object system cleanup, continuing
[CommonLispStat.git] / bayes.lsp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005--2007, by A.J. Rossini <blindglobe@gmail.com>
3 ;;; See COPYRIGHT file for any additional restrictions (BSD license).
4 ;;; Since 1991, ANSI was finally finished. Edited for ANSI Common Lisp.
5 ;;; File moved from XLISP-STAT to CommonLispStat by Luke, note the following:
7 ;;;; XLISP-STAT 2.1 Copyright (c) 1990, by Luke Tierney
8 ;;;; Additions to Xlisp 2.1, Copyright (c) 1989 by David Michael Betz
9 ;;;; You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the file
10 ;;;; COPYING included with this distribution.
13 (defpackage :lisp-stat-bayes
14 (:use :lisp-stat-object-system
15 :lisp-stat-basics))
17 (in-package :lisp-stat-bayes)
20 ;;; Objects Representing Functions
22 ;; Generic C2 Functions
24 (defproto c2-function-proto '(f h num-derivs))
26 (defmeth c2-function-proto :isnew (f &optional (h .001) (num-derivs 0))
27 (setf (slot-value 'f) f)
28 (setf (slot-value 'h) (if (numberp h) (list h h) h))
29 (setf (slot-value 'num-derivs) num-derivs))
31 (defmeth c2-function-proto :f (&optional f)
32 (if f (setf (slot-value 'f) f))
33 (slot-value 'f))
35 (defmeth c2-function-proto :grad-h () (first (slot-value 'h)))
36 (defmeth c2-function-proto :hess-h () (second (slot-value 'h)))
37 (defmeth c2-function-proto :num-derivs () (slot-value 'num-derivs))
39 (defmeth c2-function-proto :value (x)
40 (let ((f (send self :f)))
41 (if (objectp f)
42 (send f :value x)
43 (let ((v (funcall f x)))
44 (if (consp v) (first v) v)))))
46 (defmeth c2-function-proto :gradient (x &optional (h (send self :grad-h)))
47 (let ((f (send self :f)))
48 (if (objectp f) (send f :gradient x h) (numgrad f x nil h))))
50 (defmeth c2-function-proto :hessian (x &optional (h (send self :hess-h)))
51 (let ((f (send self :f)))
52 (if (objectp f) (send f :hessian x h) (numhess f x nil h))))
54 (defmeth c2-function-proto :vals (x &optional (h (send self :hess-h)))
55 (let ((f (send self :f)))
56 (if (objectp f)
57 (send f :vals x h)
58 (let ((v (funcall f x)))
59 (if (consp v)
60 (if (= (length v) 3)
62 (list (first v) (second v) (send self :hessian x h)))
63 (list v (send self :gradient x h) (send self :hessian x h)))))))
65 (defmeth c2-function-proto :vals (x &optional (h (send self :hess-h)))
66 (let ((f (send self :f)))
67 (if (objectp f) (send f :vals x h) (numhess f x nil h t))))
70 ;; Scaled C2 Functions
72 (defproto scaled-c2-function-proto '(scaling) () c2-function-proto)
74 ;;**** allow function objects?
75 (defmeth scaled-c2-function-proto :isnew (f &optional
76 theta
77 sigma
78 (center 0)
79 (scale 1)
80 (h 0.001))
81 (let* ((value (funcall f theta))
82 (num-derivs (if (consp value) (- (length value) 1) -1))
83 (sigma-t (if (< 0 num-derivs) (transpose sigma))))
84 (labels ((scale (v)
85 (if v
86 (case num-derivs
87 (-1 (/ (- v center) scale))
88 (0 (/ (- (first v) center) scale))
89 (1 (list (/ (- (first v) center) scale)
90 (matmult sigma-t (/ (second v) scale))))
91 (2 (list (/ (- (first v) center) scale)
92 (matmult sigma-t (/ (second v) scale))
93 (matmult sigma-t (/ (third v) scale) sigma))))))
94 (sf (x) (scale (funcall f (ax+y sigma x theta t)))))
95 (call-next-method #'sf h num-derivs))))
97 ;; Tilted C2 Functions
98 ;; **** allow nil values?
