[cl-v4l2.git] / example.lisp
1 ;;
2 ;; CL-V4L2 example
3 ;;
4 ;; $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libv4l/v4l2convert.so sbcl --load example.lisp
6 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-v4l2)
7 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-gtk2-gtkglext)
8 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :bordeaux-threads)
10 (defpackage :test-v4l2
11 (:use :common-lisp :gtk :gtkglext)
12 (:import-from :iolib.syscalls %sys-open %sys-close o-rdwr))
14 (in-package :test-v4l2)
16 (defvar *capture-device* "/dev/video1")
17 (defvar *want-width* 640)
18 (defvar *want-height* 480)
19 (defparameter *got-width* nil)
20 (defparameter *got-height* nil)
22 (defparameter *camera-widget* nil)
23 (defparameter *camera-data* nil)
24 (defparameter *camera-data-lock* (bt:make-lock "Camera data lock"))
26 (defparameter *cap-thread-stop* nil)
28 (defparameter *render-thread-stop* (bt:make-condition-variable))
29 (defparameter *render-thread-lock* (bt:make-lock "Render thread lock"))
31 (defmacro without-errors (&body body)
32 `(handler-case ,@body
33 (error (c) (format t "suppressed error: ~A~%" c) nil)))
35 (defun char-at (pos data)
36 (code-char (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 pos)) data)))
38 (defun format-string (pixfmt)
39 (format nil "~C~C~C~C"
40 (char-at 0 pixfmt)
41 (char-at 1 pixfmt)
42 (char-at 2 pixfmt)
43 (char-at 3 pixfmt)))
45 (defun diagnose (fd)
46 (let ((caps (v4l2:query-capabilities fd)))
47 (format t (v4l2:%device-info caps))
48 (unless (v4l2:capable caps v4l2:cap-video-capture)
49 (error "not a capture device"))
50 (unless (v4l2:capable caps v4l2:cap-streaming)
51 (error "not a streaming device"))
52 (when (v4l2:capable caps v4l2:cap-tuner)
53 (without-errors
54 (loop for idx from 0 do
55 (progn
56 (v4l2:get-tuner-params fd idx)
57 ;; show tuner params
58 ))))
60 (without-errors
61 (loop for idx from 0 do
62 (with-slots (v4l2:index v4l2:name v4l2:type v4l2:tuner)
63 (v4l2:get-input-params fd idx)
64 (format t "input [~D] name: ~A, type ~A~%"
65 v4l2:index
66 v4l2:name
67 (if (= v4l2:type v4l2:input-type-tuner) "tuner" "camera"))
68 (when (= v4l2:type v4l2:input-type-tuner)
69 (format t "input [~D] connected to tuner ~D~%" v4l2:index v4l2:tuner))
71 (without-errors
72 (loop for idx1 from 0 do
73 (with-slots (v4l2:index v4l2:name)
74 (v4l2:get-input-standard fd idx1)
75 (format t "input [~D] std [~D] name: ~A~%"
76 idx v4l2:index v4l2:name)))))))
78 (v4l2:set-input fd 0) ; some cameras don't set input by default
80 (without-errors
81 (loop for idx from 0 do
82 (with-slots (v4l2:index v4l2:pixelformat) (v4l2:get-format fd idx)
83 (format t "format [~D] ~S~%" v4l2:index
84 (format-string v4l2:pixelformat)))))))
86 (defun device-init (fd)
87 (v4l2:set-input fd 0)
88 (without-errors
89 (v4l2:set-control fd v4l2:cid-exposure 0.05))
90 (format t "set ~Dx~D, format ~S~%" *want-width* *want-height*
91 (format-string v4l2:pix-fmt-rgb24))
92 (v4l2:set-image-format fd *want-width* *want-height* v4l2:pix-fmt-rgb24)
93 (with-slots (v4l2:width v4l2:height v4l2:sizeimage v4l2:pixelformat)
94 (v4l2:format-pix (v4l2:get-image-format fd))
95 (setf *got-width* v4l2:width
96 *got-height* v4l2:height)
97 (format t "got ~Dx~D size ~D, format ~S~%"
98 v4l2:width v4l2:height
99 v4l2:sizeimage (format-string v4l2:pixelformat))
100 (setq *camera-data* (make-array (* 4 *got-height* *got-width*)
101 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
102 :initial-element #xff))))
104 (defun video-init (device)
105 (let ((fd (%sys-open device o-rdwr)))
106 (diagnose fd) ; info about device
107 (device-init fd) ; setup
108 (let ((buffers (v4l2:map-buffers fd 4))) ; map 4 buffers into memory
109 (v4l2:stream-on fd buffers) ; start capturing
110 (values fd buffers))))
112 (defun video-uninit (fd buffers)
113 (v4l2:stream-off fd) ; stop capturing
