Store user data in $HOME
[kball.git] / src / gamemenu.cpp
1 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // gamemenu.cpp
3 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
4 // This has the menu of the Kball game
5 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
6 // Developed By Kronoman - Copyright (c) 2004
7 // In loving memory of my father
8 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 // Dig up her bones!!!
15 #include "filehelp.h"
16 #include "gamemenu.h" // I need my prototypes
17 #include "sound.h" // I need the sound system
19 #include <stdlib.h> // getenv
20 #include <stdio.h> // snprintf
22 // some globals needed by callback
23 CParticleManager menu_particle_manager; // our own particle managar :^D -- REMEMBER TO CALL NUKE PARTICLES BEFORE LEAVING!
24 BITMAP *bmp_real_background = NULL; // menu real background
25 CSoundWrapper *sound_menu = NULL; // sound manager of game menu object
27 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
28 // This callback function produces the background animation in the menus
29 // also, polls the music
30 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
31 void menu_callback_animation(CQMenu &d, bool do_logic)
33 BITMAP *bmp = NULL;
35 if (sound_menu) // poll music
36 sound_menu->music_poll();
38 time_t t_now = time(NULL); // get current time, for displaying it, and also, for little surprise :O
40 struct tm *time_now_local = localtime (&t_now); // get finally the time in appropiate format
42 bmp = d.get_back_bitmap();
44 if (bmp == NULL)
45 return ; // can't draw :(
47 // DEBUG -- improve this animation
48 if (do_logic) // update logic
50 menu_particle_manager.update_logic();
51 // add particles at random
52 if (rand() % 100 > 95)
54 int c, x, y; // color, pos of explosion
56 switch (rand() % 4) // pick color scheme
59 case 0:
60 c = makecol(255, rand() % 256, 0);
61 break;
63 case 1:
64 c = makecol(0, rand() % 256, 255);
65 break;
67 case 2:
68 c = makecol(rand() % 256, 0, 255);
69 break;
71 case 3:
72 c = makecol(rand() % 256, 255, 0);
73 break;
75 default:
76 c = makecol(rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256);
77 break;
80 x = (rand() % (int)(SCREEN_W * 0.8)) + (int)(SCREEN_W * 0.1); // use 80% of screen width
81 y = (rand() % (int)(SCREEN_H * 0.8)) + (int)(SCREEN_H * 0.1); // use 80% of screen height
82 for (int i = 0; i < rand() % 50 + 100; i++) // add particles
84 if (rand() % 100 < 85)
85 menu_particle_manager.add_particle(new CCircleParticle(x, y, (float)((rand() % 800) - 400) / 100.0, (float)((rand() % 800) - 400) / 100.0, c, rand() % 60 + 5, rand() % 4 + 1));
86 else
87 menu_particle_manager.add_particle(new CSparkParticle(x, y, (float)((rand() % 800) - 400) / 100.0, (float)((rand() % 800) - 400) / 100.0, c, rand() % 60 + 5, rand() % 3 + 1));
90 // a little text message
91 if (time_now_local->tm_mday == 30 && time_now_local->tm_mon == 3 && rand() % 100 < 75)
92 menu_particle_manager.add_particle(new CTextParticle(x, y, (float)((rand() % 800) - 400) / 100.0, (float)(rand() % 400 + 150) / -100.0, c, rand() % 60 + 35, (rand() % 1000 < 990 ? string("Kronoman Rulez!") : string("Send me lots of $$$! ;)")) ) );
94 if (time_now_local->tm_year + 1900 >= 2010 && rand() % 100 < 75)
96 char tmpstr[256];
97 usprintf(tmpstr, "Yeah! My game still runs in %d", 1900 + time_now_local->tm_year);
99 if (time_now_local->tm_year + 1900 > 2082 && rand() % 100 < 75)
100 menu_particle_manager.add_particle(new CTextParticle(x, y, (float)((rand() % 800) - 400) / 100.0, (float)(rand() % 400 + 150) / -100.0, c, rand() % 60 + 35, string("I must be over 100 years by now... send me dead flowers to my grave :'(") ) );
101 else
102 menu_particle_manager.add_particle(new CTextParticle(x, y, (float)((rand() % 800) - 400) / 100.0, (float)(rand() % 400 + 150) / -100.0, c, rand() % 60 + 35, string(tmpstr) ) );
107 else
109 // draw particles
110 if (bmp_real_background != NULL)
111 blit (bmp_real_background, bmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, bmp_real_background->w, bmp_real_background->h);
112 else
113 clear(bmp);
115 //set_trans_blender(128,128,128,128);
116 //drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, NULL,0,0);
117 menu_particle_manager.render(bmp, 0, 0);
119 //solid_mode();
121 // show time of day
122 char tbufstr[256]; // time string buffer
124 strftime(tbufstr, 255, "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time_now_local); // This function formats the time data
126 text_mode( -1);
128 textout(bmp, font, tbufstr, 0, bmp->h - text_height(font), makecol(128, 0, 255));
133 CGameMenu::CGameMenu()
135 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::CGameMenu()");
137 menu_back = NULL; // doble buffer bitmap for menu
140 CGameMenu::~CGameMenu()
142 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::~CGameMenu()");
143 // DEBUG!
