LJSUP-9564: Height of lj-embed ellement is too small
[livejournal.git] / htdocs / js / ck / plugins / livejournal / plugin.js
1 (function() {
3         var likeButtons = [
4                 {
5                         label: top.CKLang.LJLike_button_facebook,
6                         id: 'facebook',
7                         abbr: 'fb',
8                         html: '<span class="lj-like-item lj-like-gag fb">' + top.CKLang.LJLike_button_facebook + '</span>',
9                         htmlOpt: '<li class="like-fb"><input type="checkbox" id="like-fb" /><label for="like-fb">' + top.CKLang
10                                 .LJLike_button_facebook + '</label></li>'
11                 },
12                 {
13                         label: top.CKLang.LJLike_button_twitter,
14                         id: 'twitter',
15                         abbr: 'tw',
16                         html: '<span class="lj-like-item lj-like-gag tw">' + top.CKLang.LJLike_button_twitter + '</span>',
17                         htmlOpt: '<li class="like-tw"><input type="checkbox" id="like-tw" /><label for="like-tw">' + top.CKLang
18                                 .LJLike_button_twitter + '</label></li>'
19                 },
20                 {
21                         label: top.CKLang.LJLike_button_google,
22                         id: 'google',
23                         abbr: 'go',
24                         html: '<span class="lj-like-item lj-like-gag go">' + top.CKLang.LJLike_button_google + '</span>',
25                         htmlOpt: '<li class="like-go"><input type="checkbox" id="like-go" /><label for="like-go">' + top.CKLang
26                                 .LJLike_button_google + '</label></li>'
27                 },
28                 {
29                         label: top.CKLang.LJLike_button_vkontakte,
30                         id: 'vkontakte',
31                         abbr: 'vk',
32                         html: '<span class="lj-like-item lj-like-gag vk">' + top.CKLang.LJLike_button_vkontakte + '</span>',
33                         htmlOpt: window
34                                 .isSupUser ? '<li class="like-vk"><input type="checkbox" id="like-vk" /><label for="like-vk">' + top.CKLang
35                                 .LJLike_button_vkontakte + '</label></li>' : ''
36                 },
37                 {
38                         label: top.CKLang.LJLike_button_give,
39                         id: 'livejournal',
40                         abbr: 'lj',
41                         html: '<span class="lj-like-item lj-like-gag lj">' + top.CKLang.LJLike_button_give + '</span>',
42                         htmlOpt: '<li class="like-lj"><input type="checkbox" id="like-lj" /><label for="like-lj">' + top.CKLang
43                                 .LJLike_button_give + '</label></li>'
44                 }
45         ];
47         var note;
49         var ljNoteData = {
50                 LJPollLink: {
51                         html: encodeURIComponent(top.CKLang.Poll_PollWizardNotice + '<br /><a href="#">' + top.CKLang
52                                 .Poll_PollWizardNoticeLink + '</a>')
53                 },
54                 LJLike: {
55                         html: encodeURIComponent(top.CKLang.LJLike_WizardNotice + '<br /><a href="#">' + top.CKLang
56                                 .LJLike_WizardNoticeLink + '</a>')
57                 },
58                 LJUserLink: {
59                         html: encodeURIComponent(top.CKLang.LJUser_WizardNotice + '<br /><a href="#">' + top.CKLang
60                                 .LJUser_WizardNoticeLink + '</a>')
61                 },
62                 LJLink: {
63                         html: encodeURIComponent(top.CKLang.LJLink_WizardNotice + '<br /><a href="#">' + top.CKLang
64                                 .LJLink_WizardNoticeLink + '</a>')
65                 },
66                 LJImage: {
67                         html: encodeURIComponent(top.CKLang.LJImage_WizardNotice + '<br /><a href="#">' + top.CKLang
68                                 .LJImage_WizardNoticeLink + '</a>')
69                 },
70                 LJCut :{
71                         html: encodeURIComponent(top.CKLang.LJCut_WizardNotice + '<br /><a href="#">' + top.CKLang
72                                 .LJCut_WizardNoticeLink + '</a>')
73                 }
74         };
76         var ljUsers = {};
77         var currentNoteNode;
79         CKEDITOR.plugins.add('livejournal', {
80                 init: function(editor) {
81                         function onFindCmd(evt) {
82                                 var cmd;
84                                 if (evt.name == 'mouseout') {
85                                         note.hide();
86                                         return;
87                                 }
89                                 var node = evt.data.getTarget();
90                                 var actNode;
91                                 var isNoMouseOver = evt.name != 'mouseover';
93                                 if (node.type != 1) {
94                                         node = node.getParent();
95                                 }
97                                 while (node) {
98                                         if (!attr) {
99                                                 if (node.type == 1 && node.is('img')) {
100                                                         node.setAttribute('lj-cmd', 'LJImage');
101                                                 } else if (node.is('a')) {
102                                                         node.setAttribute('lj-cmd', 'LJLink');
103                                                 }
104                                         }
106                                         var attr = node.getAttribute('lj-cmd');
108                                         if (attr) {
109                                                 cmd = attr;
110                                                 actNode = node;
111                                         }
112                                         node = node.getParent();
113                                 }
115                                 if (cmd && ljNoteData.hasOwnProperty(cmd)) {
116                                         if (isNoMouseOver) {
117                                                 ljNoteData[cmd].node = actNode;
118                                                 editor.getCommand(cmd).setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON);
119                                         }
120                                         note.show(ljNoteData[cmd].html, cmd, actNode);
121                                 } else {
122                                         note.hide();
123                                 }
125                                 if (isNoMouseOver) {
126                                         for (var command in ljNoteData) {
127                                                 if (ljNoteData.hasOwnProperty(command) && (!cmd || cmd != command)) {
128                                                         delete ljNoteData[command].node;
129                                                         editor.getCommand(command).setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF);
130                                                 }
131                                         }
132                                 }
133                         }
135                         editor.dataProcessor.toHtml = function(html, fixForBody) {
136                                 html = html.replace(/<((?!br)[^\s>]+)((?!\/>).*?)\/>/gi, '<$1$2></$1>')
137                                         .replace(/<lj-template name=['"]video['"]>(\S+?)<\/lj-template>/g, '<div class="ljvideo" url="$1"><img src="' + Site
138                                         .statprefix + '/fck/editor/plugins/livejournal/ljvideo.gif" /></div>')
139                                         .replace(/<lj-poll .*?>[^\b]*?<\/lj-poll>/gm,
140                                         function(ljtags) {
141                                                 return new Poll(ljtags).outputHTML();
142                                         }).replace(/<lj-template(.*?)><\/lj-template>/g, "<lj-template$1 />");
144                                 // IE custom tags. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531076%28VS.85%29.aspx
145                                 if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
146                                         html = html.replace(/<([\/])?lj-raw>/g, '<$1lj:raw>').replace(/<([\/])?lj-wishlist>/g, '<$1lj:wishlist>')
147                                                 .replace(/(<lj [^>]*)> /g, '$1> '); // IE merge spaces
148                                 } else {
149                                         // close <lj user> tags
150                                         html = html.replace(/(<lj [^>]*[^\/])>/g, '$1/> ');
151                                 }
152                                 if (!$('event_format').checked) {
153                                         html = '<pre>' + html + '</pre>';
154                                 }
156                                 html = CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor.prototype.toHtml.call(this, html, fixForBody);
158                                 if (!$('event_format').checked) {
159                                         html = html.replace(/<\/?pre>/g, '');
160                                         html = html.replace(/\n/g, '<br\/>');
161                                 }
163                                 return html;
164                         };
166                         editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat = function(html, fixForBody) {
167                                 html = html.replace(/^<pre>\n*([\s\S]*?)\n*<\/pre>\n*$/, '$1');
169                                 html = CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor.prototype.toDataFormat.call(this, html, fixForBody);
171                                 html = html.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
172                                 html = html.replace(/>\n\s*(?!\s)([^<]+)</g, '>$1<');
