "Arrange for FILENAME to be loaded on emacs start.
846 BASENAME and PRIORITY are used as arguments to
847 `elinstall-symlink-on-emacs-start'.
850 (let
851 ((preload-target elinstall-default-preload-target))
853 ;;Dispatch the possibilities.
854 (cond
855 ((eq preload-target 'dot-emacs)
856 (elinstall-add-to-dot-emacs "~/.emacs" filename))
857 ((stringp preload-target)
858 (elinstall-symlink-on-emacs-start
859 filename basename preload-target priority))
860 ((null preload-target)
861 (message "Not arranging for preloads"))
863 (message "I don't recognize that")))))
864 ;;;_ . elinstall-stage-arrange-preloads
865 (defun elinstall-stage-arrange-preloads (actions deffiles-used)
866 "Arrange any preloads mentioned in ACTIONS."
868 (mapcar
869 #'(lambda (act)
870 (case (car act)
871 (preload-file
872 (let*
873 ( (filename
874 (caddr act))
875 (proceed-p
876 (case (second act)
877 ((t) t)
878 ((nil) nil)
879 (if-used
880 (member filename deffiles-used)))))
882 (when proceed-p
883 (apply
884 #'elinstall-arrange-preload
885 (cddr act)))))
887 (error
888 "elinstall-stage-arrange-preloads: Action not
889 recognized."))) )
890 actions))
893 ;;;_ , Run tests
894 ;;;_ . elinstall-stage-run-tests
895 (defun elinstall-stage-run-tests (actions)
896 "Run any tests mentioned in ACTIONS."
898 (mapcar
899 #'(lambda (act)
900 (case (car act)
901 (run-tests
902 ;;$$WRITE ME - not a high priority right now.
903 nil)
905 (error
906 "elinstall-stage-run-tests: Action not
907 recognized."))) )
908 actions))
911 ;;;_ , Byte compile
912 ;;;_ . elinstall-stage-byte-compile
913 (defun elinstall-stage-byte-compile (actions)
914 "Do any byte-compilation mentioned in ACTIONS."
916 (mapcar
917 #'(lambda (act)
918 (case (car act)
919 ;;$$IMPROVE ME Understand flags to control second
920 ;;argument (whether to load file after
921 ;;compilation)
922 (byte-compile
923 (byte-compile-file (second act)))
925 (error
926 "elinstall-stage-byte-compile: Action not
927 recognized."))) )
928 actions))
929 ;;;_ . Segregating actions
930 ;;;_ , elinstall-remove-empty-segs
931 (defun elinstall-remove-empty-segs (segment-list)
932 "Return SEGMENT-LIST minus any segments that have no actions.
933 Intended only for the deffile stage data."
934 (delq nil
935 (mapcar
936 #'(lambda (segment)
937 (if (cdr segment)
938 segment
939 nil))
940 segment-list)))
942 ;;;_ , elinstall-segregate-actions
943 (defun elinstall-segregate-actions (actions)
944 "Return actions segregated by deffile.
946 Returns a list whose elements are each a cons of:
947 * deffile filename or nil
948 * A list of actions to be done for that deffile."
950 (let
952 (build-deffiles '())
953 (run-tests '())
954 (byte-compile '())
955 (arrange-preloads '()))
957 (dolist (act actions)
958 (when act
959 (case (car act)
960 ((add-file-autoloads
961 add-to-info-path
962 add-to-load-path)
963 (let*
964 ((deffile-name (second act))
965 (cell-already
966 (assoc deffile-name build-deffiles)))
967 (if cell-already
968 ;;There are already actions on this deffile.
969 ;;Splice this action in.
970 (setcdr cell-already
971 (cons act (cdr cell-already)))
972 ;;There are no actions on this deffile. Add a
973 ;;place for them and include this action.
974 (push (list deffile-name act) build-deffiles))))
975 (preload-file
976 (push act arrange-preloads))
977 (run-tests
978 (push act run-tests))
979 (byte-compile
980 (push act byte-compile)))))
982 (elinstall-make-stages
983 :build-deffiles
984 (elinstall-remove-empty-segs build-deffiles)
985 :run-tests
986 run-tests
987 :byte-compile
988 byte-compile
989 :arrange-preloads
990 arrange-preloads)))
991 ;;;_ . Finding actions
992 ;;;_ , Utility
993 ;;;_ . elinstall-dir-has-info
995 ;;$$IMPROVE ME - Can this test be made more precise?