99 (defproto tilt-function-proto '(tilt exptilt) () c2-function-proto)
101 (defmeth tilt-function-proto :isnew (&optional f (tilt .1) (h .001))
102 (call-next-method f h)
103 (setf (slot-value 'exptilt) t)
104 (setf (slot-value 'tilt) tilt))
106 (defmeth tilt-function-proto :tilt (&optional tilt)
107 (if tilt (setf (slot-value 'tilt) tilt))
108 (slot-value 'tilt))
110 (defmeth tilt-function-proto :exptilt (&optional (new nil set))
111 (if set (setf (slot-value 'exptilt) new))
112 (slot-value 'exptilt))
114 (defmeth tilt-function-proto :value (x)
115 (let ((f (send self :f))
116 (tilt (send self :tilt))
117 (exptilt (send self :exptilt)))
118 (flet ((value (f)
119 (let ((v (send f :value x)))
120 (if exptilt v (log v)))))
121 (* tilt (if (consp f) (apply #'+ (mapcar #'value f)) (value f))))))
123 (defmeth tilt-function-proto :gradient (x &optional (h (send self :grad-h)))
124 (let ((f (send self :f))
125 (tilt (send self :tilt))
126 (exptilt (send self :exptilt)))
127 (flet ((gradient (f)
128 (if exptilt
129 (send f :gradient x h)
130 (let ((v (send f :value x))
131 (grad (send f :gradient x h)))
132 (/ grad v)))))
133 (* tilt
134 (if (consp f) (apply #'+ (mapcar #'gradient f)) (gradient f))))))
136 (defmeth tilt-function-proto :hessian (x &optional (h (send self :hess-h)))
137 (let ((f (send self :f))
138 (tilt (send self :tilt))
139 (exptilt (send self :exptilt)))
140 (flet ((hessian (f)
141 (let* ((vals (send f :vals x h))
142 (v (first vals))
143 (grad (if exptilt (second vals) (/ (second vals) v)))
144 (hess (if exptilt (third vals) (/ (third vals) v))))
145 (if exptilt hess (- hess (outer-product grad grad))))))
146 (* tilt (if (consp f) (apply #'+ (mapcar #'hessian f)) (hessian f))))))
148 (defmeth tilt-function-proto :vals (x &optional (h (send self :hess-h)))
149 (let ((f (send self :f))
150 (tilt (send self :tilt))
151 (exptilt (send self :exptilt)))
152 (flet ((vals (f)
153 (let ((vals (send f :vals x h)))
154 (if exptilt
155 vals
156 (let* ((v (first vals))
157 (grad (/ (second vals) v))
158 (hess (- (/ (third vals) v)
159 (outer-product grad grad))))
160 (list (log v) grad hess))))))
161 (let ((v (if (consp f) (mapcar #'vals f) (vals f))))
162 (* tilt (if (consp f) (apply #'+ v) v))))))
164 ;; scaled log posterior prototype
166 (defproto scaled-logpost-proto
167 '(tilt-object init-pars) () scaled-c2-function-proto)
169 (defmeth scaled-logpost-proto :isnew (f &optional
170 theta sigma
171 (center 0) (scale 1) (h .001))
172 (let* ((n (length theta))
173 (m (repeat 0 n))
174 (m-grad (repeat 0 n))
175 (m-hess (- (identity-matrix n)))
176 (pars (list m m-grad m-hess)))
177 (call-next-method f theta sigma center scale h)
178 (setf (slot-value 'init-pars) pars)
179 (setf (slot-value 'tilt-object) (send tilt-function-proto :new))))
181 (defmeth scaled-logpost-proto :log-laplace (g &optional
182 (count-limit 2) det-only (h .1))
183 (let* ((x (send self :tilt-newton g count-limit))
184 (vals (send self :vals x h))
185 (gvals (if g (send g :vals x h)))
186 (hess (if g (+ (third vals) (third gvals)) (third vals)))
187 (det (- (sum (log (diagonal (first (chol-decomp (- hess)))))))))
188 (if det-only
189 det
190 (if g (+ (first vals) (first gvals) det) (+ (first vals) det)))))
192 (defmeth scaled-logpost-proto :tilt-newton (tilt &optional (count-limit 2))
193 (let* ((pars (slot-value 'init-pars))
194 (mode (first pars))
195 (mode-grad (second pars))
196 (mode-hess (third pars)))
197 (flet ((gradhess (x initial)
198 (let ((gh (if (and initial mode-grad mode-hess)
199 (list mode-grad mode-hess)
200 (rest (send self :vals x)))))
201 (if tilt (+ gh (rest (send tilt :vals x))) gh)))
202 (newton-step (x gh) (- x (solve (second gh) (first gh)))))
203 (do* ((count 1 (+ count 1))
204 (gradhess (gradhess mode t) (gradhess x nil))
205 (x (newton-step mode gradhess) (newton-step x gradhess)))
206 ((>= count count-limit) x)))))
208 (defmeth scaled-logpost-proto :tilt-laplace (g tilt &optional
209 (exptilt t) maxiter det-only h)
210 (let ((tilt-object (slot-value 'tilt-object)))
211 (send tilt-object :exptilt exptilt)
212 (send tilt-object :f g)