173                                 if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
174                                         html = html.replace(/<br (type="_moz" )? ?\/>$/, '');
175                                         if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
176                                                 html = html.replace(/<br type="_moz" \/>/, '');
177                                         }
178                                 }
180                                 html = html.replace(/<form.*?class="ljpoll".*?data="([^"]*)"[\s\S]*?<\/form>/gi,
181                                         function(form, data) {
182                                                 return unescape(data);
183                                         }).replace(/<\/lj>/g, '');
185                                 html = html
186                                         .replace(/<div(?=[^>]*class="ljvideo")[^>]*url="(\S+)"[^>]*><img.+?\/><\/div>/g, '<lj-template name="video">$1</lj-template>')
187                                         .replace(/<div(?=[^>]*class="ljvideo")[^>]*url="\S+"[^>]*>([\s\S]+?)<\/div>/g, '<p>$1</p>')
188                                         .replace(/<div([^>]*)qotdid="(\d+)"([^>]*)>[^\b]*<\/div>(<br \/>)*/g, '<lj-template id="$2"$1$3 /><br />')// div tag and qotdid attrib
189                                         .replace(/(<lj-template id="\d+" )([^>]*)class="ljqotd"?([^>]*\/>)/g, '$1name="qotd" $2$3')// class attrib
190                                         .replace(/(<lj-template id="\d+" name="qotd" )[^>]*(lang="\w+")[^>]*\/>/g, '$1$2 \/>'); // lang attrib
192                                 if (!$('event_format').checked && !window.switchedRteOn) {
193                                         html = html.replace(/\n?\s*<br \/>\n?/g, '\n');
194                                 }
196                                 // IE custom tags
197                                 if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
198                                         html = html.replace(/<lj:cut([^>]*)>/g, '<lj-cut$1>').replace(/<\/lj:cut>/g, '</lj-cut>')
199                                                 .replace(/<([\/])?lj:wishlist>/g, '<$1lj-wishlist>').replace(/<([\/])?lj:raw>/g, '<$1lj-raw>');
200                                 }
202                                 html = html.replace(/><\/lj-template>/g, '/>');// remove null pointer.replace(/\ufeff/g, '');
204                                 return html;
205                         };
207                         function addLastTag() {
208                                 var body = editor.document.getBody();
209                                 var last = body.getLast();
210                                 if (last && last.type == 1 && !last.is('br')) {
211                                         body.appendHtml('<br />');
212                                 }
213                         }
215                         editor.on('dataReady', function() {
217                                 editor.document.on('mouseover', onFindCmd);
218                                 editor.document.on('mouseout', onFindCmd);
219                                 editor.document.on('keyup', onFindCmd);
220                                 editor.document.on('click', onFindCmd);
222                                 editor.document.on('keyup', addLastTag);
223                                 editor.document.on('click', addLastTag);
225                                 if (!note) {
226                                         var timer,
227                                                 state,
228                                                 currentData = {},
229                                                 tempData = {},
230                                                 noteNode = document.createElement('lj-note'),
231                                                 isIE = typeof(document.body.style.opacity) != 'string';
233                                         var animate = (function() {
234                                                 var fps = 60,
235                                                         totalTime = 100,
236                                                         steps = totalTime * fps / 1000,
237                                                         timeOuts = [],
238                                                         type,
239                                                         parentContainer = document.getElementById('draft-container') || document.body;
241                                                 function apply() {
242                                                         var data = timeOuts.shift();
243                                                         var currentStep = (type ? data.time / totalTime : -(data.time / totalTime - 1)).toFixed(1);
245                                                         if (!timeOuts.length) {
246                                                                 currentStep = type ? 1 : 0;
247                                                         }
249                                                         if (isIE) {
250                                                                 noteNode.style
251                                                                         .filter = (currentStep >= 1) ? null : 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=' + (currentStep * 100) + ')';
252                                                         } else {
253                                                                 noteNode.style.opacity = currentStep;
254                                                         }
256                                                         if (currentStep == 0 && noteNode && noteNode.parentNode) {
257                                                                 noteNode.parentNode.removeChild(noteNode);
258                                                         }
259                                                 }
261                                                 return function(animateType) {
262                                                         type = animateType;
264                                                         if (type && noteNode.parentNode) {
265                                                                 if (isIE) {
266                                                                         noteNode.style.filter = null;
267                                                                 } else {
268                                                                         noteNode.style.opacity = 1;
269                                                                 }
270                                                         } else {
271                                                                 for (var i = 1; i <= steps; i++) {
272                                                                         var time = Math.floor(1000 / fps) * i;
273                                                                         timeOuts.push({
274                                                                                 time: time,
275                                                                                 timer: setTimeout(apply, time)
276                                                                         });
277                                                                 }
278                                                         }
280                                                         parentContainer.appendChild(noteNode);
281                                                         noteNode.style.marginTop = -noteNode.offsetHeight / 2 + 'px';
282                                                         noteNode.style.marginLeft = -noteNode.offsetWidth / 2 + 'px';
283                                                 }
284                                         })();
286                                         noteNode.className = 'note-popup';
288                                         noteNode.onmouseout = function() {
289                                                 if (!currentData.cmd) {
290                                                         note.hide();
291                                                 }
292                                         };
294                                         noteNode.onmouseover = function() {
295                                                 if (timer && !state) {
296                                                         state = 1;
297                                                         clearTimeout(timer);
298                                                         timer = null;
299                                                 }
300                                         };
302                                         if (isIE) {
303                                                 noteNode.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0)';
304                                         } else {
305                                                 noteNode.style.opacity = 0;
306                                         }
308                                         function callCmd() {
309                                                 if (currentData.cmd) {
310                                                         currentNoteNode = ljNoteData[currentData.cmd].node = currentData.node;
311                                                         editor.execCommand(currentData.cmd);
312                                                 }
313                                                 return false;
314                                         }
316                                         function applyNote() {
317                                                 if (state) {
318                                                         currentData.cmd = tempData.cmd;
319                                                         currentData.data = tempData.data;
320                                                         currentData.node = tempData.node;
322                                                         delete tempData.node;
323                                                         delete tempData.cmd;
