emergency commit
[cl-cudd.git] / distr / cudd / cuddZddUtil.c
1 /**CFile***********************************************************************
3 FileName [cuddZddUtil.c]
5 PackageName [cudd]
7 Synopsis [Utility functions for ZDDs.]
9 Description [External procedures included in this module:
10 <ul>
11 <li> Cudd_zddPrintMinterm()
12 <li> Cudd_zddPrintCover()
13 <li> Cudd_zddPrintDebug()
14 <li> Cudd_zddFirstPath()
15 <li> Cudd_zddNextPath()
16 <li> Cudd_zddCoverPathToString()
17 <li> Cudd_zddDumpDot()
18 </ul>
19 Internal procedures included in this module:
20 <ul>
21 <li> cuddZddP()
22 </ul>
23 Static procedures included in this module:
24 <ul>
25 <li> zp2()
26 <li> zdd_print_minterm_aux()
27 <li> zddPrintCoverAux()
28 </ul>
31 SeeAlso []
33 Author [Hyong-Kyoon Shin, In-Ho Moon, Fabio Somenzi]
35 Copyright [Copyright (c) 1995-2004, Regents of the University of Colorado
37 All rights reserved.
39 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
40 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
41 are met:
43 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
44 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
46 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
47 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
48 documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
50 Neither the name of the University of Colorado nor the names of its
51 contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
52 this software without specific prior written permission.
67 ******************************************************************************/
69 #include "util.h"
70 #include "cuddInt.h"
72 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
73 /* Constant declarations */
74 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
77 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
78 /* Stucture declarations */
79 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
82 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
83 /* Type declarations */
84 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
87 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
88 /* Variable declarations */
89 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
91 #ifndef lint
92 static char rcsid[] DD_UNUSED = "$Id: cuddZddUtil.c,v 1.27 2009/03/08 02:49:02 fabio Exp $";
93 #endif
95 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
96 /* Macro declarations */
97 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 /**AutomaticStart*************************************************************/
102 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
103 /* Static function prototypes */
104 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
106 static int zp2 (DdManager *zdd, DdNode *f, st_table *t);
107 static void zdd_print_minterm_aux (DdManager *zdd, DdNode *node, int level, int *list);
108 static void zddPrintCoverAux (DdManager *zdd, DdNode *node, int level, int *list);
110 /**AutomaticEnd***************************************************************/
113 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
114 /* Definition of exported functions */
115 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
118 /**Function********************************************************************
120 Synopsis [Prints a disjoint sum of product form for a ZDD.]
122 Description [Prints a disjoint sum of product form for a ZDD. Returns 1
123 if successful; 0 otherwise.]
125 SideEffects [None]
127 SeeAlso [Cudd_zddPrintDebug Cudd_zddPrintCover]
129 ******************************************************************************/
131 Cudd_zddPrintMinterm(
132 DdManager * zdd,
133 DdNode * node)
135 int i, size;
136 int *list;
138 size = (int)zdd->sizeZ;
139 list = ALLOC(int, size);
140 if (list == NULL) {
141 zdd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
142 return(0);
144 for (i = 0; i < size; i++) list[i] = 3; /* bogus value should disappear */
145 zdd_print_minterm_aux(zdd, node, 0, list);
146 FREE(list);
147 return(1);
149 } /* end of Cudd_zddPrintMinterm */
152 /**Function********************************************************************
154 Synopsis [Prints a sum of products from a ZDD representing a cover.]
156 Description [Prints a sum of products from a ZDD representing a cover.
157 Returns 1 if successful; 0 otherwise.]
159 SideEffects [None]
161 SeeAlso [Cudd_zddPrintMinterm]
163 ******************************************************************************/
165 Cudd_zddPrintCover(
166 DdManager * zdd,
167 DdNode * node)
169 int i, size;
170 int *list;
172 size = (int)zdd->sizeZ;
173 if (size % 2 != 0) return(0); /* number of variables should be even */
174 list = ALLOC(int, size);
175 if (list == NULL) {
176 zdd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
177 return(0);
179 for (i = 0; i < size; i++) list[i] = 3; /* bogus value should disappear */
180 zddPrintCoverAux(zdd, node, 0, list);
181 FREE(list);
182 return(1);
184 } /* end of Cudd_zddPrintCover */
187 /**Function********************************************************************
189 Synopsis [Prints to the standard output a ZDD and its statistics.]
191 Description [Prints to the standard output a DD and its statistics.
192 The statistics include the number of nodes and the number of minterms.
193 (The number of minterms is also the number of combinations in the set.)
194 The statistics are printed if pr &gt; 0. Specifically:
195 <ul>
196 <li> pr = 0 : prints nothing
197 <li> pr = 1 : prints counts of nodes and minterms
198 <li> pr = 2 : prints counts + disjoint sum of products
199 <li> pr = 3 : prints counts + list of nodes
200 <li> pr &gt; 3 : prints counts + disjoint sum of products + list of nodes
201 </ul>
202 Returns 1 if successful; 0 otherwise.
205 SideEffects [None]
207 SeeAlso []
209 ******************************************************************************/
211 Cudd_zddPrintDebug(
212 DdManager * zdd,
213 DdNode * f,
214 int n,
215 int pr)
217 DdNode *empty = DD_ZERO(zdd);
218 int nodes;
219 double minterms;
220 int retval = 1;
222 if (f == empty && pr > 0) {
223 (void) fprintf(zdd->out,": is the empty ZDD\n");
224 (void) fflush(zdd->out);
225 return(1);
228 if (pr > 0) {
229 nodes = Cudd_zddDagSize(f);
230 if (nodes == CUDD_OUT_OF_MEM) retval = 0;
231 minterms = Cudd_zddCountMinterm(zdd, f, n);
232 if (minterms == (double)CUDD_OUT_OF_MEM) retval = 0;
233 (void) fprintf(zdd->out,": %d nodes %g minterms\n",
234 nodes, minterms);
235 if (pr > 2)
236 if (!cuddZddP(zdd, f)) retval = 0;
237 if (pr == 2 || pr > 3) {
238 if (!Cudd_zddPrintMinterm(zdd, f)) retval = 0;
239 (void) fprintf(zdd->out,"\n");
241 (void) fflush(zdd->out);
243 return(retval);
245 } /* end of Cudd_zddPrintDebug */
249 /**Function********************************************************************
251 Synopsis [Finds the first path of a ZDD.]
253 Description [Defines an iterator on the paths of a ZDD
254 and finds its first path. Returns a generator that contains the
255 information necessary to continue the enumeration if successful; NULL
256 otherwise.<p>
257 A path is represented as an array of literals, which are integers in
258 {0, 1, 2}; 0 represents an else arc out of a node, 1 represents a then arc
259 out of a node, and 2 stands for the absence of a node.
260 The size of the array equals the number of variables in the manager at
261 the time Cudd_zddFirstCube is called.<p>
262 The paths that end in the empty terminal are not enumerated.]
264 SideEffects [The first path is returned as a side effect.]
266 SeeAlso [Cudd_zddForeachPath Cudd_zddNextPath Cudd_GenFree
267 Cudd_IsGenEmpty]
269 ******************************************************************************/
270 DdGen *
271 Cudd_zddFirstPath(
272 DdManager * zdd,
273 DdNode * f,
274 int ** path)
276 DdGen *gen;
277 DdNode *top, *next, *prev;
278 int i;
279 int nvars;
281 /* Sanity Check. */
282 if (zdd == NULL || f == NULL) return(NULL);
284 /* Allocate generator an initialize it. */
285 gen = ALLOC(DdGen,1);
286 if (gen == NULL) {
287 zdd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
288 return(NULL);
291 gen->manager = zdd;
292 gen->type = CUDD_GEN_ZDD_PATHS;
293 gen->status = CUDD_GEN_EMPTY;
294 gen->gen.cubes.cube = NULL;
295 gen->gen.cubes.value = DD_ZERO_VAL;
296 gen->stack.sp = 0;
297 gen->stack.stack = NULL;
298 gen->node = NULL;
300 nvars = zdd->sizeZ;
301 gen->gen.cubes.cube = ALLOC(int,nvars);
302 if (gen->gen.cubes.cube == NULL) {
303 zdd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
304 FREE(gen);
305 return(NULL);
307 for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) gen->gen.cubes.cube[i] = 2;
309 /* The maximum stack depth is one plus the number of variables.
310 ** because a path may have nodes at all levels, including the
311 ** constant level.
