Import PicoSAT-913
[cl-satwrap.git] / backends / picosat / app.c
1 #include "picosat.h"
3 #include <assert.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <ctype.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
8 #define GUNZIP "gunzip -c %s"
9 #define GZIP "gzip -c -f > %s"
11 FILE * popen (const char *, const char*);
12 int pclose (FILE *);
14 static int lineno;
15 static FILE *input;
16 static int inputid;
17 static FILE *output;
18 static int verbose;
19 static char buffer[100];
20 static char *bhead = buffer;
21 static const char *eob = buffer + 80;
22 static FILE * incremental_rup_file;
24 extern void picosat_enter (void);
25 extern void picosat_leave (void);
27 static char page[4096];
28 static char * top;
29 static char * end;
31 static int
32 next (void)
34 size_t bytes;
35 int res;
37 if (top == end)
39 if (end < page + sizeof page)
40 return EOF;
42 bytes = fread (page, 1, sizeof page, input);
43 if (bytes == 0)
44 return EOF;
46 top = page;
47 end = page + bytes;
50 res = *top++;
52 if (res == '\n')
53 lineno++;
55 return res;
58 static const char *
59 parse (int force)
61 int ch, sign, lit, vars, clauses;
63 lineno = 1;
64 inputid = fileno (input);
67 ch = next ();
68 if (ch == 'c')
70 while ((ch = next ()) != EOF && ch != '\n')
75 if (isspace (ch))
78 if (ch != 'p')
80 return "missing or invalid 'p cnf <variables> <clauses>' header";
82 if (!isspace (next ()))
85 while (isspace (ch = next ()))
88 if (ch != 'c' || next () != 'n' || next () != 'f' || !isspace (next ()))
91 while (isspace (ch = next ()))
94 if (!isdigit (ch))
97 vars = ch - '0';
98 while (isdigit (ch = next ()))
99 vars = 10 * vars + (ch - '0');
101 if (!isspace (ch))
104 while (isspace (ch = next ()))
107 if (!isdigit (ch))
110 clauses = ch - '0';
111 while (isdigit (ch = next ()))
112 clauses = 10 * clauses + (ch - '0');
114 if (!isspace (ch) && ch != '\n' )
117 if (verbose)
119 fprintf (output, "c parsed header 'p cnf %d %d'\n", vars, clauses);
120 fflush (output);
123 picosat_adjust (vars);
125 if (incremental_rup_file)
126 picosat_set_incremental_rup_file (incremental_rup_file, vars, clauses);
128 lit = 0;
130 ch = next ();
132 if (ch == 'c')
134 while ((ch = next ()) != EOF && ch != '\n')
136 goto READ_LITERAL;
139 if (ch == EOF)
141 if (lit)
142 return "trailing 0 missing";
144 if (clauses && !force)
145 return "clause missing";
147 return 0;
150 if (isspace (ch))
151 goto READ_LITERAL;
153 sign = 1;
154 if (ch == '-')
156 sign = -1;
157 ch = next ();
160 if (!isdigit (ch))
161 return "expected number";
163 lit = ch - '0';
164 while (isdigit (ch = next ()))
165 lit = 10 * lit + (ch - '0');
167 if (!clauses && !force)
168 return "too many clauses";
170 if (lit)
172 if (lit > vars && !force)
173 return "maximal variable index exceeded";
175 lit *= sign;
177 else
178 clauses--;
180 picosat_add (lit);
182 goto READ_LITERAL;
185 static void
186 bflush (void)
188 *bhead = 0;
189 fputs (buffer, output);
190 fputc ('\n', output);
191 bhead = buffer;
194 static void
195 printi (int i)
197 char *next;
198 int l;
201 if (bhead == buffer)
202 *bhead++ = 'v';
204 l = sprintf (bhead, " %d", i);
205 next = bhead + l;
207 if (next >= eob)
209 bflush ();
210 goto REENTER;
212 else
213 bhead = next;
216 static void
217 printa (void)
219 int max_idx = picosat_variables (), i, lit;
221 assert (bhead == buffer);
223 for (i = 1; i <= max_idx; i++)
225 lit = (picosat_deref (i) > 0) ? i : -i;
226 printi (lit);
229 printi (0);
230 if (bhead > buffer)
231 bflush ();
234 static int
235 has_suffix (const char *str, const char *suffix)
237 const char *tmp = strstr (str, suffix);
238 if (!tmp)
239 return 0;
241 return str + strlen (str) - strlen (suffix) == tmp;
244 static void
245 write_core_variables (FILE * file)
247 int i, max_idx = picosat_variables ();
248 for (i = 1; i <= max_idx; i++)
249 if (picosat_corelit (i))
250 fprintf (file, "%d\n", i);
253 static void
254 write_to_file (const char *name, const char *type, void (*writer) (FILE *))
256 int pclose_file, zipped = has_suffix (name, ".gz");
