Implement statistics gathering in GUI
[hs-pgms.git] / src / UI.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, BangPatterns #-}
3 module UI (
4 mainUI,
5 ) where
7 import Mine
8 import Util
10 import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as G
11 import System.Glib.Attributes (AttrOp (..))
12 import Control.Monad
13 import Control.Monad.Prompt
14 import Data.Maybe
15 import Data.IORef
16 import Data.Array
17 import System.Random
18 import Control.Concurrent.MVar
19 import Control.Concurrent
20 import Numeric
22 maxSize :: Pos
23 maxSize = Pos 30 16
25 backgroundColor :: G.Color
26 backgroundColor = G.Color 0xE0E0 0xE0E0 0xE0E0
28 frameColor :: G.Color
29 frameColor = G.Color 0x4040 0x4040 0x4040
31 mainUI :: [Strategy] -> IO ()
32 mainUI strats = do
33 G.unsafeInitGUIForThreadedRTS
34 mkMainWindow strats
35 G.mainGUI
37 data Globals = Globals {
38 gBoard :: G.DrawingArea,
39 gStatusbar :: G.Statusbar,
40 gState :: IORef State
43 data State = State {
44 sConfig :: Config,
45 sStrategy :: Strategy,
46 sBoard :: Maybe Board,
47 sStop :: Maybe (IO ()),
48 sPreviousConfigItem :: Maybe G.RadioMenuItem
51 initState strats = State {
52 sConfig = beginner,
53 sStrategy = head strats,
54 sBoard = Nothing,
55 sStop = Nothing,
56 sPreviousConfigItem = Nothing
59 mkMainWindow :: [Strategy] -> IO ()
60 mkMainWindow strats = do
61 win <- G.windowNew
62 win `G.set` [G.windowTitle := "Haskell PGMS"]
63 win `G.onDestroy` G.mainQuit
65 vbox <- G.vBoxNew False 0
66 win `G.containerAdd` vbox
68 menubar <- G.menuBarNew
69 vbox `G.containerAdd` menubar
71 board <- G.drawingAreaNew
72 vbox `G.containerAdd` board
74 statusbar <- G.statusbarNew
75 vbox `G.containerAdd` statusbar
77 state <- newIORef (initState strats)
79 let globals = Globals { gBoard = board,
80 gStatusbar = statusbar,
81 gState = state }
83 configureBoard globals
85 runItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Run"
86 menubar `G.menuShellAppend` runItem
87 runMenu <- G.menuNew
88 runItem `G.menuItemSetSubmenu` runMenu
90 runRunItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Run"
91 runMenu `G.menuShellAppend` runRunItem
92 runRunItem `G.onActivateLeaf` runGame globals
94 runStatsItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Statistics..."
95 runMenu `G.menuShellAppend` runStatsItem
96 runStatsItem `G.onActivateLeaf` runStats globals
98 G.separatorMenuItemNew >>= G.menuShellAppend runMenu
100 runQuitItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Quit"
101 runMenu `G.menuShellAppend` runQuitItem
102 runQuitItem `G.onActivateLeaf` G.widgetDestroy win
104 difficultyItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Difficulty"
105 menubar `G.menuShellAppend` difficultyItem
106 difficultyMenu <- G.menuNew
107 difficultyItem `G.menuItemSetSubmenu` difficultyMenu
108 Just prev <- foldM (\prev (name, cfg) -> do
109 item <- maybe G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabel
110 G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget
111 prev name
112 item `G.onActivateLeaf` selectConfig item cfg globals
113 difficultyMenu `G.menuShellAppend` item
114 return (Just item)
115 ) Nothing configs
116 G.separatorMenuItemNew >>= G.menuShellAppend difficultyMenu
117 customItem <- G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget prev "Custom..."