144 // here we should release RAM used, etc (we should wrap init code and end code in a nice place... not the shit that is right now!)
147 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
148 // This shows the main menu to the user
149 // This is the menu that let the user choose the main options
150 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
151 void CGameMenu::do_main_menu()
153 CQMenu menu; // menu to use/show
154 char tmp_file_buf[2048];
156 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_main_menu() started");
158 // I set this so the callback 'knows' the sound manager
159 sound_menu = &this->soundw;
160 //soundw.set_enabled(true);
162 int ret = 0;
164 clear_bitmap(screen);
165 textout_centre_ex(screen, font, "[ Please wait... loading... ]", SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2, makecol(255, 255, 255), makecol(0, 0, 64));
167 menu_datafile.load_datafile(where_is_the_filename(tmp_file_buf, "gui.dat")); // load datafile
169 // set music
170 soundw.music_load((DUH *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_MUSIC_XM"));
172 bmp_real_background = (BITMAP *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_BMP_BACKGROUND"); // get back bmp image
174 // set some gravity to particles
175 menu_particle_manager.add_dy = 0.08;
178 if (menu_back == NULL)
179 raise_error("do_main_menu()\nERROR: can't create menu_back bitmap!");
181 clear(menu_back);
183 menu.set_to_bitmap(screen);
185 menu.set_back_bitmap(menu_back);
187 menu.set_callback_drawer(menu_callback_animation);
189 menu.set_font_s((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_BIG"));
191 menu.set_fg_color_s(makecol(255, 255, 255));
193 menu.set_bg_color_s(makecol(0, 0, 200));
195 menu.set_font_ns((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_BIG"));
197 menu.set_fg_color_ns(makecol(128, 128, 128));
199 menu.set_bg_color_ns( -1);
201 menu.set_xywh(320, 100, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
203 menu.text_align = 2; // center align
205 menu.item_y_separation = 25;
207 // add menu items
208 menu.add_item_to_menu(string("Start new game")); // 0
210 menu.add_item_to_menu(string("Options")); // 1
212 menu.add_item_to_menu(string("Credits")); // 2
214 menu.add_item_to_menu(string("Map editor")); // 3
216 menu.add_item_to_menu(string("Quit")); // 4
218 while (ret != 4) // 4 = quit
220 char str[4096], *home = getenv("HOME");
221 if (home != NULL)
223 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball", home);
224 mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
225 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball/kball.cfg", home);
226 set_config_file(str);
228 else
230 set_config_file("kball.cfg");
233 menu.control.load_configuration_of_controller("KBALL_CONTROLLER");
235 soundw.music_resume();
237 ret = menu.do_the_menu(); // show the menu
239 soundw.music_pause();
241 switch (ret)
244 case 0: // start
245 do_file_level_selector();
246 break;
248 case 1: // options
249 do_options_menu();
250 break;
252 case 2: // credits
253 do_about_stuff();
254 break;
256 case 3: // map editor (from hell they came...)