257 FILE *file;
258 char *cmd;
260 if (zipped)
262 cmd = malloc (strlen (GZIP) + strlen (name));
263 sprintf (cmd, GZIP, name);
264 file = popen (cmd, "w");
265 free (cmd);
266 pclose_file = 1;
268 else
270 file = fopen (name, "w");
271 pclose_file = 0;
274 if (file)
276 if (verbose)
277 fprintf (output,
278 "c\nc writing %s%s to '%s'\n",
279 zipped ? "gzipped " : "", type, name);
281 writer (file);
283 if (pclose_file)
284 pclose (file);
285 else
286 fclose (file);
288 else
289 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: can not write to '%s'\n", name);
292 #define USAGE \
293 "usage: picosat [ <option> ... ] [ <input> ]\n" \
294 "\n" \
295 "where <option> is one of the following\n" \
296 "\n" \
297 " -h print this command line option summary and exit\n" \
298 " --version print version and exit\n" \
299 " --config print build configuration and exit\n" \
300 "\n" \
301 " -v enable verbose output\n" \
302 " -f ignore invalid header\n" \
303 " -n do not print satisfying assignment\n" \
304 " -p print formula in DIMACS format and exit\n" \
305 " -a <lit> start with an assumption\n" \
306 " -l <limit> set decision limit (no limit per default)\n" \
307 " -i <0/1> force FALSE respectively TRUE as default phase\n" \
308 " -s <seed> set random number generator seed (default 0)\n" \
309 " -o <output> set output file (<stdout> per default)\n" \
310 " -t <trace> generate compact proof trace file\n" \
311 " -T <trace> generate extended proof trace file\n" \
312 " -r <trace> generate reverse unit propagation proof file\n" \
313 " -c <core> generate clausal core file in DIMACS format\n" \
314 " -V <core> generate file listing core variables\n" \
315 " -U <core> generate file listing used variables\n" \
316 "\n" \
317 "and <input> is an optional input file in DIMACS format.\n"
320 picosat_main (int argc, char **argv)
322 int res, done, err, print_satisfying_assignment, force, print_formula;
323 const char *compact_trace_name, *extended_trace_name, * rup_trace_name;
324 const char * clausal_core_name, * variable_core_name;
325 int assumption, assumptions, defaultphase;
326 const char *input_name, *output_name;
327 int close_input, pclose_input;
328 int i, decision_limit;
329 double start_time;
330 unsigned seed;
331 FILE *file;
332 int trace;
334 start_time = picosat_time_stamp ();
336 clausal_core_name = 0;
337 variable_core_name = 0;
338 output_name = 0;
339 compact_trace_name = 0;
340 extended_trace_name = 0;
341 rup_trace_name = 0;
342 incremental_rup_file = 0;
343 close_input = 0;
344 pclose_input = 0;
345 input_name = "<stdin>";
346 input = stdin;
347 output = stdout;
348 verbose = 1;
349 done = err = 0;
350 decision_limit = -1;
351 defaultphase = 0;
352 assumptions = 0;
353 force = 0;
354 trace = 0;
355 seed = 0;
357 top = end = page + sizeof page;
359 print_satisfying_assignment = 1;
360 print_formula = 0;
362 for (i = 1; !done && !err && i < argc; i++)
364 if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-h"))
366 fputs (USAGE, output);
367 done = 1;
369 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--version"))
371 fprintf (output, "%s\n", picosat_version ());
372 done = 1;
374 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--config"))
376 fprintf (output, "%s\n", picosat_config ());
377 done = 1;
379 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-v"))
381 verbose++;
383 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-f"))
385 force = 1;
387 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-n"))
389 print_satisfying_assignment = 0;
391 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-p"))
393 print_formula = 1;
395 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-l"))
397 if (++i == argc)
399 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument to '-l' missing\n");
400 err = 1;
402 else
403 decision_limit = atoi (argv[i]);
405 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-i"))
407 if (++i == argc)
409 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument to '-i' missing\n");
410 err = 1;
