[Data-Peek.git] / sandbox /
1 #!/pro/bin/perl
3 package genMETA;
5 our $VERSION = "1.03-20110907";
7 use strict;
8 use warnings;
9 use Carp;
11 use List::Util qw( first );
12 use Encode qw( encode decode );
13 use Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML::Version;
14 use CPAN::Meta::Converter;
15 use Test::MinimumVersion;
16 use Test::More ();
17 use Parse::CPAN::Meta;
18 use File::Find;
19 use YAML::Syck;
20 use Data::Peek;
21 use Text::Diff;
22 use JSON::PP;
24 sub new
26 my $package = shift;
27 return bless { @_ }, $package;
28 } # new
30 sub version_from
32 my ($self, $src) = @_;
34 $self->{mfpr} = {};
35 if (open my $mh, "<", "Makefile.PL") {
36 my $mf = do { local $/; <$mh> };
38 if ($mf =~ m{\b NAME \s*=>\s* ["'] (\S+) ['"]}x) {
39 $self->{name} = $1;
40 $self->{name} =~ m/-/ and
41 warn "NAME in Makefile.PL contains a -\n";
42 $self->{name} =~ s/::/-/g;
44 if ($mf =~ m{\b DISTNAME \s*=>\s* ["'] (\S+) ['"]}x) {
45 $self->{name} = $1;
48 if ($mf =~ m{\b VERSION_FROM \s*=>\s* ["'] (\S+) ['"]}x) {
49 my $from = $1;
50 -f $from or die "Makefile wants version from nonexisten $from\n";
51 $self->{from} //= $from;
52 $from eq $self->{from} or die "VERSION_FROM mismatch Makefile.PL / YAML\n";
55 if ($mf =~ m[\b PREREQ_PM \s*=>\s* \{ ( [^}]+ ) \}]x) {
56 my @pr = split m/\n/ => $1;
57 $self->{mfpr} = { map { (m{ \b ["']? (\S+?) ['"]? \s*=>\s* ["']? ([-0-9._]+) ['"]? }x) } grep !m/^\s*#/ => @pr };
61 $src //= $self->{from} or croak "No file to extract version from";
63 my $version;
64 open my $pm, "<", $src or croak "Cannot read $src";
65 while (<$pm>) {
66 m/^(?:our\s+)? \$VERSION \s*=\s* ["']? ([-0-9._]+) ['"]? \s*;\s*$/x or next;
67 $version = $1;
68 last;
70 close $pm;
71 $version or croak "Cannot extract VERSION from $src\n";
72 $self->{version} = $version;
73 return $version
74 } # version_from
76 sub from_data
78 my ($self, @data) = @_;
79 $self->{version} or $self->version_from ();
80 s/VERSION/$self->{version}/g for @data;
81 $self->{yml} = \@data;
82 $self->check_yaml ();
83 return @data;
84 } # from_data
86 sub check_encoding
88 my $self = shift;
89 my @tf = grep m{^(?: change | readme | .*\.pod )}ix => glob "*";
90 (my $tf = join ", " => @tf) =~ s/.*\K, / and /;
92 print "Check if $tf are still valid UTF8 ...\n";
93 foreach my $tf (@tf) {
94 open my $fh, "<", $tf or croak "$tf: $!\n";
95 my @c = <$fh>;
96 my $c = join "" => @c;
97 my @e;
98 my $s = decode ("utf-8", $c, sub { push @e, shift; });
99 if (@e) {
100 my @l;
101 my $n = 0;
102 for (@c) {
103 $n++;
104 eval { decode ("utf-8", $_, 1) };
105 $@ or next;
106 $@ =~ s{ at /\S+ line \d+.*}{};
107 print "$tf:$n\t$_\t$@";
109 croak "$tf is not valid UTF-8\n";
111 my $u = encode ("utf-8", $s);
112 $c eq $u and next;
114 my $n;
115 $n = 1; $c =~ s/^/$n++ . "\t"/gem;
116 $n = 1; $u =~ s/^/$n++ . "\t"/gem;
117 croak "$tf: recode makes content differ\n". diff \$c, \$u;
119 } # check_encoding
121 sub check_required
123 my $self = shift;
125 my $yml = $self->{h} or croak "No YAML to check";
127 print STDERR "Check required and recommended module versions ...\n";
128 BEGIN { $V::NO_EXIT = $V::NO_EXIT = 1 } require V;
129 my %req = map { %{$yml->{$_}} } grep m/requires/ => keys %{$yml};
130 my %rec = map { %{$yml->{$_}} } grep m/recommends/ => keys %{$yml};
131 if (my $of = $yml->{optional_features}) {
132 foreach my $f (values %{$of}) {
133 my %q = map { %{$f->{$_}} } grep m/requires/ => keys %{$f};
134 my %c = map { %{$f->{$_}} } grep m/recommends/ => keys %{$f};
135 @req{keys %q} = values %q;
136 @rec{keys %c} = values %c;
139 my %vsn = ( %req, %rec );
140 delete @vsn{qw( perl version )};
141 for (sort keys %vsn) {
142 if (my $mfv = delete $self->{mfpr}{$_}) {
143 $req{$_} eq $mfv or
144 die "PREREQ mismatch for $_ Makefile.PL ($mfv) / YAML ($req{$_})\n";
146 $vsn{$_} eq "0" and next;
147 my $v = V::get_version ($_);
148 $v eq $vsn{$_} and next;
149 printf STDERR "%-35s %-6s => %s\n", $_, $vsn{$_}, $v;
151 if (my @mfpr = sort keys %{$self->{mfpr}}) {
152 die "Makefile.PL requires @mfpr, YAML does not\n";
155 find (sub {
156 $File::Find::dir =~ m{^blib\b} and return;
157 $File::Find::name =~ m{(?:^|/)Bundle/.*\.pm} or return;
158 if (open my $bh, "<", $_) {
