9 years agoLicense date updatemaster
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 25 Feb 2015 21:19:23 +0000 (25 22:19 +0100)]
License date update

9 years agoExpose mode - save root list to prevent root change
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 25 Feb 2015 21:06:31 +0000 (25 22:06 +0100)]
Expose mode - save root list to prevent root change

9 years agoAdd an expose mode to present child without changing there position
Philippe Brochard [Thu, 19 Feb 2015 23:39:46 +0000 (20 00:39 +0100)]
Add an expose mode to present child without changing there position

9 years agoFind free keys instead of incrementing the last one for each new child
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 5 Nov 2014 23:45:48 +0000 (6 00:45 +0100)]
Find free keys instead of incrementing the last one for each new child

9 years agoHandle correctly multi letters child in expose mode
Philippe Brochard [Tue, 4 Nov 2014 22:20:58 +0000 (4 23:20 +0100)]
Handle correctly multi letters child in expose mode

10 years agoDo not raise window on each event
Philippe Brochard [Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:46:08 +0000 (29 22:46 +0200)]
Do not raise window on each event

10 years agoDeclare second mode global variables in package.lisp
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 5 Apr 2014 23:59:14 +0000 (6 01:59 +0200)]
Declare second mode global variables in package.lisp

10 years agoCopyright date update
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 5 Apr 2014 23:53:08 +0000 (6 01:53 +0200)]
Copyright date update

10 years agoDo not remove a child if it's the last child in *root-frame*
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 5 Apr 2014 21:20:43 +0000 (5 23:20 +0200)]
Do not remove a child if it's the last child in *root-frame*

10 years agoLeave second mode when retrieving windows
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 23:48:09 +0000 (5 01:48 +0200)]
Leave second mode when retrieving windows

10 years agoAdd a menu binding to retrieve existing windows not already managed by CLFSWM
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 4 Apr 2014 23:33:57 +0000 (5 01:33 +0200)]
Add a menu binding to retrieve existing windows not already managed by CLFSWM

10 years agoFix a problem with macro with-timer
Andrea De Michele [Tue, 4 Mar 2014 15:09:10 +0000 (4 15:09 +0000)]
Fix a problem with macro with-timer

10 years agoDo not steal the focus on focus-in
Renaud Casenave-Pere [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 22:28:33 +0000 (13 23:28 +0100)]
Do not steal the focus on focus-in

10 years agoAlso remove frame in delete-child-and-children-in-all-frames
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 21:51:57 +0000 (13 22:51 +0100)]
Also remove frame in delete-child-and-children-in-all-frames

10 years agoLeave/enter frames like in spatial move
Michaël Cadilhac [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 21:16:42 +0000 (13 22:16 +0100)]
Leave/enter frames like in spatial move

10 years agoAssociate child under mouse to expose-child
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 21:02:08 +0000 (13 22:02 +0100)]
Associate child under mouse to expose-child

10 years agoSet expose windows and gcontexts to nil when done in expose-mode
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 20:52:35 +0000 (13 21:52 +0100)]
Set expose windows and gcontexts to nil when done in expose-mode

10 years agoAdd some necessary ensure-printable protection
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 6 Dec 2013 20:03:55 +0000 (6 21:03 +0100)]
Add some necessary ensure-printable protection

10 years agoLoad clfswm.asd from load.lisp
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 4 Dec 2013 14:44:14 +0000 (4 15:44 +0100)]
Load clfswm.asd from load.lisp

10 years agoBetter handler for xlib:access-errors
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 19 Oct 2013 23:19:28 +0000 (20 01:19 +0200)]
Better handler for xlib:access-errors

10 years agoIgnore incompliant wm-class strings
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 19 Oct 2013 15:31:58 +0000 (19 17:31 +0200)]
Ignore incompliant wm-class strings

11 years agoRemove an unneeded no-focus.
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 17 Aug 2013 21:04:16 +0000 (17 23:04 +0200)]
Remove an unneeded no-focus.

