Merge branch 'maint'
[org-mode.git] / contrib / lisp / ox-groff.el
1 ;;; ox-groff.el --- Groff Back-End for Org Export Engine
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaziou at gmail dot com>
6 ;; Author: Luis R Anaya <papoanaya aroba hot mail punto com>
7 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
9 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
11 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
23 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;; This library implements a Groff Memorandum Macro back-end for Org
26 ;; generic exporter.
28 ;; To test it, run
30 ;; M-: (org-export-to-buffer 'groff "*Test Groff*") RET
32 ;; in an org-mode buffer then switch to the buffer to see the Groff
33 ;; export. See ox.el for more details on how this exporter works.
35 ;; It introduces two new buffer keywords: "GROFF_CLASS" and
38 ;;; Code:
40 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
41 (require 'ox)
43 (defvar orgtbl-exp-regexp)
46 ;;; Define Back-End
48 (org-export-define-backend 'groff
49 '((bold . org-groff-bold)
50 (center-block . org-groff-center-block)
51 (clock . org-groff-clock)
52 (code . org-groff-code)
53 (drawer . org-groff-drawer)
54 (dynamic-block . org-groff-dynamic-block)
55 (entity . org-groff-entity)
56 (example-block . org-groff-example-block)
57 (export-block . org-groff-export-block)
58 (export-snippet . org-groff-export-snippet)
59 (fixed-width . org-groff-fixed-width)
60 (footnote-definition . org-groff-footnote-definition)
61 (footnote-reference . org-groff-footnote-reference)
62 (headline . org-groff-headline)
63 (horizontal-rule . org-groff-horizontal-rule)
64 (inline-src-block . org-groff-inline-src-block)
65 (inlinetask . org-groff-inlinetask)
66 (italic . org-groff-italic)
67 (item . org-groff-item)
68 (keyword . org-groff-keyword)
69 (line-break . org-groff-line-break)
70 (link . org-groff-link)
71 (node-property . org-groff-node-property)
72 (paragraph . org-groff-paragraph)
73 (plain-list . org-groff-plain-list)
74 (plain-text . org-groff-plain-text)
75 (planning . org-groff-planning)
76 (property-drawer . org-groff-property-drawer)
77 (quote-block . org-groff-quote-block)
78 (radio-target . org-groff-radio-target)
79 (section . org-groff-section)
80 (special-block . org-groff-special-block)
81 (src-block . org-groff-src-block)
82 (statistics-cookie . org-groff-statistics-cookie)
83 (strike-through . org-groff-strike-through)
84 (subscript . org-groff-subscript)
85 (superscript . org-groff-superscript)
86 (table . org-groff-table)
87 (table-cell . org-groff-table-cell)
88 (table-row . org-groff-table-row)
89 (target . org-groff-target)
90 (template . org-groff-template)
91 (timestamp . org-groff-timestamp)
92 (underline . org-groff-underline)
93 (verbatim . org-groff-verbatim)
94 (verse-block . org-groff-verse-block))
95 :menu-entry
96 '(?g "Export to GROFF"
97 ((?g "As GROFF file" org-groff-export-to-groff)
98 (?p "As PDF file" org-groff-export-to-pdf)
99 (?o "As PDF file and open"
100 (lambda (a s v b)
101 (if a (org-groff-export-to-pdf t s v b)
102 (org-open-file (org-groff-export-to-pdf nil s v b)))))))
103 :options-alist
104 '((:groff-class "GROFF_CLASS" nil org-groff-default-class t)
105 (:groff-class-options "GROFF_CLASS_OPTIONS" nil nil t)
106 (:groff-header-extra "GROFF_HEADER" nil nil newline)))
110 ;;; User Configurable Variables
112 (defgroup org-export-groff nil
113 "Options for exporting Org mode files to Groff."
114 :tag "Org Export Groff"
115 :group 'org-export)
117 ;;; Preamble
119 (defcustom org-groff-default-class "internal"
120 "The default Groff class."
121 :group 'org-export-groff
122 :type '(string :tag "Groff class"))
124 (defcustom org-groff-classes
125 '(("file" ".MT 1"
126 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
127 ("internal" ".MT 0"
128 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
129 ("programmer" ".MT 2"
130 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
131 ("engineer" ".MT 3"
132 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
133 ("external" ".MT 4"
134 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
135 ("letter" ".MT 5"
136 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "sign"))
137 ("custom" ".so file"
138 (:heading custom-function :type "custom" :last-section "toc"))
139 ("dummy" ""
140 (:heading 'default :type "memo"))
141 ("ms" "ms"
142 (:heading 'default :type "cover" :last-section "toc"))
143 ("se_ms" "se_ms"
144 (:heading 'default :type "cover" :last-section "toc"))
145 ("block" "BL"
146 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
147 ("semiblock" "SB"
148 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
149 ("fullblock" "FB"
150 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
151 ("simplified" "SP"
152 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
153 ("none" "" (:heading 'default :type "custom")))
155 ;; none means, no Cover or Memorandum Type and no calls to AU, AT, ND and TL
156 ;; This is to facilitate the creation of custom pages.
158 ;; dummy means, no Cover or Memorandum Type but calls to AU, AT, ND and TL
159 ;; are made. This is to facilitate Abstract Insertion.
161 "This list describes the attributes for the documents being created.
162 It allows for the creation of new "
163 :group 'org-export-groff
164 :type '(repeat
165 (list (string :tag "Document Type")
166 (string :tag "Header")
167 (repeat :tag "Options" :inline t
168 (choice
169 (list :tag "Heading")
170 (function :tag "Hook computing sectioning"))))))
172 ;;; Headline
174 (defconst org-groff-special-tags
177 (defcustom org-groff-format-headline-function nil
178 "Function to format headline text.
180 This function will be called with 5 arguments:
181 TODO the todo keyword (string or nil).
182 TODO-TYPE the type of todo (symbol: `todo', `done', nil)
183 PRIORITY the priority of the headline (integer or nil)
184 TEXT the main headline text (string).
185 TAGS the tags as a list of strings (list of strings or nil).
187 The function result will be used in the section format string.
189 As an example, one could set the variable to the following, in
190 order to reproduce the default set-up:
192 \(defun org-groff-format-headline (todo todo-type priority text tags)
193 \"Default format function for a headline.\"
194 \(concat (when todo
195 \(format \"\\fB%s\\fP \" todo))
196 \(when priority
197 \(format \"[\\#%c] \" priority))
198 text
199 \(when tags
200 \(format \" %s \"
201 \(mapconcat 'identity tags \":\"))))"
202 :group 'org-export-groff
203 :type 'function)
205 ;;; Timestamps
207 (defcustom org-groff-active-timestamp-format "\\fI%s\\fP"
208 "A printf format string to be applied to active timestamps."
209 :group 'org-export-groff
210 :type 'string)
212 (defcustom org-groff-inactive-timestamp-format "\\fI%s\\fP"
213 "A printf format string to be applied to inactive timestamps."
214 :group 'org-export-groff
215 :type 'string)
217 (defcustom org-groff-diary-timestamp-format "\\fI%s\\fP"
218 "A printf format string to be applied to diary timestamps."
219 :group 'org-export-groff
220 :type 'string)
222 ;;; Links
224 (defcustom org-groff-inline-image-rules
225 '(("file" . "\\.\\(jpg\\|png\\|pdf\\|ps\\|eps\\|pic\\)\\'")
226 ("fuzzy" . "\\.\\(jpg\\|png\\|pdf\\|ps\\|eps\\|pic\\)\\'"))
227 "Rules characterizing image files that can be inlined into Groff.
229 A rule consists in an association whose key is the type of link
230 to consider, and value is a regexp that will be matched against
231 link's path.
233 Note that, by default, the image extensions actually allowed
234 depend on the way the Groff file is processed. When used with
235 pdfgroff, pdf, jpg and png images are OK. When processing
236 through dvi to Postscript, only ps and eps are allowed. The
237 default we use here encompasses both."
238 :group 'org-export-groff
239 :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Type")
240 :value-type (regexp :tag "Path")))
242 (defcustom org-groff-link-with-unknown-path-format "\\fI%s\\fP"
243 "Format string for links with unknown path type."
244 :group 'org-export-groff
245 :type 'string)
247 ;;; Tables
249 (defcustom org-groff-tables-centered t
250 "When non-nil, tables are exported in a center environment."
251 :group 'org-export-groff
252 :type 'boolean)
254 (defcustom org-groff-tables-verbatim nil
255 "When non-nil, tables are exported verbatim."
256 :group 'org-export-groff
257 :type 'boolean)
259 (defcustom org-groff-table-scientific-notation "%sE%s"
260 "Format string to display numbers in scientific notation.
261 The format should have \"%s\" twice, for mantissa and exponent
262 \(i.e. \"%s\\\\times10^{%s}\").