257 map_editor.start_map_editor();
258 break;
260 case 4: // quit
261 for (int yi = 0; yi < SCREEN_H; yi += 2)
262 hline(screen, 0, yi, SCREEN_W, makecol(0, 0, 20));
264 textout_centre(screen, (FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_BIG"), "QUIT GAME? Y/N", SCREEN_W / 2 + 2, SCREEN_H / 2 + 2, makecol(0, 0, 0));
266 textout_centre(screen, (FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_BIG"), "QUIT GAME? Y/N", SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2, makecol(0, 255, 255));
268 clear_keybuf();
270 rest(25);
272 clear_keybuf();
274 if ((readkey() >> 8) != KEY_Y)
276 ret = -1; // abort exit
279 break;
282 rest(100);
283 clear_keybuf();
287 destroy_bitmap(menu_back);
289 menu_particle_manager.nuke_particle_list(); // destroy particles
291 menu_datafile.nuke_datafile(); // free RAM of datafile
293 bmp_real_background = NULL;
296 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
297 // This lets the user choose a level to start it, or a full campaign
298 // It WILL start a game
299 // For this, it list on a menu the files of the current directory
300 // This should *ONLY* be called from main menu, otherwise data needed
301 // for menu will be absent on RAM (have a nice SEG FAULT!)
302 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
303 void CGameMenu::do_file_level_selector()
305 // the level path is defined as [install dir]/levels
307 al_ffblk dir_reader;
308 char path_str[2048]; // path to level to play
309 char level_path[2048]; // full path to levels in general (dir/kball/bin/levels, etc)
310 CQMenu menu;
311 int ret = 0;
312 bool full_campaign = false; // we are going to play full campaing, or single map?
314 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_file_level_selector() started\n");
316 char str[4096], *home = getenv("HOME");
317 if (home != NULL)
319 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball", home);
320 mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
321 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball/kball.cfg", home);
322 set_config_file(str);
324 else
326 set_config_file("kball.cfg");
328 menu.control.load_configuration_of_controller("KBALL_CONTROLLER");
330 menu.set_to_bitmap(screen);
331 menu.set_back_bitmap(menu_back);
332 menu.set_callback_drawer(menu_callback_animation);
333 menu.text_align = 2;
334 menu.item_y_separation = 25;
336 // let choose single level, or campaign
337 menu.set_font_s((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_BIG"));
338 menu.set_fg_color_s(makecol(255, 255, 255));
339 menu.set_bg_color_s(makecol(0, 0, 200));
341 menu.set_font_ns((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_BIG"));
342 menu.set_fg_color_ns(makecol(128, 128, 128));
343 menu.set_bg_color_ns( -1);
344 menu.set_xywh(320, 100, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
346 menu.clear_menu_list();
347 menu.add_item_to_menu("Full campaign");
348 menu.add_item_to_menu("Single level");
350 int personal_levels;
351 personal_levels = 0;
352 if (home != NULL)
354 char t[2048];
355 usprintf(t, "%s/.kball/levels", home);
356 if (file_exists(t, (FA_RDONLY | FA_HIDDEN | FA_SYSTEM | FA_LABEL | FA_DIREC), NULL))
358 menu.add_item_to_menu("Personal levels");
359 personal_levels = 1;
362 else
364 if (file_exists("levels", (FA_RDONLY | FA_HIDDEN | FA_SYSTEM | FA_LABEL | FA_DIREC), NULL))
366 menu.add_item_to_menu("Personal levels");
367 personal_levels = 1;
370 menu.add_item_to_menu("< Cancel and return >");
372 // get level
373 //get_executable_name(level_path, 2048);
374 //replace_filename(level_path, level_path, "", 2048);
375 //append_filename(level_path, level_path, "levels", 2048);
376 usprintf(level_path, "/usr/share/games/kball/levels");
378 fix_filename_slashes(level_path);
379 mtracer.add("--> \t Level path == %s", level_path);
381 soundw.music_resume();
383 switch (menu.do_the_menu()) // show the menu and act in consecuence)
387 case 0:
388 soundw.music_pause();
389 usprintf(path_str, "%s/*.fmp", level_path);
390 full_campaign = true;
391 break;
393 case 1:
394 soundw.music_pause();
395 usprintf(path_str, "%s/*.map", level_path);
396 full_campaign = false;
397 break;
399 case 2:
400 if (personal_levels == 0)
402 soundw.music_pause();
403 return ;
405 soundw.music_pause();
406 if (home != NULL)
408 usprintf(path_str, "%s/.kball/levels/*", home);
