[cl-llvm.git] / src / stuff.lisp
1 ;; Define some wrappers around the low-level C API functions to make them easier to use.
3 (defun LLVMFunctionType* (ret params is-var-arg)
4 (let ((len (length params)))
5 (cffi:with-foreign-object (array :pointer len)
6 (loop for param in params
7 for i from 0
8 do
9 (setf (cffi:mem-aref array :pointer i) param))
10 (LLVMFunctionType ret array len is-var-arg))))
12 (defun LLVMBuildCall* (builder fn args name)
13 (let ((len (length args)))
14 (cffi:with-foreign-object (array :pointer len)
15 (loop for arg in args
16 for i from 0
18 (setf (cffi:mem-aref array :pointer i) arg))
19 (LLVMBuildCall builder fn array len name))))
21 (defun LLVMAddIncoming* (phi-node incoming-val incoming-block)
22 (cffi:with-foreign-objects ((incoming-vals :pointer)
23 (incoming-blocks :pointer))
24 (setf (cffi:mem-aref incoming-vals :pointer 0) incoming-val)
25 (setf (cffi:mem-aref incoming-blocks :pointer 0) incoming-block)
26 (LLVMAddIncoming phi-node incoming-vals incoming-blocks 1)))
28 (defun LLVMCreateJITCompiler* (provider opt)
29 (cffi:with-foreign-objects ((out-engine :pointer)
30 (out-error-str :pointer))
31 (if (= 0 (LLVMCreateJITCompiler out-engine provider opt out-error-str))
32 (cffi:mem-ref out-engine :pointer)
33 (let* ((error-str (cffi:mem-ref out-error-str :pointer))
34 (error-str-lisp (cffi:foreign-string-to-lisp error-str)))
35 (LLVMDisposeMessage error-str)
36 (error "LLVMCreateJITCompiler: ~s" error-str-lisp)))))
39 (defun LLVMBuildGEP* (builder ptr indices)
40 (let ((len (length indices)))
41 (cffi:with-foreign-object (array :pointer len)
42 (loop for arg in indices
43 for i from 0
45 (setf (cffi:mem-aref array :pointer i) arg))
46 (LLVMBuildGEP builder ptr array len ""))))
51 ;; Load up the native codegen.
52 (cffi:defcfun ("CLLLVM_LLVMInitializeNativeTarget" CLLLVM_LLVMInitializeNativeTarget) :int)
53 (cffi:defcfun ("CLLLVM_LLVMModuleProviderGetModule" CLLLVM_LLVMModuleProviderGetModule) :pointer
54 (modprovider :pointer))
55 (cffi:defcfun ("CLLLVM_LLVMParseAssemblyString" CLLLVM_LLVMParseAssemblyString) :pointer
56 (asm-string :string)
57 (module :pointer)
58 (context :pointer))
60 (CLLLVM_LLVMInitializeNativeTarget)
62 ;; A global context. Most of LLVM is only thread-safe within a single "context". There is an
63 ;; internal-to-LLVM C default global context, implicitly used by a number of functions like
64 ;; LLVM*Type (without InContext on the end), but I make a lisp-side global context here for clarity.
66 ;; Delete with LLVMContextDispose when done.
68 ;; ...FIXME...or not. For some reason making a custom context makes things fail to verify, stating
69 ;; that I've mixed contexts. Need to figure out if this is my fault or a bug in LLVM.
71 ;; So just use the standard global context
72 ;; (defvar *llvm-context* (LLVMContextCreate))
73 (defvar *llvm-context* (LLVMGetGlobalContext))
75 ;; Top-level LLVM module for running the JIT in. Other modules can be made for codegen-to-disk, but
76 ;; only a single module for JIT execution can exist in the process.
77 (defvar *jit-module* (LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext "jit-module" *llvm-context*))
79 ;; Module provider...dunno what the purpose of this is, it wraps the module
80 ;; Delete with LLVMDisposeModuleProvider; don't delete the wrapped module
81 (defvar *jit-module-provider* (LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule *jit-module*))
83 ;; Create the JIT compiler, optimization level 2 (whatever that means). This call fails if you run
84 ;; it twice in a process. (which is why we can have only one module for JIT code)
85 (defvar *jit-execution-engine* (LLVMCreateJITCompiler* *jit-module-provider* 2))
87 ;; Optimization passes. Cleanup with LLVMDisposePassManager.
88 (defvar *jit-pass-manager* (LLVMCreateFunctionPassManager *jit-module-provider*))
89 (let ((pass *jit-pass-manager*))
90 (LLVMAddTargetData (LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData *jit-execution-engine*) pass)
91 (LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass pass)
92 (LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass pass)
93 (LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass pass)
94 (LLVMAddGVNPass pass)
95 (LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass pass))