Delay loading some rarely-used stuff. Startup is already fast, but
[sepia.git] / lib /
1 package Sepia;
3 =head1 NAME
5 Sepia - Simple Emacs-Perl Interface
7 =head1 SYNOPSIS
9 From inside Emacs:
11 M-x load-library RET sepia RET
12 M-x sepia-repl RET
14 At the prompt in the C<*sepia-repl*> buffer:
16 main @> ,help
18 For more information, please see F<Sepia.html> or F<>, which
19 come with the distribution.
23 Sepia is a set of features to make Emacs a better tool for Perl
24 development. This package contains the Perl side of the
25 implementation, including all user-serviceable parts (for the
26 cross-referencing facility see L<Sepia::Xref>). This document is
27 aimed as Sepia developers; for user documentation, see
28 L<Sepia.html> or L<>.
30 Though not intended to be used independent of the Emacs interface, the
31 Sepia module's functionality can be used through a rough procedural
32 interface.
34 =cut
36 use 5.008; # try to defend against "Modern"
37 $VERSION = '0.992_01';
38 BEGIN {
39 if ($] >= 5.012) {
40 # eval 'no warnings "deprecated"'; # undo some of the 5.12 suck.
42 if ($] > 5.012003) {
43 warn <<EOS;
44 Perl $] (newer than 5.12.3) may break Sepia. Please let the author
45 (seano\ know what happens.
46 EOS
48 # Not as useful as I had hoped...
49 sub track_requires
51 my $parent = caller;
52 (my $child = $_[1]) =~ s!/!::!g;
53 $child =~ s/\.pm$//;
54 push @{$REQUIRED_BY{$child}}, $parent;
55 push @{$REQUIRES{$parent}}, $child;
58 unshift @INC, \&Sepia::track_requires if TRACK_REQUIRES;
60 use B;
62 use Cwd 'abs_path';
63 use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
64 use Text::Abbrev;
66 # uncomment for development:
67 # use strict;
68 # use vars qw($PS1 %REPL %RK %REPL_DOC %REPL_SHORT %PRINTER
74 BEGIN {
75 eval q{ use List::Util 'max' };
76 if ($@) {
77 *Sepia::max = sub {
78 my $ret = shift;
79 for (@_) {
80 $ret = $_ if $_ > $ret;
82 $ret;
87 =head2 Hooks
89 Like Emacs, Sepia's behavior can be modified by placing functions on
90 various hooks (arrays). Hooks can be manipulated by the following
91 functions:
93 =over
95 =item C<add_hook(@hook, @functions)> -- Add C<@functions> to C<@hook>.
97 =item C<remove_hook(@hook, @functions)> -- Remove named C<@functions> from C<@hook>.
99 =item C<run_hook(@hook)> -- Run the functions on the named hook.
101 Each function is called with no arguments in an eval {} block, and
102 its return value is ignored.
104 =back
106 Sepia currently defines the following hooks:
108 =over
110 =item C<@PRE_PROMPT> -- Called immediately before the prompt is printed.
112 =item C<@PRE_EVAL> -- Called immediately before evaluating user input.
114 =item C<@POST_EVAL> -- Called immediately after evaluating user input.
116 =back
118 =cut
120 sub run_hook(\@)
122 my $hook = shift;
123 no strict 'refs';
124 for (@$hook) {
125 eval { $_->() };
129 sub add_hook(\@@)
131 my $hook = shift;
132 for my $h (@_) {
133 push @$hook, $h unless grep $h eq $_, @$hook;
137 sub remove_hook(\@@)
139 my $hook = shift;
140 @$hook = grep { my $x = $_; !grep $_ eq $x, @$hook } @$hook;
143 =head2 Completion
145 Sepia tries hard to come up with a list of completions.
147 =over
149 =item C<$re = _apropos_re($pat)>
151 Create a completion expression from user input.
153 =cut
155 sub _apropos_re($;$)
157 # Do that crazy multi-word identifier completion thing:
158 my $re = shift;
159 my $hat = shift() ? '' : '^';
160 return qr/.*/ if $re eq '';
161 if (wantarray) {
162 map {
163 s/(?:^|(?<=[A-Za-z\d]))(([^A-Za-z\d])\2*)/[A-Za-z\\d]*$2+/g;
164 qr/$hat$_/;
165 } split /:+/, $re, -1;
166 } else {
167 if ($re !~ /[^\w\d_^:]/) {
168 $re =~ s/(?<=[A-Za-z\d])(([^A-Za-z\d])\2*)/[A-Za-z\\d]*$2+/g;
170 qr/$re/;
174 my %sigil;
175 BEGIN {
176 %sigil = qw(ARRAY @ SCALAR $ HASH %);
179 =item C<$val = filter_untyped>
181 Return true if C<$_> is the name of a sub, file handle, or package.
183 =item C<$val = filter_typed $type>
185 Return true if C<$_> is the name of something of C<$type>, which
186 should be either a glob slot name (e.g. SCALAR) or the special value
187 "VARIABLE", meaning an array, hash, or scalar.
189 =cut
192 sub filter_untyped
194 no strict;
195 local $_ = /^::/ ? $_ : "::$_";
196 defined *{$_}{CODE} || defined *{$_}{IO} || (/::$/ && %$_);
199 ## XXX: Careful about autovivification here! Specifically:
200 ## defined *FOO{HASH} # => ''
201 ## defined %FOO # => ''
202 ## defined *FOO{HASH} # => 1
203 sub filter_typed
205 no strict;
206 my $type = shift;
207 local $_ = /^::/ ? $_ : "::$_";
208 if ($type eq 'SCALAR') {
209 defined $$_;
210 } elsif ($type eq 'VARIABLE') {
211 defined $$_ || defined *{$_}{HASH} || defined *{$_}{ARRAY};
212 } else {
213 defined *{$_}{$type}
217 =item C<$re_out = maybe_icase $re_in>
219 Make C<$re_in> case-insensitive if it looks like it should be.
221 =cut
223 sub maybe_icase
225 my $ch = shift;
226 return '' if $ch eq '';
227 $ch =~ /[A-Z]/ ? $ch : '['.uc($ch).$ch.']';
230 =item C<@res = all_abbrev_completions $pattern>
232 Find all "abbreviated completions" for $pattern.
234 =cut
236 sub all_abbrev_completions
238 use vars '&_completions';
239 local *_completions = sub {
240 no strict;
241 my ($stash, @e) = @_;
242 my $ch = '[A-Za-z0-9]*';
243 my $re1 = "^".maybe_icase($e[0]).$ch.join('', map {
244 '_'.maybe_icase($_).$ch
245 } @e[1..$#e]);
246 $re1 = qr/$re1/;
247 my $re2 = maybe_icase $e[0];
248 $re2 = qr/^$re2.*::$/;
249 my @ret = grep !/::$/ && /$re1/, keys %{$stash};
250 my @pkgs = grep /$re2/, keys %{$stash};
251 (map("$stash$_", @ret),
252 @e > 1 ? map { _completions "$stash$_", @e[1..$#e] } @pkgs :
253 map { "$stash$_" } @pkgs)
255 map { s/^:://; $_ } _completions('::', split //, shift);
258 sub apropos_re
260 my ($icase, $re) = @_;
261 $re =~ s/_/[^_]*_/g;
262 $icase ? qr/^$re.*$/i : qr/^$re.*$/;
265 sub all_completions
267 my $icase = $_[0] !~ /[A-Z]/;
268 my @parts = split /:+/, shift, -1;
269 my $re = apropos_re $icase, pop @parts;
270 use vars '&_completions';
271 local *_completions = sub {
272 no strict;
273 my $stash = shift;
274 if (@_ == 0) {
275 map { "$stash$_" } grep /$re/, keys %{$stash};
276 } else {
277 my $re2 = $icase ? qr/^$_[0].*::$/i : qr/^$_[0].*::$/;
278 my @pkgs = grep /$re2/, keys %{$stash};
279 map { _completions "$stash$_", @_[1..$#_] } @pkgs
282 map { s/^:://; $_ } _completions('::', @parts);
285 =item C<@res = filter_exact_prefix @names>
287 Filter exact matches so that e.g. "A::x" completes to "A::xx" when
288 both "Ay::xx" and "A::xx" exist.