996 (defun elinstall-dir-has-info (dir)
997 "Return non-nil if DIR has info files in it.
998 DIR should be an absolute path."
1000 (string-match "/info/" dir)
1001 (directory-files dir nil "\\.info\\(-[0-9]+\\)?\\(\\.gz\\)?$")))
1002 ;;;_ . elinstall-directory-files
1003 (defun elinstall-directory-files (dirname)
1004 "Return a list of files in directory DIRNAME, minus certain files.
1005 The following files are omitted:
1006 * Dot files
1007 * Files that match an entry in `block-in-subtree'.
1008 Filenames are relative."
1009 (declare (special
1010 def-file block-in-dir block-in-subtree))
1011 (let*
1013 ;;Relative filenames of this directory's files.
1014 (all-files
1015 ;; Don't include dot files. If user really wants to
1016 ;;explore one he can use (dir ".NAME") or (file ".NAME")
1017 (directory-files dirname nil "[^\\.]"))
1018 ;;We know our def-file isn't really source so remove it.
1019 ;;We'd have removed it anyways after seeing file local vars.
1020 (all-files
1021 (remove def-file all-files))
1023 (all-files
1024 (delq nil
1025 (mapcar
1026 #'(lambda (filename)
1028 (and
1029 block-in-subtree
1030 (some
1031 #'(lambda (blocked)
1032 (string-match blocked filename))
1033 block-in-subtree))
1035 filename))
1036 all-files))))
1037 all-files))
1040 ;;;_ , Workers
1041 ;;;_ . List of special variables used in this section
1042 ;;load-path-element - The relevant element of load-path
1043 ;;def-file - The file the autoload definitions etc will go into.
1044 ;;add-to-load-path-p - Controls whether to add to load-path.
1045 ;;recurse-dirs-p - Whether to recurse into subdirectories.
1047 ;;block-in-dir - (NOT IMPLEMENTED) List of filenames to reject. They
1048 ;;may include wildcards. They apply wrt the original directory.
1050 ;;block-in-subtree - (NOT IMPLEMENTED) List of filenames to reject.
1051 ;;They may include wildcards. They apply wrt any directory in the
1052 ;;tree. Specifically, in the spec tree, which may differ from the
1053 ;;file subtree.
1054 ;;byte-compile - whether to byte-compile at all, t by default.
1055 ;;autoloads - boolean whether to make autoloads, t by default.
1056 ;;preloads - boolean whether to set up preloads, t by default.
1057 (defconst elinstall-find-actions-control-vars
1058 '(add-to-load-path-p recurse-dirs-p byte-compile
1059 autoloads preloads)
1060 "Control special variables that the find-actions tree recognizes" )
1061 ;;;_ . elinstall-actions-for-source-file
1062 (defun elinstall-actions-for-source-file (filename dir)
1063 "Return a list of actions to do for FILENAME in DIR.
1064 Special variables are as noted in \"List of special variables\"."
1065 (declare (special
1066 load-path-element def-file byte-compile))
1067 (let
1068 ((full-path
1069 (expand-file-name filename dir)))
1070 (when
1071 (and
1072 (file-readable-p full-path)
1073 (not (auto-save-file-name-p full-path))
1074 (string-match emacs-lisp-file-regexp filename))
1075 (let*
1077 (visited (get-file-buffer full-path))
1078 (buf
1079 (or
1080 visited
1081 ;;Visit the file cheaply.
1082 ;;hack-local-variables can give errors.
1083 (ignore-errors (autoload-find-file full-path))))
1084 (def-file
1086 (ignore-errors
1087 (with-current-buffer buf
1088 (if (local-variable-p 'generated-autoload-file)
1089 (elinstall-expand-deffile-name
1090 generated-autoload-file)
1091 nil)))
1092 def-file))
1093 ;;Figure out whether to run some actions, by file local vars.