11 years agoUse a more general method to not activate child under clfswm terminal (or xvkbd virtu...
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:19:48 +0000 (11 23:19 +0200)]
Use a more general method to not activate child under clfswm terminal (or xvkbd virtual keyboard)

11 years agoAdd a tree view (default) for fastswitch mode
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:02:25 +0000 (11 23:02 +0200)]
Add a tree view (default) for fastswitch mode

11 years agoDo not activate/handle child under the clfswm terminal when it is present
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 10 Aug 2013 21:12:20 +0000 (10 23:12 +0200)]
Do not activate/handle child under the clfswm terminal when it is present

11 years agoAdd a MOC - Console audio player - interface
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 7 Aug 2013 22:06:49 +0000 (8 00:06 +0200)]
Add a MOC - Console audio player - interface

11 years agoAlways focus from frame
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 2 Aug 2013 12:45:29 +0000 (2 14:45 +0200)]
Always focus from frame

11 years agoAdd a fastswitch-move-mode to move children from expose shortcuts
Philippe Brochard [Thu, 1 Aug 2013 21:04:57 +0000 (1 23:04 +0200)]
Add a fastswitch-move-mode to move children from expose shortcuts

11 years agoRemove fake screen sizes
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:07:36 +0000 (31 17:07 +0200)]
Remove fake screen sizes

11 years agoEnsure query strings and info strings are printable
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:04:59 +0000 (31 17:04 +0200)]
Ensure query strings and info strings are printable

11 years agoUse x-drawable-width/height of *root* instead of xlib:screen-width/height to get...
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:01:07 +0000 (31 17:01 +0200)]
Use x-drawable-width/height of *root* instead of xlib:screen-width/height to get the screen size

11 years agoLet the ability to adjust fastswitch mini window and show frames names or not
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:31:24 +0000 (31 16:31 +0200)]
Let the ability to adjust fastswitch mini window and show frames names or not

11 years agoUse different colors for windows and frames in fastswitch-mode. Limit drawing area...
Philippe Brochard [Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:05:38 +0000 (30 19:05 +0200)]
Use different colors for windows and frames in fastswitch-mode. Limit drawing area when there is a lot of children.

11 years agoUse a global counter for expose letters instead of a sort based on window Xid.
Philippe Brochard [Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:50:01 +0000 (30 18:50 +0200)]
Use a global counter for expose letters instead of a sort based on window Xid.

11 years agoCopyright date update
Philippe Brochard [Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:22:44 +0000 (29 22:22 +0200)]
Copyright date update

11 years agoAdd a fastswitch mode to quickly switch in children from expose mode
Philippe Brochard [Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:12:42 +0000 (29 22:12 +0200)]
Add a fastswitch mode to quickly switch in children from expose mode

11 years agoAlways bind the same shortcuts for children in expose mode
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 26 Jul 2013 16:46:23 +0000 (26 18:46 +0200)]
Always bind the same shortcuts for children in expose mode

11 years agoChange focus for sloppy-select-window in manage-focus only on child change
Philippe Brochard [Mon, 3 Jun 2013 20:42:21 +0000 (3 22:42 +0200)]
Change focus for sloppy-select-window in manage-focus only on child change

11 years agoTakes care of *steal-focus* variable in run-or-raise function
Philippe Brochard [Tue, 7 May 2013 19:00:43 +0000 (7 21:00 +0200)]
Takes care of *steal-focus* variable in run-or-raise function

11 years agoFixe unmap-notify request
Philippe Brochard [Tue, 7 May 2013 18:55:37 +0000 (7 20:55 +0200)]
Fixe unmap-notify request

11 years agoAdd a configuration variable (steal-focus) to allow or not to steal the focus on...
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 24 Apr 2013 20:41:44 +0000 (24 22:41 +0200)]
Add a configuration variable (steal-focus) to allow or not to steal the focus on configure request

11 years agoUse with-current-window instead of with-focus-window to take current window over...
Philippe Brochard [Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:01:32 +0000 (22 21:01 +0200)]
Use with-current-window instead of with-focus-window to take current window over brothers in second mode

