[clsql/s11.git] / sql / database.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
2 ;;;; *************************************************************************
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; $Id$
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; Base database functions
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
11 ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
12 ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
13 ;;;; *************************************************************************
15 (in-package #:clsql-sys)
18 (defvar *connect-if-exists* :error
19 "Default value for the if-exists keyword argument in calls to
20 CONNECT. Meaningful values are :new, :warn-new, :error, :warn-old
21 and :old.")
23 (defvar *connected-databases* nil
24 "List of active database objects.")
26 (defun connected-databases ()
27 "Returns the list of active database objects."
28 *connected-databases*)
30 (defvar *default-database* nil
31 "Specifies the default database to be used.")
33 (defun is-database-open (database)
34 (eql (database-state database) :open))
36 (defun find-database (database &key (errorp t) (db-type nil))
37 "Returns the connected databases of type DB-TYPE whose names
38 match the string DATABASE. If DATABASE is a database object, it
39 is returned. If DB-TYPE is nil all databases matching the string
40 DATABASE are considered. If no matching databases are found and
41 ERRORP is nil then nil is returned. If ERRORP is nil and one or
42 more matching databases are found, then the most recently
43 connected database is returned as a first value and the number of
44 matching databases is returned as a second value. If no, or more
45 than one, matching databases are found and ERRORP is true, an
46 error is signalled."
47 (etypecase database
48 (database
49 (values database 1))
50 (string
51 (let* ((matches (remove-if
52 #'(lambda (db)
53 (not (and (string= (database-name db) database)
54 (if db-type
55 (equal (database-type db) db-type)
56 t))))
57 (connected-databases)))
58 (count (length matches)))
59 (if (or (not errorp) (= count 1))
60 (values (car matches) count)
61 (cerror "Return nil."
62 'sql-database-error
63 :message
64 (format nil "There exists ~A database called ~A."
65 (if (zerop count) "no" "more than one")
66 database)))))
67 (null
68 (error "A database must be specified rather than NIL."))))
71 (defun connect (connection-spec
72 &key (if-exists *connect-if-exists*)
73 (make-default t)
74 (pool nil)
75 (database-type *default-database-type*))
76 "Connects to a database of the supplied DATABASE-TYPE which
77 defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE-TYPE*, using the type-specific
78 connection specification CONNECTION-SPEC. The value of IF-EXISTS,
79 which defaults to *CONNECT-IF-EXISTS*, determines what happens if
80 a connection to the database specified by CONNECTION-SPEC is
81 already established. A value of :new means create a new
82 connection. A value of :warn-new means warn the user and create
83 a new connect. A value of :warn-old means warn the user and use
84 the old connection. A value of :error means fail, notifying the
85 user. A value of :old means return the old connection.
86 MAKE-DEFAULT is t by default which means that *DEFAULT-DATABASE*
87 is set to the new connection, otherwise *DEFAULT-DATABASE* is not
88 changed. If POOL is t the connection will be taken from the
89 general pool, if POOL is a CONN-POOL object the connection will
90 be taken from this pool."
92 (unless database-type
93 (error 'sql-database-error :message "Must specify a database-type."))
95 (when (stringp connection-spec)
96 (setq connection-spec (string-to-list-connection-spec connection-spec)))
98 (unless (member database-type *loaded-database-types*)
99 (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op (ensure-keyword
100 (concatenate 'string
101 (symbol-name '#:clsql-)
102 (symbol-name database-type)))))
104 (if pool
105 (let ((conn (acquire-from-pool connection-spec database-type pool)))
106 (when make-default (setq *default-database* conn))
107 conn)
108 (let* ((db-name (database-name-from-spec connection-spec database-type))
109 (old-db (unless (eq if-exists :new)
110 (find-database db-name :db-type database-type
111 :errorp nil)))
112 (result nil))
113 (if old-db
114 (ecase if-exists
115 (:warn-new
116 (setq result
117 (database-connect connection-spec database-type))
118 (warn 'sql-warning
119 :message
120 (format nil
121 "Created new connection ~A to database ~A~%, although there is an existing connection (~A)."