264 When nil, no transformation is made."
265 :group 'org-export-groff
266 :type '(choice
267 (string :tag "Format string")
268 (const :tag "No formatting")))
270 ;;; Text markup
272 (defcustom org-groff-text-markup-alist
273 '((bold . "\\fB%s\\fP")
274 (code . "\\fC%s\\fP")
275 (italic . "\\fI%s\\fP")
276 (strike-through . "\\fC%s\\fP") ; Strike through and underline
277 (underline . "\\fI%s\\fP") ; need to be revised.
278 (verbatim . "protectedtexttt"))
279 "Alist of Groff expressions to convert text markup.
281 The key must be a symbol among `bold', `code', `italic',
282 `strike-through', `underline' and `verbatim'. The value is
283 a formatting string to wrap fontified text with it.
285 If no association can be found for a given markup, text will be
286 returned as-is."
287 :group 'org-export-groff
288 :type 'alist
289 :options '(bold code italic strike-through underline verbatim))
291 ;;; Drawers
293 (defcustom org-groff-format-drawer-function nil
294 "Function called to format a drawer in Groff code.
296 The function must accept two parameters:
297 NAME the drawer name, like \"LOGBOOK\"
298 CONTENTS the contents of the drawer.
300 The function should return the string to be exported.
302 For example, the variable could be set to the following function
303 in order to mimic default behaviour:
305 \(defun org-groff-format-drawer-default \(name contents\)
306 \"Format a drawer element for Groff export.\"
307 contents\)"
308 :group 'org-export-groff
309 :type 'function)
311 ;;; Inlinetasks
313 (defcustom org-groff-format-inlinetask-function nil
314 "Function called to format an inlinetask in Groff code.
316 The function must accept six parameters:
317 TODO the todo keyword, as a string
318 TODO-TYPE the todo type, a symbol among `todo', `done' and nil.
319 PRIORITY the inlinetask priority, as a string
320 NAME the inlinetask name, as a string.
321 TAGS the inlinetask tags, as a list of strings.
322 CONTENTS the contents of the inlinetask, as a string.
324 The function should return the string to be exported.
326 For example, the variable could be set to the following function
327 in order to mimic default behaviour:
329 \(defun org-groff-format-inlinetask \(todo type priority name tags contents\)
330 \"Format an inline task element for Groff export.\"
331 \(let ((full-title
332 \(concat
333 \(when todo
334 \(format \"\\fB%s\\fP \" todo))
335 \(when priority (format \"[\\#%c] \" priority))
336 title
337 \(when tags
338 \(format \":%s:\"
339 \(mapconcat 'identity tags \":\")))))
340 \(format (concat \".DS L\\n\"
341 \"%s\\n\\n\"
342 \"%s\"
343 \".DE\")
344 full-title contents))"
345 :group 'org-export-groff
346 :type 'function)
348 ;; Src blocks
350 (defcustom org-groff-source-highlight nil
351 "Use GNU source highlight to embellish source blocks "
352 :group 'org-export-groff
353 :type 'boolean)
355 (defcustom org-groff-source-highlight-langs
356 '((emacs-lisp "lisp") (lisp "lisp") (clojure "lisp")
357 (scheme "scheme")
358 (c "c") (cc "cpp") (csharp "csharp") (d "d")
359 (fortran "fortran") (cobol "cobol") (pascal "pascal")
360 (ada "ada") (asm "asm")
361 (perl "perl") (cperl "perl")
362 (python "python") (ruby "ruby") (tcl "tcl") (lua "lua")
363 (java "java") (javascript "javascript")
364 (tex "latex")
365 (shell-script "sh") (awk "awk") (diff "diff") (m4 "m4")
366 (ocaml "caml") (caml "caml")
367 (sql "sql") (sqlite "sql")
368 (html "html") (css "css") (xml "xml")
369 (bat "bat") (bison "bison") (clipper "clipper")
370 (ldap "ldap") (opa "opa")
371 (php "php") (postscript "postscript") (prolog "prolog")
372 (properties "properties") (makefile "makefile")
373 (tml "tml") (vala "vala") (vbscript "vbscript") (xorg "xorg"))
374 "Alist mapping languages to their listing language counterpart.
375 The key is a symbol, the major mode symbol without the \"-mode\".
376 The value is the string that should be inserted as the language
377 parameter for the listings package. If the mode name and the
378 listings name are the same, the language does not need an entry
379 in this list - but it does not hurt if it is present."
380 :group 'org-export-groff
381 :type '(repeat
382 (list
383 (symbol :tag "Major mode ")
384 (string :tag "Listings language"))))
386 (defcustom org-groff-source-highlight-options nil
387 "Association list of options for the groff listings package.
389 These options are supplied as a comma-separated list to the
390 \\lstset command. Each element of the association list should be
391 a list containing two strings: the name of the option, and the
392 value. For example,
394 (setq org-groff-source-highlight-options
395 '((\"basicstyle\" \"\\small\")
396 (\"keywordstyle\" \"\\color{black}\\bfseries\\underbar\")))
398 will typeset the code in a small size font with underlined, bold
399 black keywords.
401 Note that the same options will be applied to blocks of all
402 languages."
403 :group 'org-export-groff
404 :type '(repeat
405 (list
406 (string :tag "Listings option name ")
407 (string :tag "Listings option value"))))
409 (defvar org-groff-custom-lang-environments nil
410 "Alist mapping languages to language-specific Groff environments.
412 It is used during export of src blocks by the listings and
413 groff packages. For example,
415 \(setq org-groff-custom-lang-environments
416 '\(\(python \"pythoncode\"\)\)\)
418 would have the effect that if org encounters begin_src python
419 during groff export it will use pythoncode as the source-highlight
420 language.")
422 ;;; Plain text
424 (defcustom org-groff-special-char
425 '(("(c)" . "\\\\(co")
426 ("(tm)" . "\\\\(tm")
427 ("(rg)" . "\\\\(rg"))
428 "CONS list in which the value of the car
429 is replace on the value of the CDR. "
430 :group 'org-export-groff
431 :type '(list
432 (cons :tag "Character Subtitute"
433 (string :tag "Original Character Group")
434 (string :tag "Replacement Character"))))
436 ;;; Compilation
438 (defcustom org-groff-pdf-process
439 '("pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf"
440 "pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf"
441 "pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf")
443 "Commands to process a Groff file to a PDF file.
444 This is a list of strings, each of them will be given to the
445 shell as a command. %f in the command will be replaced by the
446 full file name, %b by the file base name \(i.e. without
447 extension) and %o by the base directory of the file."
448 :group 'org-export-pdf
449 :type '(choice
450 (repeat :tag "Shell command sequence"
451 (string :tag "Shell command"))
452 (const :tag "2 runs of pdfgroff"
453 ("pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf"
454 "pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf"))
455 (const :tag "3 runs of pdfgroff"
456 ("pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf"
457 "pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf"
458 "pic %f | tbl | eqn | groff -mm | ps2pdf - > %b.pdf"))
459 (function)))
461 (defcustom org-groff-logfiles-extensions
462 '("aux" "idx" "log" "out" "toc" "nav" "snm" "vrb")
463 "The list of file extensions to consider as Groff logfiles."
464 :group 'org-export-groff
465 :type '(repeat (string :tag "Extension")))
467 (defcustom org-groff-remove-logfiles t
468 "Non-nil means remove the logfiles produced by PDF production.
469 These are the .aux, .log, .out, and .toc files."
470 :group 'org-export-groff
471 :type 'boolean)
473 (defcustom org-groff-organization "Org User"
474 "Name of the organization used to populate the .AF command."
475 :group 'org-export-groff
476 :type 'string)
478 (defcustom org-groff-raster-to-ps nil
479 "Command used to convert raster to EPS. Nil for no conversion. Make sure that
480 `org-groff-inline-image-rules' is adjusted accordingly if not conversion is being
481 done. In this case, remove the entries for jpg and png in the file and fuzzy lists."
482 :group 'org-export-groff
483 :type '(choice
484 (repeat :tag "Shell Command Sequence" (string :tag "Shell Command"))
485 (const :tag "sam2p" "a=%s;b=%s;sam2p ${a} ${b} ;grep -v BeginData ${b} > b_${b};mv b_${b} ${b}" )
486 (const :tag "NetPNM" "a=%s;b=%s;pngtopnm ${a} | pnmtops -noturn > ${b}" )
487 (const :tag "None" nil)))
489 (defvar org-groff-registered-references nil)
490 (defvar org-groff-special-content nil)
494 ;;; Internal Functions
496 (defun org-groff--caption/label-string (element info)
497 "Return caption and label Groff string for ELEMENT.
499 INFO is a plist holding contextual information. If there's no
500 caption nor label, return the empty string.
502 For non-floats, see `org-groff--wrap-label'."
503 (let ((main (org-export-get-caption element))
504 (short (org-export-get-caption element t))
505 (label (org-element-property :name element)))
506 (cond ((and (not main) (not label)) "")
507 ((not main) (format "\\fI%s\\fP" label))
508 ;; Option caption format with short name.