412 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "0"))
414 defaultphase = -1;
416 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "1"))
418 defaultphase = 1;
420 else
422 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: invalid argument to '-i'\n");
423 err = 1;
426 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-a"))
428 if (++i == argc)
430 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument to '-a' missing\n");
431 err = 1;
433 else if (!atoi (argv[i]))
435 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument to '-a' zero\n");
436 err = 1;
438 else
440 /* Handle assumptions further down
442 assumptions++;
445 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-s"))
447 if (++i == argc)
449 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument to '-s' missing\n");
450 err = 1;
452 else
453 seed = atoi (argv[i]);
455 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-o"))
457 if (output_name)
459 fprintf (output,
460 "*** picosat: "
461 "multiple output files '%s' and '%s'\n",
462 output_name, argv[i]);
463 err = 1;
465 else if (++i == argc)
467 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument ot '-o' missing\n");
468 err = 1;
470 else if (!(file = fopen (argv[i], "w")))
472 fprintf (output,
473 "*** picosat: "
474 "can not write output file '%s'\n", argv[i]);
475 err = 1;
477 else
479 output_name = argv[i];
480 output = file;
483 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-t"))
485 if (compact_trace_name)
487 fprintf (output,
488 "*** picosat: "
489 "multiple compact trace files '%s' and '%s'\n",
490 compact_trace_name, argv[i]);
491 err = 1;
493 else if (++i == argc)
495 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument ot '-t' missing\n");
496 err = 1;
498 else
500 compact_trace_name = argv[i];
501 trace = 1;
504 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-T"))
506 if (extended_trace_name)
508 fprintf (output,
509 "*** picosat: "
510 "multiple extended trace files '%s' and '%s'\n",
511 extended_trace_name, argv[i]);
512 err = 1;
514 else if (++i == argc)
516 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument ot '-T' missing\n");
517 err = 1;
519 else
521 extended_trace_name = argv[i];
522 trace = 1;
525 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-r"))
527 if (rup_trace_name)
529 fprintf (output,
530 "*** picosat: "
531 "multiple RUP trace files '%s' and '%s'\n",
532 rup_trace_name, argv[i]);
533 err = 1;
535 else if (++i == argc)
537 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument ot '-r' missing\n");
538 err = 1;
540 else
542 rup_trace_name = argv[i];
543 trace = 1;
546 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-R"))
548 if (rup_trace_name)
550 fprintf (output,
551 "*** picosat: "
552 "multiple RUP trace files '%s' and '%s'\n",
553 rup_trace_name, argv[i]);
554 err = 1;
556 else if (++i == argc)
558 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument ot '-R' missing\n");
559 err = 1;
561 else if (!(file = fopen (argv[i], "w")))
563 fprintf (output,
564 "*** picosat: can not write to '%s'\n", argv[i]);
565 err = 1;
567 else
569 rup_trace_name = argv[i];
570 incremental_rup_file = file;
573 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-c"))
575 if (clausal_core_name)
577 fprintf (output,
578 "*** picosat: "
579 "multiple clausal core files '%s' and '%s'\n",
580 clausal_core_name, argv[i]);
581 err = 1;
583 else if (++i == argc)
585 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument ot '-c' missing\n");
586 err = 1;
588 else
590 clausal_core_name = argv[i];
591 trace = 1;
594 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-V"))
596 if (variable_core_name)
598 fprintf (output,
599 "*** picosat: "
600 "multiple variable core files '%s' and '%s'\n",
601 variable_core_name, argv[i]);
602 err = 1;
604 else if (++i == argc)
606 fprintf (output, "*** picosat: argument ot '-V' missing\n");
607 err = 1;
609 else
611 variable_core_name = argv[i];
612 trace = 1;
615 else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