122 result (database-name result) old-db)))
123 (:error
124 (restart-case
125 (error 'sql-connection-error
126 :message
127 (format nil "There is an existing connection ~A to database ~A."
128 old-db
129 (database-name old-db)))
130 (create-new ()
131 :report "Create a new connection."
132 (setq result
133 (database-connect connection-spec database-type)))
134 (use-old ()
135 :report "Use the existing connection."
136 (setq result old-db))))
137 (:warn-old
138 (setq result old-db)
139 (warn 'sql-warning
140 :message
141 (format nil
142 "Using existing connection ~A to database ~A."
143 old-db
144 (database-name old-db))))
145 (:old
146 (setq result old-db)))
147 (setq result
148 (database-connect connection-spec database-type)))
149 (when result
150 (setf (slot-value result 'state) :open)
151 (pushnew result *connected-databases*)
152 (when make-default (setq *default-database* result))
153 result))))
156 (defun disconnect (&key (database *default-database*) (error nil))
158 "Closes the connection to DATABASE and resets
159 *DEFAULT-DATABASE* if that database was disconnected. If DATABASE
160 is a database instance, this object is closed. If DATABASE is a
161 string, then a connected database whose name matches DATABASE is
162 sought in the list of connected databases. If no matching
163 database is found and ERROR and DATABASE are both non-nil an
164 error is signaled, otherwise nil is returned. If the database is
165 from a pool it will be released to this pool."
166 (let ((database (find-database database :errorp (and database error))))
167 (when database
168 (if (conn-pool database)
169 (with-process-lock ((conn-pool-lock (conn-pool database)) "Delete from pool")
170 (when (release-to-pool database)
171 (setf *connected-databases* (delete database *connected-databases*))
172 (when (eq database *default-database*)
173 (setf *default-database* (car *connected-databases*)))
175 (when (database-disconnect database)
176 (setf *connected-databases* (delete database *connected-databases*))
177 (when (eq database *default-database*)
178 (setf *default-database* (car *connected-databases*)))
179 (setf (slot-value database 'state) :closed)
180 t)))))
183 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
186 (defmacro check-connection-spec (connection-spec database-type template)
187 "Check the connection specification against the provided template,
188 and signal an sql-user-error if they don't match. This function
189 is called by database backends."
190 `(handler-case
191 (destructuring-bind ,template ,connection-spec
192 (declare (ignore ,@(remove '&optional template)))
194 (error ()
195 (error 'sql-user-error
196 :message
197 (format nil
198 "The connection specification ~A~%is invalid for database type ~A.~%The connection specification must conform to ~A"
199 ,connection-spec
200 ,database-type
201 (quote ,template))))))
203 (defun reconnect (&key (database *default-database*) (error nil) (force t))
204 "Reconnects DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE* to
205 the underlying database management system. On success, t is
206 returned and the variable *DEFAULT-DATABASE* is set to the newly
207 reconnected database. If DATABASE is a database instance, this
208 object is closed. If DATABASE is a string, then a connected
209 database whose name matches DATABASE is sought in the list of
210 connected databases. If no matching database is found and ERROR
211 and DATABASE are both non-nil an error is signaled, otherwise nil
212 is returned. When the current database connection cannot be
213 closed, if FORCE is non-nil, as it is by default, the connection
214 is closed and errors are suppressed. If force is nil and the
215 database connection cannot be closed, an error is signalled."
216 (let ((db (etypecase database
217 (database database)
218 ((or string list)
219 (let ((db (find-database database :errorp nil)))
220 (when (null db)
221 (if (and database error)
222 (error 'sql-connection-error
223 :message
224 (format nil "Unable to find database with connection-spec ~A." database))
225 (return-from reconnect nil)))
226 db)))))
228 (when (is-database-open db)
229 (if force
230 (ignore-errors (disconnect :database db))
231 (disconnect :database db :error nil)))
233 (connect (connection-spec db))))
236 (defun status (&optional full)
237 "Prints information about the currently connected databases to
238 *STANDARD-OUTPUT*. The argument FULL is nil by default and a
239 value of t means that more detailed information about each
240 database is printed."
