Implement statistics gathering in GUI
[hs-pgms.git] / src / Main.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, GADTs, BangPatterns #-}
3 module Main (main) where
5 import Mine
6 import Util
7 import UI
8 import Strategies
9 import System.Random
10 import Control.Monad.State
11 import Control.Monad.Prompt
12 import Control.Concurrent
13 import Control.Exception
14 import System.Console.GetOpt
15 import System.Environment
16 import System.Exit
17 import System.IO
18 import Data.Char
20 data MainState = MainState {
21 mVerbose :: Bool,
22 mIterations :: Int,
23 mStrategy :: Strategy,
24 mConfig :: Config,
25 mRun :: Bool
28 defaultState :: MainState
29 defaultState = MainState {
30 mVerbose = False,
31 mIterations = 1,
32 mStrategy = head strategies,
33 mConfig = intermediate,
34 mRun = True
37 newtype Main a = Main { runMain :: StateT MainState IO a} deriving
38 (Monad, MonadIO, MonadState MainState)
40 mainUI' :: IO ()
41 mainUI' = do
42 finish <- newEmptyMVar
43 forkOS (finally (mainUI strategies) (putMVar finish ()))
44 readMVar finish
46 main :: IO ()
47 main = do
48 (acts, extra, errors) <- liftM (getOpt RequireOrder options) getArgs
49 if not (null extra) || not (null errors) then do
50 usage
51 else if null acts then do
52 mainUI'
53 else do
54 evalStateT (runMain (sequence_ acts >> defaultRun)) defaultState
56 options :: [OptDescr (Main ())]
57 options = [
58 Option "s" ["strategy"] (ReqArg setStrategy "number")
59 "Set the current strategy.",
60 Option "l" ["list"] (NoArg listStrategies)
61 "List all strategies.",
62 Option "r" ["run"] (NoArg runGame)
63 "Run current strategy.",
64 Option "d" ["difficulty"] (ReqArg setDiff "name")
65 "Set a standard difficulty level.",
66 Option "c" ["config"] (ReqArg setConfig "w:h:m")
67 "Select a custom configuration.",
68 Option "i" ["iterations"] (ReqArg setIterations "number")
69 "Set the number of games for --run.",
70 Option "" ["info"] (NoArg info)
71 "Display information about current strategy.",
72 Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg usage')
73 "Display this help message.",
74 Option "v" ["verbose"] (NoArg setVerbose)
75 "Be verbose while running strategies."]
77 listStrategies :: Main ()
78 listStrategies = liftIO $ do
79 forM_ (zip [1..] strategies) $ \(n, s) -> do
80 putStrLn (show n ++ ": " ++ sName s)
82 usage :: IO ()
83 usage = do
84 putStr $ usageInfo (formatString "\
85 \Usage: mine [OPTION]...\n\
86 \The options are processed in order. If no option is given, a GUI \
87 \will be displayed. The following options are recognized:")
88 options
90 usage' :: Main ()
91 usage' = do
92 liftIO usage
93 modify $ \s -> s { mRun = False }
95 setStrategy :: String -> Main ()
96 setStrategy str = case reads str of
97 [(i, "")] | i > 0 && i <= length strategies -> do
98 modify $ \s -> s { mStrategy = strategies !! (i-1) }
99 _ -> case filter (matchStrategy str) strategies of
100 [st] -> modify $ \s -> s { mStrategy = st }
101 _ -> liftIO $ do
102 hPutStr stderr $ "Unknown strategy '" ++ str ++ "'\n"
103 exitFailure
104 where
105 matchStrategy name strat = map toLower name == map toLower (sName strat)
107 setIterations :: String -> Main ()
108 setIterations str = case reads str of
109 [(i, "")] | i > 0 -> do
110 modify $ \s -> s { mIterations = i }
111 _ -> liftIO $ do
112 hPutStr stderr $ "Invalid number of iterations '" ++ str ++ "'\n"
113 exitFailure
115 setVerbose :: Main ()
116 setVerbose = do
117 modify $ \s -> s { mVerbose = True }
119 setDiff :: String -> Main ()
120 setDiff str = case lookup (map toLower str) difficulties of
121 Just cfg -> modify $ \s -> s { mConfig = cfg }
122 Nothing -> liftIO $ do
123 hPutStr stderr $ "Unknown difficulty level '" ++ str ++ "'\n"
124 exitFailure
125 where
126 difficulties = [("beginner", beginner),
127 ("intermediate", intermediate),
128 ("expert", expert)]
130 setConfig :: String -> Main ()
131 setConfig str = case [ Config (Pos w h) m
132 | (w, ':' : str') <- reads str,
133 (h, ':' : str'') <- reads str',
134 (m, "") <- reads str''] of
135 [cfg] | validConfig cfg -> do modify $ \s -> s { mConfig = cfg }
136 | otherwise -> liftIO $ do
137 hPutStr stderr $ "Invalid config '" ++ str ++ "'\n"
138 exitFailure
139 _ -> liftIO $ do
140 hPutStr stderr $ "Syntax error in config '" ++ str ++ "'\n"
141 exitFailure
143 info :: Main ()
144 info = do
145 strat <- gets mStrategy
146 liftIO $ do
147 putStrLn $ "Strategy name: " ++ sName strat
148 putStrLn $ "Author : " ++ sAuthor strat
149 putStr $ "\n" ++ formatString (sDescription strat)
151 runGame :: Main ()
152 runGame = do
153 verbose <- gets mVerbose
154 iter <- gets mIterations
155 strat <- gets mStrategy
156 cfg <- gets mConfig
157 modify $ \s -> s { mRun = False }
159 let runSingleGame :: IO (Result String)
160 runSingleGame = do
161 [gen1, gen2] <- replicateM 2 newStdGen
162 let game = playGameP cfg gen1 (sRun strat gen2)
163 handle :: Play a -> IO a
164 handle Start {} = return ()
165 handle Update {} = return ()
166 handle (Trace s b)
167 | verbose = putStrLn (show b ++ s)
168 | otherwise = return ()
169 (res, brd) <- runPromptM handle game
170 when verbose $ putStr (show res ++ show brd)
171 return res
173 stats :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (Int, Int, Int)
174 stats 0 !w !u !l = return (w, u, l)
175 stats i !w !u !l = do
176 res <- runSingleGame
177 when (verbose && i > 1) $ putStrLn "-----"
178 case res of
179 Won -> stats (i-1) (w+1) u l
180 Unfinished _ -> stats (i-1) w (u+1) l
181 Lost -> stats (i-1) w u (l+1)
183 liftIO $ do
184 (w, u, l) <- stats iter 0 0 0
185 let summary n = show n ++ "/" ++ show (w+u+l) ++ " (" ++
186 show (fromIntegral n / fromIntegral (w+u+l) * 100) ++ "%)"
187 when (iter > 1) $ do
188 putStrLn $ "Summary for " ++ sName strat
189 putStrLn $ " won: " ++ summary w
190 putStrLn $ " lost: " ++ summary l
191 when (u > 0) $ putStrLn $ " unfinished: " ++ summary u
192 return ()
194 defaultRun :: Main ()
195 defaultRun = do
196 run <- gets mRun
197 when run runGame