1094 (autoloads-p
1095 (and
1096 (ignore-errors
1097 (with-current-buffer buf
1098 (not no-update-autoloads)))
1099 (elinstall-proceed-p 'autoloads
1100 (list
1101 '( "Do autoloads for %s? ")
1102 filename))))
1104 (do-compile-p
1105 (and
1106 byte-compile
1107 (featurep 'byte-compile)
1108 (ignore-errors
1109 (with-current-buffer buf
1110 (not no-byte-compile)))
1111 (elinstall-proceed-p 'byte-compile
1112 (list
1113 '( "Compile %s? "
1114 "Recompile %s? "
1115 "Already compiled %s.")
1116 filename)
1117 (not
1118 (file-newer-than-file-p
1119 full-path
1120 (byte-compile-dest-file full-path)))))))
1122 (prog1
1123 (list
1124 (if do-compile-p
1125 `(byte-compile ,full-path)
1126 nil)
1127 (if autoloads-p
1128 (elinstall-make-autoload-action
1129 buf def-file load-path-element full-path)
1130 nil))
1131 (unless visited (kill-buffer-if-not-modified buf)))))))
1132 ;;;_ . elinstall-actions-for-dir
1133 (defun elinstall-actions-for-dir (dirname &optional recurse-dirs-p)
1134 "Make actions for DIR.
1135 Recurse just if RECURSE-DIRS-P"
1136 (declare (special
1137 load-path-element def-file add-to-load-path-p))
1138 ;;This does not treat symlinks specially. $$IMPROVE ME it could
1139 ;;treat/not treat them conditional on control variables.
1140 (let*
1142 (files (elinstall-directory-files dirname))
1144 ;;Relative filenames of elisp source
1145 (elisp-source-files
1146 (delq nil
1147 (mapcar
1148 #'(lambda (filename)
1150 (string-match elinstall-elisp-regexp filename)
1151 filename
1152 nil))
1153 files)))
1155 ;;Absolute filenames of subdirectories.
1156 (sub-dirs
1157 (if recurse-dirs-p
1158 (delq nil
1159 (mapcar
1160 #'(lambda (filename)
1161 (let
1162 ((fn (expand-file-name filename dirname)))
1164 (file-directory-p fn)
1166 nil)))
1167 files))
1168 '()))
1170 (load-path-here-p
1171 (and
1172 elisp-source-files ;;If list is not empty.
1173 add-to-load-path-p))
1174 (load-path-element
1175 (if load-path-here-p
1176 dirname
1177 load-path-element)))
1179 (append
1180 ;;$$IMPROVE ME - check `elinstall-proceed-p'. But even if
1181 ;;that says no, we still must use it as our load-path
1182 ;;element, we just don't add it to def-file.
1184 ;;Sometimes arrange to add this directory to load-path.
1185 (if load-path-here-p
1186 `((add-to-load-path
1187 ,def-file
1188 ,load-path-element))
1189 '())
1191 ;;$$IMPROVE ME - check a control variable and
1192 ;;`elinstall-proceed-p'.
1193 ;;Sometimes add this directory to info path.
1195 (elinstall-dir-has-info dirname)
1196 `((add-to-info-path
1197 ,def-file
1198 "."))
1199 '())
1201 (apply #'nconc
1202 (mapcar
1203 #'(lambda (filename)
1204 (elinstall-actions-for-source-file
1205 filename
1206 dirname))
1207 elisp-source-files))
1209 (if recurse-dirs-p
1210 (apply #'nconc
1211 (mapcar
1212 #'(lambda (filename)
1213 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1215 (expand-file-name
1216 filename
1217 dirname)))
1218 sub-dirs))
1219 '()))))
1221 ;;;_ . elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1223 (defun elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x (spec dir)
1224 "Return a list of actions to do, controlled by SPEC."
1225 (declare (special
1226 load-path-element def-file add-to-load-path-p
1227 recurse-dirs-p block-in-dir block-in-subtree))
1229 (if (consp spec)
1230 (case (car spec)
1231 (all
1232 ;;(all . SPEC*)
1233 (apply #'nconc
1234 (mapcar
1235 #'(lambda (sub-spec)
1236 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1237 sub-spec
1238 dir))
1239 (cdr spec))))
1240 (block-in-subtree
1241 ;;(block-in-subtree (* FN) SPEC)
1242 (let
1243 ((block-in-subtree (second spec)))
1244 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1245 (third spec)
1246 dir)))
1248 ;;Rather than trying to bind all control variables each time
1249 ;;thru, we use `set' and `unwind-protect'.