409 usprintf(level_path, "%s/.kball/levels", home);
411 else
413 usprintf(path_str, "levels/*");
414 usprintf(level_path, "levels");
416 full_campaign = false;
417 break;
419 default:
420 soundw.music_pause();
421 return ;
422 break;
425 fix_filename_slashes(path_str);
428 // --- Now, list files to use ---
429 menu.set_font_s((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_MEDIUM"));
430 menu.set_fg_color_s(makecol(255, 255, 255));
431 menu.set_bg_color_s(makecol(0, 0, 200));
433 menu.set_font_ns((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_MEDIUM"));
434 menu.set_fg_color_ns(makecol(128, 128, 128));
435 menu.set_bg_color_ns( -1);
437 menu.set_xywh(320, 100, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
438 menu.item_y_separation = 5;
440 menu.clear_menu_list();
442 // read files and populate menu with them
443 //ret = al_findfirst(path_str, &dir_reader, FA_ARCH);
444 mtracer.add("--> \t Path string to search for levels == '%s'", path_str);
445 ret = al_findfirst(path_str, &dir_reader,(FA_RDONLY | FA_HIDDEN | FA_SYSTEM | FA_LABEL | FA_ARCH));
447 while (!ret)
449 menu.add_item_to_menu(;
450 ret = al_findnext(&dir_reader);
453 al_findclose(&dir_reader);
455 // if we don't have items, we must return with a message
456 if (menu.get_menu_item_count() < 1)
458 menu.clear_menu_list();
459 menu.add_item_to_menu("ERROR: NO FILE AVAILABLE!");
461 soundw.music_resume();
463 menu.do_the_menu();
465 soundw.music_pause();
466 return ; // abort the mission :^P
469 menu.add_item_to_menu("< Cancel and return >");
471 soundw.music_resume();
473 ret = menu.do_the_menu(); // show the menu
475 soundw.music_pause();
477 if (ret == menu.get_menu_item_count() - 1)
478 return ; // last item == cancel, then, cancel
480 // get the file name
481 usprintf(path_str, "%s/%s", level_path, menu.get_menu_item_text(ret).c_str());
483 fix_filename_slashes(path_str);
485 // play the game - rock 'n roll!
486 home = getenv("HOME");
487 if (home != NULL)
489 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball", home);
490 mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
491 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball/kball.cfg", home);
492 set_config_file(str);
494 else
496 set_config_file("kball.cfg");
499 game_kernel.player_ball.control.load_configuration_of_controller("KBALL_CONTROLLER");
501 text_mode(makecol(0, 0, 0));
503 if (full_campaign)
505 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_file_level_selector()\n\tStarting campaign game\n");
507 game_kernel.player_ball.lives = BALL_LIVES_CAMPAIGN; // ball of the player lives
508 game_kernel.player_ball.score = 0;
509 game_kernel.stats.reset();
510 game_kernel.play_a_full_campaign(path_str);
512 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_file_level_selector()\n\tEnd of campaign game\n");
514 else
516 // start single level game play
517 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_file_level_selector()\n\tStarting single level game\n");
519 game_kernel.player_ball.lives = BALL_LIVES; // ball of the player lives
520 game_kernel.player_ball.score = 0;
521 game_kernel.stats.reset();
522 game_kernel.play_a_single_level(path_str);
524 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_file_level_selector()\n\tEnd of single level game\n");
529 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
530 // This shows the 'About' stuff
531 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
532 void CGameMenu::do_about_stuff()
534 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_about_stuff();");
536 BITMAP *back = (BITMAP *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("ABOUT_BACKGROUND"); // get back bmp image
537 BITMAP *dbuf = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
538 FONT *font_about = (FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_SMALL");
539 SAMPLE *snd_loop_sample = (SAMPLE *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("ABOUT_BACK_SOUND"); // back sound
540 if (dbuf == NULL)
542 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_about_stuff() -- ERROR!!! Can't create dbuf bitmap!");
543 return ;
546 #define LINES_SIZE 30
547 string about_txt[LINES_SIZE]; // current lines of about text
549 DATAFILE *datastream; // data stream for reading about text
551 char *readstream; // stream for reading about text
553 int xstream = 0; // where I'm reading the stream?
