imported sources
[closure-html.git] / src / glisp / dep-cmucl.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CL-USER; -*-
2 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ;;; Title: CMUCL dependent stuff + fixups
4 ;;; Created: 1999-05-25 22:32
5 ;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <>
6 ;;; License: GPL (See file COPYING for details).
7 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 ;;; (c) copyright 1999 by Gilbert Baumann
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 (export 'glisp::read-byte-sequence :glisp)
25 (export 'glisp::read-char-sequence :glisp)
26 (export 'glisp::run-unix-shell-command :glisp)
28 (export 'glisp::getenv :glisp)
30 (export 'glisp::make-server-socket :glisp)
31 (export 'glisp::close-server-socket :glisp)
33 (defun glisp::read-byte-sequence (&rest ap)
34 (apply #'read-sequence ap))
36 (defun glisp::read-char-sequence (&rest ap)
37 (apply #'read-sequence ap))
39 (defun glisp::read-byte-sequence (sequence input &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
40 (let (c (i start))
41 (loop
42 (cond ((= i end) (return i)))
43 (setq c (read-byte input nil :eof))
44 (cond ((eql c :eof) (return i)))
45 (setf (aref sequence i) c)
46 (incf i) )))
48 (defun glisp::read-byte-sequence (sequence input &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
49 (let ((r (read-sequence sequence input :start start :end end)))
50 (cond ((and (= r start) (> end start))
51 (let ((byte (read-byte input nil :eof)))
52 (cond ((eq byte :eof)
55 (setf (aref sequence start) byte)
56 (incf start)
57 (if (> end start)
58 (glisp::read-byte-sequence sequence input :start start :end end)
59 start)))))
61 r))))
63 #||
64 (defun glisp::read-char-sequence (sequence input &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
65 (let (c (i start))
66 (loop
67 (cond ((= i end) (return i)))
68 (setq c (read-byte input nil :eof))
69 (cond ((eql c :eof) (return i)))
70 (setf (aref sequence i) c)
71 (incf i) )))
72 ||#
74 (defmacro glisp::with-timeout ((&rest ignore) &body body)
75 (declare (ignore ignore))
76 `(progn
77 ,@body))
79 (defun glisp::open-inet-socket (hostname port)
80 (let ((fd (extensions:connect-to-inet-socket hostname port)))
81 (values
82 (sys:make-fd-stream fd
83 :input t
84 :output t
85 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
86 :name (format nil "Network connection to ~A:~D" hostname port))
87 :byte)))
89 (defstruct (server-socket (:constructor make-server-socket-struct))
91 element-type
92 port)
94 (defun glisp::make-server-socket (port &key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
95 (make-server-socket-struct :fd (ext:create-inet-listener port)
96 :element-type element-type
97 :port port))
99 (defun glisp::accept-connection/low (socket)
100 (mp:process-wait-until-fd-usable (server-socket-fd socket) :input)
101 (values
102 (sys:make-fd-stream (ext:accept-tcp-connection (server-socket-fd socket))
103 :input t :output t
104 :element-type (server-socket-element-type socket))
105 (cond ((subtypep (server-socket-element-type socket) 'integer)
106 :byte)
108 :char))))
110 (defun glisp::close-server-socket (socket)
111 (unix:unix-close (server-socket-fd socket)))
113 ;;;;;;
115 (defun glisp::g/make-string (length &rest options)
116 (apply #'make-array length :element-type 'base-char options))
122 RUN-PROGRAM is an external symbol in the EXTENSIONS package.
123 Function: #<Function RUN-PROGRAM {12E7B79}>
124 Function arguments:
125 (program args &key (env *environment-list*) (wait t) pty input
126 if-input-does-not-exist output (if-output-exists :error) (error :output)
127 (if-error-exists :error) status-hook)
128 Function documentation:
129 Run-program creates a new process and runs the unix progam in the
130 file specified by the simple-string program. Args are the standard
131 arguments that can be passed to a Unix program, for no arguments
132 use NIL (which means just the name of the program is passed as arg 0).
134 Run program will either return NIL or a PROCESS structure. See the CMU
135 Common Lisp Users Manual for details about the PROCESS structure.
137 The keyword arguments have the following meanings:
138 :env -
139 An A-LIST mapping keyword environment variables to simple-string
140 values.