114 (v4l2:unmap-buffers buffers) ; throw away buffers from memory
115 (%sys-close fd) ; close device
116 (format t "that's all!~%"))
118 (defun capture-thread ()
119 (format t "cap thread start~%")
120 (multiple-value-bind (fd buffers)
121 (video-init *capture-device*)
122 (loop thereis *cap-thread-stop* do
123 (let ((frame (without-errors (v4l2:get-frame fd)))) ; get one frame from driver
124 (when frame ; errors from v4l2convert.so are highly possible
125 (multiple-value-bind (buffer address)
126 (values-list (nth frame buffers))
127 (declare (ignore buffer))
128 ;; Silly rgb24->rgb32 converter
129 (bt:with-lock-held (*camera-data-lock*)
130 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))
131 (loop for i fixnum from 0 below (* *got-width* *got-height*) do
132 (setf (aref *camera-data* (+ (* 4 i) 0)) (cffi:mem-aref address :uchar (+ (* 3 i) 0))
133 (aref *camera-data* (+ (* 4 i) 1)) (cffi:mem-aref address :uchar (+ (* 3 i) 1))
134 (aref *camera-data* (+ (* 4 i) 2)) (cffi:mem-aref address :uchar (+ (* 3 i) 2))))))
136 (when *camera-widget*
137 (with-main-loop
138 (widget-queue-draw *camera-widget*)))
140 (v4l2:put-frame fd frame)))) ; put frame back to driver
141 (video-uninit fd buffers))
142 (format t "cap thread exit~%"))
144 (defun camera-init (widget)
145 (declare (ignore widget))
146 (gl:clear-color 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8)
147 (gl:enable :texture-rectangle-arb :depth-test)
148 (gl:depth-func :lequal)
150 (gl:bind-texture :texture-rectangle-arb 0)
152 (gl:tex-image-2d :texture-rectangle-arb
154 :rgb8
155 *got-width*
156 *got-height*
158 :rgba
159 :unsigned-byte
160 *camera-data*)
162 (gl:new-list 1 :compile)
164 (gl:begin :quads)
165 (gl:tex-coord 0 *got-height*)
166 (gl:vertex 0.0 0.0)
167 (gl:tex-coord 0 0)
168 (gl:vertex 0.0 1.0)
169 (gl:tex-coord *got-width* 0)
170 (gl:vertex 1.0 1.0)
171 (gl:tex-coord *got-width* *got-height*)
172 (gl:vertex 1.0 0.0)
173 (gl:end)
174 (gl:end-list)
176 (gl:clear-depth 1.0)
177 (gl:flush))
179 (defun camera-draw (widget event)
180 (declare (ignore event))
181 (gl:clear :color-buffer-bit :depth-buffer-bit)
182 (gl:bind-texture :texture-rectangle-arb 0)
184 (when *camera-data*
185 (bt:with-lock-held (*camera-data-lock*)
186 (gl:tex-sub-image-2d :texture-rectangle-arb 0
188 *got-width*
189 *got-height*
190 :rgba
191 :unsigned-byte
192 *camera-data*)))
194 ;; Keep ratio 4:3
195 (multiple-value-bind (w h)
196 (gdk:drawable-get-size (widget-window widget))
197 (let ((w1 w)
198 (h1 h))
199 (when (and (> w 0) (> h 0))
200 (if (> (/ w h) 4/3)
201 (setq h1 h
202 w1 (* h 4/3))
203 (setq w1 w
204 h1 (* w 3/4))))
205 (gl:viewport 0 0 w1 h1)))
207 (gl:matrix-mode :projection)
208 (gl:load-identity)
209 (glu:perspective 19.0 1.0 1.0 10.0)
211 (gl:matrix-mode :modelview)
212 (gl:load-identity)
213 (glu:look-at 0.0 0.0 3.0
214 0.0 0.0 0.0
215 0.0 1.0 0.0)
217 (gl:translate -0.5 -0.5 0.0)
219 (gl:call-list 1)
220 (gl:flush))
222 (defun test ()
223 (let ((cap-thread (bt:make-thread #'capture-thread :name "capturer")))
224 (with-main-loop
225 (let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window
226 :type :toplevel
227 :window-position :center
228 :title "Hello world!"
229 :default-width *want-width*
230 :default-height *want-height*)))
232 (gobject:connect-signal window "destroy"
233 (lambda (widget)
234 (declare (ignore widget))
235 (bt:condition-notify *render-thread-stop*)))
237 ;; Capture process needs to know which widget to ask for redraw
238 (setq *camera-widget* (make-instance 'gl-drawing-area
239 :on-init #'camera-init
240 :on-draw #'camera-draw))
241 (container-add window *camera-widget*)
242 (widget-show window :all t)))
244 ;; Wait for window destruction
245 (bt:with-lock-held (*render-thread-lock*)
246 (bt:condition-wait *render-thread-stop* *render-thread-lock*))
247 (setq *cap-thread-stop* t)
248 (bt:join-thread cap-thread)))
250 (test)