descriptionBeanstalkd is a fast, distributed, in-memory workqueue service. Its interface is generic, but was designed for use in reducing the latency of page views in high-volume web applications by running most time-consuming tasks asynchronously.
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last changeSun, 12 Mar 2023 11:51:09 +0000 (12 12:51 +0100)
last refreshSun, 22 Sep 2024 20:18:50 +0000 (22 22:18 +0200)
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This is beanstalkd, a fast, general-purpose work queue.

See for general info.

To build beanstalkd, type ./configure then make.

To install, copy the file "beanstalkd" anywhere you like.

2023-03-12 Alex Mayeradd changelog for 1.13master
2023-02-09 Alex MayerAdd Missing Stats (#643)dev1.13
2022-12-05 SamAdd pystalk client (#638)
2022-12-03 Yury Smolskytest-clients.yaml: shorten names
2022-12-03 Samci: run tests of some beanstalk clients (#630)
2022-12-02 Yury fix build status badge
2022-11-25 Samci: add a workflow for running tests on PRs or pushes...
2022-11-25 Samci: update actions to their latest versions (#634)
2022-11-25 SamFix test regression (#632)
2022-11-25 Samset up CI using GH actions (#613)
2022-06-21 Joost HoogendoornUpdate beanstalkd.service (#623)
2022-01-04 SamQuote string values in yaml dictionaries (#610) (#611)
2022-01-04 Samclean up Dockerfile and support dynamic base image...
2021-10-12 James Brownuse read_u32 to safely read reserve-with-timeout argume...
2021-10-11 Ramazan Polatfix pause-tube parameter (#604)
2021-04-09 wuYinrefactor code using tube_find and remove_ready_job...
18 months ago v1.13 beanstalkd version 1.13
19 months ago dev1.13
4 years ago v1.12 beanstalkd version 1.12
4 years ago dev1.12
5 years ago v1.11 beanstalkd version 1.11
5 years ago dev1.11
10 years ago v1.10 beanstalkd version 1.10
10 years ago dev1.10
11 years ago v1.9 beanstalkd version 1.9
11 years ago dev1.9
11 years ago v1.8 This is beanstalkd version 1.8.
11 years ago dev1.8
12 years ago v1.7 This is beanstalkd version 1.7...
12 years ago v1.6 This is beanstalkd version 1.6...
12 years ago v1.5 This is beanstalkd version 1.5...
14 years ago v1.4.6 This is a security fix and bugfix...
18 months ago master
2 years ago ysmolsky-patch-1
5 years ago afl