509 (short (format "%s\\n - %s\n"
510 (org-export-data short info)
511 (org-export-data main info)))
512 ;; Standard caption format.
513 (t (format "\\fR%s\\fP" (org-export-data main info))))))
515 (defun org-groff--wrap-label (element output)
516 "Wrap label associated to ELEMENT around OUTPUT, if appropriate.
517 This function shouldn't be used for floats. See
518 `org-groff--caption/label-string'."
519 (let ((label (org-element-property :name element)))
520 (if (or (not output) (not label) (string= output "") (string= label ""))
521 output
522 (concat (format "%s\\n" label) output))))
524 (defun org-groff--text-markup (text markup)
525 "Format TEXT depending on MARKUP text markup.
526 See `org-groff-text-markup-alist' for details."
527 (let ((fmt (cdr (assq markup org-groff-text-markup-alist))))
528 (cond
529 ;; No format string: Return raw text.
530 ((not fmt) text)
531 ((string= "protectedtexttt" fmt)
532 (let ((start 0)
533 (trans '(("\\" . "\\")))
534 (rtn "")
535 char)
536 (while (string-match "[\\{}$%&_#~^]" text)
537 (setq char (match-string 0 text))
538 (if (> (match-beginning 0) 0)
539 (setq rtn (concat rtn (substring text 0 (match-beginning 0)))))
540 (setq text (substring text (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
541 (setq char (or (cdr (assoc char trans)) (concat "\\" char))
542 rtn (concat rtn char)))
543 (setq text (concat rtn text))
544 (format "\\fC%s\\fP" text)))
545 ;; Else use format string.
546 (t (format fmt text)))))
549 (defun org-groff--get-tagged-content (tag info)
550 (cdr (assoc tag org-groff-special-content)))
552 (defun org-groff--mt-head (title contents attr info)
553 (concat
555 ;; 1. Insert Organization
556 (let ((firm-option (plist-get attr :firm)))
557 (cond
558 ((stringp firm-option)
559 (format ".AF \"%s\" \n" firm-option))
560 (t (format ".AF \"%s\" \n" (or org-groff-organization "")))))
562 ;; 2. Title
563 (let ((title (if (plist-get info :with-title) title ""))
564 (subtitle1 (plist-get attr :subtitle1))
565 (subtitle2 (plist-get attr :subtitle2)))
567 (cond
568 ((string= "" title)
569 (format ".TL \"%s\" \"%s\" \n%s\n"
570 (or subtitle1 "")
571 (or subtitle2 "") " "))
573 ((not (or subtitle1 subtitle2))
574 (format ".TL\n%s\n"
575 (or title "")))
577 (format ".TL \"%s\" \"%s \" \n%s\n"
578 (or subtitle1 "")
579 (or subtitle2 "") title))))
581 ;; 3. Author.
582 ;; In Groff, .AU *MUST* be placed after .TL
583 ;; If From, populate with data from From else
585 (let ((author (and (plist-get info :with-author)
586 (let ((auth (plist-get info :author)))
587 (and auth (org-export-data auth info)))))
588 (email (and (plist-get info :with-email)
589 (org-export-data (plist-get info :email) info)))
590 (from-data (org-groff--get-tagged-content "FROM" info))
592 (to-data (org-groff--get-tagged-content "TO" info)))
594 (cond
595 ((and author from-data)
596 (let ((au-line
597 (mapconcat
598 (lambda (from-line)
599 (format " \"%s\" " from-line))
600 (split-string
601 (setq from-data
602 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.P\n" "" from-data)) "\n") "")))
604 (concat
605 (format ".AU \"%s\" " author) au-line "\n")))
607 ((and author email (not (string= "" email)))
608 (format ".AU \"%s\" \"%s\"\n" author email))
610 (author (format ".AU \"%s\"\n" author))
612 (t ".AU \"\" \n")))
615 ;; 4. Author Title, if present
616 (let ((at-item (plist-get attr :author-title)))
617 (if (and at-item (stringp at-item))
618 (format ".AT \"%s\" \n" at-item)
619 ""))
621 ;; 5. Date.
622 (when (plist-get info :with-date)
623 (let ((date (org-export-data (org-export-get-date info) info)))
624 (and (org-string-nw-p date) (format ".ND \"%s\"\n" date))))
627 ;; If Abstract, then Populate Abstract
630 (let ((abstract-data (org-groff--get-tagged-content "ABSTRACT" info))
631 (to-data (org-groff--get-tagged-content "TO" info)))
632 (cond
633 (abstract-data
634 (format ".AS\n%s\n.AE\n" abstract-data))
635 (to-data
636 (format ".AS\n%s\n.AE\n" to-data))))))
638 (defun org-groff--letter-head (title contents attr info)
639 (let ((author (and (plist-get info :with-author)
640 (let ((auth (plist-get info :author)))
641 (and auth (org-export-data auth info)))))
642 (email (and (plist-get info :with-email)
643 (org-export-data (plist-get info :email) info)))
644 (from-data (org-groff--get-tagged-content "FROM" info))
645 (at-item (plist-get attr :author-title))
646 (to-data (org-groff--get-tagged-content "TO" info)))
649 ;; If FROM then get data from FROM
650 (if from-data
651 (setq from-data
652 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.P\n" "" from-data))
653 (setq from-data ""))
655 (if to-data
656 (setq to-data
657 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.P\n" "" to-data))
658 (setq from-data ""))
660 (concat
661 (cond
662 (from-data
663 (format ".WA \"%s\" \"%s\" \n%s\n.WE\n" author (or at-item "") from-data))
664 ((and author email (not (string= "" email)))
665 (format ".WA \"%s\"\n \"%s\"\n.WE\n" author email))
666 (author (format ".WA \"%s\"\n.WE\n" author))
667 (t ".WA \"\" \n.WE\n"))
669 ;; If TO then get data from TO
671 (when to-data
672 (format ".IA \n%s\n.IE\n" to-data)))))
675 ;;; Template
677 (defun org-groff-template (contents info)
678 "Return complete document string after Groff conversion.
679 CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist
680 holding export options."
681 (let* ((title (org-export-data (plist-get info :title) info))
682 (attr (read
683 (format "(%s)"
684 (mapconcat
685 #'identity
686 (list (plist-get info :groff-class-options))
687 " "))))
688 (class (plist-get info :groff-class))
689 (class-options (plist-get info :groff-class-options))
690 (classes (assoc class org-groff-classes))
691 (classes-options (car (last classes)))
692 (heading-option (plist-get classes-options :heading))
693 (type-option (plist-get classes-options :type))
694 (last-option (plist-get classes-options :last-section))
695 (hyphenate (plist-get attr :hyphenate))
696 (justify-right (plist-get attr :justify-right))
698 (document-class-string
699 (progn
700 (org-element-normalize-string
701 (let* ((header (nth 1 (assoc class org-groff-classes)))
702 (document-class-item (if (stringp header) header "")))
703 document-class-item)))))
706 (concat
707 (if justify-right
708 (case justify-right
709 ('yes ".SA 1 \n")
710 ('no ".SA 0 \n")
711 (t ""))
714 (if hyphenate
715 (case hyphenate
716 ('yes ".nr Hy 1 \n")
717 ('no ".nr Hy 0 \n")
718 (t ""))
721 (cond
722 ((string= type-option "custom") "")
724 ((and (stringp document-class-string)
725 (string= type-option "cover"))
727 (concat
728 (format ".COVER %s\n" document-class-string)
729 (org-groff--mt-head title contents attr info)
730 ".COVEND\n"))
732 ((string= type-option "memo")
733 (concat
734 (org-groff--mt-head title contents attr info)
735 document-class-string))
736 ((string= type-option "letter")
737 (concat
738 (org-groff--letter-head title contents attr info)
739 (let ((sa-item (plist-get attr :salutation))
740 (cn-item (plist-get attr :confidential))
741 (sj-item (plist-get attr :subject))
742 (rn-item (plist-get attr :reference))
743 (at-item (plist-get attr :attention)))
745 (concat
747 (if (stringp sa-item)
748 (format ".LO SA \"%s\" \n" sa-item)
749 ".LO SA\n")
751 (when cn-item
752 (if (stringp cn-item)
753 (format ".LO CN \"%s\"\n" cn-item)
754 ".LO CN\n"))
756 (when (and at-item (stringp at-item))
757 (format ".LO AT \"%s\" \n" at-item))
758 (when (and title rn-item)
759 (format ".LO RN \"%s\"\n" title))
761 (when (and sj-item (stringp sj-item))
762 (format ".LO SJ \"%s\" \n" sj-item))
765 ".LT " document-class-string "\n"))))
767 (t ""))
769 contents
771 (cond
772 ((string= last-option "toc")
773 ".TC")
774 ((string= last-option "sign")
775 (let ((fc-item (plist-get attr :closing)))
776 (concat (if (stringp fc-item)
777 (format ".FC \"%s\" \n" fc-item)
778 ".FC\n")
779 ".SG\n")))
780 (t ""))
782 (progn
783 (mapconcat
784 (lambda (item)
785 (when (string= (car item) "NS")
786 (replace-regexp-in-string
787 "\\.P\n" "" (cdr item))))
788 (reverse org-groff-special-content) "\n")))))
792 ;;; Transcode Functions
794 ;;; Babel Call
796 ;; Babel Calls are ignored.
