descriptionCairo graphics API
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Cairo: Multi-platform 2D graphics library


What is cairo

Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System (via both Xlib and XCB), quartz, win32, and image buffers, as well as PDF, PostScript, and SVG file output.

Cairo is designed to produce consistent output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (for example, through the X Render Extension).

The cairo API provides operations similar to the drawing operators of PostScript and PDF. Operations in cairo include stroking and filling cubic Bézier splines, transforming and compositing translucent images, and antialiased text rendering. All drawing operations can be transformed by any affine transformation (scale, rotation, shear, etc.).

Cairo has been designed to let you draw anything you want in a modern 2D graphical user interface. At the same time, the cairo API has been designed to be as fun and easy to learn as possible. If you're not having fun while programming with cairo, then we have failed somewhere---let us know and we'll try to fix it next time around.

Cairo is free software and is available to be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or the Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 1.1.

Where to get more information about cairo

The primary source of information about cairo is its website:

The latest versions of cairo can always be found at:

Documentation on using cairo and frequently-asked questions:

Mailing lists for contacting cairo users and developers:

Roadmap and unscheduled things to do, (please feel free to help out):


The set of libraries needed to compile cairo depends on which backends are enabled when cairo is configured. So look at the list below to determine which dependencies are needed for the backends of interest.

For the surface backends, we have both "supported" and "experimental" backends. Further, the supported backends can be divided into the "standard" backends which can be easily built on any platform, and the "platform" backends which depend on some underlying platform-specific system, (such as the X Window System or some other window system).

As an example, for a standard Linux build similar to what's shipped by your distro, (with image, png, pdf, PostScript, svg, and xlib surface backends, and the freetype font backend), the following sample commands will install necessary dependencies:

Technically you probably don't need pixman from the distribution since if you're manually compiling Cairo you probably want an updated pixman as well. However, if you follow the default settings and install pixman to /usr/local, your Cairo build should properly use it in preference to the system pixman.

Supported, "standard" surface backends

image backend (required)

PNG support (preferred)

PDF backend

PostScript backend

SVG backend

Supported, "platform" surface backends

Xlib backend

xlib-xrender backend

Quartz backend

Windows backend

XCB backend

Font backends (required)

freetype font backend

Quartz-font backend

Windows GDI font backend

Windows DirectWrite font backend


See the INSTALL document for build instructions.


Cairo is released under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, or the terms of the Mozilla Public License version 1.1.

See the COPYING document for more information.


Cairo was originally developed by Carl Worth <> and Keith Packard <>. Many thanks are due to Lyle Ramshaw without whose patient help our ignorance would be much more apparent.

Since the original development, many more people have contributed to cairo. See the AUTHORS document for as complete a list as we've been able to compile so far.

9 days ago Emmanuele BassiMerge branch 'issue-870' into 'master'master
9 days ago Adrian Johnsoncff: Don't fail if no local subs
11 days ago Tim-Philipp... Merge branch 'hgr/lzo_option' into 'master'
11 days ago vard Graffmeson: expose lzo as a meson option
2024-09-06 Uli SchlachterMerge branch 'landing-page' into 'master'
2024-09-06 Uli SchlachterMerge branch 'lzo' into 'master'
2024-09-05 Federico Mena... Oops, don't list the analysis stage twice
2024-09-05 Federico Mena... Add a landing page for GitLab pages
2024-09-05 Benjamin GilbertFix include paths for LZO headers
2024-09-02 Adrian JohnsonMerge branch 'coverage' into 'master'
2024-09-01 Emmanuele BassiMerge branch 'ebassi/release-1-18-2' into 'master'
2024-09-01 Emmanuele BassiPost-release version bump to 1.18.3
2024-09-01 Emmanuele BassiRelease Cairo
2024-08-28 Federico Mena... Keep artifacts for the static-scan job
2024-08-28 Federico Mena... CI: Add a job for static analysis
2024-08-28 Federico Mena... Move the analysis stage to just before deploy
2 weeks ago 1.18.2 Cairo 1.18.2 (release)
11 months ago 1.18.0 Cairo 1.18.0 (release)
19 months ago 1.17.8 Cairo 1.17.8 (snapshot)
2 years ago 1.17.6 Cairo 1.17.6 (snapshot)
3 years ago 1.17.4 cairo 1.17.4 release
5 years ago 1.17.2 cairo 1.17.2 release
5 years ago 1.16.0 cairo 1.16.0 release
6 years ago 1.15.14 cairo 1.15.14 release
6 years ago 1.15.12 cairo 1.15.12 release
6 years ago 1.15.10 cairo 1.15.10 release
6 years ago 1.14.12 cairo 1.14.12 release
7 years ago 1.15.8 cairo 1.15.8 release
7 years ago 1.14.10 cairo 1.14.10 release
7 years ago 1.15.6 cairo 1.15.6 release
7 years ago 1.15.4 cairo 1.15.4 release
7 years ago 1.14.8 cairo 1.14.8 release
9 days ago master
2 months ago wip/otte/xlib-overflow
3 years ago carlosgc/polygon-intersect-crash
3 years ago 1.16
6 years ago 1.14
9 years ago 1.12
12 years ago 1.10
14 years ago 1.8
15 years ago 1.6
16 years ago 1.4
17 years ago 1.2
18 years ago 1.0
Cached version (2627s old)
cairo/direct-gl.git Drawing directly to an OpenGL context with... 14 years ago
cairo/gpu.git GPU/OpenGL backend for Cairo 15 years ago
cairo/haiku.git Haiku port 16 years ago