141 :wait -
142 If non-NIL (default), wait until the created process finishes. If
143 NIL, continue running Lisp until the program finishes.
144 :pty -
145 Either T, NIL, or a stream. Unless NIL, the subprocess is established
146 under a PTY. If :pty is a stream, all output to this pty is sent to
147 this stream, otherwise the PROCESS-PTY slot is filled in with a stream
148 connected to pty that can read output and write input.
149 :input -
150 Either T, NIL, a pathname, a stream, or :STREAM. If T, the standard
151 input for the current process is inherited. If NIL, /dev/null
152 is used. If a pathname, the file so specified is used. If a stream,
153 all the input is read from that stream and send to the subprocess. If
154 :STREAM, the PROCESS-INPUT slot is filled in with a stream that sends
155 its output to the process. Defaults to NIL.
156 :if-input-does-not-exist (when :input is the name of a file) -
157 can be one of:
158 :error - generate an error.
159 :create - create an empty file.
160 nil (default) - return nil from run-program.
161 :output -
162 Either T, NIL, a pathname, a stream, or :STREAM. If T, the standard
163 output for the current process is inherited. If NIL, /dev/null
164 is used. If a pathname, the file so specified is used. If a stream,
165 all the output from the process is written to this stream. If
166 :STREAM, the PROCESS-OUTPUT slot is filled in with a stream that can
167 be read to get the output. Defaults to NIL.
168 :if-output-exists (when :input is the name of a file) -
169 can be one of:
170 :error (default) - generates an error if the file already exists.
171 :supersede - output from the program supersedes the file.
172 :append - output from the program is appended to the file.
173 nil - run-program returns nil without doing anything.
174 :error and :if-error-exists -
175 Same as :output and :if-output-exists, except that :error can also be
176 specified as :output in which case all error output is routed to the
177 same place as normal output.
178 :status-hook -
179 This is a function the system calls whenever the status of the
180 process changes. The function takes the process as an argument.
181 Its defined argument types are:
185 Its result type is:
187 On Wednesday, 7/1/98 12:48:51 pm [-1] it was compiled from:
188 target:code/run-program.lisp
189 Created: Saturday, 6/20/98 07:13:08 pm [-1]
190 Comment: $Header: /home/david/closure-cvs/cvsroot/closure/src/glisp/dep-cmucl.lisp,v 2002-07-22 02:27:22 gilbert Exp $
193 ;; (process-exit-code (run-program "/bin/sh" (list "-c" "ls") :wait t :input nil :output nil))
195 (defun glisp:run-unix-shell-command (command)
196 (ext:process-exit-code (ext:run-program "/bin/sh" (list "-c" command) :wait t :input nil :output nil)))
198 (defmacro glisp::defsubst (name args &body body)
199 `(progn
200 (declaim (inline ,name))
201 (defun ,name ,args .,body)))
204 ;;; MP
206 (export 'glisp::mp/process-yield :glisp)
207 (export 'glisp::mp/process-wait :glisp)
208 (export 'glisp::mp/process-run-function :glisp)
209 (export 'glisp::mp/make-lock :glisp)
210 (export 'glisp::mp/current-process :glisp)
211 (export 'glisp::mp/process-kill :glisp)
213 (defun glisp::mp/make-lock (&key name)
214 (mp:make-lock name))
216 (defmacro glisp::mp/with-lock ((lock) &body body)
217 `(mp:with-lock-held (,lock)
218 ,@body))
220 (defun glisp::mp/process-yield (&optional process-to-run)
221 (declare (ignore process-to-run))
222 (mp:process-yield))
224 (defun glisp::mp/process-wait (whostate predicate)
225 (mp:process-wait whostate predicate))
227 (defun glisp::mp/process-run-function (name fun &rest args)
228 (mp:make-process
229 (lambda ()
230 (apply fun args))
231 :name name))
233 (defun glisp::mp/current-process ()
234 mp:*current-process*)
236 (defun glisp::mp/process-kill (process)
237 (mp:destroy-process process))
239 (defun glisp::getenv (string)
240 (cdr (assoc string ext:*environment-list* :test #'string-equal)))