118 customItem `G.onActivateLeaf` customConfig customItem globals
119 difficultyMenu `G.menuShellAppend` customItem
121 strategyItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Strategy"
122 menubar `G.menuShellAppend` strategyItem
123 strategyMenu <- G.menuNew
124 strategyItem `G.menuItemSetSubmenu` strategyMenu
125 foldM (\prev strat -> do
126 item <- maybe G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabel
127 G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget
128 prev (sName strat)
129 strategyMenu `G.menuShellAppend` item
130 item `G.onActivateLeaf` selectStrategy strat globals
131 return (Just item)
132 ) Nothing strats
134 G.widgetShowAll win
136 selectStrategy :: Strategy -> Globals -> IO ()
137 selectStrategy strat g = do
138 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sStrategy = strat }
139 reset g
140 G.widgetQueueDraw (gBoard g)
142 reset :: Globals -> IO ()
143 reset g = do
144 s <- readIORef (gState g)
145 writeIORef (gState g) s { sBoard = Nothing, sStop = Nothing }
146 maybe (return ()) id (sStop s)
148 configureBoard :: Globals -> IO ()
149 configureBoard g = do
150 let area = gBoard g
152 iconFile <- findFile "icons.png"
153 icons <- G.pixbufNewFromFile iconFile
154 iconSize <- G.pixbufGetWidth icons
155 G.widgetSetSizeRequest area (pX maxSize * iconSize + 2)
156 (pY maxSize * iconSize + 2)
158 area `G.onExpose` \_ -> do
159 s <- readIORef (gState g)
160 let board = maybe empty id (sBoard s)
161 makeArray = listArray (Pos 1 1, cSize (sConfig s)) . repeat
162 empty = Board {
163 bConfig = sConfig s,
164 bMines = makeArray False,
165 bView = makeArray Hidden,
166 bTodo = 0 }
167 drawBoard iconSize icons area (sConfig s) board
168 return True
169 return ()
171 drawBoard :: Int -> G.Pixbuf -> G.DrawingArea -> Config -> Board -> IO ()
172 drawBoard iconSize icons area cfg board = do
173 (w, h) <- G.widgetGetSize area
174 let Pos sx sy = cSize cfg
175 ox = (w - sx * iconSize) `div` 2
176 oy = (h - sy * iconSize) `div` 2
177 draw <- G.widgetGetDrawWindow area
179 gc <- G.gcNewWithValues draw G.newGCValues
180 let drawCell (Pos x y) n = G.drawPixbuf draw gc icons
181 0 (n * iconSize) (ox + (x-1)*iconSize) (oy + (y-1)*iconSize)
182 iconSize iconSize G.RgbDitherNone 0 0
184 forM_ (assocs (bView board)) $ \(p, cell) -> case cell of
185 Exposed n -> drawCell p n
186 Hidden -> drawCell p (9 + fromEnum (bMines board ! p))
187 Marked -> drawCell p (11 + fromEnum (bMines board ! p))
188 Exploded -> drawCell p 13
190 G.gcSetValues gc G.newGCValues { G.foreground = backgroundColor }
191 G.drawRectangle draw gc False (ox - 1) (oy - 1)
192 (sx * iconSize + 1) (sy * iconSize + 1)
193 G.gcSetValues gc G.newGCValues { G.foreground = frameColor }
194 G.drawRectangle draw gc False (ox - 2) (oy - 2)
195 (sx * iconSize + 3) (sy * iconSize + 3)
197 runGame :: Globals -> IO ()
198 runGame g = do
199 s <- readIORef (gState g)
200 maybe runGame' (\_ -> return False) (sStop s)
201 return ()
202 where
203 runGame' :: IO Bool
204 runGame' = do
205 gen1 <- newStdGen
206 gen2 <- newStdGen
207 s <- readIORef (gState g)
208 runPromptC finish handle (playGameP (sConfig s) gen1
209 (sRun (sStrategy s) gen2))
211 handle :: Play a -> (a -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
212 handle (Start b) c = do
213 msg "Start!"
214 cont c ()
215 setBoard b
216 handle (Update p b) c = do
217 cont c ()
218 setBoard b
219 handle (Trace s b) c = do
220 cont c ()
221 msg $ "Trace: " ++ s
222 setBoard b
224 finish :: (Result String, Board) -> IO Bool
225 finish (Won, b) = do
226 msg "Won!"
227 setBoard b
228 finish (Lost, b) = do
229 msg "Lost!"