1250 (control
1252 (let
1253 ((key (second spec))
1254 old-value)
1255 (if (memq key elinstall-find-actions-control-vars)
1256 (unwind-protect
1257 (progn
1258 (setq old-value (symbol-value key))
1259 (set key (third spec))
1260 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1261 (fourth spec)
1262 dir))
1263 (set key old-value))
1264 (error "Unrecognized control variable %s" key))))
1267 (def-file
1268 ;;(def-file FN ARGS SPEC)
1269 (let
1270 ((def-file
1271 (expand-file-name
1272 (second spec)
1273 dir))
1274 (for-preload (third spec)))
1275 (assert (listp for-preload))
1276 (append
1277 (list
1279 (and for-preload (car for-preload))
1280 `(preload-file
1281 ,(car for-preload)
1282 ,def-file
1283 ,@(cdr for-preload))
1284 '()))
1286 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1287 (fourth spec) dir))))
1289 (dir
1290 ;;(dir FN)
1291 (elinstall-actions-for-dir
1292 (expand-file-name
1293 (second spec)
1294 dir)
1295 nil))
1297 (file
1298 ;;(file FN)
1299 (elinstall-actions-for-source-file
1300 (second spec) dir))
1303 ;;(in FN SPEC)
1304 (let
1305 ((new-dir
1306 (expand-file-name
1307 (second spec)
1308 dir)))
1310 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1311 (third spec)
1312 new-dir)))
1314 (load-path
1315 ;;(load-path SPEC)
1316 (append
1317 `((add-to-load-path ,def-file ,dir))
1318 (let
1319 ((load-path-element dir)
1320 (add-to-load-path-p nil))
1321 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1322 (second spec)
1323 dir))))
1325 (matching
1326 ;;(matching PATTERN SPEC)
1327 (apply #'nconc
1328 (mapcar
1329 #'(lambda (dir)
1330 ;;$$PUNT Assume that `block-in-subtree' and
1331 ;;`block-in-dir' aren't matched.
1332 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x
1333 (third spec)
1334 dir))
1335 (directory-files
1336 dir t (second spec)))))
1337 (preload
1338 ;;(preload FN SYM &rest ARGS)
1339 (let
1340 ((key (third spec)))
1342 (and (symbolp key) (symbol-value key))
1343 `((preload-file
1345 ,(expand-file-name (second spec) dir)
1346 ,@(nthcdr 3 spec)))
1347 '()))))
1349 ;;Single symbols
1350 (case spec
1351 (dir
1352 (elinstall-actions-for-dir dir nil))
1353 ((t)
1354 (elinstall-actions-for-dir dir t)))))
1356 ;;;_ . elinstall-find-actions-by-spec
1357 (defun elinstall-find-actions-by-spec
1358 (spec load-path-element dir def-file)
1359 "Find the list of actions to do according to SPEC."
1361 (let
1363 (def-file-time (elinstall-file-mod-time def-file))
1364 (add-to-load-path-p t)
1365 (recurse-dirs-p t)
1366 (byte-compile t)
1367 (autoloads t)
1368 (preloads t)
1369 (block-in-dir '())
1370 (block-in-subtree '(".git" "RCS" "CVS" "SVN" "^tests\.el")))
1372 (declare (special
1373 load-path-element def-file add-to-load-path-p
1374 recurse-dirs-p byte-compile
1375 block-in-dir block-in-subtree))
1377 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec-x spec dir)))
1379 ;;;_ . high-level work
1380 ;;;_ , elinstall-get-relevant-load-path
1381 (defun elinstall-get-relevant-load-path (actions)
1383 (delq nil
1384 (mapcar
1385 #'(lambda (act)
1386 (case (car act)
1387 (add-to-load-path
1388 (second act))
1389 (t nil)))
1390 actions)))
1391 ;;;_ , elinstall-get-deffile-list
1392 (defun elinstall-get-deffile-list (stages)
1393 "Get a list of deffile names"
1395 (mapcar
1396 #'car
1397 (elinstall-stages->build-deffiles stages)))
1398 ;;;_ , elinstall-x
1399 (defun elinstall-x (dir spec)
1400 "High-level worker function to install elisp files."
1401 (let*
1403 ;;This is just the default deffile, spec can override it.