11 years agoAllow to move the current focused child when circulating over brothers (new bindings)
Philippe Brochard [Mon, 22 Apr 2013 18:49:52 +0000 (22 20:49 +0200)]
Allow to move the current focused child when circulating over brothers (new bindings)

11 years agoDestroy window is needed in some cases
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 7 Apr 2013 20:40:46 +0000 (7 22:40 +0200)]
Destroy window is needed in some cases

11 years agoChange focus only on mouse move
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 5 Apr 2013 20:35:41 +0000 (5 22:35 +0200)]
Change focus only on mouse move

11 years agoAdd a menu entry to enable sloppy-select-window focus policy
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 5 Apr 2013 20:12:04 +0000 (5 22:12 +0200)]
Add a menu entry to enable sloppy-select-window focus policy

11 years agoMove mouse pointer only when needed on :sloppy-select-window focus policy
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 5 Apr 2013 20:00:55 +0000 (5 22:00 +0200)]
Move mouse pointer only when needed on :sloppy-select-window focus policy

11 years agoAdd a three columns layout
Renaud Casenave-Péré [Fri, 5 Apr 2013 19:38:51 +0000 (5 21:38 +0200)]
Add a three columns layout

11 years agoBeginning of sloppy select over all windows
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 24 Mar 2013 15:50:54 +0000 (24 16:50 +0100)]
Beginning of sloppy select over all windows

11 years agoUse in-child to find child under mouse pointer
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 24 Mar 2013 08:11:52 +0000 (24 09:11 +0100)]
Use in-child to find child under mouse pointer

11 years agoDo not destroy manually windows on destroy notify event (clfswm is a non reparent...
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 22 Mar 2013 22:11:38 +0000 (22 23:11 +0100)]
Do not destroy manually windows on destroy notify event (clfswm is a non reparent window manager)

11 years agoUse child coordinates instead of stored rectangle coordinates
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 22 Mar 2013 22:10:09 +0000 (22 23:10 +0100)]
Use child coordinates instead of stored rectangle coordinates

11 years agoDo not unmap manually windows on unmap notify event
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 17 Mar 2013 22:29:52 +0000 (17 23:29 +0100)]
Do not unmap manually windows on unmap notify event

11 years agoEnsure window type for leader
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 16 Feb 2013 22:23:12 +0000 (16 23:23 +0100)]
Ensure window type for leader

11 years agoOnly windows with no transient windows participate in hidden children optimization
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:36:32 +0000 (18 23:36 +0100)]
Only windows with no transient windows participate in hidden children optimization

11 years agoOptimize hidden rectangle only for windows types in *show-hide-policy-type* (handle...
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 11 Jan 2013 22:42:38 +0000 (11 23:42 +0100)]
Optimize hidden rectangle only for windows types in *show-hide-policy-type* (handle frame case)

11 years agoOptimize hidden rectangle only for windows types in *show-hide-policy-type* (:normal...
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 11 Jan 2013 22:33:58 +0000 (11 23:33 +0100)]
Optimize hidden rectangle only for windows types in *show-hide-policy-type* (:normal by default)

11 years agoMove child in its original parent if no destination child is found. Show all children...
Philippe Brochard [Thu, 10 Jan 2013 10:18:31 +0000 (10 11:18 +0100)]
Move child in its original parent if no destination child is found. Show all children before waiting the child move.