230 setBoard b
231 finish (Unfinished s, b) = do
232 msg ("Unfinished: " ++ s)
233 setBoard b
235 cont :: (a -> IO Bool) -> a -> IO ()
236 cont c r = do
237 hdl <- flip G.timeoutAdd 120 $ do
238 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sStop = Nothing }
240 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sStop = Just (G.timeoutRemove hdl) }
242 setBoard :: Board -> IO Bool
243 setBoard b = do
244 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sBoard = Just b }
245 G.widgetQueueDraw (gBoard g)
246 return False
248 msg :: String -> IO G.MessageId
249 msg s = do
250 G.statusbarPush (gStatusbar g) 1 s
252 configs :: [(String, Config)]
253 configs = [("Beginner", beginner),
254 ("Intermediate", intermediate),
255 ("Expert", expert)]
257 selectConfig :: G.RadioMenuItem -> Config -> Globals -> IO ()
258 selectConfig item cfg g = do
259 active <- G.checkMenuItemGetActive item
260 if not active then do
261 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sPreviousConfigItem = Just item }
262 else do
263 s <- readIORef (gState g)
264 when (sConfig s /= cfg) $ do
265 writeIORef (gState g) s { sConfig = cfg }
266 reset g
267 G.widgetQueueDraw (gBoard g)
268 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sPreviousConfigItem = Nothing }
270 customConfig :: G.RadioMenuItem -> Globals -> IO ()
271 customConfig item g = do
272 active <- G.checkMenuItemGetActive item
273 when active $ customConfig' item g
275 customConfig' :: G.RadioMenuItem -> Globals -> IO ()
276 customConfig' item g = do
277 s <- readIORef (gState g)
278 let Config { cSize = Pos sx sy, cMines = m } = sConfig s
280 dia <- G.dialogNew
281 G.dialogAddButton dia G.stockCancel G.ResponseCancel
282 okButton <- G.dialogAddButton dia G.stockOk G.ResponseOk
283 G.dialogSetDefaultResponse dia G.ResponseCancel
284 G.windowSetTitle dia "Custom config"
286 upper <- G.dialogGetUpper dia
287 table <- G.tableNew 2 3 False
288 upper `G.containerAdd` table
289 let fs = [("width", 2, sx, pX maxSize),
290 ("height", 2, sy, pY maxSize),
291 ("mines", 1, m, 999)]
292 fields <- forM (zip [0..] fs) $ \(c, (n, l, v, h)) -> do
293 label <- G.labelNew (Just n)
294 G.tableAttach table label 0 1 c (c+1) [G.Fill] [] 5 2
295 G.miscSetAlignment label 0 0.5
296 adj <- G.adjustmentNew (fromIntegral v) l (fromIntegral h) 1 10 10
297 button <- G.spinButtonNew adj 0.5 0
298 G.tableAttach table button 1 2 c (c+1) [G.Expand, G.Fill] [] 5 2
299 return button
301 G.widgetShowAll dia
302 res <- G.dialogRun dia
303 [width, height, mines] <- forM fields $ \f -> do
304 round `liftM` G.spinButtonGetValue f
305 let cfg' = Config { cSize = Pos width height,
306 cMines = min (width * height - 1) mines }
307 G.widgetDestroy dia
308 case res of
309 G.ResponseOk -> selectConfig item cfg' g
310 _ -> maybe (return ()) (`G.checkMenuItemSetActive` True)
311 (sPreviousConfigItem s)
313 data Stat = Stat !Int !Int !Int !Int
315 runStats :: Globals -> IO ()
316 runStats g = do
317 s <- readIORef (gState g)
318 let strat = sStrategy s
319 cfg = sConfig s
321 counter <- newMVar (Stat 0 0 0 0)
322 chunks <- newMVar 1
323 notify <- newMVar ()
324 thread <- forkIO $ gatherStats counter chunks notify strat cfg
326 win <- G.windowNew
327 win `G.set` [G.windowTitle := "Statistics for " ++ sName strat]
