descriptionVoro++ is a open source software library for the computation of the Voronoi diagram
homepage URL
repository URLsvn+
last changeTue, 4 Aug 2015 05:29:19 +0000 (4 05:29 +0000)
content tags
2015-08-04 chrBugfix in search_for_outside_edge routine.master
2015-07-05 chrStrip extra spaces from code.
2015-05-27 chrReset platonic code.
2015-05-27 chrMinkowski test code.
2015-05-27 chrFixes to new SA/volume code.
2015-05-27 chrAdded volume / surface area routines.
2015-05-23 chrFixed typo in delete_connection routine.
2015-04-26 chrMinor tweaks to L-shape example.
2015-04-25 chrL-shape calculation added.
2015-04-24 chrBugfix found by Zeo++ test case.
2015-04-23 chrAdded diagnostic test to check Zeo++ problem case.
2015-04-20 chrVertex routine fix, plus removal of debugging messages.
2015-04-20 chrChecks of tolerance calculations.
2015-04-20 chrDebugging messages for Zeo test.
2015-04-20 chrCompiler/code tweaks.
2015-04-20 chrTest optimization.
8 years ago master