324                                                         delete tempData.data;
326                                                         noteNode.innerHTML = decodeURIComponent(currentData.data);
328                                                         var link = noteNode.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
329                                                         if (link && currentData.cmd) {
330                                                                 link.onclick = callCmd;
331                                                         }
332                                                 } else {
333                                                         delete currentData.node;
334                                                         delete currentData.cmd;
335                                                         delete currentData.data;
337                                                         currentNoteNode = null;
338                                                 }
340                                                 animate(state);
342                                                 timer = null;
343                                         }
345                                         note = {
346                                                 show: function(data, cmd, node) {
347                                                         if (data == tempData.data && cmd == tempData.cmd && node === tempData.node) {
348                                                                 return;
349                                                         }
351                                                         if (timer) {
352                                                                 clearTimeout(timer);
353                                                                 timer = null;
354                                                         }
356                                                         state = 1;
357                                                         timer = setTimeout(applyNote, 1000);
359                                                         tempData.data = data;
360                                                         tempData.cmd = cmd;
361                                                         tempData.node = node;
362                                                 },
363                                                 hide: function(isNow) {
364                                                         if (state) {
365                                                                 state = 0;
367                                                                 if (timer) {
368                                                                         clearTimeout(timer);
369                                                                         timer = null;
370                                                                 }
372                                                                 if (noteNode.parentNode) {
373                                                                         isNow === true ? applyNote() : timer = setTimeout(applyNote, 500);
374                                                                 }
375                                                         }
376                                                 }
377                                         };
378                                 }
380                         });
382                         //////////  LJ User Button //////////////
383                         var url = top.Site.siteroot + '/tools/endpoints/ljuser.bml';
385                         editor.on('doubleclick', function(evt) {
386                                 var command = editor.getCommand('LJUserLink');
387                                 if (command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
388                                         command.exec();
389                                 }
391                                 evt.data.dialog = '';
392                         });
394                         editor.addCommand('LJUserLink', {
395                                 exec: function(editor) {
396                                         var userName = '',
397                                                 selection = editor.getSelection(),
398                                                 LJUser = ljNoteData.LJUserLink.node;
400                                         if (ljNoteData.LJUserLink.node) {
401                                                 userName = prompt(top.CKLang.UserPrompt, ljNoteData.LJUserLink.node.getElementsByTag('b').getItem(0)
402                                                         .getText());
403                                         } else if (selection.getType() == 2) {
404                                                 userName = selection.getSelectedText();
405                                         }
407                                         if (userName == '') {
408                                                 userName = prompt(top.CKLang.UserPrompt, userName);
409                                         }
411                                         if (!userName) {
412                                                 return;
413                                         }
415                                         parent.HTTPReq.getJSON({
416                                                 data: parent.HTTPReq.formEncoded({
417                                                         username: userName
418                                                 }),
419                                                 method: 'POST',
420                                                 url: url,
421                                                 onData: function(data) {
422                                                         if (data.error) {
423                                                                 alert(data.error);
424                                                                 return;
425                                                         }
426                                                         if (!data.success) {
427                                                                 return;
428                                                         }
429                                                         data.ljuser = data.ljuser.replace('<span class="useralias-value">*</span>', '');
431                                                         ljUsers[userName] = data.ljuser;
433                                                         var tmpNode = editor.document.createElement('div');
434                                                         tmpNode.setHtml(data.ljuser);
435                                                         ljNoteData.LJUserLink.node = tmpNode.getFirst();
436                                                         ljNoteData.LJUserLink.node.setAttribute('lj-cmd', 'LJUserLink');
438                                                         if (LJUser) {
439                                                                 LJUser.$.parentNode.replaceChild(ljNoteData.LJUserLink.node.$, LJUser.$);
440                                                         } else {
441                                                                 editor.insertElement(ljNoteData.LJUserLink.node);
442                                                         }
443                                                 }
444                                         });
445                                 }
446                         });
448                         editor.ui.addButton('LJUserLink', {
449                                 label: top.CKLang.LJUser,
450                                 command: 'LJUserLink'
451                         });
453                         //////////  LJ Image Button //////////////
454                         editor.addCommand('LJImage', {
455                                 exec: function(editor) {
456                                         if (ljNoteData.LJImage.node) {
457                                                 editor.openDialog('image');
458                                         } else if (window.ljphotoEnabled) {
459                                                 jQuery('#updateForm').photouploader({
460                                                         type: 'upload'
461                                                 }).photouploader('show').bind('htmlready', function (event, html) {
462                                                         editor.insertHtml(html);
463                                                 });
464                                         } else {
465                                                 InOb.handleInsertImage();
466                                         }
467                                 },
468                                 editorFocus: false
469                         });
471                         editor.on('doubleclick', function() {
472                                 if (ljNoteData.LJImage.node){
473                                         editor.execCommand('LJImage');
474                                 }
475                         });
477                         editor.ui.addButton('LJImage', {
478                                 label: editor.lang.common.imageButton,
479                                 command: 'LJImage'
480                         });
482                         //////////  LJ Link Button //////////////
483                         editor.addCommand('LJLink', {
484                                 exec: function(editor) {
485                                         editor.openDialog('link');
486                                 },
487                                 editorFocus: false
488                         });
490                         editor.on('doubleclick', function(evt) {
491                                 if (ljNoteData.LJLink.node) {
492                                         editor.openDialog('link');
493                                 }
494                         });
496                         editor.ui.addButton('LJLink', {
497                                 label: editor.lang.link.tollbar,