290 =cut
292 sub filter_exact_prefix
294 my @parts = split /:+/, shift, -1;
295 my @res = @_;
296 my @tmp;
297 my $pre = shift @parts;
298 while (@parts && (@tmp = grep /^\Q$pre\E(?:::|$)/, @res)) {
299 @res = @tmp;
300 $pre .= '::'.shift @parts;
302 @res;
305 =item C<@res = lexical_completions $type, $str, $sub>
307 Find lexicals of C<$sub> (or a parent lexical environment) of type
308 C<$type> matching C<$str>.
310 =cut
312 sub lexical_completions
314 eval q{ use PadWalker 'peek_sub' };
315 # "internal" function, so don't warn on failure
316 return if $@;
317 *lexical_completions = sub {
318 my ($type, $str, $sub) = @_;
319 $sub = "$PACKAGE\::$sub" unless $sub =~ /::/;
320 # warn "Completing $str of type $type in $sub\n";
321 no strict;
322 return unless defined *{$sub}{CODE};
323 my $pad = peek_sub(\&$sub);
324 if ($type) {
325 map { s/^[\$\@&\%]//;$_ } grep /^\Q$type$str\E/, keys %$pad;
326 } else {
327 map { s/^[\$\@&\%]//;$_ } grep /^.\Q$str\E/, keys %$pad;
330 goto &lexical_completions;
333 =item C<@compls = completions($string [, $type [, $sub ] ])>
335 Find a list of completions for C<$string> with glob type C<$type>,
336 which may be "SCALAR", "HASH", "ARRAY", "CODE", "IO", or the special
337 value "VARIABLE", which means either scalar, hash, or array.
338 Completion operates on word subparts separated by [:_], so
339 e.g. "S:m_w" completes to "Sepia::my_walksymtable". If C<$sub> is
340 given, also consider its lexical variables.
342 =item C<@compls = method_completions($expr, $string [,$eval])>
344 Complete among methods on the object returned by C<$expr>. The
345 C<$eval> argument, if present, is a function used to do the
346 evaluation; the default is C<eval>, but for example the Sepia REPL
347 uses C<Sepia::repl_eval>. B<Warning>: Since it has to evaluate
348 C<$expr>, method completion can be extremely problematic. Use with
349 care.
351 =cut
353 sub completions
355 my ($type, $str, $sub) = @_;
356 my $t;
357 my %h = qw(@ ARRAY % HASH & CODE * IO $ SCALAR);
358 my %rh = reverse %h;
359 $type ||= '';
360 $t = $type ? $rh{$type} : '';
361 my @ret;
362 if ($sub && $type ne '') {
363 @ret = lexical_completions $t, $str, $sub;
365 if (!@ret) {
366 @ret = grep {
367 $type ? filter_typed $type : filter_untyped
368 } all_completions $str;
370 if (!@ret && $str !~ /:/) {
371 @ret = grep {
372 $type ? filter_typed $type : filter_untyped
373 } all_abbrev_completions $str;
375 @ret = map { s/^:://; "$t$_" } filter_exact_prefix $str, @ret;
376 # ## XXX: Control characters, $", and $1, etc. confuse Emacs, so
377 # ## remove them.
378 grep {
379 length $_ > 0 && !/^\d+$/ && !/^[^\w\d_]$/ && !/^_</ && !/^[[:cntrl:]]/
380 } @ret;
383 sub method_completions
385 my ($x, $fn, $eval) = @_;
386 $x =~ s/^\s+//;
387 $x =~ s/\s+$//;
388 $eval ||= 'CORE::eval';
389 no strict;
390 return unless ($x =~ /^\$/ && ($x = $eval->("ref($x)")))
391 || $eval->('%'.$x.'::');
392 unless ($@) {
393 my $re = _apropos_re $fn;
394 ## Filter out overload methods "(..."
395 return sort { $a cmp $b } map { s/.*:://; $_ }
396 grep { defined *{$_}{CODE} && /::$re/ && !/\(/ }
397 methods($x, 1);
401 =item C<@matches = apropos($name [, $is_regex])>
403 Search for function C<$name>, either in all packages or, if C<$name>
404 is qualified, only in one package. If C<$is_regex> is true, the
405 non-package part of C<$name> is a regular expression.
407 =cut
409 sub my_walksymtable(&*)
411 no strict;
412 my ($f, $st) = @_;
413 local *_walk = sub {
414 local ($stash) = @_;
415 &$f for keys %$stash;
416 _walk("$stash$_") for grep /(?<!main)::$/, keys %$stash;
418 _walk($st);
421 sub apropos
423 my ($it, $re, @types) = @_;
424 my $stashp;
425 if (@types) {
426 $stashp = grep /STASH/, @types;
427 @types = grep !/STASH/, @types;
428 } else {
429 @types = qw(CODE);
431 no strict;
432 if ($it =~ /^(.*::)([^:]+)$/) {
433 my ($stash, $name) = ($1, $2);
434 if (!%$stash) {
435 return;
437 if ($re) {
438 my $name = qr/^$name/;
439 map {
440 "$stash$_"
442 grep {
443 my $stashnm = "$stash$_";
444 /$name/ &&
445 (($stashp && /::$/)
446 || scalar grep {
447 defined($_ eq 'SCALAR' ? $$stashnm : *{$stashnm}{$_})
448 } @types)
449 } keys %$stash;
450 } else {
451 defined &$it ? $it : ();
453 } else {
454 my @ret;
455 my $findre = $re ? qr/$it/ : qr/^\Q$it\E$/;
456 my_walksymtable {
457 push @ret, "$stash$_" if /$findre/;
458 } '::';
459 map { s/^:*(?:main:+)*//;$_ } @ret;
463 =back
465 =head2 Module information
467 =over
469 =item C<@names = mod_subs($pack)>
471 Find subs in package C<$pack>.
473 =cut
475 sub mod_subs
477 no strict;
478 my $p = shift;
479 my $stash = \%{"$p\::"};
480 if (%$stash) {
481 grep { defined &{"$p\::$_"} } keys %$stash;
485 =item C<@decls = mod_decls($pack)>
487 Generate a list of declarations for all subroutines in package
488 C<$pack>.
490 =cut
492 sub mod_decls
494 my $pack = shift;
495 no strict 'refs';
496 my @ret = map {
497 my $sn = $_;
498 my $proto = prototype(\&{"$pack\::$sn"});
499 $proto = defined($proto) ? "($proto)" : '';
500 "sub $sn $proto;";
501 } mod_subs($pack);
502 return wantarray ? @ret : join '', @ret;
505 =item C<$info = module_info($module, $type)>
507 Emacs-called function to get module information.
509 =cut
511 sub module_info
513 eval q{ require Module::Info; import Module::Info };
514 if ($@) {
515 undef;
516 } else {
517 no warnings;
518 *module_info = sub {
519 my ($m, $func) = @_;
520 my $info;
521 if (-f $m) {
522 $info = Module::Info->new_from_file($m);
523 } else {
524 (my $file = $m) =~ s|::|/|g;
525 $file .= '.pm';
526 if (exists $INC{$file}) {
527 $info = Module::Info->new_from_loaded($m);
528 } else {
529 $info = Module::Info->new_from_module($m);
532 if ($info) {
533 return $info->$func;
536 goto &module_info;