799 ;;; Bold
801 (defun org-groff-bold (bold contents info)
802 "Transcode BOLD from Org to Groff.
803 CONTENTS is the text with bold markup. INFO is a plist holding
804 contextual information."
805 (org-groff--text-markup contents 'bold))
807 ;;; Center Block
809 (defun org-groff-center-block (center-block contents info)
810 "Transcode a CENTER-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
811 CONTENTS holds the contents of the center block. INFO is a plist
812 holding contextual information."
813 (org-groff--wrap-label
814 center-block
815 (format ".DS C \n%s\n.DE" contents)))
817 ;;; Clock
819 (defun org-groff-clock (clock contents info)
820 "Transcode a CLOCK element from Org to Groff.
821 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
822 information."
823 (concat
824 (format "\\fB%s\\fP " org-clock-string)
825 (format org-groff-inactive-timestamp-format
826 (concat (org-timestamp-translate (org-element-property :value clock))
827 (let ((time (org-element-property :duration clock)))
828 (and time (format " (%s)" time)))))))
830 ;;; Code
832 (defun org-groff-code (code contents info)
833 "Transcode a CODE object from Org to Groff.
834 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist used as a communication
835 channel."
836 (org-groff--text-markup (org-element-property :value code) 'code))
838 ;;; Comments and Comment Blocks are ignored.
840 ;;; Drawer
842 (defun org-groff-drawer (drawer contents info)
843 "Transcode a DRAWER element from Org to Groff.
844 CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
845 holding contextual information."
846 (let* ((name (org-element-property :drawer-name drawer))
847 (output (if (functionp org-groff-format-drawer-function)
848 (funcall org-groff-format-drawer-function
849 name contents)
850 ;; If there's no user defined function: simply
851 ;; display contents of the drawer.
852 contents)))
853 (org-groff--wrap-label drawer output)))
855 ;;; Dynamic Block
857 (defun org-groff-dynamic-block (dynamic-block contents info)
858 "Transcode a DYNAMIC-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
859 CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
860 holding contextual information. See `org-export-data'."
861 (org-groff--wrap-label dynamic-block contents))
863 ;;; Entity
865 (defun org-groff-entity (entity contents info)
866 "Transcode an ENTITY object from Org to Groff.
867 CONTENTS are the definition itself. INFO is a plist holding
868 contextual information."
869 (org-element-property :utf-8 entity))
871 ;;; Example Block
873 (defun org-groff-example-block (example-block contents info)
874 "Transcode an EXAMPLE-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
875 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
876 information."
877 (org-groff--wrap-label
878 example-block
879 (format ".DS L\n%s\n.DE"
880 (org-export-format-code-default example-block info))))
882 ;;; Export Block
884 (defun org-groff-export-block (export-block contents info)
885 "Transcode a EXPORT-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
886 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
887 (when (string= (org-element-property :type export-block) "GROFF")
888 (org-remove-indentation (org-element-property :value export-block))))
890 ;;; Export Snippet
892 (defun org-groff-export-snippet (export-snippet contents info)
893 "Transcode a EXPORT-SNIPPET object from Org to Groff.
894 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
895 (when (eq (org-export-snippet-backend export-snippet) 'groff)
896 (org-element-property :value export-snippet)))
898 ;;; Fixed Width
900 (defun org-groff-fixed-width (fixed-width contents info)
901 "Transcode a FIXED-WIDTH element from Org to Groff.
902 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
903 (org-groff--wrap-label
904 fixed-width
905 (format "\\fC\n%s\\fP"
906 (org-remove-indentation
907 (org-element-property :value fixed-width)))))
909 ;;; Footnote Definition
911 ;; Footnote Definitions are ignored.
913 ;; Footnotes are handled automatically in GROFF. Although manual
914 ;; references can be added, not really required.
916 (defun org-groff-footnote-reference (footnote-reference contents info)
917 ;; Changing from info to footnote-reference
918 (let* ((raw (org-export-get-footnote-definition footnote-reference info))
919 (n (org-export-get-footnote-number footnote-reference info))
920 (data (org-trim (org-export-data raw info)))
921 (ref-id (plist-get (nth 1 footnote-reference) :label)))
922 ;; It is a reference
923 (if (string-match "fn:rl" ref-id)
924 (if (member ref-id org-groff-registered-references)
925 (format "\\*[%s]" ref-id)
926 (progn
927 (push ref-id org-groff-registered-references)
928 (format "\\*(Rf\n.RS \"%s\" \n%s\n.RF\n" ref-id data)))
929 ;; else it is a footnote
930 (format "\\u\\s-2%s\\d\\s+2\n.FS %s\n%s\n.FE\n" n n data))))
932 ;;; Headline
934 (defun org-groff-headline (headline contents info)
935 "Transcode a HEADLINE element from Org to Groff.
936 CONTENTS holds the contents of the headline. INFO is a plist
937 holding contextual information."
938 (let* ((class (plist-get info :groff-class))
939 (level (org-export-get-relative-level headline info))
940 (numberedp (org-export-numbered-headline-p headline info))
941 ;; Section formatting will set two placeholders: one for the
942 ;; title and the other for the contents.
943 (classes (assoc class org-groff-classes))
944 (classes-options (car (last classes)))
945 (heading-option (plist-get classes-options :heading))
946 (section-fmt
947 (progn
948 (cond
949 ((and (symbolp heading-option)
950 (fboundp heading-option))
951 (funcall heading-option level numberedp))
952 ((> level 7) nil)
953 (t (if numberedp
954 (concat ".H " (number-to-string level) " \"%s\"\n%s")
955 ".HU \"%s\"\n%s")))))
956 ;; End of section-fmt
957 (text (org-export-data (org-element-property :title headline) info))
958 (todo
959 (and (plist-get info :with-todo-keywords)
960 (let ((todo (org-element-property :todo-keyword headline)))
961 (and todo (org-export-data todo info)))))
962 (todo-type (and todo (org-element-property :todo-type headline)))
963 (tags (and (plist-get info :with-tags)
964 (org-export-get-tags headline info)))
965 (priority (and (plist-get info :with-priority)
966 (org-element-property :priority headline)))
967 ;; Create the headline text along with a no-tag version. The
968 ;; latter is required to remove tags from table of contents.
969 (full-text (if (functionp org-groff-format-headline-function)
970 ;; User-defined formatting function.
971 (funcall org-groff-format-headline-function
972 todo todo-type priority text tags)
973 ;; Default formatting.
974 (concat
975 (when todo
976 (format "\\fB%s\\fP " todo))
977 (when priority (format " [\\#%c] " priority))
978 text
979 (when tags
980 (format " \\fC:%s:\\fP "
981 (mapconcat 'identity tags ":"))))))
982 (full-text-no-tag
983 (if (functionp org-groff-format-headline-function)
984 ;; User-defined formatting function.
985 (funcall org-groff-format-headline-function
986 todo todo-type priority text nil)
987 ;; Default formatting.
988 (concat
989 (when todo (format "\\fB%s\\fP " todo))
990 (when priority (format " [\\#%c] " priority))
991 text)))
992 ;; Associate some \label to the headline for internal links.
993 ;; (headline-label
994 ;; (format "\\label{sec-%s}\n"
995 ;; (mapconcat 'number-to-string
996 ;; (org-export-get-headline-number headline info)
997 ;; "-")))
998 (headline-label "")
999 (pre-blanks
1000 (make-string (org-element-property :pre-blank headline) 10)))
1002 (cond
1003 ;; Case 1: Special Tag
1004 ((member (car tags) org-groff-special-tags)
1005 (cond
1006 ((string= (car tags) "BODY") contents)
1008 ((string= (car tags) "NS")
1009 (progn
1010 (push (cons (car tags)
1011 (format ".NS \"%s\" 1 \n%s"
1012 (car (org-element-property :title headline))
1013 (or contents " ")))
1014 org-groff-special-content) nil))
1017 (progn
1018 (push (cons (car tags) contents) org-groff-special-content)
1019 nil))))
1021 ;; Case 2: This is a footnote section: ignore it.
1022 ((org-element-property :footnote-section-p headline) nil)
1024 ;; Case 3: This is a deep sub-tree: export it as a list item.
1025 ;; Also export as items headlines for which no section
1026 ;; format has been found.