11 years agoRaise window only if there is no maxsize fullscreenned windows (ex: SDL windows in...
Philippe Brochard [Thu, 10 Jan 2013 08:53:29 +0000 (10 09:53 +0100)]
Raise window only if there is no maxsize fullscreenned windows (ex: SDL windows in fullscreen mode)

11 years agoSet windows with max-size greater than root sizes to normal windows type
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 6 Jan 2013 15:08:41 +0000 (6 16:08 +0100)]
Set windows with max-size greater than root sizes to normal windows type

11 years agoAdd :maxsize windows in *default-managed-type*
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 6 Jan 2013 14:32:23 +0000 (6 15:32 +0100)]
Add :maxsize windows in *default-managed-type*

11 years agoUse children position information from show-all-children instead of recalculating...
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 26 Dec 2012 13:12:54 +0000 (26 14:12 +0100)]
Use children position information from show-all-children instead of recalculating them each time

11 years agoRemove unnecessary raise-window and the not needed any more null-size-* functions.
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 22 Dec 2012 21:57:12 +0000 (22 22:57 +0100)]
Remove unnecessary raise-window and the not needed any more null-size-* functions.

11 years agoHandle other children on configure request
Philippe Brochard [Thu, 20 Dec 2012 21:05:17 +0000 (20 22:05 +0100)]
Handle other children on configure request

11 years agoPrevent current-child to be set to nil
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:14:27 +0000 (19 22:14 +0100)]
Prevent current-child to be set to nil

11 years agoRemove L* keysym to use only F* (L1 become F11)
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 12 Dec 2012 19:54:26 +0000 (12 20:54 +0100)]
Remove L* keysym to use only F* (L1 become F11)

11 years agoMove or resize blank window with the mouse
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 9 Dec 2012 20:40:11 +0000 (9 21:40 +0100)]
Move or resize blank window with the mouse

11 years agoAdd a comment in load.lisp to change the contrib directory in clfswm imageR-1212
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 7 Dec 2012 22:22:57 +0000 (7 23:22 +0100)]
Add a comment in load.lisp to change the contrib directory in clfswm image

11 years agoBlank window mode added. Documentation update
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 7 Dec 2012 22:10:38 +0000 (7 23:10 +0100)]
Blank window mode added. Documentation update

11 years agoDon not use GNU specific command in Makefile
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 30 Nov 2012 23:37:54 +0000 (1 00:37 +0100)]
Don not use GNU specific command in Makefile

11 years agoMake install *.desktop files
Philippe Brochard [Thu, 29 Nov 2012 08:26:30 +0000 (29 09:26 +0100)]
Make install *.desktop files

11 years agoUse load.lisp instead of load.tmp.lisp
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 28 Nov 2012 23:31:01 +0000 (29 00:31 +0100)]
Use load.lisp instead of load.tmp.lisp

11 years agoUse a standard Makefile to load load.lisp and remove the installation part in load...
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 28 Nov 2012 23:27:57 +0000 (29 00:27 +0100)]
Use a standard Makefile to load load.lisp and remove the installation part in load.lisp

11 years agoReset last head sizes on CLFSWM reset
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 28 Nov 2012 22:35:35 +0000 (28 23:35 +0100)]
Reset last head sizes on CLFSWM reset

11 years agoRemove hidden monitor heads at xinerama sizes construction time
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 25 Nov 2012 15:09:07 +0000 (25 16:09 +0100)]
Remove hidden monitor heads at xinerama sizes construction time

11 years agoMinor object check fix
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 23 Nov 2012 22:36:48 +0000 (23 23:36 +0100)]
Minor object check fix

11 years agoRemove overlapping heads instead of equal heads
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:23:06 +0000 (21 21:23 +0100)]
Remove overlapping heads instead of equal heads

11 years agoDo not redisplay children on unmap events when there is a fullscreend window
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 16 Nov 2012 21:40:21 +0000 (16 22:40 +0100)]
Do not redisplay children on unmap events when there is a fullscreend window

11 years agoDo not update current size when there is only geometry change and not head structure...
Philippe Brochard [Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:59:02 +0000 (14 21:59 +0100)]
Do not update current size when there is only geometry change and not head structure change

11 years agoRename *root-size-change* hook to *root-size-change-hook*
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 10 Nov 2012 22:18:31 +0000 (10 23:18 +0100)]
Rename *root-size-change* hook to *root-size-change-hook*

11 years agoChange root structure on screen size change only when there is some heads changes
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 10 Nov 2012 22:14:27 +0000 (10 23:14 +0100)]
Change root structure on screen size change only when there is some heads changes