313 gen->stack.stack = ALLOC(DdNodePtr, nvars+1);
314 if (gen->stack.stack == NULL) {
315 zdd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
316 FREE(gen->gen.cubes.cube);
317 FREE(gen);
318 return(NULL);
320 for (i = 0; i <= nvars; i++) gen->stack.stack[i] = NULL;
322 /* Find the first path of the ZDD. */
323 gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp] = f; gen->stack.sp++;
325 while (1) {
326 top = gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1];
327 if (!cuddIsConstant(Cudd_Regular(top))) {
328 /* Take the else branch first. */
329 gen->gen.cubes.cube[Cudd_Regular(top)->index] = 0;
330 next = cuddE(Cudd_Regular(top));
331 gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp] = Cudd_Not(next); gen->stack.sp++;
332 } else if (Cudd_Regular(top) == DD_ZERO(zdd)) {
333 /* Backtrack. */
334 while (1) {
335 if (gen->stack.sp == 1) {
336 /* The current node has no predecessor. */
337 gen->status = CUDD_GEN_EMPTY;
338 gen->stack.sp--;
339 goto done;
341 prev = Cudd_Regular(gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-2]);
342 next = cuddT(prev);
343 if (next != top) { /* follow the then branch next */
344 gen->gen.cubes.cube[prev->index] = 1;
345 gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1] = next;
346 break;
348 /* Pop the stack and try again. */
349 gen->gen.cubes.cube[prev->index] = 2;
350 gen->stack.sp--;
351 top = gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1];
353 } else {
354 gen->status = CUDD_GEN_NONEMPTY;
355 gen->gen.cubes.value = cuddV(Cudd_Regular(top));
356 goto done;
360 done:
361 *path = gen->gen.cubes.cube;
362 return(gen);
364 } /* end of Cudd_zddFirstPath */
367 /**Function********************************************************************
369 Synopsis [Generates the next path of a ZDD.]
371 Description [Generates the next path of a ZDD onset,
372 using generator gen. Returns 0 if the enumeration is completed; 1
373 otherwise.]
375 SideEffects [The path is returned as a side effect. The
376 generator is modified.]
378 SeeAlso [Cudd_zddForeachPath Cudd_zddFirstPath Cudd_GenFree
379 Cudd_IsGenEmpty]
381 ******************************************************************************/
383 Cudd_zddNextPath(
384 DdGen * gen,
385 int ** path)
387 DdNode *top, *next, *prev;
388 DdManager *zdd = gen->manager;
390 /* Backtrack from previously reached terminal node. */
391 while (1) {
392 if (gen->stack.sp == 1) {
393 /* The current node has no predecessor. */
394 gen->status = CUDD_GEN_EMPTY;
395 gen->stack.sp--;
396 goto done;
398 top = gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1];
399 prev = Cudd_Regular(gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-2]);
400 next = cuddT(prev);
401 if (next != top) { /* follow the then branch next */
402 gen->gen.cubes.cube[prev->index] = 1;
403 gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1] = next;
404 break;
406 /* Pop the stack and try again. */
407 gen->gen.cubes.cube[prev->index] = 2;
408 gen->stack.sp--;
411 while (1) {
412 top = gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1];
413 if (!cuddIsConstant(Cudd_Regular(top))) {
414 /* Take the else branch first. */
415 gen->gen.cubes.cube[Cudd_Regular(top)->index] = 0;
416 next = cuddE(Cudd_Regular(top));
417 gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp] = Cudd_Not(next); gen->stack.sp++;
418 } else if (Cudd_Regular(top) == DD_ZERO(zdd)) {
419 /* Backtrack. */
420 while (1) {
421 if (gen->stack.sp == 1) {
422 /* The current node has no predecessor. */
423 gen->status = CUDD_GEN_EMPTY;
424 gen->stack.sp--;
425 goto done;
427 prev = Cudd_Regular(gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-2]);
428 next = cuddT(prev);
429 if (next != top) { /* follow the then branch next */
430 gen->gen.cubes.cube[prev->index] = 1;
431 gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1] = next;
432 break;
434 /* Pop the stack and try again. */
435 gen->gen.cubes.cube[prev->index] = 2;
436 gen->stack.sp--;
437 top = gen->stack.stack[gen->stack.sp-1];
439 } else {
440 gen->status = CUDD_GEN_NONEMPTY;
441 gen->gen.cubes.value = cuddV(Cudd_Regular(top));
442 goto done;
446 done:
447 if (gen->status == CUDD_GEN_EMPTY) return(0);
448 *path = gen->gen.cubes.cube;
449 return(1);
451 } /* end of Cudd_zddNextPath */
454 /**Function********************************************************************
456 Synopsis [Converts a path of a ZDD representing a cover to a string.]
458 Description [Converts a path of a ZDD representing a cover to a
459 string. The string represents an implicant of the cover. The path
460 is typically produced by Cudd_zddForeachPath. Returns a pointer to
461 the string if successful; NULL otherwise. If the str input is NULL,
462 it allocates a new string. The string passed to this function must
463 have enough room for all variables and for the terminator.]