1027 ((or (not section-fmt) (org-export-low-level-p headline info))
1028 ;; Build the real contents of the sub-tree.
1029 (let ((low-level-body
1030 (concat
1031 ;; If the headline is the first sibling, start a list.
1032 (when (org-export-first-sibling-p headline info)
1033 (format "%s\n" (if numberedp ".AL 1\n" ".DL \n")))
1034 ;; Itemize headline
1035 ".LI\n" full-text "\n" headline-label pre-blanks contents)))
1036 ;; If headline is not the last sibling simply return
1037 ;; LOW-LEVEL-BODY. Otherwise, also close the list, before any
1038 ;; blank line.
1039 (if (not (org-export-last-sibling-p headline info)) low-level-body
1040 (replace-regexp-in-string
1041 "[ \t\n]*\\'"
1042 (concat "\n.LE")
1043 low-level-body))))
1045 ;; Case 4. Standard headline. Export it as a section.
1047 (format section-fmt full-text
1048 (concat headline-label pre-blanks contents))))))
1050 ;;; Horizontal Rule
1051 ;; Not supported
1053 ;;; Inline Babel Call
1055 ;; Inline Babel Calls are ignored.
1057 ;;; Inline Src Block
1059 (defun org-groff-inline-src-block (inline-src-block contents info)
1060 "Transcode an INLINE-SRC-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
1061 CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
1062 contextual information."
1063 (let* ((code (org-element-property :value inline-src-block)))
1064 (cond
1065 (org-groff-source-highlight
1066 (let* ((tmpdir temporary-file-directory)
1067 (in-file (make-temp-name
1068 (expand-file-name "srchilite" tmpdir)))
1069 (out-file (make-temp-name
1070 (expand-file-name "reshilite" tmpdir)))
1071 (org-lang (org-element-property :language inline-src-block))
1072 (lst-lang (cadr (assq (intern org-lang)
1073 org-groff-source-highlight-langs)))
1075 (cmd (concat (expand-file-name "source-highlight")
1076 " -s " lst-lang
1077 " -f groff_mm_color "
1078 " -i " in-file
1079 " -o " out-file)))
1080 (if lst-lang
1081 (let ((code-block ""))
1082 (with-temp-file in-file (insert code))
1083 (shell-command cmd)
1084 (setq code-block (org-file-contents out-file))
1085 (delete-file in-file)
1086 (delete-file out-file)
1087 code-block)
1088 (format ".DS I\n\\fC\\m[black]%s\\m[]\\fP\n.DE\n"
1089 code))))
1091 ;; Do not use a special package: transcode it verbatim.
1093 (concat ".DS I\n" "\\fC" code "\\fP\n.DE\n")))))
1095 ;;; Inlinetask
1097 (defun org-groff-inlinetask (inlinetask contents info)
1098 "Transcode an INLINETASK element from Org to Groff.
1099 CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
1100 holding contextual information."
1101 (let ((title (org-export-data (org-element-property :title inlinetask) info))
1102 (todo (and (plist-get info :with-todo-keywords)
1103 (let ((todo (org-element-property :todo-keyword inlinetask)))
1104 (and todo (org-export-data todo info)))))
1105 (todo-type (org-element-property :todo-type inlinetask))
1106 (tags (and (plist-get info :with-tags)
1107 (org-export-get-tags inlinetask info)))
1108 (priority (and (plist-get info :with-priority)
1109 (org-element-property :priority inlinetask))))
1110 ;; If `org-groff-format-inlinetask-function' is provided, call it
1111 ;; with appropriate arguments.
1112 (if (functionp org-groff-format-inlinetask-function)
1113 (funcall org-groff-format-inlinetask-function
1114 todo todo-type priority title tags contents)
1115 ;; Otherwise, use a default template.
1116 (org-groff--wrap-label
1117 inlinetask
1118 (let ((full-title
1119 (concat
1120 (when todo (format "\\fB%s\\fP " todo))
1121 (when priority (format " [\\#%c] " priority))
1122 title
1123 (when tags (format " \\fC:%s:\\fP "
1124 (mapconcat 'identity tags ":"))))))
1125 (format (concat "\n.DS I\n"
1126 "%s\n"
1127 ".sp"
1128 "%s\n"
1129 ".DE")
1130 full-title contents))))))
1132 ;;; Italic
1134 (defun org-groff-italic (italic contents info)
1135 "Transcode ITALIC from Org to Groff.
1136 CONTENTS is the text with italic markup. INFO is a plist holding
1137 contextual information."
1138 (org-groff--text-markup contents 'italic))
1140 ;;; Item
1142 (defun org-groff-item (item contents info)
1143 "Transcode an ITEM element from Org to Groff.
1144 CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
1145 contextual information."
1146 (let* ((bullet (org-element-property :bullet item))
1147 (type (org-element-property
1148 :type (org-element-property :parent item)))
1149 (checkbox (case (org-element-property :checkbox item)
1150 (on "\\o'\\(sq\\(mu'")
1151 (off "\\(sq")
1152 (trans "\\o'\\(sq\\(mi'")))
1153 (tag (let ((tag (org-element-property :tag item)))
1154 ;; Check-boxes must belong to the tag.
1155 (and tag (format "%s"
1156 (concat checkbox
1157 (org-export-data tag info)))))))
1159 (cond
1160 ((or checkbox tag)
1161 (concat ".LI ""\"" (or tag (concat "\\ " checkbox)) "\""
1162 "\n"
1163 (org-trim (or contents " "))))
1164 ((eq type 'ordered)
1165 (concat ".LI"
1166 "\n"
1167 (org-trim (or contents " "))))
1169 (let* ((bullet (org-trim bullet))
1170 (marker (cond ((string= "-" bullet) "\\(em")
1171 ((string= "*" bullet) "\\(bu")
1172 (t "\\(dg"))))
1173 (concat ".LI " marker "\n"
1174 (org-trim (or contents " "))))))))
1176 ;;; Keyword
1178 (defun org-groff-keyword (keyword contents info)
1179 "Transcode a KEYWORD element from Org to Groff.
1180 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
1181 (let ((key (org-element-property :key keyword))
1182 (value (org-element-property :value keyword)))
1183 (cond
1184 ((string= key "GROFF") value)
1185 (t nil))))
1187 ;;; Line Break
1189 (defun org-groff-line-break (line-break contents info)
1190 "Transcode a LINE-BREAK object from Org to Groff.
1191 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
1192 ".br\n")
1194 ;;; Link
1195 ;; Inline images just place a call to .PSPIC or .PS/.PE
1196 ;; and load the graph.
1198 (defun org-groff-link--inline-image (link info)
1199 "Return Groff code for an inline image.
1200 LINK is the link pointing to the inline image. INFO is a plist
1201 used as a communication channel."
1202 (let* ((parent (org-export-get-parent-element link))
1203 (path (let ((raw-path (org-element-property :path link)))
1204 (if (not (file-name-absolute-p raw-path)) raw-path
1205 (expand-file-name raw-path))))
1206 (attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_groff link))
1207 (placement
1208 (let ((pos (plist-get attr :position)))
1209 (cond ((string= pos 'center) "")
1210 ((string= pos 'left) "-L")
1211 ((string= pos 'right) "-R")
1212 (t ""))))
1213 (width (or (plist-get attr :width) ""))
1214 (height (or (plist-get attr :height) ""))
1215 (caption (and (not (plist-get attr :disable-caption))
1216 (org-groff--caption/label-string parent info))))
1217 ;; Now clear ATTR from any special keyword and set a default value
1218 ;; if nothing is left. Return proper string.
1219 (concat
1220 (cond
1221 ((and org-groff-raster-to-ps
1222 (or (string-match ".\.png$" path)
1223 (string-match ".\.jpg$" path)))
1224 (let ((eps-path (concat path ".eps")))
1225 (shell-command (format org-groff-raster-to-ps path eps-path))
1226 (format "\n.DS L F\n.PSPIC %s \"%s\" %s %s\n.DE "
1227 placement eps-path width height)))
1228 ((string-match ".\.pic$" path)
1229 (format "\n.PS\ncopy \"%s\"\n.PE" path))
1230 (t (format "\n.DS L F\n.PSPIC %s \"%s\" %s %s\n.DE "
1231 placement path width height)))
1232 (and caption (format "\n.FG \"%s\"" caption)))))
1234 (defun org-groff-link (link desc info)
1235 "Transcode a LINK object from Org to Groff.
1237 DESC is the description part of the link, or the empty string.
1238 INFO is a plist holding contextual information. See
1239 `org-export-data'."
1241 (let* ((type (org-element-property :type link))
1242 (raw-path (org-element-property :path link))
1243 ;; Ensure DESC really exists, or set it to nil.
