Ensure query strings and info strings are printable
[clfswm.git] / src / clfswm-info.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Info function (see the end of this file for user definition
6 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;;
8 ;;; (C) 2005-2013 Philippe Brochard <pbrochard@common-lisp.net>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 (in-package :clfswm)
28 (defstruct info window gc font list ilw ilh x y max-x max-y)
31 (defparameter *info-selected-item* nil)
34 (defun leave-info-mode (info)
35 "Leave the info mode"
36 (declare (ignore info))
37 (setf *info-selected-item* nil)
38 (throw 'exit-info-loop nil))
40 (defun leave-info-mode-and-valid (info)
41 "Leave the info mode and valid the selected item"
42 (declare (ignore info))
43 (throw 'exit-info-loop nil))
45 (defun mouse-leave-info-mode (window root-x root-y info)
46 "Leave the info mode"
47 (declare (ignore window root-x root-y info))
48 (setf *info-selected-item* nil)
49 (throw 'exit-info-loop nil))
53 (defun find-info-item-from-mouse (root-x root-y info)
54 (if (< (x-drawable-x (info-window info)) root-x
55 (+ (x-drawable-x (info-window info))
56 (x-drawable-width (info-window info))))
57 (truncate (/ (- (+ (- root-y (x-drawable-y (info-window info)))
58 (xlib:max-char-ascent (info-font info))
59 (info-y info)) (info-ilh info)) (info-ilh info)))
60 nil))
63 (defun set-info-item-form-mouse (root-x root-y info)
64 (setf *info-selected-item* (find-info-item-from-mouse root-x root-y info)))
67 (defun info-y-display-coords (info posy)
68 (- (+ (* (info-ilh info) posy) (info-ilh info)) (info-y info)))
70 (defun incf-info-selected-item (info n)
71 (setf *info-selected-item*
72 (min (if *info-selected-item*
73 (+ *info-selected-item* n)
75 (1- (or (length (info-list info)) 1)))))
77 (defun decf-info-selected-item (info n)
78 (declare (ignore info))
79 (setf *info-selected-item*
80 (max (if *info-selected-item*
81 (- *info-selected-item* n)
83 0)))
87 (defun draw-info-window (info)
88 (labels ((print-line (line posx posy &optional (color *info-foreground*))
89 (xlib:with-gcontext ((info-gc info) :foreground (get-color color)
90 :background (if (equal posy *info-selected-item*)
91 (get-color *info-selected-background*)
92 (get-color *info-background*)))
93 (funcall (if (equal posy *info-selected-item*)
94 #'xlib:draw-image-glyphs
95 #'xlib:draw-glyphs)
96 *pixmap-buffer* (info-gc info)
97 (- (+ (info-ilw info) (* posx (info-ilw info))) (info-x info))
98 (info-y-display-coords info posy)
99 (ensure-printable (format nil "~A" line))))
100 (+ posx (length line))))
101 (clear-pixmap-buffer (info-window info) (info-gc info))
102 (loop for line in (info-list info)
103 for y from 0
104 do (typecase line
105 (cons (typecase (first line)
106 (cons (let ((posx 0))
107 (dolist (l line)
108 (typecase l
109 (cons (setf posx (print-line (first l) posx y (second l))))
110 (t (setf posx (print-line l posx y)))))))
111 (t (print-line (first line) 0 y (second line)))))
112 (t (print-line line 0 y))))
113 (copy-pixmap-buffer (info-window info) (info-gc info))))
119 ;;;,-----
120 ;;;| Key binding
121 ;;;`-----
123 (add-hook *binding-hook* 'init-*info-keys* 'init-*info-mouse*)
125 (defun set-default-info-keys ()
126 (define-info-key (#\q) 'leave-info-mode)
127 (define-info-key ("Return") 'leave-info-mode-and-valid)
128 (define-info-key ("KP_Enter" :mod-2) 'leave-info-mode-and-valid)
129 (define-info-key ("space") 'leave-info-mode-and-valid)
130 (define-info-key ("Escape") 'leave-info-mode)
131 (define-info-key ("g" :control) 'leave-info-mode)
132 (define-info-key ("twosuperior")
133 (defun info-banish-pointer (info)
134 "Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen"
135 (declare (ignore info))
136 (banish-pointer)))
137 (define-info-key ("Down")
138 (defun info-next-line (info)
139 "Move one line down"
140 (incf-info-selected-item info 1)
141 (when (> (info-y-display-coords info *info-selected-item*)
142 (+ (x-drawable-y (info-window info))
143 (x-drawable-height (info-window info))))