159 print STDERR "Check bundle module versions $File::Find::name ...\n";
160 while (<$bh>) {
161 my ($m, $dv) = m/^([A-Za-z_:]+)\s+([0-9.]+)\s*$/ or next;
162 my $v = $m eq $self->{name} ? $self->{version} : V::get_version ($m);
163 $v eq $dv and next;
164 printf STDERR "%-35s %-6s => %s\n", $m, $dv, $v;
167 }, glob "*");
169 if (ref $self->{h}{provides}) {
170 print "Check distribution module versions ...\n";
171 foreach my $m (sort keys %{$self->{h}{provides}}) {
172 $m eq $self->{name} and next;
173 my $ev = $self->{h}{provides}{$m}{version};
174 printf " Expect %5s for %-32s ", $ev, $m;
175 my $fn = $self->{h}{provides}{$m}{file};
176 if (open my $fh, "<", $fn) {
177 my $fv;
178 while (<$fh>) {
179 m/\bVERSION\s*=\s*["']?([-0-9.]+)/ or next;
180 $fv = $1;
181 print $fv eq $ev ? "ok\n" : " mismatch, module has $1\n";
182 last;
184 defined $fv or print " .. no version defined\n";
186 else {
187 print " .. cannot open $fn: $!\n";
191 } # check_required
193 sub check_yaml
195 my $self = shift;
197 my @yml = @{$self->{yml}} or croak "No YAML to check";
199 print STDERR "Checking generated YAML ...\n";
200 my $h;
201 my $yml = join "", @yml;
202 eval { $h = Load ($yml) };
203 $@ and croak "$@\n";
204 $self->{name} //= $h->{name};
205 $self->{name} eq $h->{name} or die "NAME mismatch Makefile.PL / YAML\n";
206 $self->{name} =~ s/-/::/g;
207 print STDERR "Checking for $self->{name}-$self->{version}\n";
209 $self->{verbose} and print Dump $h;
211 my $t = Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML::Version->new (data => $h);
212 $t->parse () and
213 croak join "\n", "Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML reported failure:", $t->errors, "";
215 eval { Parse::CPAN::Meta::Load ($yml) };
216 $@ and croak "$@\n";
218 $self->{h} = $h;
219 $self->{yaml} = $yml;
220 } # check_yaml
222 sub check_minimum
224 my $self = shift;
225 my $reqv = $self->{h}{requires}{perl};
226 my $locs;
228 for (@_) {
229 if (ref $_ eq "ARRAY") {
230 $locs = { paths => $_ };
232 elsif (ref $_ eq "HASH") {
233 $locs = $_;
235 else {
236 $reqv = $_;
239 my $paths = (join ", " => @{($locs // {})->{paths} // []}) || "default paths";
241 $reqv or croak "No minimal required version for perl";
242 print "Checking if $reqv is still OK as minimal version for $paths\n";
243 # All other minimum version checks done in xt
244 Test::More::subtest "Minimum perl version $reqv" => sub {
245 all_minimum_version_ok ($reqv, $locs);
247 } # check_minimum
249 sub print_yaml
251 my $self = shift;
252 print @{$self->{yml}};
253 } # print_yaml
255 sub fix_meta
257 my $self = shift;
259 # Convert to meta-spec version 2
260 # licenses are lists now
261 my $jsn = $self->{h};
262 $jsn->{"meta-spec"} = {
263 version => "2",
264 url => "",
266 exists $jsn->{resources}{license} and
267 $jsn->{resources}{license} = [ $jsn->{resources}{license} ];
268 delete $jsn->{distribution_type};
269 if (exists $jsn->{license}) {
270 $jsn->{license} =~ s/^perl$/perl_5/;
271 $jsn->{license} = [ $jsn->{license} ];
273 if (exists $jsn->{resources}{repository}) {
274 my $url = $jsn->{resources}{repository};
275 my $web = $url;
276 $url =~ s{}{};
277 $web =~ s{}{};
278 $jsn->{resources}{repository} = {
279 type => "git",
280 web => $web,
281 url => $url,
284 foreach my $sct ("", "configure_", "build_", "test_") {
285 (my $x = $sct || "runtime") =~ s/_$//;
286 for (qw( requires recommends suggests )) {
287 exists $jsn->{"$sct$_"} and
288 $jsn->{prereqs}{$x}{$_} = delete $jsn->{"$sct$_"};
291 $jsn = CPAN::Meta::Converter->new ($jsn)->convert (version => "2");
292 my $yml = CPAN::Meta::Converter->new ($jsn)->convert (version => "1.4");
293 $_->{generated_by} = "Author" for $jsn, $yml;
295 my @my = glob <*/META.yml> or croak "No META files";
296 my $yf = $my[0];
297 @my == 1 && open my $my, ">", $yf or croak "Cannot update $yf\n";
298 print $my Dump $yml; # @{$self->{yml}};
299 close $my;
301 $yf =~ s/yml$/json/;
302 open $my, ">", $yf or croak "Cannot update $yf\n";
303 #rint JSON::PP->new->utf8 (1)->pretty (1)->encode ($jsn);
304 print $my JSON::PP->new->utf8 (1)->pretty (1)->encode ($jsn);
305 close $my;
307 chmod 0644, glob "*/META.*";
308 unlink glob "MYMETA*";
309 } # fix_meta