540 =item C<$file = mod_file($mod)>
542 Find the likely file owner for module C<$mod>.
544 =cut
546 sub mod_file
548 my $m = shift;
549 $m =~ s/::/\//g;
550 while ($m && !exists $INC{"$"}) {
551 $m =~ s#(?:^|/)[^/]+$##;
553 $m ? $INC{"$"} : undef;
556 =item C<@mods = package_list>
558 Gather a list of all distributions on the system.
560 =cut
562 our $INST;
563 sub inst()
565 unless ($INST) {
566 require ExtUtils::Installed;
567 $INST = new ExtUtils::Installed;
569 $INST;
572 sub package_list
574 sort { $a cmp $b } inst()->modules;
577 =item C<@mods = module_list>
579 Gather a list of all packages (.pm files, really) installed on the
580 system, grouped by distribution. XXX UNUSED
582 =cut
584 sub inc_re
586 join '|', map quotemeta, sort { length $b <=> length $a } @INC;
589 sub module_list
591 @_ = package_list unless @_;
592 my $incre = inc_re;
593 $incre = qr|(?:$incre)/|;
594 my $inst = inst;
595 map {
596 [$_, sort map {
597 s/$incre\///; s|/|::|g;$_
598 } grep /\.pm$/, $inst->files($_)]
599 } @_;
602 =item C<@paths = file_list $module>
604 List the absolute paths of all files (except man pages) installed by
605 C<$module>.
607 =cut
609 sub file_list
611 my @ret = eval { grep /\.p(l|m|od)$/, inst->files(shift) };
612 @ret ? @ret : ();
615 =item C<@mods = doc_list>
617 Gather a list of all documented packages (.?pm files, really)
618 installed on the system, grouped by distribution. XXX UNUSED
620 =back
622 =cut
624 sub doc_list
626 @_ = package_list unless @_;
627 my $inst = inst;
628 map {
629 [$_, sort map {
630 s/.*man.\///; s|/|::|g;s/\..?pm//; $_
631 } grep /\$/, $inst->files($_)]
632 } @_;
635 =head2 Miscellaneous functions
637 =over
639 =item C<$v = core_version($module)>
641 =cut
643 sub core_version
645 eval q{ require Module::CoreList };
646 if ($@) {
647 '???';
648 } else {
649 *core_version = sub { Module::CoreList->first_release(@_) };
650 goto &core_version;
654 =item C<[$file, $line, $name] = location($name)>
656 Return a [file, line, name] triple for function C<$name>.
658 =cut
660 sub location
662 no strict;
663 map {
664 if (my ($pfx, $name) = /^([\%\$\@]?)(.+)/) {
665 if ($pfx) {
666 warn "Sorry -- can't lookup variables.";
667 } else {
668 # XXX: svref_2object only seems to work with a package
669 # tacked on, but that should probably be done elsewhere...
670 $name = 'main::'.$name unless $name =~ /::/;
671 my $cv = B::svref_2object(\&{$name});
672 if ($cv && defined($cv = $cv->START) && !$cv->isa('B::NULL')) {
673 my ($file, $line) = ($cv->file, $cv->line);
674 if ($file !~ /^\//) {
675 for (@INC) {
676 if (!ref $_ && -f "$_/$file") {
677 $file = "$_/$file";
678 last;
682 my ($shortname) = $name =~ /^(?:.*::)([^:]+)$/;
683 return [Cwd::abs_path($file), $line, $shortname || $name]
688 } @_;
691 =item C<lexicals($subname)>
693 Return a list of C<$subname>'s lexical variables. Note that this
694 includes all nested scopes -- I don't know if or how Perl
695 distinguishes inner blocks.
697 =cut
699 sub lexicals
701 my $cv = B::svref_2object(\&{+shift});
702 return unless $cv && ($cv = $cv->PADLIST);
703 my ($names, $vals) = $cv->ARRAY;
704 map {
705 my $name = $_->PV; $name =~ s/\0.*$//; $name
706 } grep B::class($_) ne 'SPECIAL', $names->ARRAY;
709 =item C<$lisp = tolisp($perl)>
711 Convert a Perl scalar to some ELisp equivalent.
713 =cut
715 sub tolisp($)
717 my $thing = @_ == 1 ? shift : \@_;
718 my $t = ref $thing;
719 if (!$t) {
720 if (!defined $thing) {
721 'nil'
722 } elsif (looks_like_number $thing) {
723 ''.(0+$thing);
724 } else {
725 ## XXX Elisp and perl have slightly different
726 ## escaping conventions, so we do this crap instead.
727 $thing =~ s/["\\]/\\$1/g;
728 qq{"$thing"};
730 } elsif ($t eq 'GLOB') {
731 (my $name = $$thing) =~ s/\*main:://;
732 $name;
733 } elsif ($t eq 'ARRAY') {
734 '(' . join(' ', map { tolisp($_) } @$thing).')'
735 } elsif ($t eq 'HASH') {
736 '(' . join(' ', map {
737 '(' . tolisp($_) . " . " . tolisp($thing->{$_}) . ')'
738 } keys %$thing).')'
739 } elsif ($t eq 'Regexp') {
740 "'(regexp . \"" . quotemeta($thing) . '")';
741 # } elsif ($t eq 'IO') {
742 } else {
743 qq{"$thing"};
747 =item C<printer(\@res)>
749 Print C<@res> appropriately on the current filehandle. If C<$ISEVAL>
750 is true, use terse format. Otherwise, use human-readable format,
751 which can use either L<Data::Dumper>, L<YAML>, or L<Data::Dump>.
753 =cut
755 %PRINTER = (
756 dumper => sub {
757 eval q{ require Data::Dumper };
758 local $Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
759 local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
760 local $_;
761 my $thing = @res > 1 ? \@res : $res[0];
762 eval {
763 $_ = Data::Dumper::Dumper($thing);
765 if (length $_ > ($ENV{COLUMNS} || 80)) {
766 $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
767 eval {
768 $_ = Data::Dumper::Dumper($thing);
771 s/\A\$VAR1 = //;
772 s/;\Z//;
775 plain => sub {
776 "@res";
778 dumpvar => sub {
779 if (eval q{require '';1}) {
780 dumpvar::veryCompact(1);
781 $PRINTER{dumpvar} = sub { dumpValue(\@res) };
782 goto &{$PRINTER{dumpvar}};
785 yaml => sub {
786 eval q{ require YAML };
787 if ($@) {
788 $PRINTER{dumper}->();
789 } else {
790 YAML::Dump(\@res);
793 dump => sub {
794 eval q{ require Data::Dump };
795 if ($@) {
796 $PRINTER{dumper}->();
797 } else {
798 Data::Dump::dump(\@res);
801 peek => sub {
802 eval q{
803 require Devel::Peek;
804 require IO::Scalar;
806 if ($@) {
807 $PRINTER{dumper}->();
808 } else {
809 my $ret = new IO::Scalar;
810 my $out = select $ret;
811 Devel::Peek::Dump(@res == 1 ? $res[0] : \@res);
812 select $out;
813 $ret;
818 sub ::_()
820 if (wantarray) {
821 @res
822 } else {
827 sub printer
829 local *res = shift;
830 my $res;
831 @_ = @res;
832 $_ = @res == 1 ? $res[0] : @res == 0 ? undef : [@res];
833 my $str;
834 if ($ISEVAL) {
835 $res = "@res";
836 } elsif (@res == 1 && !$ISEVAL && $STRINGIFY
837 && UNIVERSAL::can($res[0], '()')) {
838 # overloaded?
