emergency commit
[cl-cudd.git] / distr / cudd / cuddBddIte.c
1 /**CFile***********************************************************************
3 FileName [cuddBddIte.c]
5 PackageName [cudd]
7 Synopsis [BDD ITE function and satellites.]
9 Description [External procedures included in this module:
10 <ul>
11 <li> Cudd_bddIte()
12 <li> Cudd_bddIteConstant()
13 <li> Cudd_bddIntersect()
14 <li> Cudd_bddAnd()
15 <li> Cudd_bddAndLimit()
16 <li> Cudd_bddOr()
17 <li> Cudd_bddNand()
18 <li> Cudd_bddNor()
19 <li> Cudd_bddXor()
20 <li> Cudd_bddXnor()
21 <li> Cudd_bddLeq()
22 </ul>
23 Internal procedures included in this module:
24 <ul>
25 <li> cuddBddIteRecur()
26 <li> cuddBddIntersectRecur()
27 <li> cuddBddAndRecur()
28 <li> cuddBddXorRecur()
29 </ul>
30 Static procedures included in this module:
31 <ul>
32 <li> bddVarToConst()
33 <li> bddVarToCanonical()
34 <li> bddVarToCanonicalSimple()
35 </ul>]
37 SeeAlso []
39 Author [Fabio Somenzi]
41 Copyright [Copyright (c) 1995-2004, Regents of the University of Colorado
43 All rights reserved.
45 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
46 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
47 are met:
49 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
50 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
52 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
53 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
54 documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
56 Neither the name of the University of Colorado nor the names of its
57 contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
58 this software without specific prior written permission.
73 ******************************************************************************/
75 #include "util.h"
76 #include "cuddInt.h"
79 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
80 /* Constant declarations */
81 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
84 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
85 /* Stucture declarations */
86 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
89 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
90 /* Type declarations */
91 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
94 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
95 /* Variable declarations */
96 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
98 #ifndef lint
99 static char rcsid[] DD_UNUSED = "$Id: cuddBddIte.c,v 1.24 2004/08/13 18:04:46 fabio Exp $";
100 #endif
102 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
103 /* Macro declarations */
104 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
107 /**AutomaticStart*************************************************************/
109 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
110 /* Static function prototypes */
111 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
113 static void bddVarToConst (DdNode *f, DdNode **gp, DdNode **hp, DdNode *one);
114 static int bddVarToCanonical (DdManager *dd, DdNode **fp, DdNode **gp, DdNode **hp, unsigned int *topfp, unsigned int *topgp, unsigned int *tophp);
115 static int bddVarToCanonicalSimple (DdManager *dd, DdNode **fp, DdNode **gp, DdNode **hp, unsigned int *topfp, unsigned int *topgp, unsigned int *tophp);
117 /**AutomaticEnd***************************************************************/
120 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
121 /* Definition of exported functions */
122 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
125 /**Function********************************************************************
127 Synopsis [Implements ITE(f,g,h).]
129 Description [Implements ITE(f,g,h). Returns a pointer to the
130 resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate result blows
131 up.]
133 SideEffects [None]
135 SeeAlso [Cudd_addIte Cudd_bddIteConstant Cudd_bddIntersect]
137 ******************************************************************************/
138 DdNode *
139 Cudd_bddIte(
140 DdManager * dd,
141 DdNode * f,
142 DdNode * g,
143 DdNode * h)
145 DdNode *res;
147 do {
148 dd->reordered = 0;
149 res = cuddBddIteRecur(dd,f,g,h);
150 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
151 return(res);
153 } /* end of Cudd_bddIte */
156 /**Function********************************************************************
158 Synopsis [Implements ITEconstant(f,g,h).]
160 Description [Implements ITEconstant(f,g,h). Returns a pointer to the
161 resulting BDD (which may or may not be constant) or DD_NON_CONSTANT.
162 No new nodes are created.]
164 SideEffects [None]
166 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_bddIntersect Cudd_bddLeq Cudd_addIteConstant]
168 ******************************************************************************/
169 DdNode *
170 Cudd_bddIteConstant(
171 DdManager * dd,
172 DdNode * f,
173 DdNode * g,
174 DdNode * h)
176 DdNode *r, *Fv, *Fnv, *Gv, *Gnv, *H, *Hv, *Hnv, *t, *e;
177 DdNode *one = DD_ONE(dd);
178 DdNode *zero = Cudd_Not(one);
179 int comple;
180 unsigned int topf, topg, toph, v;
182 statLine(dd);
183 /* Trivial cases. */
184 if (f == one) /* ITE(1,G,H) => G */
185 return(g);
187 if (f == zero) /* ITE(0,G,H) => H */
188 return(h);
190 /* f now not a constant. */
191 bddVarToConst(f, &g, &h, one); /* possibly convert g or h */
192 /* to constants */
194 if (g == h) /* ITE(F,G,G) => G */
195 return(g);
197 if (Cudd_IsConstant(g) && Cudd_IsConstant(h))
198 return(DD_NON_CONSTANT); /* ITE(F,1,0) or ITE(F,0,1) */
199 /* => DD_NON_CONSTANT */
201 if (g == Cudd_Not(h))
202 return(DD_NON_CONSTANT); /* ITE(F,G,G') => DD_NON_CONSTANT */
203 /* if F != G and F != G' */
205 comple = bddVarToCanonical(dd, &f, &g, &h, &topf, &topg, &toph);
207 /* Cache lookup. */
208 r = cuddConstantLookup(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h);
209 if (r != NULL) {
210 return(Cudd_NotCond(r,comple && r != DD_NON_CONSTANT));
213 v = ddMin(topg, toph);
215 /* ITE(F,G,H) = (v,G,H) (non constant) if F = (v,1,0), v < top(G,H). */
216 if (topf < v && cuddT(f) == one && cuddE(f) == zero) {
217 return(DD_NON_CONSTANT);
220 /* Compute cofactors. */
221 if (topf <= v) {
222 v = ddMin(topf, v); /* v = top_var(F,G,H) */
223 Fv = cuddT(f); Fnv = cuddE(f);
224 } else {
225 Fv = Fnv = f;
228 if (topg == v) {
229 Gv = cuddT(g); Gnv = cuddE(g);
230 } else {
231 Gv = Gnv = g;
234 if (toph == v) {
235 H = Cudd_Regular(h);
236 Hv = cuddT(H); Hnv = cuddE(H);
237 if (Cudd_IsComplement(h)) {
238 Hv = Cudd_Not(Hv);
239 Hnv = Cudd_Not(Hnv);
241 } else {
242 Hv = Hnv = h;
245 /* Recursion. */
246 t = Cudd_bddIteConstant(dd, Fv, Gv, Hv);
247 if (t == DD_NON_CONSTANT || !Cudd_IsConstant(t)) {
248 cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h, DD_NON_CONSTANT);
249 return(DD_NON_CONSTANT);
251 e = Cudd_bddIteConstant(dd, Fnv, Gnv, Hnv);
252 if (e == DD_NON_CONSTANT || !Cudd_IsConstant(e) || t != e) {
253 cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h, DD_NON_CONSTANT);
254 return(DD_NON_CONSTANT);
256 cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h, t);
257 return(Cudd_NotCond(t,comple));
259 } /* end of Cudd_bddIteConstant */
262 /**Function********************************************************************
264 Synopsis [Returns a function included in the intersection of f and g.]
266 Description [Computes a function included in the intersection of f and
267 g. (That is, a witness that the intersection is not empty.)
268 Cudd_bddIntersect tries to build as few new nodes as possible. If the
269 only result of interest is whether f and g intersect,
270 Cudd_bddLeq should be used instead.]
272 SideEffects [None]
274 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddLeq Cudd_bddIteConstant]
276 ******************************************************************************/
277 DdNode *
278 Cudd_bddIntersect(
279 DdManager * dd /* manager */,
280 DdNode * f /* first operand */,
281 DdNode * g /* second operand */)
283 DdNode *res;
285 do {
286 dd->reordered = 0;
287 res = cuddBddIntersectRecur(dd,f,g);
288 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
290 return(res);
292 } /* end of Cudd_bddIntersect */
295 /**Function********************************************************************
297 Synopsis [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g.]
299 Description [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
300 pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
301 result blows up.]
303 SideEffects [None]
305 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAndAbstract Cudd_bddIntersect
306 Cudd_bddOr Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
308 ******************************************************************************/
309 DdNode *
310 Cudd_bddAnd(
311 DdManager * dd,
312 DdNode * f,
313 DdNode * g)
315 DdNode *res;
317 do {
318 dd->reordered = 0;
319 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
320 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
321 return(res);
323 } /* end of Cudd_bddAnd */
326 /**Function********************************************************************
328 Synopsis [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns
329 NULL if too many nodes are required.]
331 Description [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
332 pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
333 result blows up or more new nodes than <code>limit</code> are
334 required.]
336 SideEffects [None]
338 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddAnd]
340 ******************************************************************************/
341 DdNode *
342 Cudd_bddAndLimit(
343 DdManager * dd,
344 DdNode * f,
345 DdNode * g,
346 unsigned int limit)
348 DdNode *res;
349 unsigned int saveLimit = dd->maxLive;
351 dd->maxLive = (dd->keys - dd->dead) + (dd->keysZ - dd->deadZ) + limit;
352 do {
353 dd->reordered = 0;
354 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
355 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
356 dd->maxLive = saveLimit;
357 return(res);
359 } /* end of Cudd_bddAndLimit */
362 /**Function********************************************************************
364 Synopsis [Computes the disjunction of two BDDs f and g.]
366 Description [Computes the disjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
367 pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
368 result blows up.]
370 SideEffects [None]
372 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor
373 Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
375 ******************************************************************************/
376 DdNode *
377 Cudd_bddOr(
378 DdManager * dd,
379 DdNode * f,
380 DdNode * g)
382 DdNode *res;
384 do {
385 dd->reordered = 0;
386 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),Cudd_Not(g));
387 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
388 res = Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL);
389 return(res);
391 } /* end of Cudd_bddOr */
394 /**Function********************************************************************
396 Synopsis [Computes the NAND of two BDDs f and g.]
398 Description [Computes the NAND of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
399 pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
400 result blows up.]
402 SideEffects [None]
404 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr Cudd_bddNor
405 Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
407 ******************************************************************************/
408 DdNode *
409 Cudd_bddNand(
410 DdManager * dd,
411 DdNode * f,
412 DdNode * g)
414 DdNode *res;
416 do {
417 dd->reordered = 0;
418 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
419 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
420 res = Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL);
421 return(res);
423 } /* end of Cudd_bddNand */
426 /**Function********************************************************************
428 Synopsis [Computes the NOR of two BDDs f and g.]
430 Description [Computes the NOR of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
431 pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
432 result blows up.]
434 SideEffects [None]
436 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr Cudd_bddNand
437 Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
439 ******************************************************************************/
440 DdNode *
441 Cudd_bddNor(
442 DdManager * dd,
443 DdNode * f,
444 DdNode * g)
446 DdNode *res;
448 do {
449 dd->reordered = 0;
450 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),Cudd_Not(g));
451 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
452 return(res);
454 } /* end of Cudd_bddNor */
457 /**Function********************************************************************
459 Synopsis [Computes the exclusive OR of two BDDs f and g.]
461 Description [Computes the exclusive OR of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
462 pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
463 result blows up.]
465 SideEffects [None]
467 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr
468 Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor Cudd_bddXnor]
470 ******************************************************************************/
471 DdNode *
472 Cudd_bddXor(
473 DdManager * dd,
474 DdNode * f,
475 DdNode * g)
477 DdNode *res;
479 do {
480 dd->reordered = 0;
481 res = cuddBddXorRecur(dd,f,g);
482 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
483 return(res);
485 } /* end of Cudd_bddXor */
488 /**Function********************************************************************
490 Synopsis [Computes the exclusive NOR of two BDDs f and g.]
492 Description [Computes the exclusive NOR of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
493 pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
494 result blows up.]
496 SideEffects [None]
498 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr
499 Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor Cudd_bddXor]
501 ******************************************************************************/
502 DdNode *
503 Cudd_bddXnor(
504 DdManager * dd,
505 DdNode * f,
506 DdNode * g)
508 DdNode *res;
510 do {
511 dd->reordered = 0;
512 res = cuddBddXorRecur(dd,f,Cudd_Not(g));
513 } while (dd->reordered == 1);
514 return(res);
516 } /* end of Cudd_bddXnor */
519 /**Function********************************************************************
521 Synopsis [Determines whether f is less than or equal to g.]
523 Description [Returns 1 if f is less than or equal to g; 0 otherwise.
524 No new nodes are created.]
526 SideEffects [None]
528 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIteConstant Cudd_addEvalConst]
530 ******************************************************************************/
532 Cudd_bddLeq(
533 DdManager * dd,
534 DdNode * f,
535 DdNode * g)
537 DdNode *one, *zero, *tmp, *F, *fv, *fvn, *gv, *gvn;
538 unsigned int topf, topg, res;
540 statLine(dd);
541 /* Terminal cases and normalization. */
542 if (f == g) return(1);
544 if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
545 /* Special case: if f is regular and g is complemented,
546 ** f(1,...,1) = 1 > 0 = g(1,...,1).