555 datastream = menu_datafile.get_resource("ABOUT_TEXT"); // get about text
557 readstream = (char *)datastream->dat;
559 int text_shift_y = 0; // y displacement for smooth text movement
562 if (snd_loop_sample != NULL)
563 play_sample(snd_loop_sample, 255, 128, 1000, TRUE);
565 clear_keybuf();
567 while (!keypressed())
569 blit(back, dbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0, back->w, back->h);
571 if (text_shift_y > text_height(font_about))
573 text_shift_y = 0;
575 // shift 1 up all text in string array
576 for (int i = 0; i < LINES_SIZE - 1; i ++)
578 about_txt[i] = about_txt[i + 1];
581 // take input from user
582 about_txt[LINES_SIZE - 1] = "";
584 while (xstream < datastream->size && readstream[xstream] > 13)
586 // read current line from stream
587 about_txt[LINES_SIZE - 1] = about_txt[LINES_SIZE - 1] + readstream[xstream];
588 xstream++;
591 while (xstream < datastream->size && readstream[xstream] <= 13)
592 xstream++; // skip bad chars (CR, LF, etc)
594 if (xstream >= datastream->size)
595 xstream ++; // if we reached end, keep counting, so the thing starts again
597 if (xstream > datastream->size + LINES_SIZE)
598 xstream = 0; // start again after a whole clear screen
602 // write text
603 int ytext = -5 - (text_height(font_about) / 2) - text_shift_y; // starting (a little above screen top, to make the effect OK)
605 for (int i = 0; i < LINES_SIZE; i ++)
607 text_mode( -1);
608 // the text is rendered in a way so the text is outlined, thats why is rendered many times
610 //textout_centre(dbuf, font_about, about_txt[i].c_str(), SCREEN_W/2+2, ytext-2, makecol(0,0,200));
611 //textout_centre(dbuf, font_about, about_txt[i].c_str(), SCREEN_W/2+2, ytext+2, makecol(0,0,200));
612 //textout_centre(dbuf, font_about, about_txt[i].c_str(), SCREEN_W/2-2, ytext-2, makecol(0,0,200));
613 //textout_centre(dbuf, font_about, about_txt[i].c_str(),SCREEN_W/2-2, ytext+2, makecol(0,0,200));
615 textout_centre(dbuf, font_about, about_txt[i].c_str(), SCREEN_W / 2 + 3, ytext + 3, makecol(0, 0, 0));
617 textout_centre(dbuf, font_about, about_txt[i].c_str(), SCREEN_W / 2, ytext, makecol(255, 255, 255));
618 ytext += text_height(font_about);
621 text_shift_y++; // this makes the 'smooth' scrolling possible :^O (/me pats himself on the back... good job boy...)
