descriptionMatrix testing for Zero Install programs
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last changeTue, 14 Jan 2020 13:25:28 +0000 (14 13:25 +0000)
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Runs the unit-tests for a given program. Can download and test multiple versions of the program against multiple versions of its dependencies.
2020-01-14 Thomas LeonardMoved to
2013-04-19 Thomas LeonardUpdated deprecated API
2013-04-18 Thomas LeonardWhen using an app, allow the app to update
2013-04-18 Thomas LeonardAllow passing an app name as the first argument
2013-02-26 Thomas LeonardStart development series 0.9-post
2013-02-26 Thomas LeonardRelease 0.9v0.9
2013-02-26 Thomas LeonardAllow new 'x..!y' version range syntax
2013-02-26 Thomas LeonardUpdated tests to allow testing with newer versions...
2013-02-25 Thomas LeonardFixed unit-tests on Arch
2013-02-12 Thomas LeonardFixed infinite loop trying to print NonlocalRestriction
2012-11-02 Thomas LeonardDon't display a stack-trace on KeyboardInterrupt
2012-09-08 Thomas LeonardMake tests work on Python 2.6 again
2012-09-08 Thomas LeonardStart development series 0.8-post
2012-09-08 Thomas LeonardRelease 0.8v0.8
2012-09-08 Thomas LeonardDeclare test dependency in feed
2012-06-17 Thomas LeonardRemoved unused code (pyflakes)
11 years ago v0.9 Release 0.9
12 years ago v0.8 Release 0.8
12 years ago v0.7 Release 0.7
13 years ago v0.6 Release 0.6
13 years ago v0.5 Release 0.5
13 years ago v0.4 Release 0.4
13 years ago v0.3.1 Release 0.3.1
14 years ago v0.3 Release 0.3
14 years ago v0.2 Release 0.2
15 years ago v0.1 Release 0.1
4 years ago master