Check in very rough alpha version of Muse IPC server and ikiwiki test.
[muse-el.git] / lisp / muse-ipc.el
1 ;;; muse-ipc.el --- publish Muse documents from other processes
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; This file is part of Emacs Muse. It is not part of GNU Emacs.
7 ;; Emacs Muse is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
9 ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
10 ;; option) any later version.
12 ;; Emacs Muse is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; General Public License for more details.
17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ;; along with Emacs Muse; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
19 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
20 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 ;;; Commentary:
24 ;; This file is still in alpha state. Not for production use!
26 ;;; Contributors:
28 ;;; Code:
30 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
32 ;; Muse Inter-Process Communication
34 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
36 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
38 (require 'muse)
39 (require 'muse-publish)
41 (defgroup muse-ipc nil
42 "Options controlling the behavior of Muse's IPC module."
43 :group 'muse-publish)
45 (defcustom muse-ipc-timeout 60
46 "Maximum time to wait for a client to respond."
47 :group 'muse-ipc
48 :type 'number)
50 (defcustom muse-ipc-ignore-done nil
51 "If non-nil, ignore any 'done' messages that we get from clients."
52 :group 'muse-ipc
53 :type 'boolean)
55 (defvar muse-ipc-server-port nil
56 "Port of the Emacs server.")
58 (defvar muse-ipc-server-process nil
59 "Process of the Emacs server.")
61 (defvar muse-ipc-server-registered nil
62 "Whether we have successfully registered our port with the client.")
64 (defun muse-ipc-init-filter (proc string)
65 "Handle data from client while initiating a connection."
66 (unless muse-ipc-server-registered
67 (when (string-match "\\`ok$" string)
68 (setq muse-ipc-server-registered t))))
70 (defun muse-ipc-delete-client (proc)
71 "Delete a client."
72 (let ((buffer (process-get proc :buffer)))
73 (when (and buffer (buffer-live-p buffer))
74 (with-current-buffer buffer
75 (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
76 (kill-buffer buffer)))
77 (when (eq (process-status proc) 'open)
78 (delete-process proc)))
80 (defun* muse-ipc-server-filter (proc string)
81 "Handle data from a client after it connects."
82 ;; Authenticate
83 (unless (process-get proc :authenticated)
84 (if (and (string-match "\\`begin \\(.+\\)$" string)
85 (equal (match-string 1 string)
86 (process-get proc :shared-secret)))
87 (progn
88 (setq string (substring string (match-end 0)))
89 (process-put proc :authenticated t)
90 (process-send-string proc "ok\n"))
91 (process-send-string proc "nok\n")
92 (delete-process proc))
93 (return-from muse-ipc-server-filter))
95 ;; Handle case where the client is sending data to be published
96 (when (process-get proc :sending-data)
97 (with-current-buffer (process-get proc :buffer)
98 (insert string)
99 (let ((buf-len (1- (point)))
100 (expected-len (process-get proc :data-bytes)))
101 (cond ((= buf-len expected-len)
102 (process-put proc :sending-data nil))
103 ((> buf-len expected-len)
104 (process-send-string proc "nok\n")
105 (muse-ipc-delete-client proc)))))
106 (return-from muse-ipc-server-filter))
108 ;; Dispatch commands
109 (cond
110 ((string-match "\\`done$" string)
111 ;; done, close the server
112 (unless muse-ipc-ignore-done
113 (muse-ipc-stop-server)))
115 ((string-match "\\`name \\(.+\\)$" string)
116 ;; set name
117 (process-put proc :file-name (match-string 1 string))
118 (process-send-string proc "ok\n"))
120 ((string-match "\\`title \\(.+\\)$" string)
121 ;; set title
122 (process-put proc :title (match-string 1 string))
123 (process-send-string proc "ok\n"))
126 ;; unrecognized command
127 (process-send-string proc "nok\n"))))
129 (defun muse-ipc-stop-server ()
130 "Stop Muse IPC server and reset connection data."
131 (stop-process muse-ipc-server-process)
132 (delete-process muse-ipc-server-process)
133 (setq muse-ipc-server-port nil)
134 (setq muse-ipc-server-process nil))
136 (defun muse-ipc-start (shared-secret publish-fn client-port &optional server-port)
137 "Start an IPC connection and send a response to CLIENT-PORT.
138 If SERVER-PORT is provided, start the IPC server on that port, otherwise
139 choose a random port.
141 SHARED-SECRET is used as a very minimal security measure to
142 authenticate the Muse IPC server during initialization, and also
143 any incoming clients once the server is started.
145 PUBLISH-FN is the function which should be called in buffer of
146 the received contents. It should transform the buffer into a
147 published state. It must take at least two arguments. The first
148 argument is the full path of the file that the contents
149 correspond with. The second argument is the title to use when
150 publishing the file."
151 (when (stringp client-port)
152 (setq client-port (string-to-number client-port)))
153 (when (stringp server-port)
154 (setq server-port (string-to-number server-port)))
155 (setq muse-ipc-server-process
156 (make-network-process
157 :name "muse-ipc"
158 :buffer nil
159 :host 'local :service (or server-port t)
160 :server t :noquery t :nowait t
161 :plist (list :authenticated nil :shared-secret shared-secret
162 :publish-fn publish-fn)
163 :filter 'muse-ipc-server-filter))
164 (unless muse-ipc-server-process
165 (error "Error: Could not start Muse IPC Server process"))
166 (set-process-coding-system muse-ipc-server-process
167 'raw-text-unix 'raw-text-unix)
168 (setq muse-ipc-server-port
169 (number-to-string
170 (cadr (process-contact muse-ipc-server-process))))
171 (let ((client-proc
172 (make-network-process
173 :name "muse-ipc-client"
174 :buffer nil
175 :host 'local :service client-port
176 :noquery t
177 :filter 'muse-ipc-init-filter)))
178 (setq muse-ipc-server-registered nil)
179 (process-send-string client-proc
180 (concat "begin " shared-secret "\n"))
181 (accept-process-output client-proc muse-ipc-timeout nil t)
182 (unless muse-ipc-server-registered
183 (error "Error: Did not register listener"))
184 (process-send-string client-proc
185 (concat "port " muse-ipc-server-port "\n"))
186 (stop-process client-proc)
187 (delete-process client-proc))
189 ;; Accept process output until the server dies
190 (while muse-ipc-server-process (accept-process-output nil 1)))
192 (provide 'muse-ipc)
194 ;;; muse-ipc.el ends here