548 if (!Cudd_IsComplement(f)) return(0);
549 /* Both are complemented: Swap and complement because
550 ** f <= g <=> g' <= f' and we want the second argument to be regular.
552 tmp = g;
553 g = Cudd_Not(f);
554 f = Cudd_Not(tmp);
555 } else if (Cudd_IsComplement(f) && g < f) {
556 tmp = g;
557 g = Cudd_Not(f);
558 f = Cudd_Not(tmp);
561 /* Now g is regular and, if f is not regular, f < g. */
562 one = DD_ONE(dd);
563 if (g == one) return(1); /* no need to test against zero */
564 if (f == one) return(0); /* since at this point g != one */
565 if (Cudd_Not(f) == g) return(0); /* because neither is constant */
566 zero = Cudd_Not(one);
567 if (f == zero) return(1);
569 /* Here neither f nor g is constant. */
571 /* Check cache. */
572 tmp = cuddCacheLookup2(dd,(DD_CTFP)Cudd_bddLeq,f,g);
573 if (tmp != NULL) {
574 return(tmp == one);
577 /* Compute cofactors. */
578 F = Cudd_Regular(f);
579 topf = dd->perm[F->index];
580 topg = dd->perm[g->index];
581 if (topf <= topg) {
582 fv = cuddT(F); fvn = cuddE(F);
583 if (f != F) {
584 fv = Cudd_Not(fv);
585 fvn = Cudd_Not(fvn);
587 } else {
588 fv = fvn = f;
590 if (topg <= topf) {
591 gv = cuddT(g); gvn = cuddE(g);
592 } else {
593 gv = gvn = g;
596 /* Recursive calls. Since we want to maximize the probability of
597 ** the special case f(1,...,1) > g(1,...,1), we consider the negative
598 ** cofactors first. Indeed, the complementation parity of the positive
599 ** cofactors is the same as the one of the parent functions.
601 res = Cudd_bddLeq(dd,fvn,gvn) && Cudd_bddLeq(dd,fv,gv);
603 /* Store result in cache and return. */
604 cuddCacheInsert2(dd,(DD_CTFP)Cudd_bddLeq,f,g,(res ? one : zero));
605 return(res);
607 } /* end of Cudd_bddLeq */
610 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
611 /* Definition of internal functions */
612 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
615 /**Function********************************************************************
617 Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddIte.]
619 Description [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddIte. Returns a
620 pointer to the resulting BDD. NULL if the intermediate result blows
621 up or if reordering occurs.]
623 SideEffects [None]
625 SeeAlso []
627 ******************************************************************************/
628 DdNode *
629 cuddBddIteRecur(
630 DdManager * dd,
631 DdNode * f,
632 DdNode * g,
633 DdNode * h)
635 DdNode *one, *zero, *res;
636 DdNode *r, *Fv, *Fnv, *Gv, *Gnv, *H, *Hv, *Hnv, *t, *e;
637 unsigned int topf, topg, toph, v;
638 int index;
639 int comple;
641 statLine(dd);
642 /* Terminal cases. */
644 /* One variable cases. */
645 if (f == (one = DD_ONE(dd))) /* ITE(1,G,H) = G */
646 return(g);
648 if (f == (zero = Cudd_Not(one))) /* ITE(0,G,H) = H */
649 return(h);
651 /* From now on, f is known not to be a constant. */
652 if (g == one || f == g) { /* ITE(F,F,H) = ITE(F,1,H) = F + H */
653 if (h == zero) { /* ITE(F,1,0) = F */
654 return(f);
655 } else {
656 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),Cudd_Not(h));
657 return(Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL));
659 } else if (g == zero || f == Cudd_Not(g)) { /* ITE(F,!F,H) = ITE(F,0,H) = !F * H */
660 if (h == one) { /* ITE(F,0,1) = !F */
661 return(Cudd_Not(f));
662 } else {
663 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),h);
664 return(res);
667 if (h == zero || f == h) { /* ITE(F,G,F) = ITE(F,G,0) = F * G */
668 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
669 return(res);
670 } else if (h == one || f == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!F) = ITE(F,G,1) = !F + G */
671 res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,Cudd_Not(g));
672 return(Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL));
675 /* Check remaining one variable case. */
676 if (g == h) { /* ITE(F,G,G) = G */
677 return(g);
678 } else if (g == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!G) = F <-> G */
679 res = cuddBddXorRecur(dd,f,h);
680 return(res);
683 /* From here, there are no constants. */
684 comple = bddVarToCanonicalSimple(dd, &f, &g, &h, &topf, &topg, &toph);
686 /* f & g are now regular pointers */
688 v = ddMin(topg, toph);
690 /* A shortcut: ITE(F,G,H) = (v,G,H) if F = (v,1,0), v < top(G,H). */
691 if (topf < v && cuddT(f) == one && cuddE(f) == zero) {
692 r = cuddUniqueInter(dd, (int) f->index, g, h);
