[cl-trane.git] / src / common.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- lisp -*- common.lisp -- common functionality used by CL-Trane libraries and projects
3 ;;;; Copyright (c) 2008, Maciej Pasternacki <maciej@pasternacki.net>
4 ;;;; All rights reserved. This file is available on the terms
5 ;;;; detailed in COPYING file included with it.
7 ;; Package for internal use in libraries and projects
8 (defpackage #:trane-common
9 (:use #:common-lisp #:iterate #:puri)
10 (:export #:id #:slug #:slug-dao #:slugify
11 #:dirtiness-mixin #:dirty-p #:mark-as-dirty #:update-dao-if-dirty
12 #:cache-dao #:with-dao-cache
13 #:*config* #:init-config #:*db* #:init-db-connection #:execute*
14 #:unless-null #:null-or #:qp-utf8 #:invoke-sendmail
15 #:report-error #:report-error-by-email #:report-error-to-file #:format-error-report
16 #:*error-context-hook* #:*error-report-pathname-defaults*
17 #:make-keyword #:named-lambda #:random-string #:salted-password #:hex-md5
18 #:*handler-package* #:handler-function
19 #:start-hunchentoot))
21 (in-package #:trane-common)
23 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
24 ;;; Common access methods for database objects
26 (defgeneric id (object)
27 (:documentation "Numeric ID or :NULL for DAOs and, if it makes sense, other objects.
29 Usually it will be a reader method automatically defined for ID column of a DAO."))
31 ;;; To enable using integer as a DAO when only ID is needed
32 (defmethod id ((i integer))
35 ;;; NULL database id for NIL object.
36 (defmethod id ((n null))
37 :NULL)
39 (defmethod id ((n string))
40 (parse-integer n :junk-allowed t))
42 (defgeneric slug (object)
43 (:documentation "Get short, unique, urlified name of OBJECT."))
45 (defun slug-dao (class slug)
46 "Select DAO of CLASS having \"slug\" column set to SLUG."
47 (first (postmodern:select-dao class (:= 'slug slug))))
49 ;;; FIXME:flatten characters, unicode and so on
50 (defun slugify (str)
51 (iterate (for cs in-string str)
52 (for c = (char-downcase cs))
53 (for safe-p = (find c "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
54 (for previous-safe-p previous safe-p initially t)
55 (when safe-p
56 (unless previous-safe-p
57 (collect #\- result-type string))
58 (collect c result-type string))))
60 (defclass dirtiness-mixin ()
61 ((dirty-p :initform nil :accessor dirty-p)))
63 (defun mark-as-dirty (dao)
64 (setf (dirty-p dao) t))
66 (defun update-dao-if-dirty (dao)
67 (when (dirty-p dao)
68 (postmodern:update-dao dao)
69 (setf (dirty-p dao) nil)))
71 ;;; DAO caching
72 (defvar -dao-cache-)
74 (defmethod postmodern:get-dao :around (type &rest keys)
75 (if (boundp '-dao-cache-)
76 (cdr
77 (or (assoc (cons type keys) -dao-cache- :test #'equal)
78 (first (push (cons (cons type keys)
79 (call-next-method))
80 -dao-cache-))))
81 (call-next-method)))
83 (defun cache-dao (dao)
84 "Manually add DAO to cache used by WITH-DAO-CACHE."
85 (when (boundp '-dao-cache-)
86 (push (cons (cons (class-name (class-of dao))
87 (postmodern:dao-keys dao))
88 dao)
89 -dao-cache-)))
91 (defmacro with-dao-cache (&body body)
92 "Cache DAOs within dynamic extent of BODY.
94 Within BODY, DAO objects obtained by GET-DAO are cached to avoid
95 repeated queries fot the same objects. DAO objects are added
96 automatically before being returned by GET-DAO, or can be added
97 manually with CACHE-DAO (e.g. when obtained by QUERY-DAO)."
98 `(let ((-dao-cache- nil))
99 ,@body))
101 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
102 ;;; Initialization protocol
104 (defvar *config* (py-configparser:make-config)
105 "Parsed configuration file.")
107 (defvar *config-files* (list "config.ini")
108 "List of default configuration files.")
110 (defun init-config (&rest files)
111 "Read in the configuration from files, defaulting to ones listed in *CONFIG-FILES*.
113 Should be first thing called in final init routine."
114 (py-configparser:read-files *config* (or files *config-files*)))
116 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
117 ;;; DB sugar
119 (defvar *db* nil
120 "Database connection specification")
122 (defmethod hunchentoot:dispatch-request :around (dispatch-table)
123 "Take care of database connection during HTTP request."