213 (send tilt-object :tilt tilt)
214 (send self :log-laplace tilt-object maxiter det-only h)))
216 (defmeth scaled-logpost-proto :tilt-mode (g tilt &key (exptilt t) (maxiter 2))
217 (let ((tilt-object (slot-value 'tilt-object)))
218 (send tilt-object :exptilt exptilt)
219 (send tilt-object :f g)
220 (send tilt-object :tilt tilt)
221 (send self :tilt-newton tilt-object maxiter)))
223 ;;;;
224 ;;;; Bayes Model Prototype
225 ;;;;
227 (defproto bayes-model-proto '(bayes-internals))
229 ;; initialization methods and constructor function
231 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :isnew (logpost mode &key
232 scale
233 (derivstep .001)
234 (verbose t)
235 (maximize t)
236 domain)
237 (send self :set-bayes-internals
238 logpost mode scale derivstep nil nil t domain)
239 (if maximize (send self :maximize verbose)))
241 (defun bayes-model (logpost mode &rest args &key (quick t) (print t))
242 "Args: (logpost mode &key scale derivstep (verbose t)
243 (quick t) (print t)))
244 LOGPOST computes the logposterior density. It should return the
245 function, or a list of the function value and gradient, or a list of
246 the function value, gradient and Hessian. MODE is an initial guess for
247 the mode. SCALE and DERIVSTEP are used for numerical derivatives and
248 scaling. VERBOSE controls printing of iteration information during
249 optimization, PRINT controls printing of summary information. If QUICK
250 is T the summary is based on first order approximations."
251 (let ((m (apply #'send bayes-model-proto :new logpost mode args)))
252 (if print (send m :display :quick quick))
255 ;; display method
257 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :display (&key (quick t))
258 (let* ((moments (send self (if quick :1stmoments :moments)))
259 (means (first moments))
260 (stdevs (second moments))
261 (p-names (send self :parameter-names)))
262 (if quick
263 (format t "~2%First Order Approximations to Posterior Moments:~2%")
264 (format t "~2%Approximate Posterior Moments:~2%"))
265 (mapcar #'(lambda (name mu sd)
266 (format t "~22a ~10g (~a)~%" name mu sd))
267 p-names
268 means
269 stdevs)
270 (format t "~%")))
272 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :parameter-names ()
273 (let ((n (length (send self :mode))))
274 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format nil "Parameter ~d" x)) (iseq 0 (- n 1)))))
276 ;; implementation-dependent access methods
278 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :set-bayes-internals (lp m s h mval ch max dom)
279 (setf (slot-value 'bayes-internals)
280 (vector lp m s h mval ch max dom)))
282 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :logpost (&optional new)
283 (let ((internals (slot-value 'bayes-internals)))
284 (when new
285 (setf (select internals 0) new)
286 (send self :needs-maximizing t))
287 (select internals 0)))
289 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :domain (&optional new)
290 (let ((internals (slot-value 'bayes-internals)))
291 (if new (setf (select internals 7) new))
292 (select internals 7)))
294 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :mode-values (&optional mode mval ch)
295 (let ((internals (slot-value 'bayes-internals)))
296 (when mode
297 (setf (select internals 1) mode)
298 (setf (select internals 4) mval)
299 (setf (select internals 5) ch))
300 (list (select internals 1)
301 (select internals 4)
302 (select internals 5))))
304 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :parameter-scale (&optional new)
305 (let ((internals (slot-value 'bayes-internals)))
306 (if new (setf (select internals 2) new))
307 (select internals 2)))
309 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :parameter-dimension ()
310 (length (select (slot-value 'bayes-internals) 1)))
312 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :derivstep ()
313 (select (slot-value 'bayes-internals) 3))
315 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :needs-maximizing (&optional (new nil set))
316 (let ((internals (slot-value 'bayes-internals)))
317 (if set (setf (select internals 6) new))
318 (select internals 6)))