241 (flet ((get-data ()
242 (let ((data '()))
243 (dolist (db (connected-databases) data)
244 (push
245 (append
246 (list (if (equal db *default-database*) "*" "")
247 (database-name db)
248 (string-downcase (string (database-type db)))
249 (cond ((and (command-recording-stream db)
250 (result-recording-stream db))
251 "Both")
252 ((command-recording-stream db) "Commands")
253 ((result-recording-stream db) "Results")
254 (t "nil")))
255 (when full
256 (list
257 (if (conn-pool db) "t" "nil")
258 (format nil "~A" (length (database-list-tables db)))
259 (format nil "~A" (length (database-list-views db))))))
260 data))))
261 (compute-sizes (data)
262 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'max (mapcar #'length x)))
263 (apply #'mapcar (cons #'list data))))
264 (print-separator (size)
265 (format t "~&~A" (make-string size :initial-element #\-))))
266 (format t "~&CLSQL STATUS: ~A~%" (iso-timestring (get-time)))
267 (let ((data (get-data)))
268 (when data
269 (let* ((titles (if full
272 (list "" "DATABASE" "TYPE" "RECORDING")))
273 (sizes (compute-sizes (cons titles data)))
274 (total-size (+ (apply #'+ sizes) (* 2 (1- (length titles)))))
275 (control-string (format nil "~~&~~{~{~~~AA ~}~~}" sizes)))
276 (print-separator total-size)
277 (format t control-string titles)
278 (print-separator total-size)
279 (dolist (d data) (format t control-string d))
280 (print-separator total-size))))
281 (values)))
283 (defun create-database (connection-spec &key database-type)
284 "This function creates a database in the database system specified
286 (when (stringp connection-spec)
287 (setq connection-spec (string-to-list-connection-spec connection-spec)))
288 (database-create connection-spec database-type))
290 (defun probe-database (connection-spec &key database-type)
291 "This function tests for the existence of a database in the database
292 system specified by DATABASE-TYPE."
293 (when (stringp connection-spec)
294 (setq connection-spec (string-to-list-connection-spec connection-spec)))
295 (database-probe connection-spec database-type))
297 (defun destroy-database (connection-spec &key database-type)
298 "This function destroys a database in the database system specified
300 (when (stringp connection-spec)
301 (setq connection-spec (string-to-list-connection-spec connection-spec)))
302 (database-destroy connection-spec database-type))
304 (defun list-databases (connection-spec &key database-type)
305 "This function returns a list of databases existing in the database
306 system specified by DATABASE-TYPE."
307 (when (stringp connection-spec)
308 (setq connection-spec (string-to-list-connection-spec connection-spec)))
309 (database-list connection-spec database-type))
311 (defmacro with-database ((db-var connection-spec
312 &key make-default pool
313 (if-exists *connect-if-exists*)
314 (database-type *default-database-type*))
315 &body body)
316 "Evaluate the body in an environment, where DB-VAR is bound to the
317 database connection given by CONNECTION-SPEC and CONNECT-ARGS. The
318 connection is automatically closed or released to the pool on exit
319 from the body. MAKE-DEFAULT has a default value of NIL."
320 `(let ((,db-var (connect ,connection-spec
321 :database-type ,database-type
322 :if-exists ,if-exists
323 :pool ,pool
324 :make-default ,make-default)))
325 (unwind-protect
326 (let ((,db-var ,db-var))
327 (progn ,@body))
328 (disconnect :database ,db-var))))
330 (defmacro with-default-database ((database) &rest body)
331 "Perform BODY with DATABASE bound as *default-database*."
332 `(progv '(*default-database*)
333 (list ,database)
334 ,@body))