124 (declare (ignore dispatch-table))
125 (if *db*
126 (postmodern:with-connection *db*
127 (call-next-method))
128 (call-next-method)))
130 (defun init-db-connection (&optional (section-name "db") (connect-toplevel-p t))
131 "Initialize database connection from config.ini"
132 (flet ((opt (name)
133 (py-configparser:get-option *config* section-name name)))
134 (setf *db* (list (opt "database")
135 (opt "username")
136 (opt "password")
137 (opt "host")
138 :pooled-p t)))
139 (when connect-toplevel-p
140 (apply #'postmodern:connect-toplevel (butlast *db* 2))))
142 (defmethod print-object :around ((timestamp simple-date:timestamp) stream)
143 (if *print-escape*
144 (call-next-method)
145 (multiple-value-bind (year month day hour minute second millisecond)
146 (simple-date:decode-timestamp timestamp)
147 (declare (ignore millisecond))
148 (format stream "~D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
149 year month day hour minute second))))
151 (defun execute* (statements &optional (query-log *standard-output*))
152 "Execute a possibly nested list of sql STATEMENTS.
154 STATEMENTS may be either S-SQL expressions, literal SQL strings, or
155 lists of statements."
156 (labels ((execute-stmts (statements)
157 (dolist (stmt statements)
158 (etypecase stmt
159 (null) ; ignore NILs.
160 (string (postmodern:execute stmt))
161 (list (if (keywordp (first stmt))
162 (postmodern:execute (s-sql:sql-compile stmt))
163 (execute-stmts stmt)))))))
164 (let ((cl-postgres:*query-log* query-log))
165 (execute-stmts statements))))
167 (defun unless-null (v)
168 "If V equals :NULL, return NIL, otherwise return V."
169 (unless (eq :null v)
172 (defun null-or (v)
173 "If V is NIL or an empty string, return :NULL, otherwise return V."
174 (if (or (null v) (string= "" v))
175 :null
178 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
179 ;;; URIs
181 (defmethod uri ((u symbol))
182 "URI on keybord -> look up from config."
183 (parse-uri (py-configparser:get-option *config* "uri"
184 (string-downcase (string u)))))
186 ;; Allow merging any URI designators
187 (defmethod merge-uris (u b &optional p)
188 (merge-uris (uri u) (uri b) p))
190 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
191 ;;; Mailing
193 (defun qp-utf8 (string)
194 "Encode STRING as quoted-printable UTF-8"
195 (cl-qprint:encode (map 'string #'code-char (trivial-utf-8:string-to-utf-8-bytes string))))
197 (defun invoke-sendmail (sender rcpt body-and-headers
198 &key (sendmail-binary (py-configparser:get-option *config* "mailing" "sendmail")) )
199 "Invoke sendmail binary.
201 SENDER is envelope sender address, RCPT is envelope recipient
202 address (may be a list), BODY-AND-HEADERS is fed to sendmail binary as
203 stdin and it may be a string or an input stream. SENDMAIL-BINARY is
204 full path to sendmail binary, as a string, default is taken from
205 *CONFIG* section mailing, variable sendmail."
206 (external-program:run
207 sendmail-binary
208 (if (listp rcpt)
209 (list* (concatenate 'string "-f" sender) rcpt)
210 (list (concatenate 'string "-f" sender) rcpt))
211 :input (etypecase body-and-headers
212 (stream body-and-headers)
213 (string (make-string-input-stream body-and-headers)))))
215 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
216 ;;; Reporting conditions.
218 (defun format-request-details (&optional stream)
219 "Format Hunchentoot request details to STREAM"
220 (format stream
221 "From ~A:~A ~A to ~A~%~A ~A ~A~%~{ ~S~%~}~@[Request body: ~S~%~]~@[GET params: ~S~%~]~@[POST params: ~S~%~]~@[Cookies: ~S~%~]"
222 (hunchentoot:remote-addr) (hunchentoot:remote-port) (multiple-value-list (hunchentoot:real-remote-addr)) (hunchentoot:host)
223 (hunchentoot:server-protocol) (hunchentoot:request-method) (hunchentoot:request-uri)
224 (hunchentoot:headers-in)
225 (hunchentoot:raw-post-data) (hunchentoot:get-parameters) (hunchentoot:post-parameters) (hunchentoot:cookies-in)))
227 (defun file-timestamp ()
228 "Timestamp string to generate unique file names."
229 (multiple-value-bind (s n h d m y wd dp zn) (get-decoded-time)
230 (declare (ignore wd dp zn))
231 (format nil "~4,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0d-~2,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0d"
232 y m d h n s)))
234 (defmacro with-open-file-unique ((stream base-pathname) &body body)
235 "Open new unique file for writing and execute BODY with new file opened as STREAM.
237 File name is named like BASE-PATHNAME, with PATHNAME-TYPE set to time
238 stamp and (if needed) a unique integer."
