complex: Add initial complex support.
[altfloat.git] / Data / Floating / Types.hs
1 {-
2 - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nick Bowler.
4 - License BSD2: 2-clause BSD license. See LICENSE for full terms.
5 - This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
6 - There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
7 -}
9 -- | Definition of the core floating point types and basic manipulation of
10 -- them.
11 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
13 module Data.Floating.Types (
14 Double(..), Float(..), FloatConvert(..), Complex(..)
15 ) where
17 import Prelude hiding (Double, Float)
18 import qualified GHC.Exts as GHC
19 import GHC.Integer
20 import GHC.Prim
21 import Foreign.C
23 import Data.Floating.Classes
24 import Data.Ratio
26 import Unsafe.Coerce
28 -- | The Double type. This is expected to be an identical declaration to
29 -- the one found in GHC.Prim. We avoid simply using GHC's type because we need
30 -- to define our own class instances.
31 data Double = D# Double#
33 -- | The Float type.
34 data Float = F# Float#
36 infix 6 :+
37 -- | Complex numbers.
38 data (PrimFloat a) => Complex a = !a :+ !a
39 deriving Eq
41 -- | Coercion to floating point types.
42 class FloatConvert a b where
43 -- | Convert to a floating point type. Conversions from integers and real
44 -- types are provided, as well as conversions between floating point types.
45 -- Conversions between floating point types preserve infinities, negative
46 -- zeros and NaNs.
47 toFloating :: a -> b
49 instance FloatConvert Double CDouble where
50 toFloating = unsafeCoerce
52 instance FloatConvert CDouble Double where
53 toFloating = unsafeCoerce
55 instance FloatConvert Float CFloat where
56 toFloating = unsafeCoerce
58 instance FloatConvert CFloat Float where
59 toFloating = unsafeCoerce
61 instance FloatConvert Double Float where
62 toFloating (D# x) = F# (double2Float# x)
64 instance FloatConvert Float Double where
65 toFloating (F# x) = D# (float2Double# x)
67 instance FloatConvert Integer Double where
68 toFloating x = D# (doubleFromInteger x)
70 instance FloatConvert Integer Float where
71 toFloating x = F# (floatFromInteger x)
73 instance Real a => FloatConvert a Double where
74 toFloating x = D# (num /## denom) where
75 !(D# num) = toFloating . numerator . toRational $ x
76 !(D# denom) = toFloating . denominator . toRational $ x
78 instance Real a => FloatConvert a Float where
79 toFloating x = F# (divideFloat# num denom) where
80 !(F# num) = toFloating . numerator . toRational $ x
81 !(F# denom) = toFloating . denominator . toRational $ x
83 instance FloatConvert a a where
84 toFloating = id