[altfloat.git] / Data / Poset.hs
1 {-
2 - Copyright (C) 2009 Nick Bowler.
4 - License BSD2: 2-clause BSD license. See LICENSE for full terms.
5 - This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
6 - There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
7 -}
9 -- | Partially ordered data types. The standard 'Prelude.Ord' class is for
10 -- total orders and therefore not suitable for floating point. However, we can
11 -- still define meaningful 'max' and 'sort' functions for these types.
13 -- We define our own 'Ord' class which is intended as a replacement for
14 -- 'Prelude.Ord'. However, in order to take advantage of existing libraries
15 -- which use 'Prelude.Ord', we make every instance of 'Ord' an instance of
16 -- 'Prelude.Ord'. This is done using the OverlappingInstances and
17 -- UndecidableInstances extensions -- it remains to be seen if problems occur
18 -- as a result of this.
19 module Data.Poset (
20 Poset(..), Sortable(..), Ordering(..), Ord,
21 module Data.Poset
22 ) where
24 import qualified Prelude
25 import Prelude hiding (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
26 import Data.Poset.Instances
27 import Data.Poset.Internal
29 import Data.Function
30 import Data.Monoid
32 instance Poset a => Poset (Maybe a) where
33 Just x <= Just y = x <= y
34 Nothing <= _ = True
35 _ <= _ = False
37 instance Poset a => Poset [a] where
38 compare = (mconcat .) . zipWith compare
40 -- | Sort a list using the default comparison function.
41 sort :: Sortable a => [a] -> [a]
42 sort = sortBy compare
44 -- | Apply a function to values before comparing.
45 comparing :: Poset b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Ordering
46 comparing = on compare