693 return(Cudd_NotCond(r,comple && r != NULL));
696 /* Check cache. */
697 r = cuddCacheLookup(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_TAG, f, g, h);
698 if (r != NULL) {
699 return(Cudd_NotCond(r,comple));
702 /* Compute cofactors. */
703 if (topf <= v) {
704 v = ddMin(topf, v); /* v = top_var(F,G,H) */
705 index = f->index;
706 Fv = cuddT(f); Fnv = cuddE(f);
707 } else {
708 Fv = Fnv = f;
710 if (topg == v) {
711 index = g->index;
712 Gv = cuddT(g); Gnv = cuddE(g);
713 } else {
714 Gv = Gnv = g;
716 if (toph == v) {
717 H = Cudd_Regular(h);
718 index = H->index;
719 Hv = cuddT(H); Hnv = cuddE(H);
720 if (Cudd_IsComplement(h)) {
721 Hv = Cudd_Not(Hv);
722 Hnv = Cudd_Not(Hnv);
724 } else {
725 Hv = Hnv = h;
728 /* Recursive step. */
729 t = cuddBddIteRecur(dd,Fv,Gv,Hv);
730 if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
731 cuddRef(t);
733 e = cuddBddIteRecur(dd,Fnv,Gnv,Hnv);
734 if (e == NULL) {
735 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,t);
736 return(NULL);
738 cuddRef(e);
740 r = (t == e) ? t : cuddUniqueInter(dd,index,t,e);
741 if (r == NULL) {
742 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,t);
743 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,e);
744 return(NULL);
746 cuddDeref(t);
747 cuddDeref(e);
749 cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_TAG, f, g, h, r);
750 return(Cudd_NotCond(r,comple));
752 } /* end of cuddBddIteRecur */
755 /**Function********************************************************************
757 Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddIntersect.]
759 Description []
761 SideEffects [None]
763 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIntersect]
765 ******************************************************************************/
766 DdNode *
767 cuddBddIntersectRecur(
768 DdManager * dd,
769 DdNode * f,
770 DdNode * g)
772 DdNode *res;
773 DdNode *F, *G, *t, *e;
774 DdNode *fv, *fnv, *gv, *gnv;
775 DdNode *one, *zero;
776 unsigned int index, topf, topg;
778 statLine(dd);
779 one = DD_ONE(dd);
780 zero = Cudd_Not(one);
782 /* Terminal cases. */
783 if (f == zero || g == zero || f == Cudd_Not(g)) return(zero);
784 if (f == g || g == one) return(f);
785 if (f == one) return(g);
787 /* At this point f and g are not constant. */
788 if (f > g) { DdNode *tmp = f; f = g; g = tmp; }
789 res = cuddCacheLookup2(dd,Cudd_bddIntersect,f,g);
790 if (res != NULL) return(res);
792 /* Find splitting variable. Here we can skip the use of cuddI,
793 ** because the operands are known to be non-constant.
795 F = Cudd_Regular(f);
796 topf = dd->perm[F->index];
797 G = Cudd_Regular(g);
798 topg = dd->perm[G->index];
800 /* Compute cofactors. */
801 if (topf <= topg) {
802 index = F->index;
803 fv = cuddT(F);
804 fnv = cuddE(F);
805 if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) {
806 fv = Cudd_Not(fv);
807 fnv = Cudd_Not(fnv);
809 } else {
810 index = G->index;
811 fv = fnv = f;
814 if (topg <= topf) {
815 gv = cuddT(G);
816 gnv = cuddE(G);
817 if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
818 gv = Cudd_Not(gv);
819 gnv = Cudd_Not(gnv);
821 } else {
822 gv = gnv = g;
825 /* Compute partial results. */
826 t = cuddBddIntersectRecur(dd,fv,gv);
827 if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
828 cuddRef(t);
829 if (t != zero) {
830 e = zero;
831 } else {
832 e = cuddBddIntersectRecur(dd,fnv,gnv);
833 if (e == NULL) {
834 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, t);
835 return(NULL);
838 cuddRef(e);
840 if (t == e) { /* both equal zero */
841 res = t;
842 } else if (Cudd_IsComplement(t)) {
843 res = cuddUniqueInter(dd,(int)index,Cudd_Not(t),Cudd_Not(e));
844 if (res == NULL) {
845 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, t);
846 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, e);
847 return(NULL);
849 res = Cudd_Not(res);
850 } else {
851 res = cuddUniqueInter(dd,(int)index,t,e);
852 if (res == NULL) {
853 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, t);
854 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, e);
855 return(NULL);
858 cuddDeref(e);
859 cuddDeref(t);
861 cuddCacheInsert2(dd,Cudd_bddIntersect,f,g,res);
863 return(res);
865 } /* end of cuddBddIntersectRecur */
868 /**Function********************************************************************
870 Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddAnd.]
