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[mootools.git] / Remote / XHR.js
1 /*
2 Script: XHR.js
3         Contains the basic XMLHttpRequest Class Wrapper.
5 License:
6         MIT-style license.
7 */
9 /*
10 Class: XHR
11         Basic XMLHttpRequest Wrapper.
13 Arguments:
14         options - an object with options names as keys. See options below.
16 Options:
17         method - 'post' or 'get' - the protocol for the request; optional, defaults to 'post'.
18         async - boolean: asynchronous option; true uses asynchronous requests. Defaults to true.
19         onRequest - function to execute when the XHR request is fired.
20         onSuccess - function to execute when the XHR request completes.
21         onStateChange - function to execute when the state of the XMLHttpRequest changes.
22         onFailure - function to execute when the state of the XMLHttpRequest changes.
23         encoding - the encoding, defaults to utf-8.
24         autoCancel - cancels the already running request if another one is sent. defaults to false.
25         headers - accepts an object, that will be set to request headers.
27 Properties:
28         running - true if the request is running.
29         response - object, text and xml as keys. You can access this property in the onSuccess event.
31 Example:
32         >var myXHR = new XHR({method: 'get'}).send('http://site.com/requestHandler.php', 'name=john&lastname=dorian');
35 var XHR = new Class({
37         options: {
38                 method: 'post',
39                 async: true,
40                 onRequest: Class.empty,
41                 onSuccess: Class.empty,
42                 onFailure: Class.empty,
43                 urlEncoded: true,
44                 encoding: 'utf-8',
45                 autoCancel: false,
46                 headers: {}
47         },
49         setTransport: function(){
50                 this.transport = (window.XMLHttpRequest) ? new XMLHttpRequest() : (window.ie ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : false);
51                 return this;
52         },
54         initialize: function(options){
55                 this.setTransport().setOptions(options);
56                 this.options.isSuccess = this.options.isSuccess || this.isSuccess;
57                 this.headers = {};
58                 if (this.options.urlEncoded && this.options.method == 'post'){
59                         var encoding = (this.options.encoding) ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : '';
60                         this.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + encoding);
61                 }
62                 if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this);
63         },
65         onStateChange: function(){
66                 if (this.transport.readyState != 4 || !this.running) return;
67                 this.running = false;
68                 var status = 0;
69                 try {status = this.transport.status} catch(e){};
70                 if (this.options.isSuccess.call(this, status)) this.onSuccess();
71                 else this.onFailure();
72                 this.transport.onreadystatechange = Class.empty;
73         },
75         isSuccess: function(status){
76                 return ((status >= 200) && (status < 300));
77         },
79         onSuccess: function(){
80                 this.response = {
81                         'text': this.transport.responseText,
82                         'xml': this.transport.responseXML
83                 };
84                 this.fireEvent('onSuccess', [this.response.text, this.response.xml]);
85                 this.callChain();
86         },
88         onFailure: function(){
89                 this.fireEvent('onFailure', this.transport);
90         },
92         /*
93         Property: setHeader
94                 Add/modify an header for the request. It will not override headers from the options.
96         Example:
97                 >var myAjax = new Ajax(url, {method: 'get', headers: {'X-Request': 'JSON'}});
98                 >myAjax.setHeader('Last-Modified','Sat, 1 Jan 2005 05:00:00 GMT');
99         */
101         setHeader: function(name, value){
102                 this.headers[name] = value;
103                 return this;
104         },
106         /*
107         Property: send
108                 Opens the XHR connection and sends the data. Data has to be null or a string.
110         Example:
111                 >var myXhr = new XHR({method: 'post'});
112                 >myXhr.send(url, querystring);
113                 >
114                 >var syncXhr = new XHR({async: false, method: 'post'});
115                 >syncXhr.send(url, null);
116                 >
117         */
119         send: function(url, data){
120                 if (this.options.autoCancel) this.cancel();
121                 else if (this.running) return this;
122                 this.running = true;
123                 if (data && this.options.method == 'get') url = url + (url.contains('?') ? '&' : '?') + data, data = null;
124                 this.transport.open(this.options.method, url, this.options.async);
125                 this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this);
126                 if ((this.options.method == 'post') && this.transport.overrideMimeType) this.setHeader('Connection', 'close');
127                 $extend(this.headers, this.options.headers);
128                 for (var type in this.headers) try {this.transport.setRequestHeader(type, this.headers[type]);} catch(e){};
129                 this.fireEvent('onRequest');
130                 this.transport.send($pick(data, null));
131                 return this;
132         },
134         /*
135         Property: cancel
136                 Cancels the running request. No effect if the request is not running.
138         Example:
139                 >var myXhr = new XHR({method: 'get'}).send(url);
140                 >myXhr.cancel();
141         */
143         cancel: function(){
144                 if (!this.running) return this;
145                 this.running = false;
146                 this.transport.abort();
147                 this.transport.onreadystatechange = Class.empty;
148                 this.setTransport();
149                 this.fireEvent('onCancel');
150                 return this;
151         }
155 XHR.implement(new Chain, new Events, new Options);