839 $res = "$res[0]";
840 } elsif (!$ISEVAL && $COLUMNATE && @res > 1 && !grep ref, @res) {
841 $res = columnate(@res);
842 print $res;
843 return;
844 } else {
845 $res = $PRINTER{$PRINTER}->();
847 if ($ISEVAL) {
848 print ';;;', length $res, "\n$res\n";
849 } else {
850 print "$res\n";
854 BEGIN {
855 $PS1 = "> ";
856 $PACKAGE = 'main';
857 $WANTARRAY = '@';
858 $PRINTER = 'dumper';
859 $COLUMNATE = 1;
860 $STRINGIFY = 1;
863 =item C<prompt()> -- Print the REPL prompt.
865 =cut
867 sub prompt()
869 run_hook @PRE_PROMPT;
873 sub Dump
875 eval {
876 Data::Dumper->Dump([$_[0]], [$_[1]]);
880 =item C<$flowed = flow($width, $text)> -- Flow C<$text> to at most C<$width> columns.
882 =cut
884 sub flow
886 my $width = shift()-2;
887 my $format = "^" . ('<' x $width) . "~~\n";
888 local $^A = '';
889 formline($format, @_);
890 $^A;
893 =back
895 =head2 Persistence
897 =over
899 =item C<load \@keyvals> -- Load persisted data in C<@keyvals>.
901 =item C<$ok = saveable $name> -- Return whether C<$name> is saveable.
903 Saving certain magic variables leads to badness, so we avoid them.
905 =item C<\@kvs = save $re> -- Return a list of name/value pairs to save.
907 =back
909 =cut
911 sub load
913 my $a = shift;
914 no strict;
915 for (@$a) {
916 *{$_->[0]} = $_->[1];
920 my %BADVARS;
921 undef @BADVARS{qw(%INC @INC %SIG @ISA %ENV @ARGV)};
923 # magic variables
924 sub saveable
926 local $_ = shift;
927 return !/^.[^c-zA-Z]$/ # single-letter stuff (match vars, $_, etc.)
928 && !/^.[\0-\060]/ # magic weirdness.
929 && !/^._</ # debugger info
930 && !exists $BADVARS{$_}; # others.
933 sub save
935 my ($re) = @_;
936 my @save;
937 $re = qr/(?:^|::)$re/;
938 no strict; # no kidding...
939 my_walksymtable {
940 return if /::$/
941 || $stash =~ /^(?:::)?(?:warnings|Config|strict|B)\b/;
942 if (/$re/) {
943 my $name = "$stash$_";
944 if (defined ${$name} and saveable '$'.$_) {
945 push @save, [$name, \$$name];
947 if (defined *{$name}{HASH} and saveable '%'.$_) {
948 push @save, [$name, \%{$name}];
950 if (defined *{$name}{ARRAY} and saveable '@'.$_) {
951 push @save, [$name, \@{$name}];
954 } '::';
955 print STDERR "$_->[0] " for @save;
956 print STDERR "\n";
957 \@save;
960 =head2 REPL shortcuts
962 The function implementing built-in REPL shortcut ",X" is named C<repl_X>.
964 =over
966 =item C<define_shortcut $name, $sub [, $doc [, $shortdoc]]>
968 Define $name as a shortcut for function $sub.
970 =cut
972 sub define_shortcut
974 my ($name, $doc, $short, $fn);
975 if (@_ == 2) {
976 ($name, $fn) = @_;
977 $short = $name;
978 $doc = '';
979 } elsif (@_ == 3) {
980 ($name, $fn, $doc) = @_;
981 $short = $name;
982 } else {
983 ($name, $fn, $short, $doc) = @_;
985 $REPL{$name} = $fn;
986 $REPL_DOC{$name} = $doc;
987 $REPL_SHORT{$name} = $short;
988 abbrev \%RK, keys %REPL;
991 =item C<alias_shortcut $new, $old>
993 Alias $new to do the same as $old.
995 =cut
997 sub alias_shortcut
999 my ($new, $old) = @_;
1000 $REPL{$new} = $REPL{$old};
1001 $REPL_DOC{$new} = $REPL_DOC{$old};
1002 ($REPL_SHORT{$new} = $REPL_SHORT{$old}) =~ s/^\Q$old\E/$new/;
1003 abbrev %RK, keys %REPL;
1006 =item C<define_shortcuts()>
1008 Define the default REPL shortcuts.
1010 =cut
1012 sub define_shortcuts
1014 define_shortcut 'help', \&Sepia::repl_help,
1015 'help [CMD]',
1016 'Display help on all commands or CMD.';
1017 define_shortcut 'cd', \&Sepia::repl_chdir,
1018 'cd DIR', 'Change directory to DIR';
1019 define_shortcut 'pwd', \&Sepia::repl_pwd,
1020 'Show current working directory';
1021 define_shortcut 'methods', \&Sepia::repl_methods,
1022 'methods X [RE]',
1023 'List methods for reference or package X, matching optional pattern RE';
1024 define_shortcut 'package', \&Sepia::repl_package,
1025 'package PKG', 'Set evaluation package to PKG';
1026 define_shortcut 'who', \&Sepia::repl_who,
1027 'who PKG [RE]',
1028 'List variables and subs in PKG matching optional pattern RE.';
1029 define_shortcut 'wantarray', \&Sepia::repl_wantarray,
1030 'wantarray [0|1]', 'Set or toggle evaluation context';
1031 define_shortcut 'format', \&Sepia::repl_format,
1032 'format [TYPE]', "Set output format to TYPE ('dumper', 'dump', 'yaml', or 'plain'; default: 'dumper') or show current type.";
1033 define_shortcut 'strict', \&Sepia::repl_strict,
1034 'strict [0|1]', 'Turn \'use strict\' mode on or off';
1035 define_shortcut 'quit', \&Sepia::repl_quit,
1036 'Quit the REPL';
1037 alias_shortcut 'exit', 'quit';
1038 define_shortcut 'restart', \&Sepia::repl_restart,
1039 'Reload and relaunch the REPL.';
1040 define_shortcut 'shell', \&Sepia::repl_shell,
1041 'shell CMD ...', 'Run CMD in the shell';
1042 define_shortcut 'eval', \&Sepia::repl_eval,
1043 'eval EXP', '(internal)';
1044 define_shortcut 'size', \&Sepia::repl_size,
1045 'size PKG [RE]',
1046 'List total sizes of objects in PKG matching optional pattern RE.';
1047 define_shortcut define => \&Sepia::repl_define,
1048 'define NAME [\'DOC\'] BODY',
1049 'Define NAME as a shortcut executing BODY';
1050 define_shortcut undef => \&Sepia::repl_undef,
1051 'undef NAME', 'Undefine shortcut NAME';
1052 define_shortcut test => \&Sepia::repl_test,
1053 'test FILE...', 'Run tests interactively.';
1054 define_shortcut load => \&Sepia::repl_load,
1055 'load [FILE]', 'Load state from FILE.';
1056 define_shortcut save => \&Sepia::repl_save,
1057 'save [PATTERN [FILE]]', 'Save variables matching PATTERN to FILE.';
1058 define_shortcut reload => \&Sepia::repl_reload,
1059 'reload [MODULE | /RE/]', 'Reload MODULE or all modules matching RE.';
1060 define_shortcut freload => \&Sepia::repl_full_reload,
1061 'freload MODULE', 'Reload MODULE and all its dependencies.';
1062 define_shortcut time => \&Sepia::repl_time,
1063 'time [0|1]', 'Print timing information for each command.';
1064 define_shortcut lsmod => \&Sepia::repl_lsmod,
1065 'lsmod [PATTERN]', 'List loaded modules matching PATTERN.';