144 (setf (info-y info) (min (+ (info-y info) (info-ilh info)) (info-max-y info))))
145 (draw-info-window info)))
146 (define-info-key ("Up")
147 (defun info-previous-line (info)
148 "Move one line up"
149 (decf-info-selected-item info 1)
150 (when (< (info-y-display-coords info *info-selected-item*)
151 (+ (x-drawable-y (info-window info))
152 (info-ilh info)))
153 (setf (info-y info) (max (- (info-y info) (info-ilh info)) 0)))
154 (draw-info-window info)))
155 (define-info-key ("Left")
156 (defun info-previous-char (info)
157 "Move one char left"
158 (setf (info-x info) (max (- (info-x info) (info-ilw info)) 0))
159 (draw-info-window info)))
160 (define-info-key ("Right")
161 (defun info-next-char (info)
162 "Move one char right"
163 (setf (info-x info) (min (+ (info-x info) (info-ilw info)) (info-max-x info)))
164 (draw-info-window info)))
165 (define-info-key ("Home")
166 (defun info-first-line (info)
167 "Move to first line"
168 (setf (info-x info) 0
169 (info-y info) 0)
170 (setf *info-selected-item* 0)
171 (draw-info-window info)))
172 (define-info-key ("End")
173 (defun info-end-line (info)
174 "Move to last line"
175 (setf (info-x info) 0
176 (info-y info) (- (* (length (info-list info)) (info-ilh info)) (x-drawable-height (info-window info))))
177 (setf *info-selected-item* (1- (or (length (info-list info)) 1)))
178 (draw-info-window info)))
179 (define-info-key ("Page_Down")
180 (defun info-next-ten-lines (info)
181 "Move ten lines down"
182 (incf-info-selected-item info 10)
183 (when (> (info-y-display-coords info *info-selected-item*)
184 (+ (x-drawable-y (info-window info))
185 (x-drawable-height (info-window info))))
186 (setf (info-y info) (min (+ (info-y info) (* (info-ilh info) 10)) (info-max-y info))))
187 (draw-info-window info)))
188 (define-info-key ("Page_Up")
189 (defun info-previous-ten-lines (info)
190 "Move ten lines up"
191 (decf-info-selected-item info 10)
192 (when (< (info-y-display-coords info *info-selected-item*)
193 (+ (x-drawable-y (info-window info))
194 (info-ilh info)))
195 (setf (info-y info) (max (- (info-y info) (* (info-ilh info) 10)) 0)))
196 (draw-info-window info))))
198 (add-hook *binding-hook* 'set-default-info-keys)
203 (defparameter *info-start-grab-x* nil)
204 (defparameter *info-start-grab-y* nil)
207 (defun info-begin-grab (window root-x root-y info)
208 "Begin grab text"
209 (declare (ignore window))
210 (setf *info-start-grab-x* (min (max (+ root-x (info-x info)) 0) (info-max-x info))
211 *info-start-grab-y* (min (max (+ root-y (info-y info)) 0) (info-max-y info)))
212 (draw-info-window info))
214 (defun info-end-grab (window root-x root-y info)
215 "End grab"
216 (declare (ignore window))
217 (setf (info-x info) (min (max (- *info-start-grab-x* root-x) 0) (info-max-x info))
218 (info-y info) (min (max (- *info-start-grab-y* root-y) 0) (info-max-y info))
219 *info-start-grab-x* nil
220 *info-start-grab-y* nil)
221 (draw-info-window info))
223 (defun info-mouse-next-line (window root-x root-y info)
224 "Move one line down"
225 (declare (ignore window))
226 (setf (info-y info) (min (+ (info-y info) (info-ilh info)) (info-max-y info)))
227 (set-info-item-form-mouse root-x root-y info)
228 (draw-info-window info))
230 (defun info-mouse-previous-line (window root-x root-y info)
231 "Move one line up"
232 (declare (ignore window))
233 (setf (info-y info) (max (- (info-y info) (info-ilh info)) 0))
234 (set-info-item-form-mouse root-x root-y info)
235 (draw-info-window info))
238 (defun info-mouse-motion-drag (window root-x root-y info)
239 "Grab text"
240 (declare (ignore window))
241 (when (and *info-start-grab-x* *info-start-grab-y*)
242 (setf (info-x info) (min (max (- *info-start-grab-x* root-x) 0) (info-max-x info))
243 (info-y info) (min (max (- *info-start-grab-y* root-y) 0) (info-max-y info)))
244 (draw-info-window info)))
252 (defun info-mouse-select-item (window root-x root-y info)
253 (declare (ignore window))
254 (set-info-item-form-mouse root-x root-y info)
255 (leave-info-mode-and-valid info))
257 (defun info-mouse-motion-click (window root-x root-y info)