1244 (desc (and (not (string= desc "")) desc))
1245 (imagep (org-export-inline-image-p
1246 link org-groff-inline-image-rules))
1247 (path (cond
1248 ((member type '("http" "https" "ftp" "mailto"))
1249 (concat type ":" raw-path))
1250 ((string= type "file") (org-export-file-uri raw-path))
1251 (t raw-path))))
1252 (cond
1253 ((org-export-custom-protocol-maybe link desc 'groff))
1254 ;; Image file.
1255 (imagep (org-groff-link--inline-image link info))
1256 ;; import groff files
1257 ((and (string= type "file")
1258 (string-match ".\.groff$" raw-path))
1259 (concat ".so " raw-path "\n"))
1260 ;; Radio link: transcode target's contents and use them as link's
1261 ;; description.
1262 ((string= type "radio")
1263 (let ((destination (org-export-resolve-radio-link link info)))
1264 (if (not destination) desc
1265 (format "\\fI [%s] \\fP"
1266 (org-export-get-reference destination info)))))
1268 ;; Links pointing to a headline: find destination and build
1269 ;; appropriate referencing command.
1270 ((member type '("custom-id" "fuzzy" "id"))
1271 (let ((destination (if (string= type "fuzzy")
1272 (org-export-resolve-fuzzy-link link info)
1273 (org-export-resolve-id-link link info))))
1274 (case (org-element-type destination)
1275 ;; Id link points to an external file.
1276 (plain-text
1277 (if desc (format "%s \\fBat\\fP \\fIfile://%s\\fP" desc destination)
1278 (format "\\fI file://%s \\fP" destination)))
1279 ;; Fuzzy link points nowhere.
1280 ('nil
1281 (format org-groff-link-with-unknown-path-format
1282 (or desc
1283 (org-export-data
1284 (org-element-property :raw-link link) info))))
1285 ;; LINK points to a headline. If headlines are numbered and
1286 ;; the link has no description, display headline's number.
1287 ;; Otherwise, display description or headline's title.
1288 (headline
1289 (let ((label ""))
1290 (if (and (plist-get info :section-numbers) (not desc))
1291 (format "\\fI%s\\fP" label)
1292 (format "\\fI%s\\fP"
1293 (or desc
1294 (org-export-data
1295 (org-element-property :title destination) info))))))
1296 ;; Fuzzy link points to a target. Do as above.
1297 (otherwise
1298 (let ((ref (org-export-get-reference destination info)))
1299 (if (not desc) (format "\\fI%s\\fP" ref)
1300 (format "%s \\fBat\\fP \\fI%s\\fP" desc ref)))))))
1301 ;; External link with a description part.
1302 ((and path desc) (format "%s \\fBat\\fP \\fI%s\\fP" path desc))
1303 ;; External link without a description part.
1304 (path (format "\\fI%s\\fP" path))
1305 ;; No path, only description. Try to do something useful.
1306 (t (format org-groff-link-with-unknown-path-format desc)))))
1308 ;;; Node Property
1310 (defun org-groff-node-property (node-property contents info)
1311 "Transcode a NODE-PROPERTY element from Org to Groff.
1312 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
1313 information."
1314 (format "%s:%s"
1315 (org-element-property :key node-property)
1316 (let ((value (org-element-property :value node-property)))
1317 (if value (concat " " value) ""))))
1319 ;;; Paragraph
1321 (defun org-groff-paragraph (paragraph contents info)
1322 "Transcode a PARAGRAPH element from Org to Groff.
1323 CONTENTS is the contents of the paragraph, as a string. INFO is
1324 the plist used as a communication channel."
1325 (let ((parent (plist-get (nth 1 paragraph) :parent)))
1326 (when parent
1327 (let* ((parent-type (car parent))
1328 (fixed-paragraph "")
1329 (class (plist-get info :groff-class))
1330 (class-options (plist-get info :groff-class-options))
1331 (classes (assoc class org-groff-classes))
1332 (classes-options (car (last classes)))
1333 (paragraph-option (plist-get classes-options :paragraph)))
1334 (cond
1335 ((and (symbolp paragraph-option)
1336 (fboundp paragraph-option))
1337 (funcall paragraph-option parent-type parent contents))
1338 ((and (eq parent-type 'item)
1339 (plist-get (nth 1 parent) :bullet))
1340 (setq fixed-paragraph (concat "" contents)))
1341 ((eq parent-type 'section)
1342 (setq fixed-paragraph (concat ".P\n" contents)))
1343 ((eq parent-type 'footnote-definition)
1344 (setq fixed-paragraph (concat "" contents)))
1345 (t (setq fixed-paragraph (concat "" contents))))
1346 fixed-paragraph))))
1348 ;;; Plain List
1350 (defun org-groff-plain-list (plain-list contents info)
1351 "Transcode a PLAIN-LIST element from Org to Groff.
1352 CONTENTS is the contents of the list. INFO is a plist holding
1353 contextual information."
1354 (let* ((type (org-element-property :type plain-list))
1355 (attr (mapconcat #'identity
1356 (org-element-property :attr_groff plain-list)
1357 " "))
1358 (groff-type (cond
1359 ((eq type 'ordered) ".AL")
1360 ((eq type 'unordered) ".BL")
1361 ((eq type 'descriptive) ".VL 2.0i"))))
1362 (org-groff--wrap-label
1363 plain-list
1364 (format "%s\n%s\n.LE" groff-type contents))))
1366 ;;; Plain Text
1368 (defun org-groff-plain-text (text info)
1369 "Transcode a TEXT string from Org to Groff.
1370 TEXT is the string to transcode. INFO is a plist holding
1371 contextual information."
1372 (let ((output text))
1373 ;; Protect various characters.
1374 (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string
1375 "\\(?:[^\\]\\|^\\)\\(\\\\\\)\\(?:[^%$#&{}~^_\\]\\|$\\)"
1376 "$\\" output nil t 1))
1377 ;; Activate smart quotes. Be sure to provide original TEXT string
1378 ;; since OUTPUT may have been modified.
1379 (when (plist-get info :with-smart-quotes)
1380 (setq output (org-export-activate-smart-quotes output :utf-8 info text)))
1381 ;; Handle Special Characters
1382 (if org-groff-special-char
1383 (dolist (special-char-list org-groff-special-char)
1384 (setq output
1385 (replace-regexp-in-string (car special-char-list)
1386 (cdr special-char-list) output))))
1387 ;; Handle break preservation if required.
1388 (when (plist-get info :preserve-breaks)
1389 (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string
1390 "\\(\\\\\\\\\\)?[ \t]*\n" ".br\n" output)))
1391 ;; Return value.
1392 output))
1394 ;;; Planning
1396 (defun org-groff-planning (planning contents info)
1397 "Transcode a PLANNING element from Org to Groff.
1398 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
1399 information."
1400 (concat
1401 (mapconcat
1402 'identity
1403 (delq nil
1404 (list
1405 (let ((closed (org-element-property :closed planning)))
1406 (when closed
1407 (concat
1408 (format "\\fR %s \\fP" org-closed-string)
1409 (format org-groff-inactive-timestamp-format
1410 (org-timestamp-translate closed)))))
1411 (let ((deadline (org-element-property :deadline planning)))
1412 (when deadline
1413 (concat
1414 (format "\\fB %s \\fP" org-deadline-string)
1415 (format org-groff-active-timestamp-format
1416 (org-timestamp-translate deadline)))))
1417 (let ((scheduled (org-element-property :scheduled planning)))
1418 (when scheduled
1419 (concat
1420 (format "\\fR %s \\fP" org-scheduled-string)
1421 (format org-groff-active-timestamp-format
1422 (org-timestamp-translate scheduled)))))))
1424 ""))
1426 ;;;; Property Drawer
1428 (defun org-groff-property-drawer (property-drawer contents info)
1429 "Transcode a PROPERTY-DRAWER element from Org to Groff.
1430 CONTENTS holds the contents of the drawer. INFO is a plist
1431 holding contextual information."
1432 (and (org-string-nw-p contents)
1433 (format "\\fC\n%s\\fP" contents)))
1435 ;;; Quote Block
1437 (defun org-groff-quote-block (quote-block contents info)
1438 "Transcode a QUOTE-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
1439 CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
1440 holding contextual information."
1441 (org-groff--wrap-label
1442 quote-block
1443 (format ".DS I\n.I\n%s\n.R\n.DE" contents)))
1445 ;;; Radio Target
1447 (defun org-groff-radio-target (radio-target text info)
1448 "Transcode a RADIO-TARGET object from Org to Groff.
1449 TEXT is the text of the target. INFO is a plist holding
1450 contextual information."
1451 (format "%s - %s" (org-export-get-reference radio-target info) text))
1453 ;;; Section
1455 (defun org-groff-section (section contents info)
1456 "Transcode a SECTION element from Org to Groff.
1457 CONTENTS holds the contents of the section. INFO is a plist
1458 holding contextual information."
1459 contents)
1461 ;;; Special Block
1463 (defun org-groff-special-block (special-block contents info)
1464 "Transcode a SPECIAL-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
1465 CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
1466 holding contextual information."