320 ;; Transformation-Related Methods
321 ;; (These should be the only ones needing to be changed to handle
322 ;; an internal parameter transformation; perhaps also :logpost)
324 ;; **** fix to be more careful about use of functionp
325 (defun function-list (g &optional n)
326 (cond
327 ((or (functionp g) (objectp g)) (list g))
328 ((integerp g)
329 (if (null n)
330 (list #'(lambda (x) (elt x g)))
331 (let ((grad (make-array n :initial-element 0))
332 (hess (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
333 (setf (aref grad g) 1)
334 (list #'(lambda (x) (list (elt x g) grad hess))))))
335 (t (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (car (function-list x n))) g))))
337 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :mode ()
338 (if (send self :needs-maximizing) (send self :maximize))
339 (first (send self :mode-values)))
341 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :new-mode-guess (new)
342 (send self :needs-maximizing t)
343 (send self :mode-values new))
345 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :transformed-logpost ()
346 (if (send self :needs-maximizing) (send self :maximize))
347 (let* ((m-values (send self :mode-values))
348 (mode (first m-values))
349 (mval (second m-values))
350 (ch (third m-values))
351 (h (send self :derivstep))
352 (f (send self :logpost)))
353 (send scaled-logpost-proto :new f mode ch mval 1 h)))
355 ;;**** need transformed domain here
357 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :transformed-functions (&optional g (c 0) (s 1))
358 (if (send self :needs-maximizing) (send self :maximize))
359 (let* ((m-values (send self :mode-values))
360 (mode (first m-values))
361 (mval (second m-values))
362 (ch (third m-values))
363 (h (send self :derivstep))
364 (n (length mode))
365 (g (function-list (if g g (iseq n)) n))
366 (c (if (numberp c) (repeat c (length g)) c))
367 (s (if (numberp s) (repeat s (length g)) s)))
368 (mapcar #'(lambda (g c s)
369 (send scaled-c2-function-proto :new g mode ch c s h))
370 g c s)))
372 ;; computing methods
374 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :maximize (&optional (verbose 0))
375 (let* ((lp (send self :logpost))
376 (x (first (send self :mode-values)))
377 (scale (send self :parameter-scale))
378 (h (send self :derivstep))
379 (minfo (newtonmax lp x
380 :scale scale
381 :derivstep h
382 :verbose verbose
383 :return-derivs t))
384 (mode (first minfo))
385 (mval (second minfo))
386 (ch (first (chol-decomp (inverse (- (fourth minfo)))))))
387 (send self :mode-values mode mval ch)
388 (send self :needs-maximizing nil)
389 (send self :check-derivatives verbose)))
391 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :check-derivatives (&optional
392 (verbose 0)
393 (epsilon .00001))
394 (let* ((verbose (if (numberp verbose) (< 0 verbose) verbose))
395 (n (send self :parameter-dimension))
396 (tlp (send self :transformed-logpost))
397 (hess (send tlp :hessian (repeat 0 n)))
398 (needs-max (send self :needs-maximizing)))
399 (when (> (max (abs (+ hess (identity-matrix n)))) epsilon)
400 (if verbose (format t "Adjusting derivatives...~%"))
401 (let* ((ch (first (chol-decomp (- (inverse hess)))))
402 (mvals (send self :mode-values))
403 (m (matmult (third mvals) ch)))
404 (send self :mode-values (first mvals) (second mvals) m)
405 (if (not needs-max) (send self :needs-maximizing nil))
406 (if verbose
407 (let* ((tlp (send self :transformed-logpost))
408 (hess (send tlp :hessian (repeat 0 n))))
409 (if (> (max (abs (+ hess (identity-matrix n)))) epsilon)
410 (format t
411 "Derivatives may not be well-behaved.~%"))))))))
413 ;; moments
415 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :1stmoments (&optional gfuns &key covar)
416 "Args: (&optional gfuns &key covar)
417 Computes first order approximations to posterior moments. GFUNS can be
418 a parameter index, list of indices, a function of the parameters or a
419 list of such functions. Returns a the list of first order approximate
420 means and standard deviations if COVAR is NIL. If COVAR is T the
421 covaraince is appended to the end of the result as well."