465 SideEffects [None]
467 SeeAlso [Cudd_zddForeachPath]
469 ******************************************************************************/
470 char *
471 Cudd_zddCoverPathToString(
472 DdManager *zdd /* DD manager */,
473 int *path /* path of ZDD representing a cover */,
474 char *str /* pointer to string to use if != NULL */
477 int nvars = zdd->sizeZ;
478 int i;
479 char *res;
481 if (nvars & 1) return(NULL);
482 nvars >>= 1;
483 if (str == NULL) {
484 res = ALLOC(char, nvars+1);
485 if (res == NULL) return(NULL);
486 } else {
487 res = str;
489 for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
490 int v = (path[2*i] << 2) | path[2*i+1];
491 switch (v) {
492 case 0:
493 case 2:
494 case 8:
495 case 10:
496 res[i] = '-';
497 break;
498 case 1:
499 case 9:
500 res[i] = '0';
501 break;
502 case 4:
503 case 6:
504 res[i] = '1';
505 break;
506 default:
507 res[i] = '?';
510 res[nvars] = 0;
512 return(res);
514 } /* end of Cudd_zddCoverPathToString */
517 /**Function********************************************************************
519 Synopsis [Writes a dot file representing the argument ZDDs.]
521 Description [Writes a file representing the argument ZDDs in a format
522 suitable for the graph drawing program dot.
523 It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., out-of-memory,
524 file system full).
525 Cudd_zddDumpDot does not close the file: This is the caller
526 responsibility. Cudd_zddDumpDot uses a minimal unique subset of the
527 hexadecimal address of a node as name for it.
528 If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers
529 to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames.
530 Cudd_zddDumpDot uses the following convention to draw arcs:
531 <ul>
532 <li> solid line: THEN arcs;
533 <li> dashed line: ELSE arcs.
534 </ul>
535 The dot options are chosen so that the drawing fits on a letter-size
536 sheet.
539 SideEffects [None]
541 SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpDot Cudd_zddPrintDebug]
543 ******************************************************************************/
545 Cudd_zddDumpDot(
546 DdManager * dd /* manager */,
547 int n /* number of output nodes to be dumped */,
548 DdNode ** f /* array of output nodes to be dumped */,
549 char ** inames /* array of input names (or NULL) */,
550 char ** onames /* array of output names (or NULL) */,
551 FILE * fp /* pointer to the dump file */)
553 DdNode *support = NULL;
554 DdNode *scan;
555 int *sorted = NULL;
556 int nvars = dd->sizeZ;
557 st_table *visited = NULL;
558 st_generator *gen;
559 int retval;
560 int i, j;
561 int slots;
562 DdNodePtr *nodelist;
563 long refAddr, diff, mask;
565 /* Build a bit array with the support of f. */
566 sorted = ALLOC(int,nvars);
567 if (sorted == NULL) {
568 dd->errorCode = CUDD_MEMORY_OUT;
569 goto failure;
571 for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) sorted[i] = 0;
573 /* Take the union of the supports of each output function. */
574 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
575 support = Cudd_Support(dd,f[i]);
576 if (support == NULL) goto failure;
577 cuddRef(support);
578 scan = support;
579 while (!cuddIsConstant(scan)) {
580 sorted[scan->index] = 1;
581 scan = cuddT(scan);
583 Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
585 support = NULL; /* so that we do not try to free it in case of failure */
587 /* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
588 visited = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
589 if (visited == NULL) goto failure;
591 /* Collect all the nodes of this DD in the symbol table. */
592 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
593 retval = cuddCollectNodes(f[i],visited);
594 if (retval == 0) goto failure;
597 /* Find how many most significant hex digits are identical
598 ** in the addresses of all the nodes. Build a mask based
599 ** on this knowledge, so that digits that carry no information
600 ** will not be printed. This is done in two steps.
601 ** 1. We scan the symbol table to find the bits that differ
602 ** in at least 2 addresses.
603 ** 2. We choose one of the possible masks. There are 8 possible
604 ** masks for 32-bit integer, and 16 possible masks for 64-bit
605 ** integers.
608 /* Find the bits that are different. */
609 refAddr = (long) f[0];
610 diff = 0;
611 gen = st_init_gen(visited);
612 while (st_gen(gen, &scan, NULL)) {
613 diff |= refAddr ^ (long) scan;
615 st_free_gen(gen);
617 /* Choose the mask. */
618 for (i = 0; (unsigned) i < 8 * sizeof(long); i += 4) {
619 mask = (1 << i) - 1;
620 if (diff <= mask) break;
623 /* Write the header and the global attributes. */
624 retval = fprintf(fp,"digraph \"ZDD\" {\n");
625 if (retval == EOF) return(0);
626 retval = fprintf(fp,
627 "size = \"7.5,10\"\ncenter = true;\nedge [dir = none];\n");
628 if (retval == EOF) return(0);
630 /* Write the input name subgraph by scanning the support array. */
631 retval = fprintf(fp,"{ node [shape = plaintext];\n");
632 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
633 retval = fprintf(fp," edge [style = invis];\n");
634 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
635 /* We use a name ("CONST NODES") with an embedded blank, because
636 ** it is unlikely to appear as an input name.
638 retval = fprintf(fp," \"CONST NODES\" [style = invis];\n");
639 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
640 for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
641 if (sorted[dd->invpermZ[i]]) {
642 if (inames == NULL) {
643 retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %d \" -> ", dd->invpermZ[i]);
644 } else {
645 retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \" -> ", inames[dd->invpermZ[i]]);
647 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
650 retval = fprintf(fp,"\"CONST NODES\"; \n}\n");
651 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
653 /* Write the output node subgraph. */
654 retval = fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; node [shape = box]; edge [style = invis];\n");
655 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
656 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
657 if (onames == NULL) {
658 retval = fprintf(fp,"\"F%d\"", i);
659 } else {
660 retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \"", onames[i]);
662 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
663 if (i == n - 1) {
664 retval = fprintf(fp,"; }\n");
665 } else {
666 retval = fprintf(fp," -> ");
668 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
671 /* Write rank info: All nodes with the same index have the same rank. */
672 for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
673 if (sorted[dd->invpermZ[i]]) {
674 retval = fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; ");
675 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
676 if (inames == NULL) {
677 retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %d \";\n", dd->invpermZ[i]);
678 } else {
679 retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \";\n", inames[dd->invpermZ[i]]);
681 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
682 nodelist = dd->subtableZ[i].nodelist;
683 slots = dd->subtableZ[i].slots;
684 for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
685 scan = nodelist[j];
686 while (scan != NULL) {
687 if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
688 retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%p\";\n", (void *)
689 ((mask & (ptrint) scan) /
690 sizeof(DdNode)));
691 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
693 scan = scan->next;
696 retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n");
697 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
701 /* All constants have the same rank. */
702 retval = fprintf(fp,
703 "{ rank = same; \"CONST NODES\";\n{ node [shape = box]; ");
704 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
705 nodelist = dd->constants.nodelist;
706 slots = dd->constants.slots;
707 for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
708 scan = nodelist[j];
709 while (scan != NULL) {
710 if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
711 retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%p\";\n", (void *)
712 ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)));
713 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
715 scan = scan->next;
718 retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n}\n");
719 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
721 /* Write edge info. */
722 /* Edges from the output nodes. */
723 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
724 if (onames == NULL) {
725 retval = fprintf(fp,"\"F%d\"", i);
726 } else {
727 retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \"", onames[i]);
729 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
730 retval = fprintf(fp," -> \"%p\" [style = solid];\n",
731 (void *) ((mask & (ptrint) f[i]) /
732 sizeof(DdNode)));
733 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
736 /* Edges from internal nodes. */
737 for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
738 if (sorted[dd->invpermZ[i]]) {
739 nodelist = dd->subtableZ[i].nodelist;
740 slots = dd->subtableZ[i].slots;