11 years agoAdd support for numeric keypad with numlock on
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 9 Nov 2012 22:06:58 +0000 (9 23:06 +0100)]
Add support for numeric keypad with numlock on

11 years agoMinor string check to prevent unknown alsa card errors
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 3 Nov 2012 20:22:04 +0000 (3 21:22 +0100)]
Minor string check to prevent unknown alsa card errors

11 years agoRemove configure tools. Just remove and not delete windows on unmap event
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 3 Nov 2012 08:31:35 +0000 (3 09:31 +0100)]
Remove configure tools. Just remove and not delete windows on unmap event

11 years agoLoad.lisp do not run clfswm by default
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 21 Oct 2012 20:51:36 +0000 (21 22:51 +0200)]
Load.lisp do not run clfswm by default

11 years agoload.lisp can download ASDF and CLX if needed
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 21 Oct 2012 19:46:54 +0000 (21 21:46 +0200)]
load.lisp can download ASDF and CLX if needed

11 years agoDo not update root geometry when a fullscreened window change root size
Philippe Brochard [Sun, 21 Oct 2012 11:44:41 +0000 (21 13:44 +0200)]
Do not update root geometry when a fullscreened window change root size

11 years agoBuild executable image from load.lisp.
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 20 Oct 2012 21:33:02 +0000 (20 23:33 +0200)]
Build executable image from load.lisp.

11 years agoBuild clfswm image in load.lisp. Let bind-on-slot on other child than current child
Philippe Brochard [Sat, 20 Oct 2012 12:12:25 +0000 (20 14:12 +0200)]
Build clfswm image in load.lisp. Let bind-on-slot on other child than current child

11 years agoCorrectly Configure roots on monitor change
Philippe Brochard [Tue, 16 Oct 2012 07:46:22 +0000 (16 09:46 +0200)]
Correctly Configure roots on monitor change

11 years agoAdded query-mode-complete-suggest and helpers.
Michael Raitza [Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:24:50 +0000 (13 14:24 +0200)]
Added query-mode-complete-suggest and helpers.

11 years agoRefactored run-program-from-query-string.
Michael Raitza [Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:07:58 +0000 (13 14:07 +0200)]
Refactored run-program-from-query-string.

11 years agosrc/clfswm-query.lisp (set-default-query-keys): Bind query-backspace-clear to C-u...
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:19:55 +0000 (12 23:19 +0200)]
src/clfswm-query.lisp (set-default-query-keys): Bind query-backspace-clear to C-u and S-C-Backspace

11 years agoAdded query-backspace-clear.
Michael Raitza [Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:12:10 +0000 (12 23:12 +0200)]
Added query-backspace-clear.

11 years agoAdded set-layout-simple
Michael Raitza [Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:09:53 +0000 (12 23:09 +0200)]
Added set-layout-simple

11 years agoman page added
Desmond O. Chang [Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:00:55 +0000 (12 23:00 +0200)]
man page added

11 years agoChanged frame-select-*-child to wrap around. (Handle frames with no children)
Philippe Brochard [Fri, 12 Oct 2012 11:03:03 +0000 (12 13:03 +0200)]
Changed frame-select-*-child to wrap around. (Handle frames with no children)

11 years agoChanged frame-select-*-child to wrap around.
Michael Raitza [Fri, 12 Oct 2012 10:50:38 +0000 (12 12:50 +0200)]
Changed frame-select-*-child to wrap around.

11 years agoAdded select-previous-child-simple.
Michael Raitza [Fri, 12 Oct 2012 10:40:42 +0000 (12 12:40 +0200)]
Added select-previous-child-simple.

11 years agosrc/tools.lisp (n-rotate-list): Implementation ehancements (1/2 GC, 2x speed).
Michael Raitza [Mon, 8 Oct 2012 20:45:10 +0000 (8 22:45 +0200)]
src/tools.lisp (n-rotate-list): Implementation ehancements (1/2 GC, 2x speed).