1467 (let ((type (org-element-property :type special-block)))
1468 (org-groff--wrap-label
1469 special-block
1470 (format "%s\n" contents))))
1472 ;;; Src Block
1474 (defun org-groff-src-block (src-block contents info)
1475 "Transcode a SRC-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
1476 CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
1477 contextual information."
1478 (let* ((lang (org-element-property :language src-block))
1479 (label (org-element-property :name src-block))
1480 (code (org-element-property :value src-block))
1481 (custom-env (and lang
1482 (cadr (assq (intern lang)
1483 org-groff-custom-lang-environments))))
1484 (num-start (org-export-get-loc src-block info))
1485 (retain-labels (org-element-property :retain-labels src-block))
1486 (caption (and (not (org-export-read-attribute
1487 :attr_groff src-block :disable-caption))
1488 (org-groff--caption/label-string src-block info))))
1490 (cond
1491 ;; Case 1. No source fontification.
1492 ((not org-groff-source-highlight)
1493 (concat
1494 (format ".DS I\n\\fC%s\\fP\n.DE\n"
1495 (org-export-format-code-default src-block info))
1496 (and caption (format ".EX \"%s\" " caption))))
1498 ;; Case 2. Source fontification.
1499 (org-groff-source-highlight
1500 (let* ((tmpdir temporary-file-directory)
1501 (in-file (make-temp-name
1502 (expand-file-name "srchilite" tmpdir)))
1503 (out-file (make-temp-name
1504 (expand-file-name "reshilite" tmpdir)))
1506 (org-lang (org-element-property :language src-block))
1507 (lst-lang (cadr (assq (intern org-lang)
1508 org-groff-source-highlight-langs)))
1510 (cmd (concat "source-highlight"
1511 " -s " lst-lang
1512 " -f groff_mm_color "
1513 " -i " in-file
1514 " -o " out-file)))
1516 (concat
1517 (if lst-lang
1518 (let ((code-block ""))
1519 (with-temp-file in-file (insert code))
1520 (shell-command cmd)
1521 (setq code-block (org-file-contents out-file))
1522 (delete-file in-file)
1523 (delete-file out-file)
1524 (format "%s\n" code-block))
1525 (format ".DS I\n\\fC\\m[black]%s\\m[]\\fP\n.DE\n"
1526 code))
1527 (and caption (format ".EX \"%s\" " caption))))))))
1530 ;;; Statistics Cookie
1532 (defun org-groff-statistics-cookie (statistics-cookie contents info)
1533 "Transcode a STATISTICS-COOKIE object from Org to Groff.
1534 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
1535 (org-element-property :value statistics-cookie))
1538 ;;; Strike-Through
1540 (defun org-groff-strike-through (strike-through contents info)
1541 "Transcode STRIKE-THROUGH from Org to Groff.
1542 CONTENTS is the text with strike-through markup. INFO is a plist
1543 holding contextual information."
1544 (org-groff--text-markup contents 'strike-through))
1546 ;;; Subscript
1548 (defun org-groff-subscript (subscript contents info)
1549 "Transcode a SUBSCRIPT object from Org to Groff.
1550 CONTENTS is the contents of the object. INFO is a plist holding
1551 contextual information."
1552 (format "\\d\\s-2%s\\s+2\\u" contents))
1554 ;;; Superscript "^_%s$
1556 (defun org-groff-superscript (superscript contents info)
1557 "Transcode a SUPERSCRIPT object from Org to Groff.
1558 CONTENTS is the contents of the object. INFO is a plist holding
1559 contextual information."
1560 (format "\\u\\s-2%s\\s+2\\d" contents))
1563 ;;; Table
1565 ;; `org-groff-table' is the entry point for table transcoding. It
1566 ;; takes care of tables with a "verbatim" attribute. Otherwise, it
1567 ;; delegates the job to `org-groff-table--org-table' function,
1568 ;; depending of the type of the table.
1570 ;; `org-groff-table--align-string' is a subroutine used to build
1571 ;; alignment string for Org tables.
1573 (defun org-groff-table (table contents info)
1574 "Transcode a TABLE element from Org to Groff.
1575 CONTENTS is the contents of the table. INFO is a plist holding
1576 contextual information."
1577 (cond
1578 ;; Case 1: verbatim table.
1579 ((or org-groff-tables-verbatim
1580 (let ((attr (read (format "(%s)"
1581 (mapconcat
1582 #'identity
1583 (org-element-property :attr_groff table) " ")))))
1584 (and attr (plist-get attr :verbatim))))
1586 (format ".DS L\n\\fC%s\\fP\n.DE"
1587 ;; Re-create table, without affiliated keywords.
1588 (org-trim
1589 (org-element-interpret-data
1590 `(table nil ,@(org-element-contents table))))))
1592 ;; Case 2: Standard table.
1593 (t (org-groff-table--org-table table contents info))))
1595 (defun org-groff-table--align-string (divider table info)
1596 "Return an appropriate Groff alignment string.
1597 TABLE is the considered table. INFO is a plist used as
1598 a communication channel."
1599 (let (alignment)
1600 ;; Extract column groups and alignment from first (non-rule) row.
1601 (org-element-map
1602 (org-element-map table 'table-row
1603 (lambda (row)
1604 (and (eq (org-element-property :type row) 'standard) row))
1605 info 'first-match)
1606 'table-cell
1607 (lambda (cell)
1608 (let* ((borders (org-export-table-cell-borders cell info))
1609 (raw-width (org-export-table-cell-width cell info))
1610 (width-cm (when raw-width (/ raw-width 5)))
1611 (width (if raw-width (format "w(%dc)"
1612 (if (< width-cm 1) 1 width-cm)) "")))
1613 ;; Check left border for the first cell only.
1614 ;; Alignment is nil on assignment
1616 (when (and (memq 'left borders) (not alignment))
1617 (push "|" alignment))
1618 (push
1619 (case (org-export-table-cell-alignment cell info)
1620 (left (concat "l" width divider))
1621 (right (concat "r" width divider))
1622 (center (concat "c" width divider)))
1623 alignment)
1624 (when (memq 'right borders) (push "|" alignment))))
1625 info)
1626 (apply 'concat (reverse alignment))))
1628 (defun org-groff-table--org-table (table contents info)
1629 "Return appropriate Groff code for an Org table.
1631 TABLE is the table type element to transcode. CONTENTS is its
1632 contents, as a string. INFO is a plist used as a communication
1633 channel.
1635 This function assumes TABLE has `org' as its `:type' attribute."
1636 (let* ((attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_groff table))
1637 (label (org-element-property :name table))
1638 (caption (and (not (plist-get attr :disable-caption))
1639 (org-groff--caption/label-string table info)))
1640 (divider (if (plist-get attr :divider) "|" " "))
1642 ;; Determine alignment string.
1643 (alignment (org-groff-table--align-string divider table info))
1645 ;; Extract others display options.
1647 (lines (org-split-string contents "\n"))
1649 (attr-list
1650 (delq nil
1651 (list (and (plist-get attr :expand) "expand")
1652 (let ((placement (plist-get attr :placement)))
1653 (cond ((string= placement 'center) "center")
1654 ((string= placement 'left) nil)
1655 (t (if org-groff-tables-centered "center" ""))))
1656 (or (plist-get attr :boxtype) "box"))))
1658 (title-line (plist-get attr :title-line))
1659 (long-cells (plist-get attr :long-cells))
1661 (table-format
1662 (concat
1663 (or (car attr-list) "")
1665 (let (output-list)
1666 (when (cdr attr-list)
1667 (dolist (attr-item (cdr attr-list))
1668 (setq output-list (concat output-list
1669 (format ",%s" attr-item)))))
1670 output-list) "")))
1671 (first-line
1672 (when lines (org-split-string (car lines) "\t"))))
1673 ;; Prepare the final format string for the table.
1676 (cond
1677 ;; Others.
1678 (lines
1679 (concat ".TS\n " table-format ";\n"
1680 (format "%s.\n"
1681 (let ((final-line ""))
1682 (when title-line
1683 (dotimes (i (length first-line))
1684 (setq final-line (concat final-line "cb" divider))))
1686 (setq final-line (concat final-line "\n"))
1688 (if alignment
1689 (setq final-line (concat final-line alignment))
1690 (dotimes (i (length first-line))
1691 (setq final-line (concat final-line "c" divider))))
1692 final-line))
1694 (format "%s.TE\n"
1695 (let ((final-line "")
1696 (long-line "")
1697 (lines (org-split-string contents "\n")))
1699 (dolist (line-item lines)
1700 (setq long-line "")
1702 (if long-cells
1703 (progn
1704 (if (string= line-item "_")
1705 (setq long-line (format "%s\n" line-item))
1706 ;; else string =
1707 (let ((cell-item-list (org-split-string line-item "\t")))
1708 (dolist (cell-item cell-item-list)
1710 (cond ((eq cell-item (car (last cell-item-list)))
1711 (setq long-line (concat long-line
1712 (format "T{\n%s\nT}\t\n" cell-item))))
1714 (setq long-line (concat long-line
1715 (format "T{\n%s\nT}\t" cell-item))))))
1716 long-line))
1717 ;; else long cells
1718 (setq final-line (concat final-line long-line)))
1720 (setq final-line (concat final-line line-item "\n"))))
1721 final-line))
1723 (if caption (format ".TB \"%s\"" caption) ""))))))
1725 ;;; Table Cell
1727 (defun org-groff-table-cell (table-cell contents info)
1728 "Transcode a TABLE-CELL element from Org to Groff
1729 CONTENTS is the cell contents. INFO is a plist used as
1730 a communication channel."