741 for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
742 scan = nodelist[j];
743 while (scan != NULL) {
744 if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
745 retval = fprintf(fp,
746 "\"%p\" -> \"%p\";\n",
747 (void *) ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)),
748 (void *) ((mask & (ptrint) cuddT(scan)) /
749 sizeof(DdNode)));
750 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
751 retval = fprintf(fp,
752 "\"%p\" -> \"%p\" [style = dashed];\n",
753 (void *) ((mask & (ptrint) scan)
754 / sizeof(DdNode)),
755 (void *) ((mask & (ptrint)
756 cuddE(scan)) /
757 sizeof(DdNode)));
758 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
760 scan = scan->next;
766 /* Write constant labels. */
767 nodelist = dd->constants.nodelist;
768 slots = dd->constants.slots;
769 for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
770 scan = nodelist[j];
771 while (scan != NULL) {
772 if (st_is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
773 retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%p\" [label = \"%g\"];\n",
774 (void *) ((mask & (ptrint) scan) /
775 sizeof(DdNode)),
776 cuddV(scan));
777 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
779 scan = scan->next;
783 /* Write trailer and return. */
784 retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n");
785 if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
787 st_free_table(visited);
788 FREE(sorted);
789 return(1);
791 failure:
792 if (sorted != NULL) FREE(sorted);
793 if (visited != NULL) st_free_table(visited);
794 return(0);
796 } /* end of Cudd_zddDumpBlif */
799 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
800 /* Definition of internal functions */
801 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
804 /**Function********************************************************************
806 Synopsis [Prints a ZDD to the standard output. One line per node is
807 printed.]
809 Description [Prints a ZDD to the standard output. One line per node is
810 printed. Returns 1 if successful; 0 otherwise.]
812 SideEffects [None]
814 SeeAlso [Cudd_zddPrintDebug]
816 ******************************************************************************/
818 cuddZddP(
819 DdManager * zdd,
820 DdNode * f)
822 int retval;
823 st_table *table = st_init_table(st_ptrcmp, st_ptrhash);
825 if (table == NULL) return(0);
827 retval = zp2(zdd, f, table);
828 st_free_table(table);
829 (void) fputc('\n', zdd->out);
830 return(retval);
832 } /* end of cuddZddP */
835 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
836 /* Definition of static functions */
837 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
840 /**Function********************************************************************
842 Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of cuddZddP.]
844 Description [Performs the recursive step of cuddZddP. Returns 1 in
845 case of success; 0 otherwise.]
847 SideEffects [None]
849 SeeAlso []
851 ******************************************************************************/
852 static int
853 zp2(
854 DdManager * zdd,
855 DdNode * f,
856 st_table * t)
858 DdNode *n;
859 int T, E;
860 DdNode *base = DD_ONE(zdd);
862 if (f == NULL)
863 return(0);
865 if (Cudd_IsConstant(f)) {
866 (void)fprintf(zdd->out, "ID = %d\n", (f == base));
867 return(1);
869 if (st_is_member(t, (char *)f) == 1)
870 return(1);
872 if (st_insert(t, (char *) f, NULL) == ST_OUT_OF_MEM)
873 return(0);
875 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
876 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "ID = 0x%lx\tindex = %u\tr = %u\t",
877 (ptruint)f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode), f->index, f->ref);
878 #else
879 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "ID = 0x%x\tindex = %hu\tr = %hu\t",
880 (ptruint)f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode), f->index, f->ref);
881 #endif
883 n = cuddT(f);
884 if (Cudd_IsConstant(n)) {
885 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "T = %d\t\t", (n == base));
886 T = 1;
887 } else {
888 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
889 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "T = 0x%lx\t", (ptruint) n /
890 (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
891 #else
892 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "T = 0x%x\t", (ptruint) n /
893 (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
894 #endif
895 T = 0;
898 n = cuddE(f);
899 if (Cudd_IsConstant(n)) {
900 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "E = %d\n", (n == base));
901 E = 1;
902 } else {
903 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
904 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "E = 0x%lx\n", (ptruint) n /
905 (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
906 #else
907 (void) fprintf(zdd->out, "E = 0x%x\n", (ptruint) n /
908 (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
909 #endif
910 E = 0;
913 if (E == 0)
914 if (zp2(zdd, cuddE(f), t) == 0) return(0);
915 if (T == 0)
916 if (zp2(zdd, cuddT(f), t) == 0) return(0);
917 return(1);
919 } /* end of zp2 */
922 /**Function********************************************************************
924 Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_zddPrintMinterm.]