258 (declare (ignore window))
259 (let ((last *info-selected-item*))
260 (set-info-item-form-mouse root-x root-y info)
261 (unless (equal last *info-selected-item*)
262 (draw-info-window info))))
266 (defun set-default-info-mouse ()
267 (if *info-click-to-select*
268 (define-info-mouse (1) nil 'info-mouse-select-item)
269 (define-info-mouse (1) 'info-begin-grab 'info-end-grab))
270 (define-info-mouse (2) 'mouse-leave-info-mode)
271 (define-info-mouse (3) 'mouse-leave-info-mode)
272 (define-info-mouse (4) 'info-mouse-previous-line)
273 (define-info-mouse (5) 'info-mouse-next-line)
274 (if *info-click-to-select*
275 (define-info-mouse ('motion) 'info-mouse-motion-click nil)
276 (define-info-mouse ('motion) 'info-mouse-motion-drag nil)))
278 (add-hook *binding-hook* 'set-default-info-mouse)
282 (let (info)
283 (define-handler info-mode :key-press (code state)
284 (funcall-key-from-code *info-keys* code state info))
286 (define-handler info-mode :motion-notify (window root-x root-y)
287 (unless (compress-motion-notify)
288 (funcall-button-from-code *info-mouse* 'motion (modifiers->state *default-modifiers*)
289 window root-x root-y *fun-press* (list info))))
291 (define-handler info-mode :button-press (window root-x root-y code state)
292 (funcall-button-from-code *info-mouse* code state window root-x root-y *fun-press* (list info)))
294 (define-handler info-mode :button-release (window root-x root-y code state)
295 (funcall-button-from-code *info-mouse* code state window root-x root-y *fun-release* (list info)))
299 (defun info-mode (info-list &key (width nil) (height nil))
300 "Open the info mode. Info-list is a list of info: One string per line
301 Or for colored output: a list (line_string color)
302 Or ((1_word color) (2_word color) 3_word (4_word color)...)"
303 (when info-list
304 (setf *info-selected-item* 0)
305 (labels ((compute-size (line)
306 (typecase line
307 (cons (typecase (first line)
308 (cons (let ((val 0))
309 (dolist (l line val)
310 (incf val (typecase l
311 (cons (length (first l)))
312 (t (length l)))))))
313 (t (length (first line)))))
314 (t (length line)))))
315 (let* ((font (xlib:open-font *display* *info-font-string*))
316 (ilw (xlib:max-char-width font))
317 (ilh (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent font) (xlib:max-char-descent font) 1))
318 (width (or width
319 (min (* (+ (loop for l in info-list maximize (compute-size l)) 2) ilw)
320 (screen-width))))
321 (height (or height
322 (min (round (+ (* (length info-list) ilh) (/ ilh 2)))
323 (screen-height)))))
324 (with-placement (*info-mode-placement* x y width height)
325 (let* ((window (xlib:create-window :parent *root*
326 :x x :y y
327 :width width
328 :height height
329 :background (get-color *info-background*)
330 :colormap (xlib:screen-default-colormap *screen*)
331 :border-width *border-size*
332 :border (get-color *info-border*)
333 :event-mask '(:exposure)))
334 (gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable window
335 :foreground (get-color *info-foreground*)
336 :background (get-color *info-background*)
337 :font font
338 :line-style :solid)))
339 (setf info (make-info :window window :gc gc :x 0 :y 0 :list info-list
340 :font font :ilw ilw :ilh ilh
341 :max-x (* (loop for l in info-list maximize (compute-size l)) ilw)
342 :max-y (* (length info-list) ilh)))
343 (setf (window-transparency window) *info-transparency*)
344 (map-window window)
345 (draw-info-window info)
346 (wait-no-key-or-button-press)
347 (with-grab-keyboard-and-pointer (68 69 66 67)
348 (generic-mode 'info-mode 'exit-info-loop
349 :loop-function (lambda ()
350 (raise-window (info-window info)))
351 :original-mode '(main-mode)))
352 (xlib:free-gcontext gc)
353 (xlib:destroy-window window)
354 (xlib:close-font font)
355 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
356 (display-all-frame-info)
357 (wait-no-key-or-button-press)
358 *info-selected-item*)))))))
362 (defun info-mode-menu (item-list &key (width nil) (height nil))
363 "Open an info help menu.