498                                 command: 'LJLink'
499                         });
501                         //////////  LJ Justify //////////////
502                         (function() {
503                                 function getState(editor, path) {
504                                         var firstBlock = path.block || path.blockLimit;
506                                         if (!firstBlock || firstBlock.getName() == 'body')
507                                                 return CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
509                                         return ( getAlignment(firstBlock, editor.config.useComputedState) == this.value ) ? CKEDITOR
510                                                 .TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
511                                 }
513                                 function getAlignment(element, useComputedState) {
514                                         useComputedState = useComputedState === undefined || useComputedState;
516                                         var align;
517                                         if (useComputedState)
518                                                 align = element.getComputedStyle('text-align'); else {
519                                                 while (!element.hasAttribute || !( element.hasAttribute('align') || element.getStyle('text-align') )) {
520                                                         var parent = element.getParent();
521                                                         if (!parent)
522                                                                 break;
523                                                         element = parent;
524                                                 }
525                                                 align = element.getStyle('text-align') || element.getAttribute('align') || '';
526                                         }
528                                         align && ( align = align.replace(/-moz-|-webkit-|start|auto/i, '') );
530                                         !align && useComputedState && ( align = element.getComputedStyle('direction') == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' );
532                                         return align;
533                                 }
535                                 function onSelectionChange(evt) {
536                                         if (evt.editor.readOnly)
537                                                 return;
539                                         var command = evt.editor.getCommand(this.name);
540                                         command.state = getState.call(this, evt.editor, evt.data.path);
541                                         command.fire('state');
542                                 }
544                                 function JustifyCommand(editor, name, value) {
545                                         this.name = name;
546                                         this.value = value;
548                                         var classes = editor.config.justifyClasses;
549                                         if (classes) {
550                                                 switch (value) {
551                                                         case 'left' :
552                                                                 this.cssClassName = classes[0];
553                                                                 break;
554                                                         case 'center' :
555                                                                 this.cssClassName = classes[1];
556                                                                 break;
557                                                         case 'right' :
558                                                                 this.cssClassName = classes[2];
559                                                                 break;
560                                                         case 'justify' :
561                                                                 this.cssClassName = classes[3];
562                                                                 break;
563                                                 }
565                                                 this.cssClassRegex = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)(?:' + classes.join('|') + ')(?=$|\\s)');
566                                         }
567                                 }
569                                 function onDirChanged(e) {
570                                         var editor = e.editor;
572                                         var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(editor.document);
573                                         range.setStartBefore(e.data.node);
574                                         range.setEndAfter(e.data.node);
576                                         var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(range),
577                                                 node;
579                                         while (( node = walker.next() )) {
580                                                 if (node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
581                                                         // A child with the defined dir is to be ignored.
582                                                         if (!node.equals(e.data.node) && node.getDirection()) {
583                                                                 range.setStartAfter(node);
584                                                                 walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(range);
585                                                                 continue;
586                                                         }
588                                                         // Switch the alignment.
589                                                         var classes = editor.config.justifyClasses;
590                                                         if (classes) {
591                                                                 // The left align class.
592                                                                 if (node.hasClass(classes[ 0 ])) {
593                                                                         node.removeClass(classes[ 0 ]);
594                                                                         node.addClass(classes[ 2 ]);
595                                                                 }
596                                                                 // The right align class.
597                                                                 else if (node.hasClass(classes[ 2 ])) {
598                                                                         node.removeClass(classes[ 2 ]);
599                                                                         node.addClass(classes[ 0 ]);
600                                                                 }
601                                                         }
603                                                         // Always switch CSS margins.
604                                                         var style = 'text-align';
605                                                         var align = node.getStyle(style);
607                                                         if (align == 'left')
608                                                                 node.setStyle(style, 'right'); else if (align == 'right')
609                                                                 node.setStyle(style, 'left');
610                                                 }
611                                         }
612                                 }
614                                 JustifyCommand.prototype = {
615                                         exec : function(editor) {
616                                                 if(ljNoteData.LJLike.node){
617                                                         ljNoteData.LJLike.node.removeAttribute('contenteditable');
618                                                         editor.getSelection().selectElement(ljNoteData.LJLike.node);
619                                                 }
621                                                 var selection = editor.getSelection(),
622                                                         enterMode = editor.config.enterMode;
624                                                 if (!selection)
625                                                         return;
627                                                 var bookmarks = selection.createBookmarks(),
628                                                         ranges = selection.getRanges(true);
630                                                 var cssClassName = this.cssClassName,
631                                                         iterator,
632                                                         block;
634                                                 var useComputedState = editor.config.useComputedState;
635                                                 useComputedState = useComputedState === undefined || useComputedState;
637                                                 for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
638                                                         iterator = ranges[ i ].createIterator();
639                                                         iterator.enlargeBr = enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
641                                                         while (( block = iterator.getNextParagraph(enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div') )) {
642                                                                 block.removeAttribute('align');
643                                                                 block.removeStyle('text-align');
645                                                                 // Remove any of the alignment classes from the className.
