trivial: Remove redundant imports and pointless variables.
[altfloat.git] / Data / Floating / Helpers.hs
1 {-
2 - Copyright (C) 2010 Nick Bowler.
4 - License BSD2: 2-clause BSD license. See LICENSE for full terms.
5 - This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
6 - There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
7 -}
9 -- | Internal helper functions needed by at least two modules.
10 {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
11 module Data.Floating.Helpers (
12 binarySearch, scaleRational, formatDouble
13 ) where
15 import Prelude hiding (Double, RealFloat(..), RealFrac(..))
16 import Data.Floating.Types.Core
17 import Data.Roundable
18 import Data.Maybe
20 import Foreign
21 import Foreign.C
23 foreign import ccall unsafe "double_format"
24 double_format :: CString -> CChar -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO CInt
26 -- | @binarySearch p low high@ computes the least integer on the interval
27 -- [low, high] satisfying the given predicate, by binary search. The
28 -- predicate must partition the interval into two contiguous regions.
29 binarySearch :: Integral a => (a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> a
30 binarySearch p l u
31 | l > u = error "empty interval"
32 | l == u = m
33 | p m = binarySearch p l m
34 | otherwise = binarySearch p (m+1) u
35 where
36 m = l + div (u-l) 2
38 -- | Find a power of two such that the given rational number, when multiplied
39 -- by that power and rounded to an integer, has exactly as many digits as the
40 -- precision of the floating point type. The search may stop for values with
41 -- extremely large (or small) magnitude, in which case the result shall
42 -- overflow (or underflow) when scaled to the floating type.
43 scaleRational :: PrimFloat a => a -> Rational -> (Integer, Int)
44 scaleRational t x = (fromJust . toIntegral . round . scale x $ e, e) where
45 e = binarySearch ((lbound <=) . scale x) l (u*2)
46 (l, u) = floatRange t
47 lbound = floatRadix t ^ (floatPrecision t - 1)
48 scale x y = x * 2^^y
50 formatDouble :: Char -> Int -> Double -> String
51 formatDouble c p x = unsafePerformIO $ do
52 let format = castCharToCChar c
53 size <- double_format nullPtr format (fromIntegral p) (toFloating x)
54 allocaArray0 (fromIntegral size) $ \buf -> do
55 double_format buf format (fromIntegral p) (toFloating x)
56 peekCString buf