364 Item-list is: '((key function) separator (key function))
365 or with explicit docstring: '((key function \"documentation 1\") (key function \"bla bla\") (key function))
366 key is a character, a keycode or a keysym
367 Separator is a string or a symbol (all but a list)
368 Function can be a function or a list (function color) for colored output"
369 (let ((info-list nil)
370 (action nil)
371 (old-info-keys (copy-hash-table *info-keys*)))
372 (labels ((define-key (key function)
373 (define-info-key-fun (list key)
374 (lambda (&optional args)
375 (declare (ignore args))
376 (setf action function)
377 (leave-info-mode nil)))))
378 (dolist (item item-list)
379 (typecase item
380 (cons (destructuring-bind (key function explicit-doc) (ensure-n-elems item 3)
381 (typecase function
382 (cons (push (list (list (format nil "~A" key) *menu-color-menu-key*)
383 (list (format nil ": ~A" (or explicit-doc (documentation (first function) 'function)))
384 (second function)))
385 info-list)
386 (define-key key (first function)))
387 (t (push (list (list (format nil "~A" key) *menu-color-key*)
388 (format nil ": ~A" (or explicit-doc (documentation function 'function))))
389 info-list)
390 (define-key key function)))))
391 (t (push (list (format nil "-=- ~A -=-" item) *menu-color-comment*) info-list))))
392 (let ((selected-item (info-mode (nreverse info-list) :width width :height height)))
393 (setf *info-keys* old-info-keys)
394 (when selected-item
395 (awhen (nth selected-item item-list)
396 (when (consp it)
397 (destructuring-bind (key function explicit-doc) (ensure-n-elems it 3)
398 (declare (ignore key explicit-doc))
399 (typecase function
400 (cons (setf action (first function)))
401 (t (setf action function)))))))
402 (typecase action
403 (function (funcall action))
404 (symbol (when (fboundp action)
405 (funcall action))))))))
411 (defun keys-from-list (list)
412 "Produce a key menu based on list item"
413 (loop for l in list
414 for i from 0
415 collect (list (number->char i) l)))
418 ;;;,-----
419 ;;;| CONFIG - Info mode functions
420 ;;;`-----
421 (defun key-binding-colorize-line (list)
422 (loop :for line :in list
423 :collect (cond ((search "* CLFSWM Keys *" line) (list line *info-color-title*))
424 ((search "---" line) (list line *info-color-underline*))
425 ((begin-with-2-spaces line)
426 (list (list (subseq line 0 22) *info-color-second*)
427 (list (subseq line 22 35) *info-color-first*)
428 (subseq line 35)))
429 (t line))))
432 (defun show-key-binding (&rest hash-table-key)
433 "Show the binding of each hash-table-key.
434 Pass the :no-producing-doc symbol to remove the producing doc"
435 (info-mode (key-binding-colorize-line
436 (split-string (append-newline-space
437 (with-output-to-string (stream)
438 (produce-doc (remove :no-producing-doc hash-table-key)
439 stream
440 (not (member :no-producing-doc hash-table-key)))))
441 #\Newline))))
444 (defun show-global-key-binding ()
445 "Show all key binding"
446 (show-key-binding *main-keys* *main-mouse* *second-keys* *second-mouse*
447 *info-keys* *info-mouse*))
449 (defun show-main-mode-key-binding ()
450 "Show the main mode binding"
451 (show-key-binding *main-keys* *main-mouse*))
453 (defun show-second-mode-key-binding ()
454 "Show the second mode key binding"
455 (show-key-binding *second-keys* *second-mouse*))
457 (defun show-circulate-mode-key-binding ()
458 "Show the circulate mode key binding"
459 (show-key-binding *circulate-keys*))
461 (defun show-expose-window-mode-key-binding ()
462 "Show the expose window mode key binding"
463 (show-key-binding *expose-keys* *expose-mouse*))
466 (defun show-first-aid-kit ()
467 "Show the first aid kit key binding"
468 (labels ((add-key (hash symbol &optional (hashkey *main-keys*))
469 (multiple-value-bind (k v)
470 (find-in-hash symbol hashkey)
471 (setf (gethash k hash) v))))
472 (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
473 (hash-second (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