872 Description [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddAnd by taking
873 the conjunction of two BDDs. Returns a pointer to the result is
874 successful; NULL otherwise.]
876 SideEffects [None]
878 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddAnd]
880 ******************************************************************************/
881 DdNode *
882 cuddBddAndRecur(
883 DdManager * manager,
884 DdNode * f,
885 DdNode * g)
887 DdNode *F, *fv, *fnv, *G, *gv, *gnv;
888 DdNode *one, *r, *t, *e;
889 unsigned int topf, topg, index;
891 statLine(manager);
892 one = DD_ONE(manager);
894 /* Terminal cases. */
895 F = Cudd_Regular(f);
896 G = Cudd_Regular(g);
897 if (F == G) {
898 if (f == g) return(f);
899 else return(Cudd_Not(one));
901 if (F == one) {
902 if (f == one) return(g);
903 else return(f);
905 if (G == one) {
906 if (g == one) return(f);
907 else return(g);
910 /* At this point f and g are not constant. */
911 if (f > g) { /* Try to increase cache efficiency. */
912 DdNode *tmp = f;
913 f = g;
914 g = tmp;
915 F = Cudd_Regular(f);
916 G = Cudd_Regular(g);
919 /* Check cache. */
920 if (F->ref != 1 || G->ref != 1) {
921 r = cuddCacheLookup2(manager, Cudd_bddAnd, f, g);
922 if (r != NULL) return(r);
925 /* Here we can skip the use of cuddI, because the operands are known
926 ** to be non-constant.
928 topf = manager->perm[F->index];
929 topg = manager->perm[G->index];
931 /* Compute cofactors. */
932 if (topf <= topg) {
933 index = F->index;
934 fv = cuddT(F);
935 fnv = cuddE(F);
936 if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) {
937 fv = Cudd_Not(fv);
938 fnv = Cudd_Not(fnv);
940 } else {
941 index = G->index;
942 fv = fnv = f;
945 if (topg <= topf) {
946 gv = cuddT(G);
947 gnv = cuddE(G);
948 if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
949 gv = Cudd_Not(gv);
950 gnv = Cudd_Not(gnv);
952 } else {
953 gv = gnv = g;
956 t = cuddBddAndRecur(manager, fv, gv);
957 if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
958 cuddRef(t);
960 e = cuddBddAndRecur(manager, fnv, gnv);
961 if (e == NULL) {
962 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
963 return(NULL);
965 cuddRef(e);
967 if (t == e) {
968 r = t;
969 } else {
970 if (Cudd_IsComplement(t)) {
971 r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,Cudd_Not(t),Cudd_Not(e));
972 if (r == NULL) {
973 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
974 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
975 return(NULL);
977 r = Cudd_Not(r);
978 } else {
979 r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,t,e);
980 if (r == NULL) {
981 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
982 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
983 return(NULL);
987 cuddDeref(e);
988 cuddDeref(t);
989 if (F->ref != 1 || G->ref != 1)
990 cuddCacheInsert2(manager, Cudd_bddAnd, f, g, r);
991 return(r);
993 } /* end of cuddBddAndRecur */
996 /**Function********************************************************************
998 Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddXor.]
1000 Description [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddXor by taking
1001 the exclusive OR of two BDDs. Returns a pointer to the result is
1002 successful; NULL otherwise.]