1068 =item C<repl_strict([$value])>
1070 Toggle strict mode. Requires L<PadWalker> and L<Devel::LexAlias>.
1072 =cut
1074 sub repl_strict
1076 eval q{ use PadWalker qw(peek_sub set_closed_over);
1077 use Devel::LexAlias 'lexalias';
1079 if ($@) {
1080 print "Strict mode requires PadWalker and Devel::LexAlias.\n";
1081 } else {
1082 *repl_strict = sub {
1083 my $x = as_boolean(shift, $STRICT);
1084 if ($x && !$STRICT) {
1085 $STRICT = {};
1086 } elsif (!$x) {
1087 undef $STRICT;
1090 goto &repl_strict;
1094 sub repl_size
1096 eval q{ require Devel::Size };
1097 if ($@) {
1098 print "Size requires Devel::Size.\n";
1099 } else {
1100 *Sepia::repl_size = sub {
1101 my ($pkg, $re) = split ' ', shift, 2;
1102 if ($re) {
1103 $re =~ s!^/|/$!!g;
1104 } elsif (!$re && $pkg =~ /^\/(.*?)\/?$/) {
1105 $re = $1;
1106 undef $pkg;
1107 } elsif (!$pkg) {
1108 $re = '.';
1110 my (@who, %res);
1111 if ($STRICT && !$pkg) {
1112 @who = grep /$re/, keys %$STRICT;
1113 for (@who) {
1114 $res{$_} = Devel::Size::total_size($Sepia::STRICT->{$_});
1116 } else {
1117 no strict 'refs';
1118 $pkg ||= 'main';
1119 @who = who($pkg, $re);
1120 for (@who) {
1121 next unless /^[\$\@\%\&]/; # skip subs.
1122 next if $_ eq '%SIG';
1123 $res{$_} = eval "no strict; package $pkg; Devel::Size::total_size \\$_;";
1126 my $len = max(3, map { length } @who) + 4;
1127 my $fmt = '%-'.$len."s%10d\n";
1128 # print "$pkg\::/$re/\n";
1129 print 'Var', ' ' x ($len + 2), "Bytes\n";
1130 print '-' x ($len-4), ' ' x 9, '-' x 5, "\n";
1131 for (sort { $res{$b} <=> $res{$a} } keys %res) {
1132 printf $fmt, $_, $res{$_};
1135 goto &repl_size;
1139 =item C<repl_time([$value])>
1141 Toggle command timing.
1143 =cut
1145 my ($time_res, $TIME);
1146 sub time_pre_prompt_bsd
1148 printf "(%.2gr, %.2gu, %.2gs) ", @{$time_res} if defined $time_res;
1151 sub time_pre_prompt_plain
1153 printf "(%.2gs) ", $time_res if defined $time_res;
1156 sub repl_time
1158 $TIME = as_boolean(shift, $TIME);
1159 if (!$TIME) {
1160 print STDERR "Removing time hook.\n";
1161 remove_hook @PRE_PROMPT, 'Sepia::time_pre_prompt';
1162 remove_hook @PRE_EVAL, 'Sepia::time_pre_eval';
1163 remove_hook @POST_EVAL, 'Sepia::time_post_eval';
1164 return;
1166 print STDERR "Adding time hook.\n";
1167 add_hook @PRE_PROMPT, 'Sepia::time_pre_prompt';
1168 add_hook @PRE_EVAL, 'Sepia::time_pre_eval';
1169 add_hook @POST_EVAL, 'Sepia::time_post_eval';
1170 my $has_bsd = eval q{ use BSD::Resource 'getrusage';1 };
1171 my $has_hires = eval q{ use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);1 };
1172 my ($t0);
1173 if ($has_bsd) { # sweet! getrusage!
1174 my ($user, $sys, $real);
1175 *time_pre_eval = sub {
1176 undef $time_res;
1177 ($user, $sys) = getrusage();
1178 $real = $has_hires ? [gettimeofday()] : $user+$sys;
1180 *time_post_eval = sub {
1181 my ($u2, $s2) = getrusage();
1182 $time_res = [$has_hires ? tv_interval($real, [gettimeofday()])
1183 : $s2 + $u2 - $real,
1184 ($u2 - $user), ($s2 - $sys)];
1186 *time_pre_prompt = *time_pre_prompt_bsd;
1187 } elsif ($has_hires) { # at least we have msec...
1188 *time_pre_eval = sub {
1189 undef $time_res;
1190 $t0 = [gettimeofday()];
1192 *time_post_eval = sub {
1193 $time_res = tv_interval($t0, [gettimeofday()]);
1195 *time_pre_prompt = *time_pre_prompt_plain;
1196 } else {
1197 *time_pre_eval = sub {
1198 undef $time_res;
1199 $t0 = time;
1201 *time_post_eval = sub {
1202 $time_res = (time - $t0);
1204 *time_pre_prompt = *time_pre_prompt_plain;
1208 sub repl_help
1210 my $width = $ENV{COLUMNS} || 80;
1211 my $args = shift;
1212 if ($args =~ /\S/) {
1213 $args =~ s/^\s+//;
1214 $args =~ s/\s+$//;
1215 my $full = $RK{$args};
1216 if ($full) {
1217 my $short = $REPL_SHORT{$full};
1218 my $flow = flow($width - length($short) - 4, $REPL_DOC{$full});
1219 chomp $flow;
1220 $flow =~ s/(.)\n/"$1\n".(' 'x (4 + length $short))/eg;
1221 print "$short $flow\n";
1222 } else {
1223 print "$args: no such command\n";
1225 } else {
1226 my $left = 1 + max map length, values %REPL_SHORT;
1227 print "REPL commands (prefixed with ','):\n";
1229 for (sort keys %REPL) {
1230 my $flow = flow($width - $left, $REPL_DOC{$_});
1231 chomp $flow;
1232 $flow =~ s/(.)\n/"$1\n".(' ' x $left)/eg;
1233 printf "%-${left}s%s\n", $REPL_SHORT{$_}, $flow;
1238 sub repl_define
1240 local $_ = shift;
1241 my ($name, $doc, $body);
1242 if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)'\s+(.+)/) {
1243 ($name, $doc, $body) = ($1, $2, $3);
1244 } elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S.*)/) {
1245 ($name, $doc, $body) = ($1, $2, $2);
1246 } else {
1247 print "usage: define NAME ['doc'] BODY...\n";
1248 return;
1250 my $sub = eval "sub { do { $body } }";
1251 if ($@) {
1252 print "usage: define NAME ['doc'] BODY...\n\t$@\n";
1253 return;
1255 define_shortcut $name, $sub, $doc;
1256 # %RK = abbrev keys %REPL;
1259 sub repl_undef
1261 my $name = shift;
1262 $name =~ s/^\s*//;
1263 $name =~ s/\s*$//;
1264 my $full = $RK{$name};
1265 if ($full) {
1266 delete $REPL{$full};
1267 delete $REPL_SHORT{$full};
1268 delete $REPL_DOC{$full};
1269 abbrev \%RK, keys %REPL;
1270 } else {
1271 print "$name: no such shortcut.\n";
1275 sub repl_format
1277 my $t = shift;
1278 chomp $t;
1279 if ($t eq '') {
1280 print "printer = $PRINTER, columnate = @{[$COLUMNATE ? 1 : 0]}\n";
1281 } else {
1282 my %formats = abbrev keys %PRINTER;
1283 if (exists $formats{$t}) {
1284 $PRINTER = $formats{$t};
1285 } else {
1286 warn "No such format '$t' (dumper, dump, yaml, plain).\n";
1291 sub repl_chdir
1293 chomp(my $dir = shift);
1294 $dir =~ s/^~\//$ENV{HOME}\//;
1295 $dir =~ s/\$HOME/$ENV{HOME}/;
1296 if (-d $dir) {
1297 chdir $dir;
1298 my $ecmd = '(cd "'.Cwd::getcwd().'")';
1299 print ";;;###".length($ecmd)."\n$ecmd\n";
1300 } else {
1301 warn "Can't chdir\n";
1305 sub repl_pwd
1307 print Cwd::getcwd(), "\n";
1310 =item C<who($package [, $re])>
1312 List variables and functions in C<$package> matching C<$re>, or all
1313 variables if C<$re> is absent.
