descriptionTeXnicard is program to make cards for games such as Magic: the Gathering.
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last changeThu, 23 Aug 2012 19:48:29 +0000 (23 12:48 -0700)
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Important note: You cannot send email message to this address, you will get error due to unreachable server. Use the IRC to write message: See also:
2012-08-23 zzo38Gamma and other image manipulation commandsmaster
2012-07-05 zzo38initial entry
2012-03-20 zzo38Horizontal and vertical packaging.
2011-07-02 zzo38(Test commit)
2011-06-27 zzo38Typesetting units
2011-06-21 zzo38T/M/I edition
2011-06-07 zzo38Packing
2011-06-05 zzo38(no message)
2011-05-07 zzo38Packaging (only a little bit so far)
2011-05-04 zzo38Fixed @I
2011-04-16 zzo38More of TFM file
2011-04-09 zzo38TFM file
2011-04-08 zzo38Add LodePNG, make GF use include path, internal typesetting
2011-03-30 zzo38Name sorting
2011-03-06 zzo38Some errors fix
2011-03-06 zzo38Plain TeXnicard stuff...
12 years ago master