422 (if (send self :needs-maximizing) (send self :maximize))
423 (let* ((n (send self :parameter-dimension))
424 (x (repeat 0 n))
425 (g (send self :transformed-functions gfuns 0 1))
426 (grads (apply #'bind-columns
427 (mapcar #'(lambda (g) (send g :gradient x)) g)))
428 (mean (mapcar #'(lambda (g) (send g :value x)) g))
429 (cov (matmult (transpose grads) grads)))
430 (if covar
431 (list mean (sqrt (diagonal cov)) cov)
432 (list mean (sqrt (diagonal cov))))))
434 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :mgfmoments (&optional g &key covar
435 (mgfdel .1)
436 ((:derivstep h) .1)
437 (maxiter 2))
438 (let* ((moms1 (send self :1stmoments g :covar covar))
439 (mean1 (first moms1))
440 (stdev1 (second moms1))
441 (cov1 (if covar (third moms1)))
442 (l-object (send self :transformed-logpost))
443 (g-objects (send self :transformed-functions g mean1 stdev1))
444 (ldet0 (send l-object :log-laplace nil maxiter t h)))
445 (labels ((lapdet (g tilt)
446 (- (send l-object :tilt-laplace g tilt t maxiter t h) ldet0))
447 (moms2 (m s g)
448 (let ((ldet1 (lapdet g mgfdel))
449 (ldet2 (lapdet g (- mgfdel))))
450 (list (+ m (* s (/ (- ldet1 ldet2) (* 2 mgfdel))))
451 (* s (sqrt (+ 1 (/ (+ ldet1 ldet2) (^ mgfdel 2))))))))
452 (covar (g mean-sd)
453 (let* ((mu (first mean-sd))
454 (sd (second mean-sd))
455 (cov (diagonal (^ sd 2)))
456 (var1 (^ stdev1 2))
457 (var (^ sd 2))
458 (rvdiff (/ (- var var1) var))
459 (tilt mgfdel)
460 (2tilt2 (* 2 (^ tilt 2)))
461 (negtilt (- tilt)))
462 (dotimes (i (length g) cov)
463 (dotimes (j i)
464 (let* ((g (select g (list i j)))
465 (rvdi (select rvdiff i))
466 (rvdj (select rvdiff j))
467 (sdi (select sd i))
468 (sdj (select sd j))
469 (ldt1 (lapdet g tilt))
470 (ldt2 (lapdet g negtilt))
471 (del2 (/ (+ ldt1 ldt2) 2tilt2))
472 (d (- del2 (* 0.5 rvdi) (* 0.5 rvdj)))
473 (c (+ (aref cov1 i j) (* d sdi sdj))))
474 (setf (aref cov i j) c)
475 (setf (aref cov j i) c)))))))
476 (let ((mean-sd (transpose (mapcar #'moms2 mean1 stdev1 g-objects))))
477 (if covar
478 (append mean-sd (list (covar g-objects mean-sd)))
479 mean-sd)))))
481 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :fullmoments (&optional g &key covar
482 ((:derivstep h) .1)
483 (maxiter 2))
484 (let* ((moms1 (send self :1stmoments g))
485 (mean1 (first moms1))
486 (stdev1 (second moms1))
487 (l-object (send self :transformed-logpost))
488 (g-objects (send self :transformed-functions g 0 mean1))
489 (loglap0 (send l-object :log-laplace nil maxiter nil h)))
490 (labels ((loglap (g tilt)
491 (- (send l-object :tilt-laplace g tilt nil maxiter nil h)
492 loglap0))
493 (moms2 (g mu)
494 (let ((mu1 (exp (loglap g 1.0)))
495 (mu2 (exp (loglap g 2.0))))
496 (* mu (list mu1 (sqrt (- mu2 (^ mu1 2)))))))
497 (covar (g mean-sd)
498 (let* ((mu (/ (first mean-sd) mean1))