1315 =cut
1317 sub who
1319 my ($pack, $re_str) = @_;
1320 $re_str ||= '.?';
1321 my $re = qr/$re_str/;
1322 no strict;
1323 if ($re_str =~ /^[\$\@\%\&]/) {
1324 ## sigil given -- match it
1325 sort grep /$re/, map {
1326 my $name = $pack.'::'.$_;
1327 (defined *{$name}{HASH} ? '%'.$_ : (),
1328 defined *{$name}{ARRAY} ? '@'.$_ : (),
1329 defined *{$name}{CODE} ? $_ : (),
1330 defined ${$name} ? '$'.$_ : (), # ?
1332 } grep !/::$/ && !/^(?:_<|[^\w])/ && /$re/, keys %{$pack.'::'};
1333 } else {
1334 ## no sigil -- don't match it
1335 sort map {
1336 my $name = $pack.'::'.$_;
1337 (defined *{$name}{HASH} ? '%'.$_ : (),
1338 defined *{$name}{ARRAY} ? '@'.$_ : (),
1339 defined *{$name}{CODE} ? $_ : (),
1340 defined ${$name} ? '$'.$_ : (), # ?
1342 } grep !/::$/ && !/^(?:_<|[^\w])/ && /$re/, keys %{$pack.'::'};
1346 =item C<$text = columnate(@items)>
1348 Format C<@items> in columns such that they fit within C<$ENV{COLUMNS}>
1349 columns.
1351 =cut
1353 sub columnate
1355 my $len = 0;
1356 my $width = $ENV{COLUMNS} || 80;
1357 for (@_) {
1358 $len = length if $len < length;
1360 my $nc = int($width / ($len+1)) || 1;
1361 my $nr = int(@_ / $nc) + (@_ % $nc ? 1 : 0);
1362 my $fmt = ('%-'.($len+1).'s') x ($nc-1) . "%s\n";
1363 my @incs = map { $_ * $nr } 0..$nc-1;
1364 my $str = '';
1365 for my $r (0..$nr-1) {
1366 $str .= sprintf $fmt, map { defined($_) ? $_ : '' }
1367 @_[map { $r + $_ } @incs];
1369 $str =~ s/ +$//m;
1370 $str
1373 sub repl_who
1375 my ($pkg, $re) = split ' ', shift, 2;
1376 if ($re) {
1377 $re =~ s!^/|/$!!g;
1378 } elsif (!$re && $pkg =~ /^\/(.*?)\/?$/) {
1379 $re = $1;
1380 undef $pkg;
1381 } elsif (!$pkg) {
1382 $re = '.';
1384 my @x;
1385 if ($STRICT && !$pkg) {
1386 @x = grep /$re/, keys %$STRICT;
1387 $pkg = '(lexical)';
1388 } else {
1389 $pkg ||= $PACKAGE;
1390 @x = who($pkg, $re);
1392 print($pkg, "::/$re/\n", columnate @x) if @x;
1395 =item C<@m = methods($package [, $qualified])>
1397 List method names in C<$package> and its parents. If C<$qualified>,
1398 return full "CLASS::NAME" rather than just "NAME."
1400 =cut
1402 sub methods
1404 my ($pack, $qualified) = @_;
1405 no strict;
1406 my @own = $qualified ? grep {
1407 defined *{$_}{CODE}
1408 } map { "$pack\::$_" } keys %{$pack.'::'}
1409 : grep {
1410 defined &{"$pack\::$_"}
1411 } keys %{$pack.'::'};
1412 if (exists ${$pack.'::'}{ISA} && *{$pack.'::ISA'}{ARRAY}) {
1413 my %m;
1414 undef @m{@own, map methods($_, $qualified), @{$pack.'::ISA'}};
1415 @own = keys %m;
1417 @own;
1420 sub repl_methods
1422 my ($x, $re) = split ' ', shift;
1423 $x =~ s/^\s+//;
1424 $x =~ s/\s+$//;
1425 if ($x =~ /^\$/) {
1426 $x = $REPL{eval}->("ref $x");
1427 return 0 if $@;
1429 $re ||= '.?';
1430 $re = qr/$re/;
1431 print columnate sort { $a cmp $b } grep /$re/, methods $x;
1434 sub as_boolean
1436 my ($val, $cur) = @_;
1437 $val =~ s/\s+//g;
1438 length($val) ? $val : !$cur;
1441 sub repl_wantarray
1443 (my $val = $_[0]) =~ s/\s+//g;
1444 if ($val eq '') {
1445 $WANTARRAY = ($WANTARRAY eq '@' ? '$' : '@');
1446 } else {
1447 $WANTARRAY = $val ? '@' : '$';
1451 sub repl_package
1453 chomp(my $p = shift);
1454 $PACKAGE = $p;
1457 sub repl_quit
1459 $REPL_QUIT = 1;
1460 last repl;
1463 sub repl_restart
1465 do $INC{''};
1466 if ($@) {
1467 print "Restart failed:\n$@\n";
1468 } else {
1469 $REPL_LEVEL = 0; # ok?
1470 goto &Sepia::repl;
1474 sub repl_shell
1476 my $cmd = shift;
1477 print `$cmd 2>& 1`;
1480 # Stolen from Lexical::Persistence, then simplified.
1481 sub call_strict
1483 my ($sub) = @_;
1485 # steal any new "my" variables
1486 my $pad = peek_sub($sub);
1487 for my $k (keys %$pad) {
1488 unless (exists $STRICT->{$k}) {
1489 if ($k =~ /^\$/) {
1490 $STRICT->{$k} = \(my $x);
1491 } elsif ($k =~ /^\@/) {
1492 $STRICT->{$k} = []
1493 } elsif ($k =~ /^\%/) {
1494 $STRICT->{$k} = +{};
1499 # Grab its lexials
1500 lexalias($sub, $_, $STRICT->{$_}) for keys %$STRICT;
1501 $sub->();
1504 sub repl_eval
1506 my ($buf) = @_;
1507 no strict;
1508 # local $PACKAGE = $pkg || $PACKAGE;
1509 if ($STRICT) {
1510 my $ctx = join(',', keys %$STRICT);
1511 $ctx = $ctx ? "my ($ctx);" : '';
1512 if ($WANTARRAY eq '$') {
1513 $buf = 'scalar($buf)';
1514 } elsif ($WANTARRAY ne '@') {
1515 $buf = '$buf;1';
1517 $buf = eval "sub { package $PACKAGE; use strict; $ctx $buf }";
1518 if ($@) {
1519 print "ERROR\n$@\n";
1520 return;
1522 call_strict($buf);
1523 } else {
1524 $buf = "do { package $PACKAGE; no strict; $buf }";
1525 if ($WANTARRAY eq '@') {
1526 eval $buf;
1527 } elsif ($WANTARRAY eq '$') {
1528 scalar eval $buf;
1529 } else {
1530 eval $buf; undef
1535 sub repl_test
1537 my ($buf) = @_;
1538 my @files;
1539 if ($buf =~ /\S/) {
1540 $buf =~ s/^\s+//;
1541 $buf =~ s/\s+$//;
1542 if (-f $buf) {
1543 push @files, $buf;
1544 } elsif (-f "t/$buf") {
1545 push @files, $buf;
1547 } else {
1548 require File::Find;
1549 File::Find::find(
1550 { no_chdir => 1,
1551 wanted => sub { push @files, $_ if /\.t$/ }
1552 }, Cwd::getcwd() =~ /t\/?$/ ? '.' : './t');
1554 if (@files) {
1555 # XXX: this is cribbed from an EU::MM-generated Makefile.
