[lice @ get doctor working. fix line-end-position. fix move-to-left-margin.]
[lice.git] / wrappers.lisp
1 ;;; A collection of wrappers around extended functionality that may be
2 ;;; different across CL implementations.
4 ;;; To add support for a new CL implementation, an entry in each of
5 ;;; these functions must be made for it.
7 (in-package :lice)
9 ;;; Weak Pointers
11 (defun weak-pointer-p (wp)
12 #+clisp (ext:weak-pointer-p (wp))
13 #-(or clisp) (declare (ignore wp)))
15 (defun make-weak-pointer (data)
16 #+clisp (ext:make-weak-pointer data)
17 #+cmu (extensions:make-weak-pointer data)
18 #+sbcl (sb-ext:make-weak-pointer data)
19 #+(or movitz mcl) data)
21 (defun weak-pointer-value (wp)
22 #+clisp (ext:weak-pointer-value wp)
23 #+cmu (extensions:weak-pointer-value wp)
24 #+sbcl (sb-ext:weak-pointer-value wp)
25 #+(or movitz mcl) (values wp t))
27 ;;; Some wrappers for access to filesystem things. file type, file
28 ;;; size, ownership, modification date, mode, etc
30 (defun file-stats (pathname)
31 "Return some file stats"
32 #+sbcl
33 (let ((stat (sb-posix:lstat pathname)))
34 (values (sb-posix:stat-mode stat)
35 (sb-posix:stat-size stat)
36 (sb-posix:stat-uid stat)
37 (sb-posix:stat-gid stat)
38 (sb-posix:stat-mtime stat)))
39 #+clisp
40 (let ((stat (sys::file-stat pathname)))
41 (values (butlast (sys::file-stat-mode stat))
42 (sys::file-stat-size stat)
43 (sys::file-stat-uid stat)
44 (sys::file-stat-gid stat)
45 (sys::file-stat-mtime stat)))
46 #-(or sbcl clisp)
47 (error "Not implemented"))
49 ;;; subprocesses
51 (defun run-program (program args &key (output :stream) (error :stream) (input :stream) (sentinel nil))
52 #+sbcl (let ((p (sb-ext:run-program program args :output output :error error :input input :status-hook sentinel)))
53 (values p
54 (sb-ext:process-input p)
55 (sb-ext:process-output p)
56 (sb-ext:process-error p)))
57 #-sbcl (error "Not implemented"))
59 (defun internal-process-alive-p (process)
60 #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-alive-p process)
61 #-sbcl (error "Not implemented"))
63 (defun internal-process-kill (process &optional (signal 3))
64 #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-kill process signal)
65 #-(or sbcl) (error "Not implemented"))
67 ;;; threads
69 (defun make-thread (function)
70 #+sbcl (sb-thread:make-thread function)
71 #-(or sbcl) (error "Not implemented"))
73 (defun thread-alive-p (thread)
74 #+sbcl (sb-thread:thread-alive-p thread)
75 #-(or sbcl) (error "Not implemented"))
77 (defun kill-thread (thread)
78 #+sbcl (sb-thread:terminate-thread thread)
79 #-(or sbcl) (error "Not implemented"))
81 (defun make-mutex ()
82 #+sbcl (sb-thread:make-mutex)
83 #-(or sbcl) (error "Not implemented"))
85 (defmacro with-mutex ((mutex) &body body)
86 #+sbcl `(sb-thread:with-mutex (,mutex) ,@body)
87 #-(or sbcl) (error "Not implemented"))
89 ;;; environment
91 (defun getenv (var)
92 "Return the value of the environment variable."
93 #+clisp (ext:getenv (string var))
94 #+sbcl (sb-posix:getenv (string var))
95 #-(or clisp sbcl)
96 (error "Not implemented"))
98 ;;; debugger
100 (defun backtrace-as-string (&optional (depth most-positive-fixnum))
101 (with-output-to-string (s)
102 #+sbcl (sb-debug:backtrace depth s)
103 #-(or sbcl)
104 (error "Not implemented")))
106 ;;; terminal manipulation
108 ;;; SIGINT error. we setup our own error handler.
110 (define-condition user-break (simple-condition)
113 #+sbcl
114 (defun sbcl-sigint-handler (&rest junk)
115 (declare (ignore junk))
116 (flet ((break-it ()
117 (with-simple-restart (continue "continue from break")
118 (invoke-debugger (make-condition 'user-break
119 :format-control "User break")))))
120 (sb-thread:interrupt-thread (sb-thread::foreground-thread) #'break-it)))
122 (defun enable-sigint-handler ()
123 #+sbcl (sb-unix::enable-interrupt sb-unix::sigint #'sbcl-sigint-handler)
125 #-(or sbcl) (error "not implemented"))
127 (defvar *old-term-settings* nil)
129 (defun term-backup-settings ()
130 #+sbcl
131 (setf *old-term-settings* (sb-posix:tcgetattr 0))
133 #-(or sbcl) (error "not implemented"))
135 (defun term-restore-settings ()
136 #+sbcl
137 (sb-posix:tcsetattr 0 0 *old-term-settings*)
139 #-(or sbcl) (error "not implemented"))
141 (defun term-set-quit-char (code)
142 #+sbcl
143 (let ((attr (sb-posix:tcgetattr 0))
144 ;; according to termios.h VINTR is 8
145 (vintr 8))
146 (setf (aref (sb-posix:termios-cc attr) vintr) code)
147 (sb-posix:tcsetattr 0 0 attr))
149 #-(or sbcl) (error "not implemented"))
151 ;;; two way streams
154 (provide :lice-0.1/wrappers)