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last changeTue, 1 Nov 2011 16:06:26 +0000 (1 11:06 -0500)
last refreshSun, 22 Sep 2024 02:14:40 +0000 (22 04:14 +0200)
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All good things come to an end

This repository has been superseded by andmej/competitive_programming. Check that one out.

2011-11-01 Andrés MejíaBye bye.master
2011-10-27 Andrés MejíaAdding some more judges, here and there.
2011-10-27 Andrés MejíaAdding ICPC Live Archive
2011-10-27 Andrés MejíaRestructuring.
2011-10-27 Andrés MejíaMove notebook to /lib
2011-10-27 Andrés MejíaPC^2 sucks.
2011-10-27 Andrés MejíaRemoving uneeded file.
2011-10-27 Andrés MejíaNamespacing everything to /UVa.
2011-10-24 Andrés MejíaSolving 10385 - Duathlon (Ternary search)
2011-10-24 Andrés MejíaAdding circle through 3 points and some trigonometrical...
2011-10-23 Andrés MejíaLittle changes on Colombian Programming Contest solutions.
2011-10-23 Andrés MejíaOptimizing my Ford-Fulkerson implementation for sparse...
2011-10-11 Andrés MejíaAdding problems from Colombian Programming Contest...
2011-10-11 Andrés MejíaSome little notebook changes.
2011-10-07 Andrés MejíaAdding some strings and geometry algorithms to notebook.
2011-10-07 Andrés MejíaCleaning up
12 years ago master