646                                                                 var className = cssClassName && ( block.$.className = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(block.$.className
647                                                                         .replace(this.cssClassRegex, '')) );
649                                                                 var apply = ( this.state == CKEDITOR
650                                                                         .TRISTATE_OFF ) && ( !useComputedState || ( getAlignment(block, true) != this.value ) );
652                                                                 if (cssClassName) {
653                                                                         // Append the desired class name.
654                                                                         if (apply)
655                                                                                 block.addClass(cssClassName); else if (!className)
656                                                                                 block.removeAttribute('class');
657                                                                 } else if (apply)
658                                                                         block.setStyle('text-align', this.value);
659                                                         }
661                                                 }
663                                                 editor.focus();
664                                                 editor.forceNextSelectionCheck();
665                                                 selection.selectBookmarks(bookmarks);
667                                                 if (ljNoteData.LJLike.node) {
668                                                         ljNoteData.LJLike.node.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'false');
669                                                 }
670                                         }
671                                 };
673                                 var left = new JustifyCommand(editor, 'justifyleft', 'left'),
674                                         center = new JustifyCommand(editor, 'justifycenter', 'center'),
675                                         right = new JustifyCommand(editor, 'justifyright', 'right'),
676                                         justify = new JustifyCommand(editor, 'justifyblock', 'justify');
678                                 editor.addCommand('justifyleft', left);
679                                 editor.addCommand('justifycenter', center);
680                                 editor.addCommand('justifyright', right);
681                                 editor.addCommand('justifyblock', justify);
683                                 editor.ui.addButton('JustifyLeft', {
684                                         label : editor.lang.justify.left,
685                                         command : 'justifyleft'
686                                 });
687                                 editor.ui.addButton('JustifyCenter', {
688                                         label : editor.lang.justify.center,
689                                         command : 'justifycenter'
690                                 });
691                                 editor.ui.addButton('JustifyRight', {
692                                         label : editor.lang.justify.right,
693                                         command : 'justifyright'
694                                 });
695                                 editor.ui.addButton('JustifyBlock', {
696                                         label : editor.lang.justify.block,
697                                         command : 'justifyblock'
698                                 });
700                                 editor.on('selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind(onSelectionChange, left));
701                                 editor.on('selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind(onSelectionChange, right));
702                                 editor.on('selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind(onSelectionChange, center));
703                                 editor.on('selectionChange', CKEDITOR.tools.bind(onSelectionChange, justify));
704                                 editor.on('dirChanged', onDirChanged);
706                         })();
709                         //////////  LJ Embed Media Button //////////////
710                         editor.addCommand('LJEmbedLink', {
711                                 exec: function() {
712                                         top.LJ_IPPU.textPrompt(top.CKLang.LJEmbedPromptTitle, top.CKLang.LJEmbedPrompt, doEmbed, {
713                                                 width: '350px'
714                                         });
715                                 }
716                         });
718                         editor.ui.addButton('LJEmbedLink', {
719                                 label: top.CKLang.LJEmbed,
720                                 command: 'LJEmbedLink'
721                         });
723                         editor.addCss('.lj-embed' + '{'
724                                 + 'background-image: url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + 'images/placeholder_flash.png') + ');'
725                                 + 'background-position: center center;'
726                                 + 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
727                                 + 'background-color: #CCCCCC;'
728                                 + 'border: 1px dotted #000000;'
729                                 + 'min-height: 80px;'
730                         + '}');
732                         function doEmbed(content) {
733                                 if (content && content.length) {
734                                         if (window.switchedRteOn) {
735                                                 editor.insertHtml('<div class="lj-embed" contentEditable="false">' + content + '</div><br/>');
736                                         }
737                                 }
738                         }
740                         //////////  LJ Cut Button //////////////
741                         editor.on('doubleclick', function(evt) {
742                                 var command = editor.getCommand('LJCut');
743                                 if (command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
744                                         command.exec();
745                                 }
746                         });
748                         editor.addCommand('LJCut', {
749                                 exec: function() {
750                                         var text;
751                                         if (ljNoteData.LJCut.node) {
752                                                 text = prompt(top.CKLang.CutPrompt, ljNoteData.LJCut.node.getAttribute('text') || top.CKLang.ReadMore);
753                                                 if (text) {
754                                                         if (text == top.CKLang.ReadMore) {
755                                                                 ljNoteData.LJCut.node.removeAttribute('text');
756                                                         } else {
757                                                                 ljNoteData.LJCut.node.setAttribute('text', text);
758                                                         }
759                                                 }
760                                         } else {
761                                                 text = prompt(top.CKLang.CutPrompt, top.CKLang.ReadMore);
762                                                 if (text) {
763                                                         ljNoteData.LJCut.node = editor.document.createElement('lj-cut');
764                                                         ljNoteData.LJCut.node.setAttribute('lj-cmd', 'LJCut');
765                                                         if (text != top.CKLang.ReadMore) {
766                                                                 ljNoteData.LJCut.node.setAttribute('text', text);
767                                                         }
768                                                         editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0].extractContents().appendTo(ljNoteData.LJCut.node);
769                                                         editor.insertElement(ljNoteData.LJCut.node);
770                                                         var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(editor.document);
771                                                         range.selectNodeContents(ljNoteData.LJCut.node);
772                                                         editor.getSelection().selectRanges([range]);
773                                                 }
774                                         }
775                                 }
776                         });
778                         editor.ui.addButton('LJCut', {
779                                 label: top.CKLang.LJCut,
780                                 command: 'LJCut'
781                         });
783                         //////////  LJ Poll Button //////////////
784                         if (top.canmakepoll) {
785                                 var currentPoll;
787                                 editor.on('doubleclick', function(evt) {
788                                         var command = editor.getCommand('LJPollLink');
789                                         if (command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
790                                                 command.exec();
791                                                 evt.data.dialog = '';
792                                         }
793                                 });
795                                 CKEDITOR.dialog.add('LJPollDialog', function() {
796                                         var isAllFrameLoad = 0, okButtonNode, questionsWindow, setupWindow;
798                                         var onLoadPollPage = function() {
799                                                 if (this.removeListener) {
800                                                         this.removeListener('load', onLoadPollPage);
801                                                 }
802                                                 if (isAllFrameLoad && okButtonNode) {
803                                                         currentPoll = new Poll(ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node && unescape(ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node
804                                                                 .getAttribute('data')), questionsWindow.document, setupWindow.document, questionsWindow.Questions);