617 fprintf (output,
618 "*** picosat: "
619 "unknown command line option '%s' (try '-h')\n", argv[i]);
620 err = 1;
622 else if (close_input || pclose_input)
624 fprintf (output,
625 "*** picosat: "
626 "multiple input files '%s' and '%s'\n",
627 input_name, argv[i]);
628 err = 1;
630 else if (has_suffix (argv[i], ".gz"))
632 char *cmd = malloc (strlen (GUNZIP) + strlen (argv[i]));
633 sprintf (cmd, GUNZIP, argv[i]);
634 if ((file = popen (cmd, "r")))
636 input_name = argv[i];
637 pclose_input = 1;
638 input = file;
640 else
642 fprintf (output,
643 "*** picosat: "
644 "can not read compressed input file '%s'\n", argv[i]);
645 err = 1;
647 free (cmd);
649 else if (!(file = fopen (argv[i], "r"))) /* TODO .gz ? */
651 fprintf (output,
652 "*** picosat: can not read input file '%s'\n", argv[i]);
653 err = 1;
655 else
657 input_name = argv[i];
658 close_input = 1;
659 input = file;
665 if (!done && !err)
667 const char *err_msg;
669 if (verbose)
671 fprintf (output,
672 "c PicoSAT SAT Solver Version %s\n",
673 picosat_version ());
675 fprintf (output, "c %s\n", picosat_copyright ());
676 fprintf (output, "c %s\n", picosat_config ());
679 picosat_init ();
680 picosat_enter ();
682 if (output_name)
683 picosat_set_output (output);
685 picosat_set_verbosity (verbose);
687 if (verbose && (trace || defaultphase))
688 fputs ("c\n", output);
690 if (trace)
692 if (verbose)
693 fprintf (output, "c tracing proof\n");
694 picosat_enable_trace_generation ();
697 if (defaultphase)
699 if (verbose)
700 fprintf (output,
701 "c using %s as default phase\n",
702 defaultphase < 0 ? "FALSE" : "TRUE");
704 picosat_set_global_default_phase (defaultphase);
707 if (verbose)
708 fprintf (output, "c\nc parsing %s\n", input_name);
710 if ((err_msg = parse (force)))
712 fprintf (output, "%s:%d: %s\n", input_name, lineno, err_msg);
713 err = 1;
715 else
717 if (assumptions)
719 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
721 if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-l") ||
722 !strcmp (argv[i], "-s") ||
723 !strcmp (argv[i], "-o") ||
724 !strcmp (argv[i], "-t") || !strcmp (argv[i], "-c"))
726 i++;
728 else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-a"))
730 assert (i + 1 < argc);
731 assumption = atoi (argv[++i]);
732 assert (assumption);
734 picosat_assume (assumption);
736 if (verbose)
737 fprintf (output, "c assumption %d\n", assumption);
742 if (print_formula)
744 picosat_print (output);
746 else
748 if (verbose)
749 fprintf (output,
750 "c initialized %u variables\n"
751 "c found %u non trivial clauses\n",
752 picosat_variables (),
753 picosat_added_original_clauses ());
755 picosat_set_seed (seed);
756 if (verbose)
757 fprintf (output,
758 "c\nc random number generator seed %u\n",
759 seed);
761 res = picosat_sat (decision_limit);
765 fputs ("s UNSATISFIABLE\n", output);
767 if (compact_trace_name)
768 write_to_file (compact_trace_name,
769 "compact trace",
770 picosat_write_compact_trace);
772 if (extended_trace_name)
773 write_to_file (extended_trace_name,
774 "extended trace",
775 picosat_write_extended_trace);
777 if (!incremental_rup_file && rup_trace_name)
778 write_to_file (rup_trace_name,
779 "rup trace",
780 picosat_write_rup_trace);
782 if (clausal_core_name)
783 write_to_file (clausal_core_name,
784 "clausal core",
785 picosat_write_clausal_core);
787 if (variable_core_name)
788 write_to_file (variable_core_name,
789 "variable core", write_core_variables);
791 else if (res == PICOSAT_SATISFIABLE)
793 fputs ("s SATISFIABLE\n", output);
795 if (print_satisfying_assignment)
796 printa ();
798 else
799 fputs ("s UNKNOWN\n", output);
803 if (!err && verbose)
805 fputs ("c\n", output);
806 picosat_stats ();
807 fprintf (output,
808 "c %.1f seconds total run time\n",
809 picosat_time_stamp () - start_time);
812 picosat_leave ();
813 picosat_reset ();
816 if (incremental_rup_file)
817 fclose (incremental_rup_file);
819 if (close_input)
820 fclose (input);
822 if (pclose_input)
823 pclose (input);
825 if (output_name)
826 fclose (output);
828 return res;