499 (sd (second mean-sd))
500 (cov (diagonal (^ sd 2))))
501 (dotimes (i (length g) cov)
502 (dotimes (j i)
503 (let* ((g (select g (list i j)))
504 (muij (exp (loglap g 1.0)))
505 (mui (select mu i))
506 (muj (select mu j))
507 (mu1i (select mean1 i))
508 (mu1j (select mean1 j))
509 (c (* (- muij (* mui muj)) mu1i mu1j)))
510 (setf (aref cov i j) c)
511 (setf (aref cov j i) c)))))))
512 (let ((mean-sd (transpose (mapcar #'moms2 g-objects mean1))))
513 (if covar
514 (append mean-sd (list (covar g-objects mean-sd)))
515 mean-sd)))))
517 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :2ndmoments (&rest args)
518 (apply #'send self :mgfmoments args))
520 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :moments (&rest args)
521 "Args: (&optional gfuns &key covar)
522 Computes second order approximations to posterior moments. GFUNS can be
523 a parameter index, list of indices, a function of the parameters or a
524 list of such functions. Returns a the list of second order approximate
525 means and standard deviations if COVAR is NIL. If COVAR is T the
526 covaraince is appended to the end of the result as well."
527 (apply #'send self :2ndmoments args))
529 ;; margins
531 (defproto laplace-margin-proto '(logpost g x val i j a grad gval lu h))
533 (defmeth laplace-margin-proto :isnew (logpost g n k h)
534 (setf (slot-value 'logpost) logpost)
535 (setf (slot-value 'g) g)
536 (setf (slot-value 'x) (repeat 0 (+ n k)))
537 (setf (slot-value 'i) (iseq n))
538 (setf (slot-value 'j) (+ n (iseq k)))
539 (setf (slot-value 'a)
540 (make-array (list (+ n k) (+ n k)) :initial-element 0))
541 (setf (slot-value 'h) h)
542 (send self :adjust-internals t))
544 (defmeth laplace-margin-proto :adjust-internals (&optional initial)
545 (let* ((logpost (slot-value 'logpost))
546 (g (slot-value 'g))
547 (i (slot-value 'i))
548 (j (slot-value 'j))
549 (x (slot-value 'x))
550 (a (slot-value 'a))
551 (h (slot-value 'h))
552 (y (select x i))
553 (lambda (select x j))
554 (n (length y))
555 (vals (if initial
556 (list 0 (repeat 0 n) (- (identity-matrix n)))
557 (send logpost :vals y h)))
558 (val (first vals))
559 (grad (second vals))
560 (hess (third vals))
561 (gvals (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (send x :vals y h)) g))
562 (gval (mapcar #'first gvals))
563 (ggrad (mapcar #'second gvals))
564 (ghess (mapcar #'third gvals))
565 (ggradmat (apply #' bind-columns ggrad)))
566 (setf (slot-value 'val) val)
567 (setf (slot-value 'grad) (apply #'+ grad (* lambda ggrad)))
568 (setf (slot-value 'gval) gval)
569 (setf (select a i i) (apply #'+ hess (* lambda ghess)))
570 (setf (select a i j) ggradmat)
571 (setf (select a j i) (transpose ggradmat))
572 (setf (slot-value 'lu) (lu-decomp a))))
574 ;; **** test for nonsingularity?