806                                                         questionsWindow.ready(currentPoll);
807                                                         setupWindow.ready(currentPoll);
809                                                         okButtonNode.style.display = 'block';
810                                                 } else {
811                                                         isAllFrameLoad++;
812                                                 }
813                                         };
815                                         var buttonsDefinition = [new CKEDITOR.ui.button({
816                                                 type: 'button',
817                                                 id: 'LJPool_Ok',
818                                                 label: editor.lang.common.ok,
819                                                 onClick: function(evt) {
820                                                         evt.data.dialog.hide();
821                                                         var pollSource = new Poll(currentPoll, questionsWindow.document, setupWindow.document, questionsWindow
822                                                                 .Questions).outputHTML();
824                                                         if (pollSource.length > 0) {
825                                                                 if (ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node) {
826                                                                         var node = editor.document.createElement('div');
827                                                                         node.setHtml(pollSource);
828                                                                         ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node.insertBeforeMe(node);
829                                                                         ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node.remove();
830                                                                 } else {
831                                                                         editor.insertHtml(pollSource);
832                                                                 }
833                                                                 ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node = null;
834                                                         }
835                                                 }
836                                         }), CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton];
838                                         CKEDITOR.env.mac && buttonsDefinition.reverse();
840                                         return {
841                                                 title: top.CKLang.Poll_PollWizardTitle,
842                                                 width: 420,
843                                                 height: 270,
844                                                 resizable: false,
845                                                 onShow: function() {
846                                                         if (isAllFrameLoad) {
847                                                                 currentPoll = new Poll(ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node && unescape(ljNoteData.LJPollLink.node
848                                                                         .getAttribute('data')), questionsWindow.document, setupWindow.document, questionsWindow.Questions);
850                                                                 questionsWindow.ready(currentPoll);
851                                                                 setupWindow.ready(currentPoll);
852                                                         }
853                                                 },
854                                                 contents: [
855                                                         {
856                                                                 id: 'LJPool_Setup',
857                                                                 label: 'Setup',
858                                                                 padding: 0,
859                                                                 elements: [
860                                                                         {
861                                                                                 type: 'html',
862                                                                                 html: '<iframe src="/tools/ck_poll_setup.bml" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" style="width:100%; height:320px;"></iframe>',
863                                                                                 onShow: function(data) {
864                                                                                         if (!okButtonNode) {
865                                                                                                 (okButtonNode = document.getElementById(data.sender.getButton('LJPool_Ok').domId).parentNode)
866                                                                                                         .style.display = 'none';
867                                                                                         }
868                                                                                         var iframe = this.getElement('iframe');
869                                                                                         setupWindow = iframe.$.contentWindow;
870                                                                                         if (setupWindow.ready) {
871                                                                                                 onLoadPollPage();
872                                                                                         } else {
873                                                                                                 iframe.on('load', onLoadPollPage);
874                                                                                         }
875                                                                                 }
876                                                                         }
877                                                                 ]
878                                                         },
879                                                         {
880                                                                 id: 'LJPool_Questions',
881                                                                 label: 'Questions',
882                                                                 padding: 0,
883                                                                 elements:[
884                                                                         {
885                                                                                 type: 'html',
886                                                                                 html: '<iframe src="/tools/ck_poll_questions.bml" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" style="width:100%; height:320px;"></iframe>',
887                                                                                 onShow: function() {
888                                                                                         var iframe = this.getElement('iframe');
889                                                                                         questionsWindow = iframe.$.contentWindow;
890                                                                                         if (questionsWindow.ready) {
891                                                                                                 onLoadPollPage();
892                                                                                         } else {
893                                                                                                 iframe.on('load', onLoadPollPage);
894                                                                                         }
895                                                                                 }
896                                                                         }
897                                                                 ]
898                                                         }
899                                                 ],
900                                                 buttons: buttonsDefinition
901                                         };
902                                 });
904                                 editor.addCommand('LJPollLink', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('LJPollDialog'));
905                         } else {
906                                 editor.addCommand('LJPollLink', {
907                                         exec: function() {
908                                                 note.show(top.CKLang.Poll_AccountLevelNotice);
909                                         }
910                                 });
912                                 editor.getCommand('LJPollLink').setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
913                         }
915                         editor.ui.addButton('LJPollLink', {
916                                 label: top.CKLang.Poll,
917                                 command: 'LJPollLink'
918                         });
920                         //////////  LJ Like Button //////////////
921                         var buttonsLength = likeButtons.length;
922                         var dialogContent = '<div class="cke-dialog-likes"><ul class="cke-dialog-likes-list">';
923                         likeButtons.defaultButtons = [];
925                         for (var i = 0; i < buttonsLength; i++) {
926                                 var button = likeButtons[i];
927                                 likeButtons[button.id] = likeButtons[button.abbr] = button;
928                                 likeButtons.defaultButtons.push(button.id);
929                                 dialogContent += button.htmlOpt;
930                         }
932                         dialogContent += '</ul><p class="cke-dialog-likes-faq">' + window.faqLink + '</p></div>';
934                         var countChanges = 0, ljLikeDialog, ljLikeInputs;
936                         function onChangeLike() {
937                                 var command = editor.getCommand('LJLike');
938                                 if (command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) {
939                                         this.$.checked ? countChanges++ : countChanges--;
940                                         ljLikeDialog.getButton('LJLike_Ok')
941                                                 .getElement()[countChanges == 0 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('btn-disabled');
