initial checkin
[rersyncrecent.git] / t / 02-aurora.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # use 5.010;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 =head1 NAME
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 =head1 OPTIONS
17 =over 8
19 =cut
21 my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;
23 =item B<--cleanup!>
25 Defaults to true. Negate with --nocleanup. If true, all generated
26 files are removed at the end of the test run.
28 =item B<--help|h!>
30 This help
32 =item B<--sleep1=f>
34 Defaults to 0.2. Seconds to sleep between the cration of the initial
35 files.
37 =item B<--sleep2=f>
39 Defaults to 0.1. Seconds to sleep between the iterations of the second
40 phase.
42 =item B<--iterations=i>
44 Defaults to 30. Number of iterations in the second phase.
46 =back
50 In the first phase the test creates a couple of files and injects them
51 into the tree, one after the other. There are tunable C<sleep1> pauses
52 between each file creation. In the second phase the test runs
53 alternating C<aggregate> commands on the server and C<rmirror>
54 commands on the client. After each iteration both directories are
55 checksummed and stored in a separate yaml file for later inspection.
57 If you want to inspect the yaml files, be sure to set --nocleanup.
59 =head2 Interpretation of the output
61 Output may look like this:
63 # 17.1575 new state reached in t/serv-5c59696a590715c20f2b7f55c281c667.yaml
64 # 18.0686 new state reached in t/mirr-b9b903e62f31249d2d5836eede1d0420.yaml
65 # 19.2339 new state reached in t/serv-9a9df7f3c8d2fc501c27490696ba1c88.yaml
66 # 33.2662 new state reached in t/serv-7ad22e96a3ecf527e1fa934425ec7516.yaml
67 # 55.2330 new state reached in t/serv-ce628a7ee14eb32054f6744ab9772b2c.yaml
69 This means that the RECENT files on the server have changed 4 times
70 due to calls to C<aggregate> but the RECENT files on the mirror have
71 only changed once.
73 =cut
76 use FindBin;
77 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
78 BEGIN {
79 push @INC, qw( );
82 use Getopt::Long;
83 use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
85 our %Opt;
86 lock_keys %Opt, map { /([^=!]+)/ } @opt;
87 GetOptions(\%Opt,
88 @opt,
89 ) or pod2usage(1);
91 $Opt{cleanup} = 1 unless defined $Opt{cleanup};
92 $Opt{sleep1} = 0.2 unless defined $Opt{sleep1};
93 $Opt{sleep2} = 0.1 unless defined $Opt{sleep2};
94 $Opt{iterations} = 30 unless defined $Opt{iterations};
97 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
98 use File::Find;
99 use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree);
100 use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
101 $^T = time; # force it to float
102 use YAML::Syck;
104 use Test::More;
105 my $tests;
106 BEGIN {
107 $tests = 0;
110 use lib "lib";
112 my $root_from = "t/serv";
113 my $root_to = "t/mirr";
114 my $statusfile = "t/recent-rmirror-state.yml";
115 my @unlink = map { "t/$_-ttt.yaml" } qw(serv mirr);
116 rmtree [$root_from, $root_to];
118 my @cast =
120 princess
121 king
122 queen
123 household
124 horses
125 dogs
126 pidgeons
127 flies
128 fire
129 roast
130 cook
131 scullion
132 wind
133 trees
134 leaves
138 my @intervals;
139 my $test_counter;
140 BEGIN {
141 @intervals = qw( 2s 3s 5s 8s 13s 21s 34s 55s Z );
142 $tests += 1;
144 my $rf0 = File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile->new
146 aggregator => [@intervals[1..$#intervals]],
147 interval => $intervals[0],
148 localroot => $root_from,
149 rsync_options => {
150 compress => 0,
151 links => 1,
152 times => 1,
153 checksum => 0,
156 mkpath $root_from;
157 mkpath $root_to;
158 mkpath "t/tmp";
159 my $cwd = Cwd::cwd;
160 my $rrr = File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent->new
162 ignore_link_stat_errors => 1,
163 localroot => $root_to,
164 remote => "$root_from/RECENT.recent",
165 rsync_options => {
166 compress => 0,
167 links => 1,
168 times => 1,
169 # not available in rsync 3.0.3: 'omit-dir-times' => 1,
170 checksum => 0,
171 'temp-dir' => "$cwd/t/tmp",
174 my $latest_timestamp = 0;
175 sub archive {
176 for my $r ($root_from,$root_to) {
177 next unless -d $r;
178 my $tfile = "$r-ttt.yaml";
179 my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
180 my $y;
181 File::Find::find
184 wanted => sub {
185 return unless -f $_;
186 my $content = do { open my $fh, $File::Find::name or die "Could not open '$File::Find::name': $!"; local $/; <$fh>};
187 $y->{substr($File::Find::name,1+length($r))} = $content;
189 no_chdir => 1,
193 while () {
194 YAML::Syck::DumpFile $tfile, $y;
195 my @stat = stat $tfile;
196 if ($stat[9] == $latest_timestamp) {
197 # for a better overview over the results, never
198 # let two timestamps be the same
199 sleep 0.1;
200 } else {
201 $latest_timestamp = $stat[9];
202 last;
205 open my $fh, $tfile or die $!;
206 $ctx->addfile($fh);
207 my $digest = $ctx->hexdigest;
208 my $pfile = "$r-$digest.yaml";
209 next if -e $pfile;
210 my $t = sprintf "%6.4f", time - $^T;
211 diag "$t new state reached in $pfile";
212 rename $tfile, $pfile or die $!;
213 push @unlink, $pfile;
216 sub ts {
217 my($file, $message) = @_;
218 my $t = sprintf "%6.4f", time - $^T;
219 mkpath dirname $file;
220 open my $fh, ">", $file or die "Could not open '$file': $!";
221 print $fh "$message\n";
222 $rf0->update($file,"new");
223 $rf0->aggregate;
224 diag "$t $message";
226 sub superevent {
227 my($event) = @_;
228 for my $i (0..$#cast) {
229 my $actor = $cast[$i];
230 my $file = sprintf "%s/%02d%s", $root_from, $i, $actor;
231 my $message = "$actor $event";
232 ts $file, $message;
233 sleep $Opt{"sleep1"};
236 # speeding up the process a little bit:
237 superevent("sleeping");
238 my $rfs = $rrr->recentfiles;
239 for my $rf (@$rfs) {
240 $rf->sleep_per_connection(0);
242 $rrr->_rmirror_sleep_per_connection(0.001);
243 for (my $t=0; $t < $Opt{iterations}; $t++) {
244 $rf0->aggregate;
245 $rrr->rmirror;
246 archive;
247 sleep $Opt{sleep2};
249 ok(1);
252 if ($Opt{cleanup}) {
253 rmtree [$root_from, $root_to, "t/tmp"];
254 unlink @unlink;
257 BEGIN {
258 if ($ENV{AUTHOR_TEST}) {
259 plan tests => $tests
260 } else {
261 plan( skip_all => "test is a tunable author test, set envariable AUTHOR_TEST and tune it" );
262 eval "require POSIX; 1" and POSIX::_exit(0);
266 use Cwd ();
267 use Digest::MD5 ();
268 use File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent;
269 use File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile;
271 # Local Variables:
272 # mode: cperl
273 # cperl-indent-level: 4
274 # End: