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[davical.git] / testing / tests / regression-suite / 0933-PROPFIND-supported-privilege-set.result
1 HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status\r
2 Date: Dow, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT\r
3 DAV: 1, 2, 3, access-control, calendar-access, calendar-schedule\r
4 DAV: extended-mkcol, bind, addressbook, calendar-auto-schedule, calendar-proxy\r
5 ETag: "ad3defe4bec3b3af2799d11bf03c5f40"\r
6 Content-Length: 4144\r
7 Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"\r
8 \r
9 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
10 <multistatus xmlns="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
11  <response>
12   <href>/caldav.php/</href>
13   <propstat>
14    <prop>
15     <supported-privilege-set>
16      <supported-privilege>
17       <privilege>
18        <all/>
19       </privilege>
20       <supported-privilege>
21        <privilege>
22         <read/>
23        </privilege>
24        <description>Read the content of a resource or collection</description>
25       </supported-privilege>
26       <supported-privilege>
27        <privilege>
28         <write/>
29        </privilege>
30        <supported-privilege>
31         <privilege>
32          <bind/>
33         </privilege>
34         <description>Create a resource or collection</description>
35        </supported-privilege>
36        <supported-privilege>
37         <privilege>
38          <unbind/>
39         </privilege>
40         <description>Delete a resource or collection</description>
41        </supported-privilege>
42        <supported-privilege>
43         <privilege>
44          <write-content/>
45         </privilege>
46         <description>Write content</description>
47        </supported-privilege>
48        <supported-privilege>
49         <privilege>
50          <write-properties/>
51         </privilege>
52         <description>Write properties</description>
53        </supported-privilege>
54       </supported-privilege>
55       <supported-privilege>
56        <privilege>
57         <C:read-free-busy/>
58        </privilege>
59        <description>Read the free/busy information for a calendar collection</description>
60       </supported-privilege>
61       <supported-privilege>
62        <privilege>
63         <read-acl/>
64        </privilege>
65        <description>Read ACLs for a resource or collection</description>
66       </supported-privilege>
67       <supported-privilege>
68        <privilege>
69         <read-current-user-privilege-set/>
70        </privilege>
71        <description>Read the details of the current user's access control to this resource.</description>
72       </supported-privilege>
73       <supported-privilege>
74        <privilege>
75         <write-acl/>
76        </privilege>
77        <description>Write ACLs for a resource or collection</description>
78       </supported-privilege>
79       <supported-privilege>
80        <privilege>
81         <unlock/>
82        </privilege>
83        <description>Remove a lock</description>
84       </supported-privilege>
85       <supported-privilege>
86        <privilege>
87         <C:schedule-deliver/>
88        </privilege>
89        <supported-privilege>
90         <privilege>
91          <C:schedule-deliver-invite/>
92         </privilege>
93         <description>Deliver scheduling invitations from an organiser to this scheduling inbox</description>
94        </supported-privilege>
95        <supported-privilege>
96         <privilege>
97          <C:schedule-deliver-reply/>
98         </privilege>
99         <description>Deliver scheduling replies from an attendee to this scheduling inbox</description>
100        </supported-privilege>
101        <supported-privilege>
102         <privilege>
103          <C:schedule-query-freebusy/>
104         </privilege>
105         <description>Allow free/busy enquiries targeted at the owner of this scheduling inbox</description>
106        </supported-privilege>
107       </supported-privilege>
108       <supported-privilege>
109        <privilege>
110         <C:schedule-send/>
111        </privilege>
112        <supported-privilege>
113         <privilege>
114          <C:schedule-send-invite/>
115         </privilege>
116         <description>Send scheduling invitations as an organiser from the owner of this scheduling outbox.</description>
117        </supported-privilege>
118        <supported-privilege>
119         <privilege>
120          <C:schedule-send-reply/>
121         </privilege>
122         <description>Send scheduling replies as an attendee from the owner of this scheduling outbox.</description>
123        </supported-privilege>
124        <supported-privilege>
125         <privilege>
126          <C:schedule-send-freebusy/>
127         </privilege>
128         <description>Send free/busy enquiries</description>
129        </supported-privilege>
130       </supported-privilege>
131      </supported-privilege>
132     </supported-privilege-set>
133    </prop>
134    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
135   </propstat>
136  </response>
137 </multistatus>