942                                 }
943                         }
945                         CKEDITOR.dialog.add('LJLikeDialog', function() {
946                                 var buttonsDefinition = [new CKEDITOR.ui.button({
947                                         type: 'button',
948                                         id: 'LJLike_Ok',
949                                         label: editor.lang.common.ok,
950                                         onClick: function() {
951                                                 if (ljLikeDialog.getButton('LJLike_Ok').getElement().hasClass('btn-disabled')) {
952                                                         return false;
953                                                 }
955                                                 var attr = [],
956                                                         likeHtml = '',
957                                                         likeNode = ljNoteData.LJLike.node;
959                                                 for (var i = 0; i < buttonsLength; i++) {
960                                                         var button = likeButtons[i];
961                                                         var input = document.getElementById('like-' + button.abbr);
962                                                         var currentBtn = likeNode && likeNode.getAttribute('buttons');
963                                                         if ((input && input.checked) || (currentBtn && !button.htmlOpt && (currentBtn.indexOf(button
964                                                                 .abbr) + 1 || currentBtn.indexOf(button.id) + 1))) {
965                                                                 attr.push(button.id);
966                                                                 likeHtml += button.html;
967                                                         }
968                                                 }
970                                                 if (attr.length) {
971                                                         if (likeNode) {
972                                                                 ljNoteData.LJLike.node.setAttribute('buttons', attr.join(','));
973                                                                 ljNoteData.LJLike.node.setHtml(likeHtml);
974                                                         } else {
975                                                                 editor.insertHtml('<div contentEditable="false" class="lj-like" lj-cmd="LJLike" buttons="' + attr
976                                                                         .join(',') + '">' + likeHtml + '</div><br />');
977                                                         }
978                                                 } else if (likeNode) {
979                                                         ljNoteData.LJLike.node.remove();
980                                                 }
982                                                 ljLikeDialog.hide();
983                                         }
984                                 }), CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton];
986                                 CKEDITOR.env.mac && buttonsDefinition.reverse();
988                                 return {
989                                         title: top.CKLang.LJLike_name,
990                                         width: 145,
991                                         height: window.isSupUser ? 180 : 145,
992                                         resizable: false,
993                                         contents: [
994                                                 {
995                                                         id: 'LJLike_Options',
996                                                         elements: [
997                                                                 {
998                                                                         type: 'html',
999                                                                         html: dialogContent
1000                                                                 }
1001                                                         ]
1002                                                 }
1003                                         ],
1004                                         onShow: function() {
1005                                                 var command = editor.getCommand('LJLike');
1006                                                 var i = countChanges = 0,
1007                                                         isOn = command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON,
1008                                                         buttons = ljNoteData.LJLike.node && ljNoteData.LJLike.node.getAttribute('buttons');
1010                                                 for (; i < buttonsLength; i++) {
1011                                                         var isChecked = buttons ? !!(buttons.indexOf(likeButtons[i].abbr) + 1 || buttons.indexOf(likeButtons[i]
1012                                                                 .id) + 1) : true;
1014                                                         var input = document.getElementById('like-' + likeButtons[i].abbr);
1016                                                         if (input) {
1017                                                                 if (isChecked && !isOn) {
1018                                                                         countChanges++;
1019                                                                 }
1021                                                                 input.checked = isChecked;
1022                                                         }
1023                                                 }
1025                                                 if (countChanges > 0) {
1026                                                         ljLikeDialog.getButton('LJLike_Ok').getElement().removeClass('btn-disabled');
1027                                                 }
1028                                         },
1029                                         onLoad: function() {
1030                                                 ljLikeDialog = this;
1031                                                 ljLikeInputs = ljLikeDialog.parts.contents.getElementsByTag('input');
1032                                                 for (var i = 0; i < buttonsLength; i++) {
1033                                                         var item = ljLikeInputs.getItem(i);
1034                                                         item && item.on('click', onChangeLike);
1035                                                 }
1036                                         },
1037                                         buttons: buttonsDefinition
1038                                 }
1039                         });
1041                         editor.on('doubleclick', function() {
1042                                 var command = editor.getCommand('LJLike');
1043                                 if (command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
1044                                         command.exec();
1045                                 }
1046                         });
1048                         editor.addCommand('LJLike', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('LJLikeDialog'));
1050                         editor.ui.addButton('LJLike', {
1051                                 label: top.CKLang.LJLike_name,
1052                                 command: 'LJLike'
1053                         });
1054                 },
1055                 afterInit: function(editor) {
1056                         var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor;
1058                         dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules({
1059                                 elements: {
1060                                         'lj-cut': function(element) {
1061                                                 element.attributes['lj-cmd'] = 'LJCut';
1062                                         },
1063                                         'lj-embed': function(element){
1064                                                 var fakeElement = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element('div');
1065                                                 fakeElement.attributes.contentEditable = 'false';
1066                                                 fakeElement.attributes['class'] = 'lj-embed';
1067                                                 fakeElement.attributes['embedid'] = element.attributes.id;
1068                                                 fakeElement.children = element.children;
1070                                                 return fakeElement;
1071                                         },
1072                                         'lj-like': function(element) {
1073                                                 var attr = [];
1075                                                 var fakeElement = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element('div');
1076                                                 fakeElement.attributes.contentEditable = 'false';
1077                                                 fakeElement.attributes['class'] = 'lj-like';
1078                                                 fakeElement.attributes['lj-cmd'] = 'LJLike';
1080                                                 var currentButtons = element.attributes.buttons && element.attributes.buttons.split(',') || likeButtons
1081                                                         .defaultButtons;
1083                                                 var length = currentButtons.length;
1084                                                 for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1085                                                         var buttonName = currentButtons[i].replace(/^\s*([a-z]{2,})\s*$/i, '$1');
1086                                                         var button = likeButtons[buttonName];
1087                                                         if (button) {
1088                                                                 var buttonNode = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(button.html).children[0];
1089                                                                 fakeElement.add(buttonNode);
1090                                                                 attr.push(buttonName);
1091                                                         }
1092                                                 }
1094                                                 fakeElement.attributes.buttons = attr.join(',');
1095                                                 fakeElement.attributes.style = element.attributes.style;