474 (setf (gethash 'name hash) "First aid kit - Main mode key binding"
475 (gethash 'name hash-second) "First aid kit - Second mode key binding")
476 (add-key hash 'select-next-child)
477 (add-key hash 'select-previous-child)
478 (add-key hash 'select-next-brother)
479 (add-key hash 'select-previous-brother)
480 (add-key hash 'select-previous-level)
481 (add-key hash 'select-next-level)
482 (add-key hash 'enter-frame)
483 (add-key hash 'leave-frame)
484 (add-key hash 'second-key-mode)
485 (add-key hash 'expose-windows-mode)
486 (add-key hash 'expose-all-windows-mode)
487 (add-key hash 'present-clfswm-terminal)
488 (add-key hash-second 'leave-second-mode *second-keys*)
489 (add-key hash-second 'open-menu *second-keys*)
490 (add-key hash-second 'run-program-from-query-string *second-keys*)
491 (add-key hash-second 'eval-from-query-string *second-keys*)
492 (add-key hash-second 'set-open-in-new-frame-in-parent-frame-nw-hook *second-keys*)
493 (add-key hash-second 'b-start-xterm *second-keys*)
494 (add-key hash-second 'b-start-emacs *second-keys*)
495 (show-key-binding hash hash-second :no-producing-doc))))
498 (defun corner-help-colorize-line (list)
499 (loop :for line :in list
500 :collect (cond ((search "CLFSWM:" line) (list line *info-color-title*))
501 ((search "*:" line) (list line *info-color-underline*))
502 ((begin-with-2-spaces line)
503 (let ((pos (position #\: line)))
504 (if pos
505 (list (list (subseq line 0 (1+ pos)) *info-color-first*)
506 (subseq line (1+ pos)))
507 line)))
508 (t line))))
510 (defun show-corner-help ()
511 "Help on clfswm corner"
512 (info-mode (corner-help-colorize-line
513 (split-string (append-newline-space
514 (with-output-to-string (stream)
515 (produce-corner-doc stream)))
516 #\Newline))))
519 (defun configuration-variable-colorize-line (list)
520 (loop :for line :in list
521 :collect (cond ((search "CLFSWM " line) (list line *info-color-title*))
522 ((search "* =" line)
523 (let ((pos (position #\= line)))
524 (list (list (subseq line 0 (1+ pos)) *info-color-first*)
525 (list (subseq line (1+ pos)) *info-color-second*))))
526 ((search "<=" line) (list line *info-color-underline*))
527 (t line))))
530 (defun show-config-variable ()
531 "Show all configurable variables"
532 (let ((result nil))
533 (labels ((rec ()
534 (setf result nil)
535 (info-mode-menu (loop :for group :in (config-all-groups)
536 :for i :from 0
537 :collect (list (number->char i)
538 (let ((group group))
539 (lambda ()
540 (setf result group)))
541 (config-group->string group))))
542 (when result
543 (info-mode (configuration-variable-colorize-line
544 (split-string (append-newline-space
545 (with-output-to-string (stream)
546 (produce-conf-var-doc stream result t nil)))
547 #\Newline)))
548 (rec))))
549 (rec))))
554 (defun show-date ()
555 "Show the current time and date"
556 (info-mode (list (list `("Current date:" ,*menu-color-comment*) (date-string)))))
563 (defun info-on-shell (msg program)
564 (let ((lines (do-shell program nil t)))
565 (info-mode (append (list (list msg *menu-color-comment*))
566 (loop for line = (read-line lines nil nil)
567 while line
568 collect (ensure-printable line))))))
572 (defun show-cpu-proc ()
573 "Show current processes sorted by CPU usage"
574 (info-on-shell "Current processes sorted by CPU usage:"
575 "ps --cols=1000 --sort='-%cpu,uid,pgid,ppid,pid' -e -o user,pid,stime,pcpu,pmem,args"))
577 (defun show-mem-proc ()
578 "Show current processes sorted by memory usage"
579 (info-on-shell "Current processes sorted by MEMORY usage:"
580 "ps --cols=1000 --sort='-vsz,uid,pgid,ppid,pid' -e -o user,pid,stime,pcpu,pmem,args"))
583 (defun show-cd-info ()
584 "Show the current CD track"
585 (info-on-shell "Current CD track:" "pcd i"))
587 (defun show-cd-playlist ()
588 "Show the current CD playlist"
589 (info-on-shell "Current CD playlist:" "pcd mi"))
592 (defun show-version ()
593 "Show the current CLFSWM version"
594 (info-mode (list *version*)))