1004 SideEffects [None]
1006 SeeAlso [Cudd_bddXor]
1008 ******************************************************************************/
1009 DdNode *
1010 cuddBddXorRecur(
1011 DdManager * manager,
1012 DdNode * f,
1013 DdNode * g)
1015 DdNode *fv, *fnv, *G, *gv, *gnv;
1016 DdNode *one, *zero, *r, *t, *e;
1017 unsigned int topf, topg, index;
1019 statLine(manager);
1020 one = DD_ONE(manager);
1021 zero = Cudd_Not(one);
1023 /* Terminal cases. */
1024 if (f == g) return(zero);
1025 if (f == Cudd_Not(g)) return(one);
1026 if (f > g) { /* Try to increase cache efficiency and simplify tests. */
1027 DdNode *tmp = f;
1028 f = g;
1029 g = tmp;
1031 if (g == zero) return(f);
1032 if (g == one) return(Cudd_Not(f));
1033 if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) {
1034 f = Cudd_Not(f);
1035 g = Cudd_Not(g);
1037 /* Now the first argument is regular. */
1038 if (f == one) return(Cudd_Not(g));
1040 /* At this point f and g are not constant. */
1042 /* Check cache. */
1043 r = cuddCacheLookup2(manager, Cudd_bddXor, f, g);
1044 if (r != NULL) return(r);
1046 /* Here we can skip the use of cuddI, because the operands are known
1047 ** to be non-constant.
1049 topf = manager->perm[f->index];
1050 G = Cudd_Regular(g);
1051 topg = manager->perm[G->index];
1053 /* Compute cofactors. */
1054 if (topf <= topg) {
1055 index = f->index;
1056 fv = cuddT(f);
1057 fnv = cuddE(f);
1058 } else {
1059 index = G->index;
1060 fv = fnv = f;
1063 if (topg <= topf) {
1064 gv = cuddT(G);
1065 gnv = cuddE(G);
1066 if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
1067 gv = Cudd_Not(gv);
1068 gnv = Cudd_Not(gnv);
1070 } else {
1071 gv = gnv = g;
1074 t = cuddBddXorRecur(manager, fv, gv);
1075 if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
1076 cuddRef(t);
1078 e = cuddBddXorRecur(manager, fnv, gnv);
1079 if (e == NULL) {
1080 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
1081 return(NULL);
1083 cuddRef(e);
1085 if (t == e) {
1086 r = t;
1087 } else {
1088 if (Cudd_IsComplement(t)) {
1089 r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,Cudd_Not(t),Cudd_Not(e));
1090 if (r == NULL) {
1091 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
1092 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
1093 return(NULL);
1095 r = Cudd_Not(r);
1096 } else {
1097 r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,t,e);
1098 if (r == NULL) {
1099 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
1100 Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
1101 return(NULL);
1105 cuddDeref(e);
1106 cuddDeref(t);
1107 cuddCacheInsert2(manager, Cudd_bddXor, f, g, r);
1108 return(r);
1110 } /* end of cuddBddXorRecur */
1113 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1114 /* Definition of static functions */
1115 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1118 /**Function********************************************************************
1120 Synopsis [Replaces variables with constants if possible.]
1122 Description [This function performs part of the transformation to
1123 standard form by replacing variables with constants if possible.]
1125 SideEffects [None]
1127 SeeAlso [bddVarToCanonical bddVarToCanonicalSimple]
1129 ******************************************************************************/
1130 static void
1131 bddVarToConst(
1132 DdNode * f,
1133 DdNode ** gp,
1134 DdNode ** hp,
1135 DdNode * one)
1137 DdNode *g = *gp;
1138 DdNode *h = *hp;
1140 if (f == g) { /* ITE(F,F,H) = ITE(F,1,H) = F + H */
1141 *gp = one;
1142 } else if (f == Cudd_Not(g)) { /* ITE(F,!F,H) = ITE(F,0,H) = !F * H */
1143 *gp = Cudd_Not(one);
1145 if (f == h) { /* ITE(F,G,F) = ITE(F,G,0) = F * G */
1146 *hp = Cudd_Not(one);
1147 } else if (f == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!F) = ITE(F,G,1) = !F + G */
1148 *hp = one;
1151 } /* end of bddVarToConst */
1154 /**Function********************************************************************