623 blit(dbuf, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, back->w, back->h);
625 rest(7); // do a little pause (time in ms)
628 if (snd_loop_sample != NULL)
629 stop_sample(snd_loop_sample);
631 clear_keybuf();
633 #undef LINES_SIZE
636 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
637 // Options menu
638 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
639 void CGameMenu::do_options_menu()
641 CQMenu menu;
642 int ret = 0;
643 mtracer.add("CGameMenu::do_options_menu() started\n");
645 char str[4096], *home = getenv("HOME");
646 if (home != NULL)
648 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball", home);
649 mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
650 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball/kball.cfg", home);
651 set_config_file(str);
653 else
655 set_config_file("kball.cfg");
658 menu.control.load_configuration_of_controller("KBALL_CONTROLLER");
659 game_kernel.player_ball.control.load_configuration_of_controller("KBALL_CONTROLLER");
661 menu.set_to_bitmap(screen);
662 menu.set_back_bitmap(menu_back);
663 menu.set_callback_drawer(menu_callback_animation);
664 menu.text_align = 2;
665 menu.set_xywh(SCREEN_W / 2, 100, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
666 menu.item_y_separation = 5;
668 menu.set_font_s((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_MEDIUM"));
669 menu.set_fg_color_s(makecol(255, 255, 255));
670 menu.set_bg_color_s(makecol(0, 0, 200));
672 menu.set_font_ns((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_MEDIUM"));
673 menu.set_fg_color_ns(makecol(128, 128, 128));
674 menu.set_bg_color_ns( -1);
676 while (ret != 8)
678 menu.clear_menu_list();
680 if (game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_keyboard)
681 menu.add_item_to_menu("Keyboard is ON");
682 else
683 menu.add_item_to_menu("Keyboard is OFF");
685 menu.add_item_to_menu("Configure Keyboard");
687 if (game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_mouse)
688 menu.add_item_to_menu("Mouse is ON");
689 else
690 menu.add_item_to_menu("Mouse is OFF");
692 menu.add_item_to_menu("Configure Mouse");
694 if (game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_joystick)
695 menu.add_item_to_menu("Joystick is ON");
696 else
697 menu.add_item_to_menu("Joystick is OFF");
699 menu.add_item_to_menu("Configure Joystick");
701 if (CSoundWrapper::global_is_enabled())
702 menu.add_item_to_menu("Sound is ON");
703 else
704 menu.add_item_to_menu("Sound is OFF");
706 // add sound volume
707 char tmpstrvol[256];
708 usprintf(tmpstrvol, "Sound volume %3d%%", CSoundWrapper::global_get_volume()*100/255);
709 menu.add_item_to_menu(tmpstrvol);
711 menu.add_item_to_menu("< Return >");
713 char str[4096], *home = getenv("HOME");
714 if (home != NULL)
716 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball", home);
717 mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
718 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball/kball.cfg", home);
719 set_config_file(str);
721 else
723 set_config_file("kball.cfg");
726 menu.control.load_configuration_of_controller("KBALL_CONTROLLER");
728 soundw.music_resume();
730 ret = menu.do_the_menu(ret);
732 soundw.music_pause();
734 switch (ret)
737 case 0: // toggle keyboard
738 game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_keyboard = !game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_keyboard;
739 break;
741 case 1: // configure keyb
742 blit (bmp_real_background, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, bmp_real_background->w, bmp_real_background->h);
743 game_kernel.player_ball.control.interactive_configuration_keyboard((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_SMALL"), makecol(0, 255, 255));
744 break;
746 case 2: // toggle mouse
747 game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_mouse = !game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_mouse;
748 break;
750 case 3: // configure mouse
751 blit (bmp_real_background, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, bmp_real_background->w, bmp_real_background->h);
752 game_kernel.player_ball.control.interactive_configuration_mouse((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_SMALL"), makecol(0, 255, 255));
753 break;
755 case 4: // toggle joystick
756 game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_joystick = !game_kernel.player_ball.control.use_joystick;
757 break;
759 case 5: // configure joy
760 blit (bmp_real_background, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, bmp_real_background->w, bmp_real_background->h);
761 game_kernel.player_ball.control.interactive_configuration_joystick((FONT *)menu_datafile.get_resource_dat("MENU_FONT_SMALL"), makecol(0, 255, 255));
762 break;
764 case 6: // sound
765 CSoundWrapper::global_set_enabled(!CSoundWrapper::global_is_enabled());
766 break;
768 case 7: // toggle sound volume
771 int v = CSoundWrapper::global_get_volume();
772 v += 15;
774 if (v > 255)
775 v = 0;
777 CSoundWrapper::global_set_volume(v);
780 soundw.music_start();
782 break;
786 home = getenv("HOME");
787 if (home != NULL)
789 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball", home);
790 mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
791 snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s/.kball/kball.cfg", home);
792 set_config_file(str);
794 else
796 set_config_file("kball.cfg");
799 game_kernel.player_ball.control.save_configuration_of_controller("KBALL_CONTROLLER");