329 vbox <- G.vBoxNew False 2
330 win `G.containerAdd` vbox
332 hbox <- G.hBoxNew False 2
333 vbox `G.containerAdd` hbox
335 configFrame <- G.frameNew
336 hbox `G.containerAdd` configFrame
337 configFrame `G.frameSetLabel` "Board"
339 configTable <- G.tableNew 3 2 False
340 configFrame `G.containerAdd` configTable
341 let Config { cSize = Pos sX sY, cMines = m } = sConfig s
342 forM_ (zip3 [0..] ["width", "height", "mines"] [sX, sY, m]) $
343 \(c, name, val) -> do
344 label <- G.labelNew (Just name)
345 G.miscSetAlignment label 0 0.5
346 G.tableAttach configTable label 0 1 c (c+1) [G.Fill] [] 5 2
347 label <- G.labelNew (Just (show val))
348 G.miscSetAlignment label 1 0.5
349 G.tableAttach configTable label 1 2 c (c+1) [G.Expand, G.Fill] [] 5 2
351 statsFrame <- G.frameNew
352 hbox `G.containerAdd` statsFrame
353 statsFrame `G.frameSetLabel` "Statistics"
355 statsTable <- G.tableNew 3 3 False
356 statsFrame `G.containerAdd` statsTable
357 cs <- forM (zip [0..] ["won", "unfinished", "lost"]) $ \(c, label) -> do
358 label <- G.labelNew (Just label)
359 G.miscSetAlignment label 0 0.5
360 G.tableAttach statsTable label 0 1 c (c+1) [G.Fill] [] 5 2
361 label2 <- G.labelNew (Just "0")
362 G.miscSetAlignment label2 1 0.5
363 G.tableAttach statsTable label2 1 2 c (c+1) [G.Expand, G.Fill] [] 5 2
364 label3 <- G.labelNew (Just "0.00%")
365 G.miscSetAlignment label3 1 0.5
366 G.tableAttach statsTable label3 2 3 c (c+1) [G.Expand, G.Fill] [] 5 2
367 return (label2, label3)
369 button <- G.toggleButtonNewWithLabel "Pause"
370 vbox `G.containerAdd` button
371 button `G.onToggled` do
372 active <- G.toggleButtonGetActive button
373 if active then takeMVar chunks >> return () else putMVar chunks 1
375 let update = do
376 x <- tryTakeMVar notify
377 case x of
378 Just () -> do
379 Stat w u l t <- takeMVar counter
380 let total = w + u + l
381 d = total - t
382 putMVar counter (Stat w u l total)
383 c <- tryTakeMVar chunks
384 case c of
385 Just d' -> do
386 putMVar chunks (maximum [1, d' `div` 2, d `div` 2])
387 _ -> return ()
388 forM_ (zip [w, u, l] cs) $ \(c, (labelN, labelP)) -> do
389 labelN `G.labelSetText` show c
390 when (total > 0) $ do
391 let pct = 100 * fromIntegral c / fromIntegral total
392 labelP `G.labelSetText` showGFloat (Just 2) pct "%"
393 _ -> return ()
394 return True
396 timer <- G.timeoutAddFull update G.priorityDefaultIdle 100
398 win `G.onDestroy` do
399 killThread thread
400 G.timeoutRemove timer
402 G.widgetShowAll win
404 -- thread for collecting statistics
405 gatherStats :: MVar Stat -> MVar Int -> MVar () -> Strategy -> Config -> IO ()
406 gatherStats counter chunks notify strategy cfg = do
407 n <- readMVar chunks
408 let stats :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Stat
409 stats 0 !w !u !l = return (Stat w u l 0)
410 stats i !w !u !l = do
411 [gen1, gen2] <- replicateM 2 newStdGen
412 let (res, _) = playGame cfg gen1 (sRun strategy gen2)
413 case res of
414 Won -> stats (i-1) (w+1) u l
415 Unfinished _ -> stats (i-1) w (u+1) l
416 Lost -> stats (i-1) w u (l+1)
417 Stat w u l _ <- stats n 0 0 0
418 Stat w' u' l' t' <- takeMVar counter
419 putMVar counter $! Stat (w + w') (u + u') (l + l') t'
420 tryPutMVar notify ()
421 gatherStats counter chunks notify strategy cfg