1556 system $^X, qw(-MExtUtils::Command::MM -e),
1557 "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')", @files;
1558 } else {
1559 print "No test files for '$buf' in ", Cwd::getcwd, "\n";
1563 sub repl_load
1565 my ($file) = split ' ', shift;
1566 $file ||= "$ENV{HOME}/.sepia-save";
1567 require Storable;
1568 load(Storable::retrieve($file));
1571 sub repl_save
1573 my ($re, $file) = split ' ', shift;
1574 $re ||= '.';
1575 $file ||= "$ENV{HOME}/.sepia-save";
1576 require Storable;
1577 Storable::store(save($re)), $file;
1580 sub modules_matching
1582 my $pat = shift;
1583 if ($pat =~ /^\/(.*)\/?$/) {
1584 $pat = $1;
1585 $pat =~ s#::#/#g;
1586 $pat = qr/$pat/;
1587 grep /$pat/, keys %INC;
1588 } else {
1589 my $mod = $pat;
1590 $pat =~ s#::#/#g;
1591 exists $INC{"$"} ? "$" : ();
1595 sub full_reload
1597 my %save_inc = %INC;
1598 local %INC;
1599 for my $name (modules_matching $_[0]) {
1600 print STDERR "full reload $name\n";
1601 require $name;
1603 my @ret = keys %INC;
1604 while (my ($k, $v) = each %save_inc) {
1605 $INC{$k} ||= $v;
1607 @ret;
1610 sub repl_full_reload
1612 chomp (my $pat = shift);
1613 my @x = full_reload $pat;
1614 print "Reloaded: @x\n";
1617 sub repl_reload
1619 chomp (my $pat = shift);
1620 # for my $name (modules_matching $pat) {
1621 # delete $INC{$PAT};
1622 # eval "require $name";
1623 # if (!$@) {
1624 # (my $mod = $name) =~ s/
1625 if ($pat =~ /^\/(.*)\/?$/) {
1626 $pat = $1;
1627 $pat =~ s#::#/#g;
1628 $pat = qr/$pat/;
1629 my @rel;
1630 for (keys %INC) {
1631 next unless /$pat/;
1632 if (!do $_) {
1633 print "$_: $@\n";
1635 s#/#::#g;
1636 s/\.pm$//;
1637 push @rel, $_;
1639 } else {
1640 my $mod = $pat;
1641 $pat =~ s#::#/#g;
1642 $pat .= '.pm';
1643 if (exists $INC{$pat}) {
1644 delete $INC{$pat};
1645 eval 'require $mod';
1646 import $mod unless $@;
1647 print "Reloaded $mod.\n"
1648 } else {
1649 print "$mod not loaded.\n"
1654 sub repl_lsmod
1656 chomp (my $pat = shift);
1657 $pat ||= '.';
1658 $pat = qr/$pat/;
1659 my $first = 1;
1660 my $fmt = "%-20s%8s %s\n";
1661 # my $shorten = join '|', sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } @INC;
1662 # my $ss = sub {
1663 # s/^(?:$shorten)\/?//; $_
1664 # };
1665 for (sort keys %INC) {
1666 my $file = $_;
1667 s!/!::!g;
1668 s/\.p[lm]$//;
1669 next if /^::/ || !/$pat/;
1670 if ($first) {
1671 printf $fmt, qw(Module Version File);
1672 printf $fmt, qw(------ ------- ----);
1673 $first = 0;
1675 printf $fmt, $_, (UNIVERSAL::VERSION($_)||'???'), $INC{$file};
1677 if ($first) {
1678 print "No modules found.\n";
1682 =item C<sig_warn($warning)>
1684 Collect C<$warning> for later printing.
1686 =item C<print_warnings()>
1688 Print and clear accumulated warnings.
1690 =cut
1692 my @warn;
1694 sub sig_warn
1696 push @warn, shift
1699 sub print_warnings
1701 if (@warn) {
1702 if ($ISEVAL) {
1703 my $tmp = "@warn";
1704 print ';;;'.length($tmp)."\n$tmp\n";
1705 } else {
1706 for (@warn) {
1707 # s/(.*) at .*/$1/;
1708 print "warning: $_\n";
1714 sub repl_banner
1716 print <<EOS;
1717 I need user feedback! Please send questions or comments to seano\
1718 Sepia version $Sepia::VERSION.
1719 Type ",h" for help, or ",q" to quit.
1723 =item C<repl()>
1725 Execute a command interpreter on standard input and standard output.
1726 If you want to use different descriptors, localize them before
1727 calling C<repl()>. The prompt has a few bells and whistles, including:
1729 =over 4
1731 =item Obviously-incomplete lines are treated as multiline input (press
1732 'return' twice or 'C-c' to discard).
1734 =item C<die> is overridden to enter a debugging repl at the point
1735 C<die> is called.
1737 =back
1739 Behavior is controlled in part through the following package-globals:
1741 =over 4
1743 =item C<$PACKAGE> -- evaluation package
1745 =item C<$PRINTER> -- result printer (default: dumper)
1747 =item C<$PS1> -- the default prompt
1749 =item C<$STRICT> -- whether 'use strict' is applied to input
1751 =item C<$WANTARRAY> -- evaluation context
1753 =item C<$COLUMNATE> -- format some output nicely (default = 1)
1755 Format some values nicely, independent of $PRINTER. Currently, this
1756 displays arrays of scalars as columns.
1758 =item C<$REPL_LEVEL> -- level of recursive repl() calls
1760 If zero, then initialization takes place.
1762 =item C<%REPL> -- maps shortcut names to handlers
1764 =item C<%REPL_DOC> -- maps shortcut names to documentation
1766 =item C<%REPL_SHORT> -- maps shortcut names to brief usage
1768 =back
1770 =back
1772 =cut
1774 sub repl_setup
1776 $| = 1;
1777 if ($REPL_LEVEL == 0) {
1778 define_shortcuts;
1779 -f "$ENV{HOME}/.sepiarc" and eval qq#package $Sepia::PACKAGE; do "$ENV{HOME}/.sepiarc"#;
1780 warn ".sepiarc: $@\n" if $@;
1782 Sepia::Debug::add_repl_commands;
1783 repl_banner if $REPL_LEVEL == 0;
1786 $READLINE = sub { print prompt(); <STDIN> };
1788 sub repl
1790 repl_setup;
1791 local $REPL_LEVEL = $REPL_LEVEL + 1;
1793 my $in;
1794 my $buf = '';
1795 $SIGGED = 0;
1797 my $nextrepl = sub { $SIGGED++; };
1799 local (@_, $_);
1800 local *CORE::GLOBAL::die = \&Sepia::Debug::die;
1801 local *CORE::GLOBAL::warn = \&Sepia::Debug::warn;
1802 my @sigs = qw(INT TERM PIPE ALRM);
1803 local @SIG{@sigs};
1804 $SIG{$_} = $nextrepl for @sigs;
1805 repl: while (defined(my $in = $READLINE->())) {
1806 if ($SIGGED) {
1807 $buf = '';
1808 $SIGGED = 0;
1809 print "\n";
1810 next repl;
1812 $buf .= $in;
1813 $buf =~ s/^\s*//;
1814 local $ISEVAL;
1815 if ($buf =~ /^<<(\d+)\n(.*)/) {
1816 $ISEVAL = 1;
1817 my $len = $1;
1818 my $tmp;
1819 $buf = $2;
1820 while ($len && defined($tmp = read STDIN, $buf, $len, length $buf)) {
1821 $len -= $tmp;
1824 ## Only install a magic handler if no one else is playing.