1404 (def-file
1405 (elinstall-expand-deffile-name nil))
1406 (actions
1407 (elinstall-find-actions-by-spec
1408 spec
1411 def-file))
1412 (stages (elinstall-segregate-actions actions))
1413 (use-load-path
1414 (elinstall-get-relevant-load-path
1415 actions)))
1417 (elinstall-stage-update-deffiles
1418 (elinstall-stages->build-deffiles stages)
1419 use-load-path)
1420 (elinstall-stage-arrange-preloads
1421 (elinstall-stages->arrange-preloads stages)
1422 (elinstall-get-deffile-list stages))
1423 (elinstall-stage-byte-compile
1424 (elinstall-stages->byte-compile stages))
1426 ;;;_ , elinstall-package
1427 (defun elinstall-package (project-name path spec version-string)
1428 "Install elisp files. See doc for `elinstall'."
1429 (when
1430 (elinstall-proceed-p 'install
1431 (list
1432 '("Install %s? "
1433 "Re-install %s? "
1434 "Already installed %s.")
1435 project-name)
1436 (elinstall-already-installed project-name))
1437 (elinstall-x
1438 path
1439 `(def-file "loaddefs.el" (if-used ,project-name) ,spec))
1440 (elinstall-record-installed project-name version-string)))
1442 ;;;_ , Entry points
1443 ;;;_ . elinstall
1444 ;;;###autoload
1445 (defun elinstall (project-name path spec &optional force version-string)
1446 "Install elisp files.
1447 They need not be a formal package.
1449 Parameters:
1451 PROJECT-NAME - the name of the project
1453 PATH - Path to the project.
1454 Suggestion: Use (elinstall-directory-true-name) to get the real
1455 current directoery name even from loaded files.
1457 SPEC - a spec for the autoloads etc to make. It can be as simple
1458 as `t'.
1460 If FORCE is `t', install a package even if it has already been
1461 installed. If it's a list or `nil', it's treated as a list of
1462 installation restraints. User customizations override this
1463 argument.
1465 VERSION-STRING, if given, must be a string of the version for this package."
1467 (elinstall-call-with-restraints
1468 (if (eq force t)
1469 '((install always))
1470 force)
1471 project-name
1472 #'elinstall-package
1473 project-name path spec version-string))
1475 ;;;_ . elinstall-update-directory-autoloads
1477 ;;;###autoload
1478 (defun elinstall-update-directory-autoloads (dir)
1479 "Update autoloads for directory DIR"
1481 (interactive "DUpdate autoloads for all elisp files from directory: ")
1482 (elinstall-call-with-restraints
1483 '((autoloads t)
1484 (t nil))
1486 #'elinstall-x
1488 '(dir ".")))
1490 ;;;_ . elinstall-update-directory
1491 ;;;###autoload
1492 (defun elinstall-update-directory (dir)
1493 "Update autoloads for directory DIR"
1495 (interactive "DInstall all elisp files from directory: ")
1496 (elinstall-call-with-restraints
1499 #'elinstall-x
1501 '(dir ".")))
1503 ;;;_ . elinstall-update-file-autoloads
1504 ;;;###autoload
1505 (defun elinstall-update-file-autoloads (file)
1506 "Update autoloads for elisp file FILE"
1508 (interactive "fUpdate autoloads for elisp file: ")
1509 (elinstall-call-with-restraints
1512 #'elinstall-x
1513 (file-name-directory file)
1514 `(file ,(file-name-nondirectory file))))
1516 ;;;_ . elinstall-update-file
1517 ;;;###autoload
1518 (defun elinstall-update-file (file)
1519 "Install elisp file FILE"
1521 (interactive "fInstall elisp file: ")
1522 (elinstall-call-with-restraints
1523 '((autoloads t)
1524 (t nil))
1526 #'elinstall-x
1527 (file-name-directory file)
1528 `(file ,(file-name-nondirectory file))))
1530 ;;;_. Footers
1531 ;;;_ , Provides
1533 (provide 'elinstall)
1535 ;;;_ * Local emacs vars.
1536 ;;;_ + Local variables:
1537 ;;;_ + mode: allout
1538 ;;;_ + End:
1540 ;;;_ , End
1541 ;;; elinstall.el ends here