added metric version of the vitals form
[openemr.git] / interface / forms / vitalsM / templates / vitalsM / general_new.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 {php}html_header_show();{/php}
4 {literal}
5 <script language="javascript">
6 function calculateBMI()
8 var bmi = 0;
9 var height = document.vitals.height.value;
10 var weight = document.vitals.weight.value;
11 if(height > 0 && weight > 0)
13 bmi = weight/height/height*10000;
15 document.vitals.BMI.value = bmi;
16 return bmi;
18 </script>
19 <style type="text/css" title="mystyles" media="all">
20 <!--
21 td {
22 font-size: 12pt;
23 font-family: helvetica;
25 li {
26 font-size: 11pt;
27 font-family: helvetica;
28 margin-left: 15px;
30 a {
31 font-size: 11pt;
32 font-family: helvetica;
34 .title {
35 font-family: sans-serif;
36 font-size: 12pt;
37 font-weight: bold;
38 text-decoration: none;
39 color: #000000;
42 .form_text{
43 font-family: sans-serif;
44 font-size: 9pt;
45 text-decoration: none;
46 color: #000000;
48 -->
49 </style>
50 {/literal}
51 </head>
53 <body bgcolor="{$STYLE.BGCOLOR2}">
54 <p><span class="title">Vitals (Metric)</span></p>
55 <form name="vitals" method="post" action="{$FORM_ACTION}/interface/forms/vitalsM/save.php"
56 onsubmit="return top.restoreSession()">
57 <table>
58 <tr>
59 <th align="left">Name</th><th align="left">Unit</th>
60 <th align="right">{$vitals->get_date()|date_format:"%m/%d/%y"}</th>
61 {foreach item=result from=$results}
62 <th align='right'>{$|date_format:"%m/%d/%y"}</th>
63 {/foreach}
64 </tr>
66 <tr>
67 <td>Weight</td><td>kg</td>
68 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
69 name="weight" value="{$vitals->get_weight()}"/></td>
70 {foreach item=result from=$results}
71 <td align='right'>{$result.weight}</td>
72 {/foreach}
73 </tr>
75 <tr>
76 <td>Height</td><td>cm</td>
77 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
78 name="height" value="{$vitals->get_height()}" onchange="calculateBMI();"/></td>
79 {foreach item=result from=$results}
80 <td align='right'>{$result.height}</td>
81 {/foreach}
82 </tr>
84 <tr>
85 <td>BP Systolic</td><td>mm/hg</td>
86 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
87 name="bps" value="{$vitals->get_bps()}"/></td>
88 {foreach item=result from=$results}
89 <td align='right'>{$result.bps}</td>
90 {/foreach}
91 </tr>
93 <tr>
94 <td>BP Diastolic</td><td>mm/hg</td>
95 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
96 name="bpd" value="{$vitals->get_bpd()}"/></td>
97 {foreach item=result from=$results}
98 <td align='right'>{$result.bpd}</td>
99 {/foreach}
100 </tr>
102 <tr>
103 <td>Pulse</td><td>per min</td>
104 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
105 name="pulse" value="{$vitals->get_pulse()}"/></td>
106 {foreach item=result from=$results}
107 <td align='right'>{$result.pulse}</td>
108 {/foreach}
109 </tr>
111 <tr><td>Respiration</td><td>per min</td>
112 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
113 name="respiration" value="{$vitals->get_respiration()}"/></td>
114 {foreach item=result from=$results}
115 <td align='right'>{$result.respiration}</td>
116 {/foreach}
117 </tr>
119 <tr>
120 <td>Temperature</td><td>C</td>
121 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
122 name="temperature" value="{$vitals->get_temperature()}"/></td>
123 {foreach item=result from=$results}
124 <td align='right'>{$result.temperature}</td>
125 {/foreach}
126 </tr>
128 <tr>
129 <td>Temp Location</td>
130 <td colspan='2' >
131 <select name="temp_method"/><option value=""> </option>
132 <option value="Oral" {if $vitals->get_temp_method() == "Oral" || $vitals->get_temp_method() == 2 } selected{/if}>Oral
133 <option value="Tympanic Membrane" {if $vitals->get_temp_method() == "Tympanic Membrane" || $vitals->get_temp_method() == 1 } selected{/if}>Tympanic Membrane
134 <option value="Rectal" {if $vitals->get_temp_method() == "Rectal" || $vitals->get_temp_method() == 3 } selected{/if}>Rectal
135 <option value="Axillary" {if $vitals->get_temp_method() == "Axillary" || $vitals->get_temp_method() == 4 } selected{/if}>Axillary
136 <option value="Temporal Artery" {if $vitals->get_temp_method() == "Temporal Artery" } selected{/if}>Temporal Artery
137 </select>
138 </td>
139 <td align='right'>{$result.temp_method}</td>
140 </tr>
142 <tr><td>Oxygen Saturation</td><td>%</td>
143 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
144 name="oxygen_saturation" value="{$vitals->get_oxygen_saturation()}"/></td>
145 {foreach item=result from=$results}
146 <td align='right'>{$result.oxygen_saturation}</td>
147 {/foreach}
148 </tr>
150 <tr><td>Head Circumference</td><td>cm</td>
151 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
152 name="head_circ" value="{$vitals->get_head_circ()}"/></td>
153 {foreach item=result from=$results}
154 <td align='right'>{$result.head_circ}</td>
155 {/foreach}
156 </tr>
158 <tr><td>Waist Circumference</td><td>cm</td>
159 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
160 name="waist_circ" value="{$vitals->get_waist_circ()}"/></td>
161 {foreach item=result from=$results}
162 <td align='right'>{$result.waist_circ}</td>
163 {/foreach}
164 </tr>
166 <tr><td>BMI</td><td>%</td>
167 <td align='right'><input type="text" size='5'
168 name="BMI" value="{$vitals->get_BMI()}"/></td>
169 {foreach item=result from=$results}
170 <td align='right'>{$result.BMI}</td>
171 {/foreach}</tr>
173 <tr><td>BMI Status</td><td>Type</td>
174 <td align='right'>{$vitals->get_BMI_status()}</td>
175 {foreach item=result from=$results}
176 <td align='right'>{$result.BMI_status}</td>
177 {/foreach}
178 </tr>
180 <tr><td>Other Notes</td>
181 <td colspan='2' align='right'><input type="text" size='20'
182 name="note" value="{$vitals->get_note()}" /></td>
183 {foreach item=result from=$results}
184 <td align='right'>{$result.note}</td>
185 {/foreach}</tr>
187 <tr>
188 <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Save Form">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{$DONT_SAVE_LINK}" class="link">[Don't Save]</a></td>
189 </tr>
190 </table>
191 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$vitals->get_id()}" />
192 <input type="hidden" name="activity" value="{$vitals->get_activity()}">
193 <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{$vitals->get_pid()}">
194 <input type="hidden" name="process" value="true">
195 </form>
196 </body>
197 </html>