1825 local $SIG{__WARN__} = $SIG{__WARN__};
1826 @warn = ();
1827 unless ($SIG{__WARN__}) {
1828 $SIG{__WARN__} = 'Sepia::sig_warn';
1830 if (!$ISEVAL) {
1831 if ($buf eq '') {
1832 # repeat last interactive command
1833 $buf = $LAST_INPUT;
1834 } else {
1835 $LAST_INPUT = $buf;
1838 if ($buf =~ /^,(\S+)\s*(.*)/s) {
1839 ## Inspector shortcuts
1840 my $short = $1;
1841 if (exists $Sepia::RK{$short}) {
1842 my $ret;
1843 my $arg = $2;
1844 chomp $arg;
1845 $Sepia::REPL{$Sepia::RK{$short}}->($arg, wantarray);
1846 } else {
1847 if (grep /^$short/, keys %Sepia::REPL) {
1848 print "Ambiguous shortcut '$short': ",
1849 join(', ', sort grep /^$short/, keys %Sepia::REPL),
1850 "\n";
1851 } else {
1852 print "Unrecognized shortcut '$short'\n";
1854 $buf = '';
1855 next repl;
1857 } else {
1858 ## Ordinary eval
1859 run_hook @PRE_EVAL;
1860 @res = $REPL{eval}->($buf);
1861 run_hook @POST_EVAL;
1862 if ($@) {
1863 if ($ISEVAL) {
1864 ## Always return results for an eval request
1865 Sepia::printer \@res, wantarray;
1866 Sepia::printer [$@], wantarray;
1867 # print_warnings $ISEVAL;
1868 $buf = '';
1869 } elsif ($@ =~ /(?:at|before) EOF(?:$| at)/m) {
1870 ## Possibly-incomplete line
1871 if ($in eq "\n") {
1872 print "Error:\n$@\n*** cancel ***\n";
1873 $buf = '';
1874 } else {
1875 print ">> ";
1877 } else {
1878 print_warnings;
1879 # $@ =~ s/(.*) at eval .*/$1/;
1880 # don't complain if we're abandoning execution
1881 # from the debugger.
1882 unless (ref $@ eq 'Sepia::Debug') {
1883 print "error: $@";
1884 print "\n" unless $@ =~ /\n\z/;
1886 $buf = '';
1888 next repl;
1891 if ($buf !~ /;\s*$/ && $buf !~ /^,/) {
1892 ## Be quiet if it ends with a semicolon, or if we
1893 ## executed a shortcut.
1894 Sepia::printer \@res, wantarray;
1896 $buf = '';
1897 print_warnings;
1899 exit if $REPL_QUIT;
1900 wantarray ? @res : $res[0]
1903 sub perl_eval
1905 tolisp($REPL{eval}->(shift));
1908 =head2 Module browsing
1910 =over
1912 =item C<$status = html_module_list([$file [, $prefix]])>
1914 Generate an HTML list of installed modules, looking inside of
1915 packages. If C<$prefix> is missing, uses "about://perldoc/". If
1916 $file is given, write the result to $file; otherwise, return it as a
1917 string.
1919 =item C<$status = html_package_list([$file [, $prefix]])>
1921 Generate an HTML list of installed top-level modules, without looking
1922 inside of packages. If C<$prefix> is missing, uses
1923 "about://perldoc/". $file is the same as for C<html_module_list>.
1925 =back
1927 =cut
1929 sub html_module_list
1931 my ($file, $base) = @_;
1932 $base ||= 'about://perldoc/';
1933 my $out;
1934 open OUT, ">", $file || \$out or return;
1935 print OUT "<html><body>";
1936 my $pfx = '';
1937 my %fs;
1938 my $incre = join '|', map quotemeta, sort { length $b <=> length $a } @INC;
1939 $incre = qr!^(?:$incre)/*(.+)!;
1940 require File::Find;
1941 File::Find::find(
1942 sub {
1943 return unless /\.p(?:m|od)$/ && -r $_;
1944 $File::Find::name =~ /$incre/ and $fs{$1} = 1;
1945 }, @INC);
1946 for (sort keys %fs) {
1947 (my $name = $_) =~ s!/!::!g;
1948 $name =~ s/\.p(?:m|od)$//;
1949 print OUT qq{<li><a href="$base$_">$name</a>};
1951 print OUT "</ul></body></html>\n";
1952 close OUT;
1953 $file ? 1 : $out;
1956 sub html_package_list
1958 my ($file, $base) = @_;
1959 return unless inst();
1960 my %ns;
1961 for (package_list) {
1962 push @{$ns{$1}}, $_ if /^([^:]+)/;
1964 $base ||= 'about://perldoc/';
1965 my $out;
1966 open OUT, ">", $file || \$out or return;
1967 print OUT "<html><body><ul>";
1968 my $pfx = '';
1969 for (sort keys %ns) {
1970 if (@{$ns{$_}} == 1) {
1971 print OUT
1972 qq{<li><a href="$base$ns{$_}[0]">$ns{$_}[0]</a>};
1973 } else {
1974 print OUT qq{<li><b>$_</b><ul>};
1975 print OUT qq{<li><a href="$base$_">$_</a>}
1976 for sort @{$ns{$_}};
1977 print OUT qq{</ul>};
1980 print OUT "</ul></body></html>\n";
1981 close OUT;
1982 $file ? 1 : $out;
1985 sub apropos_module
1987 my $re = _apropos_re $_[0], 1;
1988 my $inst = inst();
1989 my %ret;
1990 my $incre = inc_re;
1991 for ($inst->files('Perl', 'prog'), package_list) {
1992 if (/\.\d?(?:pm)?$/ && !/man1/ && !/usr\/bin/ && /$re/) {
1993 s/$incre//;
1994 s/.*man.\///;
1995 s|/|::|g;
1996 s/^:+//;
1997 s/\.\d?(?:p[lm])?$//;
1998 undef $ret{$_}
2001 sort keys %ret;
2004 sub requires
2006 my $mod = shift;
2007 my @q = $REQUIRES{$mod};
2008 my @done;
2009 while (@q) {
2010 my $m = shift @q;
2011 push @done, $m;
2012 push @q, @{$REQUIRES{$m}};
2014 @done;
2017 sub users
2019 my $mod = shift;
2020 @{$REQUIRED_BY{$mod}}
2024 __END__
2026 =head1 TODO
2028 See the README file included with the distribution.
2030 =head1 SEE ALSO
2032 Sepia's public GIT repository is located at L<>.
2034 There are several modules for Perl development in Emacs on CPAN,
2035 including L<Devel::PerlySense> and L<PDE>. For a complete list, see
2036 L<>.
2038 =head1 AUTHOR
2040 Sean O'Rourke, E<lt>seano@cpan.orgE<gt>
2042 Bug reports welcome, patches even more welcome.
2044 =head1 COPYRIGHT
2046 Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Sean O'Rourke. All rights reserved, some
2047 wrongs reversed. This module is distributed under the same terms as
2048 Perl itself.
2050 =cut