1156 Synopsis [Picks unique member from equiv expressions.]
1158 Description [Reduces 2 variable expressions to canonical form.]
1160 SideEffects [None]
1162 SeeAlso [bddVarToConst bddVarToCanonicalSimple]
1164 ******************************************************************************/
1165 static int
1166 bddVarToCanonical(
1167 DdManager * dd,
1168 DdNode ** fp,
1169 DdNode ** gp,
1170 DdNode ** hp,
1171 unsigned int * topfp,
1172 unsigned int * topgp,
1173 unsigned int * tophp)
1175 register DdNode *F, *G, *H, *r, *f, *g, *h;
1176 register unsigned int topf, topg, toph;
1177 DdNode *one = dd->one;
1178 int comple, change;
1180 f = *fp;
1181 g = *gp;
1182 h = *hp;
1183 F = Cudd_Regular(f);
1184 G = Cudd_Regular(g);
1185 H = Cudd_Regular(h);
1186 topf = cuddI(dd,F->index);
1187 topg = cuddI(dd,G->index);
1188 toph = cuddI(dd,H->index);
1190 change = 0;
1192 if (G == one) { /* ITE(F,c,H) */
1193 if ((topf > toph) || (topf == toph && f > h)) {
1194 r = h;
1195 h = f;
1196 f = r; /* ITE(F,1,H) = ITE(H,1,F) */
1197 if (g != one) { /* g == zero */
1198 f = Cudd_Not(f); /* ITE(F,0,H) = ITE(!H,0,!F) */
1199 h = Cudd_Not(h);
1201 change = 1;
1203 } else if (H == one) { /* ITE(F,G,c) */
1204 if ((topf > topg) || (topf == topg && f > g)) {
1205 r = g;
1206 g = f;
1207 f = r; /* ITE(F,G,0) = ITE(G,F,0) */
1208 if (h == one) {
1209 f = Cudd_Not(f); /* ITE(F,G,1) = ITE(!G,!F,1) */
1210 g = Cudd_Not(g);
1212 change = 1;
1214 } else if (g == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!G) = ITE(G,F,!F) */
1215 if ((topf > topg) || (topf == topg && f > g)) {
1216 r = f;
1217 f = g;
1218 g = r;
1219 h = Cudd_Not(r);
1220 change = 1;
1223 /* adjust pointers so that the first 2 arguments to ITE are regular */
1224 if (Cudd_IsComplement(f) != 0) { /* ITE(!F,G,H) = ITE(F,H,G) */
1225 f = Cudd_Not(f);
1226 r = g;
1227 g = h;
1228 h = r;
1229 change = 1;
1231 comple = 0;
1232 if (Cudd_IsComplement(g) != 0) { /* ITE(F,!G,H) = !ITE(F,G,!H) */
1233 g = Cudd_Not(g);
1234 h = Cudd_Not(h);
1235 change = 1;
1236 comple = 1;
1238 if (change != 0) {
1239 *fp = f;
1240 *gp = g;
1241 *hp = h;
1243 *topfp = cuddI(dd,f->index);
1244 *topgp = cuddI(dd,g->index);
1245 *tophp = cuddI(dd,Cudd_Regular(h)->index);
1247 return(comple);
1249 } /* end of bddVarToCanonical */
1252 /**Function********************************************************************
1254 Synopsis [Picks unique member from equiv expressions.]
1256 Description [Makes sure the first two pointers are regular. This
1257 mat require the complementation of the result, which is signaled by
1258 returning 1 instead of 0. This function is simpler than the general
1259 case because it assumes that no two arguments are the same or
1260 complementary, and no argument is constant.]
1262 SideEffects [None]
1264 SeeAlso [bddVarToConst bddVarToCanonical]
1266 ******************************************************************************/
1267 static int
1268 bddVarToCanonicalSimple(
1269 DdManager * dd,
1270 DdNode ** fp,
1271 DdNode ** gp,
1272 DdNode ** hp,
1273 unsigned int * topfp,
1274 unsigned int * topgp,
1275 unsigned int * tophp)
1277 register DdNode *r, *f, *g, *h;
1278 int comple, change;
1280 f = *fp;
1281 g = *gp;
1282 h = *hp;
1284 change = 0;
1286 /* adjust pointers so that the first 2 arguments to ITE are regular */
1287 if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) { /* ITE(!F,G,H) = ITE(F,H,G) */
1288 f = Cudd_Not(f);
1289 r = g;
1290 g = h;
1291 h = r;
1292 change = 1;
1294 comple = 0;
1295 if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) { /* ITE(F,!G,H) = !ITE(F,G,!H) */
1296 g = Cudd_Not(g);
1297 h = Cudd_Not(h);
1298 change = 1;
1299 comple = 1;
1301 if (change) {
1302 *fp = f;
1303 *gp = g;
1304 *hp = h;
1307 /* Here we can skip the use of cuddI, because the operands are known
1308 ** to be non-constant.
1310 *topfp = dd->perm[f->index];
1311 *topgp = dd->perm[g->index];
1312 *tophp = dd->perm[Cudd_Regular(h)->index];
1314 return(comple);
1316 } /* end of bddVarToCanonicalSimple */