1096                                                 return fakeElement;
1097                                         },
1098                                         'lj': function(element) {
1099                                                 var ljUserName = element.attributes.user;
1100                                                 if (!ljUserName || !ljUserName.length) {
1101                                                         return;
1102                                                 }
1104                                                 var ljUserTitle = element.attributes.title;
1105                                                 var cacheName = ljUserTitle ? ljUserName + ':' + ljUserTitle : ljUserName;
1107                                                 if (ljUsers.hasOwnProperty(cacheName)) {
1108                                                         var ljTag = (new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(ljUsers[cacheName])).children[0];
1110                                                         ljTag.attributes['lj-cmd'] = 'LJUserLink';
1111                                                         return ljTag;
1112                                                 } else {
1113                                                         var onSuccess = function(data) {
1114                                                                 ljUsers[cacheName] = data.ljuser;
1116                                                                 if (data.error) {
1117                                                                         return alert(data.error + ' "' + username + '"');
1118                                                                 }
1119                                                                 if (!data.success) {
1120                                                                         return;
1121                                                                 }
1123                                                                 data.ljuser = data.ljuser.replace('<span class="useralias-value">*</span>', '');
1125                                                                 var ljTags = editor.document.getElementsByTag('lj');
1127                                                                 for (var i = 0, l = ljTags.count(); i < l; i++) {
1128                                                                         var ljTag = ljTags.getItem(i);
1130                                                                         var userName = ljTag.getAttribute('user');
1131                                                                         var userTitle = ljTag.getAttribute('title');
1132                                                                         if (cacheName == userTitle ? userName + ':' + userTitle : userName) {
1133                                                                                 ljTag.setHtml(ljUsers[cacheName]);
1134                                                                                 var newLjTag = ljTag.getFirst();
1135                                                                                 newLjTag.setAttribute('lj-cmd', 'LJUserLink');
1136                                                                                 ljTag.insertBeforeMe(newLjTag);
1137                                                                                 ljTag.remove();
1138                                                                         }
1139                                                                 }
1140                                                         };
1142                                                         var onError = function(err) {
1143                                                                 alert(err + ' "' + ljUserName + '"');
1144                                                         };
1146                                                         var postData = {
1147                                                                 username: ljUserName
1148                                                         };
1150                                                         if (ljUserTitle) {
1151                                                                 postData.usertitle = ljUserTitle;
1152                                                         }
1154                                                         HTTPReq.getJSON({
1155                                                                 data: HTTPReq.formEncoded(postData),
1156                                                                 method: 'POST',
1157                                                                 url: Site.siteroot + '/tools/endpoints/ljuser.bml',
1158                                                                 onError: onError,
1159                                                                 onData: onSuccess
1160                                                         });
1161                                                 }
1162                                         },
1163                                         'lj-map': function(element){
1164                                                 return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml('' + '<div style="' + 'width: ' + (isNaN(element.attributes
1165                                                         .width) ? 100 : element.attributes.width) + 'px;' + 'height: ' + (isNaN(element.attributes
1166                                                         .height) ? 100 : element.attributes
1167                                                         .height) + 'px;"' + 'contentEditable="false"' + 'lj-url="' + (encodeURIComponent(element.attributes
1168                                                         .url) || '') + '"' + 'class="lj-map"><p>map</p>' + '</div>').children[0];
1169                                         },
1170                                         a: function(element) {
1171                                                 element.attributes['lj-cmd'] = 'LJLink';
1172                                         },
1173                                         img: function(element) {
1174                                                 element.attributes['lj-cmd'] = 'LJImage';
1175                                         }
1176                                 }
1177                         }, 5);
1179                         dataProcessor.htmlFilter.addRules({
1180                                 elements: {
1181                                         div: function(element) {
1182                                                 if (element.attributes['class'] == 'lj-like') {
1183                                                         var ljLikeNode = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element('lj-like');
1184                                                         ljLikeNode.attributes.buttons = element.attributes.buttons;
1185                                                         if (element.attributes.style) {
1186                                                                 ljLikeNode.attributes.style = element.attributes.style;
1187                                                         }
1188                                                         ljLikeNode.isEmpty = true;
1189                                                         ljLikeNode.isOptionalClose = true;
1190                                                         return ljLikeNode;
1191                                                 } else if(element.attributes['class'] == 'lj-embed'){
1192                                                         var ljEmbedNode = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element('lj-embed');
1193                                                         ljEmbedNode.attributes.id = element.attributes.embedid;
1194                                                         ljEmbedNode.children = element.children;
1196                                                         return ljEmbedNode;
1197                                                 } else if (element.attributes['class'] == 'lj-map') {
1198                                                         var ljMapNode = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element('lj-map');
1199                                                         ljMapNode.attributes.url = decodeURIComponent(element.attributes['lj-url']);
1200                                                         element.attributes.style.replace(/([a-z-]+):(.*?);/gi, function(relust, name, value){
1201                                                                 ljMapNode.attributes[name] = parseInt(value);
1202                                                         });
1204                                                         ljMapNode.isOptionalClose = ljMapNode.isEmpty = true;
1205                                                         return ljMapNode;
1206                                                 } else if (!element.children.length) {
1207                                                         return false;
1208                                                 }
1209                                         },
1210                                         span: function(element) {
1211                                                 var userName = element.attributes['lj:user'];
1212                                                 if (userName) {
1213                                                         var ljUserNode = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element('lj');
1214                                                         ljUserNode.attributes.user = userName;
1215                                                         var userTitle = element.children[1].children[0].children[0].value;
1217                                                         if (userTitle && userTitle != userName) {
1218                                                                 ljUserNode.attributes.title = userTitle;
1219                                                         }
1221                                                         ljUserNode.isOptionalClose = ljUserNode.isEmpty = true;
1222                                                         return ljUserNode;
1223                                                 }
1224                                         }
1225                                 },
1226                                 attributes: {
1227                                         'lj-cmd': function() {
1228                                                 return false;
1229                                         },
1230                                         'contenteditable': function(){
1231                                                 return false;
1232                                         }
1233                                 }
1234                         });
1235                 },
1237                 requires: ['fakeobjects', 'domiterator']
1238         });
1240 })();