239 (let ((p (gensym)) (pp (gensym)) (i (gensym)) (tt (gensym)))
240 `(let ((,p (pathname ,base-pathname))
241 (,tt (file-timestamp))
242 (,i nil))
243 (loop
244 for ,pp = (catch 'loop
245 (let ((,pp (make-pathname :defaults ,p
246 :type (format nil "~A~@[-~2,'0d~]" ,tt ,i))))
247 (with-open-file (,stream ,pp :direction :output :if-exists nil)
248 (unless ,stream
249 (if ,i (incf ,i) (setf ,i 1))
250 (throw 'loop nil))
251 ,@body
252 ,pp)))
253 until ,pp
254 finally (return ,pp)))))
256 (defvar *error-context-hook* nil
257 "When set to a function designator, designated function will be
258 FUNCALled when generating error report, with condition instance as
259 an argument, and result will be inserted into error report as an
260 error context.")
262 (defun format-error-report (s e)
263 (format s "Error report from ~A, caught on ~A:~%~%" (machine-instance) (hunchentoot::iso-time))
264 (when (boundp 'hunchentoot:*request*)
265 (format-request-details s)
266 (terpri s))
267 (when *error-context-hook*
268 (format s "Context: ~A~%"
269 (handler-case (funcall *error-context-hook* e)
270 (error (ee)
271 (format nil "CONTEXT FN ERRED! ~A~%Context backtrace:~%~A"
272 ee (hunchentoot:get-backtrace ee)))))
273 (terpri s))
275 (format s "Original error: ~A~%~A~%" e (hunchentoot::get-backtrace e)))
277 (defvar *error-report-pathname-defaults* (merge-pathnames "error")
278 "Base pathname for error reports when written to file.
280 Defaults to \"error\" in *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*.")
282 (defun report-error-to-file (e)
283 (with-open-file-unique (s *error-report-pathname-defaults*)
284 (format-error-report s e)))
286 (defun report-error-by-email (e rcpt &optional (sender (py-configparser:get-option *config* "mailing" "sender")))
287 (invoke-sendmail sender rcpt
288 (format nil "From: <~A>~%To: <~A>~%Subject: Uncaught error ~A~%~%~A"
289 sender rcpt e
290 (with-output-to-string (s)
291 (format-error-report s e)))))
293 (defun report-error (e &optional (mailto (ignore-errors
294 (py-configparser:get-option *config* "mailing" "error_mailto"))))
295 (if mailto
296 (report-error-by-email e mailto)
297 (report-error-to-file e)))
299 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
300 ;;; Hunchentoot
302 (defun start-hunchentoot (&optional (section-name "hunchentoot"))
303 (hunchentoot:start-server
304 :port (py-configparser:get-option *config* section-name "port" :type :number)
305 ;; SBCL barfs without coerce, WTF?
306 :address (coerce (py-configparser:get-option *config* section-name "address")
307 'simple-string)))
309 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
310 ;;; General utility functions
312 (defun make-keyword (str)
313 "Convert a string or symbol to a keyword."
314 (intern (string-upcase (string str)) :keyword))
316 (defmacro named-lambda (name args &body body)
317 "Version of LAMBDA that returns anonymous function defined with
318 FLET and named NAME, which it's PRINTed with a name in most Lisp
319 implementations."
320 `(flet ((,name ,args ,@body))
321 #',name))
323 (defun random-string (&key
324 (alphabet "123456790abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
325 (min-length 17)
326 (max-length 40))
327 "Simple random string for initial password to use in account activation process."
328 (coerce (loop for i from 0 to (+ min-length (random (- max-length min-length)))
329 collect (aref alphabet (random (length alphabet))))
330 'string))
332 (defun salted-password (salt password)
333 "Return Base64-encoded MD5 checksum of SALT concatenated with PASSWORD."
334 (cl-base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string
335 (md5:md5sum-sequence (concatenate 'string salt password))))
337 (defun hex-md5 (sequence)
338 "Return MD5 checksum of SEQUENCE as a hexadecimal string."
339 (format nil "~(~{~2,'0x~}~)"
340 (coerce (md5:md5sum-sequence sequence)
341 'list)))
343 (defvar *handler-package* nil
344 "Package, in which HANDLER-FUNCTION looks for handlers.
346 When NIL, *PACKAGE* is assumed, which is probably not what you want.")
348 (defun handler-function (&rest name-parts)
349 "Return handler function whose name consists of NAME-PARTS.
351 Handler function name is NAME-PARTS joined with slash signes, and
352 starting with a slash; NIL part means an empty place. E.g. for
353 NAME-PARTS :FOO :BAR :BAZ, it's /FOO/BAR/BAZ; for :FOO NIL it's /FOO/;
354 and for NIL :XYZZY it's //XYZZY.
356 If symbol with such name exists in *HANDLER-PACKAGE* (or in *PACKAGE*,
357 if *HANDLER-PACKAGE* is NIL, but probably it's not what you want), and
358 it names a function, this function is returned."
359 (multiple-value-bind (sym type)
360 (find-symbol (format nil "~{/~@[~A~]~}" name-parts)
361 (or *handler-package* *package*))
362 (when (and (not (eql type :inherited))
363 (fboundp sym))
364 (let ((fn (symbol-function sym)))
365 (when (functionp fn)
366 fn)))))