1731 (progn
1732 (concat (if (and contents
1733 org-groff-table-scientific-notation
1734 (string-match orgtbl-exp-regexp contents))
1735 ;; Use appropriate format string for scientific
1736 ;; notation.
1737 (format org-groff-table-scientific-notation
1738 (match-string 1 contents)
1739 (match-string 2 contents))
1740 contents)
1741 (when (org-export-get-next-element table-cell info) "\t"))))
1744 ;;; Table Row
1746 (defun org-groff-table-row (table-row contents info)
1747 "Transcode a TABLE-ROW element from Org to Groff
1748 CONTENTS is the contents of the row. INFO is a plist used as
1749 a communication channel."
1750 ;; Rules are ignored since table separators are deduced from
1751 ;; borders of the current row.
1752 (when (eq (org-element-property :type table-row) 'standard)
1753 (let* ((attr (mapconcat 'identity
1754 (org-element-property
1755 :attr_groff (org-export-get-parent table-row))
1756 " "))
1757 ;; TABLE-ROW's borders are extracted from its first cell.
1758 (borders
1759 (org-export-table-cell-borders
1760 (car (org-element-contents table-row)) info)))
1761 (concat
1762 ;; Mark horizontal lines
1763 (cond ((and (memq 'top borders) (memq 'above borders)) "_\n"))
1764 contents
1765 (cond
1766 ;; When BOOKTABS are activated enforce bottom rule even when
1767 ;; no hline was specifically marked.
1768 ((and (memq 'bottom borders) (memq 'below borders)) "\n_")
1769 ((memq 'below borders) "\n_"))))))
1771 ;;; Target
1773 (defun org-groff-target (target contents info)
1774 "Transcode a TARGET object from Org to Groff.
1775 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
1776 information."
1777 (format "\\fI%s\\fP" (org-export-get-reference target info)))
1779 ;;; Timestamp
1781 (defun org-groff-timestamp (timestamp contents info)
1782 "Transcode a TIMESTAMP object from Org to Groff.
1783 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
1784 information."
1785 (let ((value (org-groff-plain-text
1786 (org-timestamp-translate timestamp) info)))
1787 (case (org-element-property :type timestamp)
1788 ((active active-range)
1789 (format org-groff-active-timestamp-format value))
1790 ((inactive inactive-range)
1791 (format org-groff-inactive-timestamp-format value))
1792 (t (format org-groff-diary-timestamp-format value)))))
1794 ;;; Underline
1796 (defun org-groff-underline (underline contents info)
1797 "Transcode UNDERLINE from Org to Groff.
1798 CONTENTS is the text with underline markup. INFO is a plist
1799 holding contextual information."
1800 (org-groff--text-markup contents 'underline))
1802 ;;; Verbatim
1804 (defun org-groff-verbatim (verbatim contents info)
1805 "Transcode a VERBATIM object from Org to Groff.
1806 CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist used as a communication
1807 channel."
1808 (org-groff--text-markup (org-element-property :value verbatim) 'verbatim))
1810 ;;; Verse Block
1812 (defun org-groff-verse-block (verse-block contents info)
1813 "Transcode a VERSE-BLOCK element from Org to Groff.
1814 CONTENTS is verse block contents. INFO is a plist holding
1815 contextual information."
1816 (format ".DS C\n.ft HI\n%s\n.ft\n.DE" contents))
1819 ;;; Interactive functions
1821 (defun org-groff-export-to-groff
1822 (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
1823 "Export current buffer to a Groff file.
1825 If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
1826 narrowed part.
1828 If a region is active, export that region.
1830 A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen
1831 asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through
1832 the `org-export-stack' interface.
1834 When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
1835 at point, extracting information from the headline properties
1836 first.
1838 When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
1839 contents of hidden elements.
1841 EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
1842 parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
1843 file-local settings.
1845 Return output file's name."
1846 (interactive)
1847 (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name ".groff" subtreep))
1848 (org-groff-registered-references nil)
1849 (org-groff-special-content nil))
1850 (org-export-to-file 'groff outfile
1851 async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)))
1853 (defun org-groff-export-to-pdf
1854 (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
1855 "Export current buffer to Groff then process through to PDF.
1857 If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
1858 narrowed part.
1860 If a region is active, export that region.
1862 A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen
1863 asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through
1864 the `org-export-stack' interface.
1866 When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
1867 at point, extracting information from the headline properties
1868 first.
1870 When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
1871 contents of hidden elements.
1873 EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
1874 parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
1875 file-local settings.
1877 Return PDF file's name."
1878 (interactive)
1879 (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name ".groff" subtreep)))
1880 (org-export-to-file 'groff outfile
1881 async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist
1882 (lambda (file) (org-groff-compile file)))))
1884 (defun org-groff-compile (file)
1885 "Compile a Groff file.
1887 FILE is the name of the file being compiled. Processing is done
1888 through the command specified in `org-groff-pdf-process'.
1890 Return PDF file name or an error if it couldn't be produced."
1891 (let* ((base-name (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory file)))
1892 (full-name (file-truename file))
1893 (out-dir (file-name-directory file))
1894 (time (current-time))
1895 ;; Properly set working directory for compilation.
1896 (default-directory (if (file-name-absolute-p file)
1897 (file-name-directory full-name)
1898 default-directory))
1899 errors)
1900 (message (format "Processing Groff file %s ..." file))
1901 (save-window-excursion
1902 (cond
1903 ;; A function is provided: Apply it.
1904 ((functionp org-groff-pdf-process)
1905 (funcall org-groff-pdf-process (shell-quote-argument file)))
1906 ;; A list is provided: Replace %b, %f and %o with appropriate
1907 ;; values in each command before applying it. Output is
1908 ;; redirected to "*Org PDF Groff Output*" buffer.
1909 ((consp org-groff-pdf-process)
1910 (let ((outbuf (get-buffer-create "*Org PDF Groff Output*")))
1911 (mapc
1912 (lambda (command)
1913 (shell-command
1914 (replace-regexp-in-string
1915 "%b" (shell-quote-argument base-name)
1916 (replace-regexp-in-string
1917 "%f" (shell-quote-argument full-name)
1918 (replace-regexp-in-string
1919 "%o" (shell-quote-argument out-dir) command t t)
1920 t t) t t)
1921 outbuf))
1922 org-groff-pdf-process)
1923 ;; Collect standard errors from output buffer.
1924 (setq errors (org-groff-collect-errors outbuf))))
1925 (t (error "No valid command to process to PDF")))
1926 (let ((pdffile (concat out-dir base-name ".pdf")))
1927 ;; Check for process failure. Provide collected errors if
1928 ;; possible.
1929 (if (or (not (file-exists-p pdffile))
1930 ;; Only compare times up to whole seconds as some
1931 ;; filesystems (e.g. HFS+) do not retain any finer
1932 ;; granularity.
1933 (time-less-p (cl-subseq (nth 5 (file-attributes pdffile)) 0 2)
1934 (cl-subseq time 0 2)))
1935 (error (concat (format "PDF file %s wasn't produced" pdffile)
1936 (when errors (concat ": " errors))))
1937 ;; Else remove log files, when specified, and signal end of
1938 ;; process to user, along with any error encountered.
1939 (when org-groff-remove-logfiles
1940 (dolist (ext org-groff-logfiles-extensions)
1941 (let ((file (concat out-dir base-name "." ext)))
1942 (when (file-exists-p file) (delete-file file)))))
1943 (message (concat "Process completed"
1944 (if (not errors) "."
1945 (concat " with errors: " errors)))))
1946 ;; Return output file name.
1947 pdffile))))
1949 (defun org-groff-collect-errors (buffer)
1950 "Collect some kind of errors from \"groff\" output
1951 BUFFER is the buffer containing output.
1952 Return collected error types as a string, or nil if there was
1953 none."
1954 (with-current-buffer buffer
1955 (save-excursion
1956 (goto-char (point-max))
1957 ;; Find final run
1958 nil)))
1961 (provide 'ox-groff)
1962 ;;; ox-groff.el ends here