926 Description []
928 SideEffects [None]
930 SeeAlso []
932 ******************************************************************************/
933 static void
934 zdd_print_minterm_aux(
935 DdManager * zdd /* manager */,
936 DdNode * node /* current node */,
937 int level /* depth in the recursion */,
938 int * list /* current recursion path */)
940 DdNode *Nv, *Nnv;
941 int i, v;
942 DdNode *base = DD_ONE(zdd);
944 if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
945 if (node == base) {
946 /* Check for missing variable. */
947 if (level != zdd->sizeZ) {
948 list[zdd->invpermZ[level]] = 0;
949 zdd_print_minterm_aux(zdd, node, level + 1, list);
950 return;
952 /* Terminal case: Print one cube based on the current recursion
953 ** path.
955 for (i = 0; i < zdd->sizeZ; i++) {
956 v = list[i];
957 if (v == 0)
958 (void) fprintf(zdd->out,"0");
959 else if (v == 1)
960 (void) fprintf(zdd->out,"1");
961 else if (v == 3)
962 (void) fprintf(zdd->out,"@"); /* should never happen */
963 else
964 (void) fprintf(zdd->out,"-");
966 (void) fprintf(zdd->out," 1\n");
968 } else {
969 /* Check for missing variable. */
970 if (level != cuddIZ(zdd,node->index)) {
971 list[zdd->invpermZ[level]] = 0;
972 zdd_print_minterm_aux(zdd, node, level + 1, list);
973 return;
976 Nnv = cuddE(node);
977 Nv = cuddT(node);
978 if (Nv == Nnv) {
979 list[node->index] = 2;
980 zdd_print_minterm_aux(zdd, Nnv, level + 1, list);
981 return;
984 list[node->index] = 1;
985 zdd_print_minterm_aux(zdd, Nv, level + 1, list);
986 list[node->index] = 0;
987 zdd_print_minterm_aux(zdd, Nnv, level + 1, list);
989 return;
991 } /* end of zdd_print_minterm_aux */
994 /**Function********************************************************************
996 Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_zddPrintCover.]
998 Description []
1000 SideEffects [None]
1002 SeeAlso []
1004 ******************************************************************************/
1005 static void
1006 zddPrintCoverAux(
1007 DdManager * zdd /* manager */,
1008 DdNode * node /* current node */,
1009 int level /* depth in the recursion */,
1010 int * list /* current recursion path */)
1012 DdNode *Nv, *Nnv;
1013 int i, v;
1014 DdNode *base = DD_ONE(zdd);
1016 if (Cudd_IsConstant(node)) {
1017 if (node == base) {
1018 /* Check for missing variable. */
1019 if (level != zdd->sizeZ) {
1020 list[zdd->invpermZ[level]] = 0;
1021 zddPrintCoverAux(zdd, node, level + 1, list);
1022 return;
1024 /* Terminal case: Print one cube based on the current recursion
1025 ** path.
1027 for (i = 0; i < zdd->sizeZ; i += 2) {
1028 v = list[i] * 4 + list[i+1];
1029 if (v == 0)
1030 (void) putc('-',zdd->out);
1031 else if (v == 4)
1032 (void) putc('1',zdd->out);
1033 else if (v == 1)
1034 (void) putc('0',zdd->out);
1035 else
1036 (void) putc('@',zdd->out); /* should never happen */
1038 (void) fprintf(zdd->out," 1\n");
1040 } else {
1041 /* Check for missing variable. */
1042 if (level != cuddIZ(zdd,node->index)) {
1043 list[zdd->invpermZ[level]] = 0;
1044 zddPrintCoverAux(zdd, node, level + 1, list);
1045 return;
1048 Nnv = cuddE(node);
1049 Nv = cuddT(node);
1050 if (Nv == Nnv) {
1051 list[node->index] = 2;
1052 zddPrintCoverAux(zdd, Nnv, level + 1, list);
1053 return;
1056 list[node->index] = 1;
1057 zddPrintCoverAux(zdd, Nv, level + 1, list);
1058 list[node->index] = 0;
1059 zddPrintCoverAux(zdd, Nnv, level + 1, list);
1061 return;
1063 } /* end of zddPrintCoverAux */