575 (defmeth laplace-margin-proto :move-to (target)
576 (let* ((x (slot-value 'x))
577 (grad (slot-value 'grad))
578 (gval (slot-value 'gval))
579 (lu (slot-value 'lu))
580 (next-x (- x (lu-solve lu (combine grad (- gval target))))))
581 (setf (slot-value 'x) next-x)
582 (send self :adjust-internals)))
584 (defmeth laplace-margin-proto :log-density (&optional profile)
585 (let ((val (slot-value 'val)))
586 (if profile
588 (let* ((lu (slot-value 'lu))
589 (nonsing (null (fourth lu))))
590 (if nonsing
591 (+ (* -0.5 (sum (log (abs (diagonal (first lu))))))
592 val))))))
594 ;; ***** fix step choice
595 ;; ***** Cut off at first nil?
596 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :log-margin1 (g x &key
597 ((:derivstep h) .05)
598 (spline t)
599 profile)
600 (let* ((moms1 (send self :1stmoments g))
601 (mean1 (select (first moms1) 0))
602 (stdev1 (select (second moms1) 0))
603 (n (send self :parameter-dimension))
604 (l-ob (send self :transformed-logpost))
605 (g-obs (send self :transformed-functions g mean1 stdev1))
606 (xs (/ (- x mean1) stdev1))
607 (xlow (coerce (sort-data (select xs (which (<= xs 0)))) 'list))
608 (xhigh (coerce (sort-data (select xs (which (> xs 0)))) 'list)))
609 (flet ((margin (x)
610 (let ((margin (send laplace-margin-proto :new l-ob g-obs n 1 h)))
611 (flet ((nextmargin (x)
612 (send margin :move-to x)
613 (send margin :log-density profile)))
614 (mapcar #'nextmargin x)))))
615 (let* ((ylow (reverse (margin (reverse xlow))))
616 (yhigh (margin xhigh))
617 (x (append xlow xhigh))
618 (y (append ylow yhigh))
619 (i (which (mapcar #'numberp y)))
620 (xi (select x i))
621 (yi (select y i))
622 (xy (if spline (spline xi yi) (list xi yi))))
623 (list (+ mean1 (* stdev1 (first xy)))
624 (- (second xy) (log stdev1) (* 0.5 (log (* 2 pi)))))))))
626 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :margin1 (g x &key
627 (derivstep .05)
628 (spline t)
629 profile)
630 "Args: (g x &key (:derivstep .05) (spline t) profile)
631 Computes Laplace approximation to marginal posterior density of G at
632 points X. G can be an index or a function of the parameter vector. X
633 is a sequence that should include the modal value of G. If SPLINE is
634 true the log density is splined. If PROFILE is true, a profile of the
635 posterior is returned."
636 (let* ((logmar (send self :log-margin1 g x
637 :derivstep derivstep
638 :spline spline
639 :profile profile)))
640 (list (first logmar) (exp (second logmar)))))
642 ;;**** allow domain test function
643 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :impsample (&optional g &key (n 100) (df 2))
644 (let* ((l-ob (send self :transformed-logpost))
645 (g-obs (send self :transformed-functions g))
646 (k (send self :parameter-dimension))
647 (v (chisq-rand n df))
648 (z (* (normal-rand (repeat k n)) (sqrt (/ df v))))
649 (c (- (log-gamma (/ (+ k df) 2))
650 (log-gamma (/ df 2))
651 (* (/ k 2) (log (/ df 2))))))
652 (flet ((w (z)
653 (let ((lp (send l-ob :value z))
654 (lt (* -0.5 (+ k df) (log (+ 1 (/ (sum (* z z)) df))))))
655 (if (realp lp) (exp (- lp lt c)) 0)))
656 (gvals (z) (mapcar #'(lambda (g) (send g :value z)) g-obs)))
657 (list (mapcar #'gvals z) (mapcar #'w z)))))
659 (defmeth bayes-model-proto :impmoments (&optional g &key (n 100) (df 2))
660 (let* ((impsample (send self :impsample g :n n :df df))
661 (means (/ (reduce #'+ (* (first impsample) (second impsample)))
662 (reduce #'+ (second impsample))))
663 (x (mapcar #'(lambda (z) (^ (- z means) 2)) (first impsample)))
664 (vars (/ (reduce #'+ (* x (second impsample)))
665 (reduce #'+ (second impsample)))))
666 (list means (sqrt vars))))