Extension enumerations now only included where necessary.
[cl-glfw.git] / generators / make-bindings-from-spec.lisp
1 ;; You should nominially invoke this file via ./generators/make-opengl-bindings.rb
2 ;; as that performs the necessary setup.
4 (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (debug 3)))
5 ;;; {{{ PARAMETERS
7 (defparameter *reports* '(:type-map nil
8 :property-counts nil
9 :leftover-functions t
10 :leftover-enums t
11 :files-output nil
12 :function-category-counts nil))
14 (defun make-version-syms (&rest versions)
15 (loop for version in versions
16 collecting (intern (concatenate 'string "VERSION_" version))))
18 (defparameter *core-opengl-versions*
19 (make-version-syms "1_0" "1_1"))
21 (defparameter *opengl-versions*
22 (make-version-syms "1_0" "1_1" "1_2" "1_3" "1_4" "1_5"
23 "2_0" "2_1"
24 "3_0" "3_1" "3_2" "3_3"
25 "4_0" "4_1")
26 "List of versioned extensions for dependency generation.
27 Must be in the correct order.")
29 (defparameter *source-filename* (or #.*compile-file-truename*
30 (load-time-value *load-truename*)))
32 (defparameter *extension-names* nil)
34 (defparameter *base* (merge-pathnames #P"../" *source-filename*))
35 (defparameter *spec* nil)
36 (defparameter *type-map* nil)
38 (defparameter *enum-specs* nil)
39 (defparameter *function-specs* nil)
41 (defparameter *exports* nil)
43 (defparameter *function-categories* nil)
45 (defparameter *predefined-enumerants* (make-hash-table))
46 ;;; }}}
49 ;;; {{{ UTILITY
50 (defun plist-keys (plist)
51 "Return all of the keys of a plist"
52 (loop for key in plist by #'cddr collect key))
54 (defun plist-values (plist)
55 "Return all of the values of a plist"
56 (loop for key in (cdr plist) by #'cddr collect key))
58 (defun constantize (symbol)
59 "Converts a symbol into a nice constant-style symbol,
60 changing non-alphanumeric characters to - and surrounding it
61 with +s."
62 (intern (format nil "+~a+"
63 (map 'string #'(lambda (c) (if (alphanumericp c) c #\-))
64 (string-upcase (string symbol))))))
66 (defun deconstant (symbol)
67 "Sometimes argument names of OpenGLâ„¢ functions have silly names like
68 't', this is a generalised way to rename them to something more sensible."
69 (if (not (constantp symbol))
70 symbol
71 (deconstant (intern (concatenate 'string "_" (symbol-name symbol))))))
73 ;;}}}
75 ;;; {{{ FUNC-SPEC
76 (defun c-name-of (func-spec) (first func-spec))
77 (defun lisp-name-of (func-spec) (second func-spec))
78 (defun freturn-of (func-spec) (getf (cddr func-spec) :return))
79 (defun args-of (func-spec) (getf (cddr func-spec) :args))
80 (defun category-of (func-spec) (intern (getf (cddr func-spec) :category)))
81 ;;; }}}
83 ;;; {{{ FIX TYPE-MAPS
84 (defparameter *strippable-type-endings*
85 (list "NV" "ARB" "SGIX" "EXT" "ATI" "IBM" "3DFX" "SGIS"
87 "WIN"))
89 (defun string-ends-with (string ending)
90 "Returns t if string ends with ending."
91 (and (>= (length string) (length ending))
92 (string= string ending :start1 (- (length string) (length ending)))))
94 (defun string-strip-ending (string ending)
95 "Returns string (with ending removed, if it was there)."
96 (if (string-ends-with string ending)
97 (subseq string 0 (- (length string) (length ending)))
98 string))
100 (defun string-strip-endings (string endings)
101 "Removes any of multiple endings from string, if it has any of them."
102 (if (cdr endings)
103 (string-strip-endings (string-strip-ending string (car endings)) (cdr endings))
104 (string-strip-ending string (first endings))))
106 (defun type-map-type-to-gl-type (type-map-type)
107 "Strips the extension suffix off a type and returns an appropriate type symbol
108 suitable for cl-glfw-types or CFFI."
109 (let ((s (string-strip-endings (symbol-name type-map-type) *strippable-type-endings*)))
110 (cond ((equal s "*") :void)
111 ((equal s "const GLubyte *") 'string)
112 ((find #\* (format nil "~a" s)) 'pointer)
113 ((equal (subseq s 0 2) "GL") (intern (string-upcase (subseq s 2))))
114 ((equal s "_GLfuncptr") 'pointer)
115 (t s))))
117 (defun set-type-maps ()
118 "Fix mappings of specification type names onto valid cl-glfw-types/CFFI symbols."
119 (setf
120 *type-map*
121 (loop for src-type in (getf *spec* :type-map) by #'cddr
122 for dst-type in (cdr (getf *spec* :type-map)) by #'cddr
123 nconc (list src-type (type-map-type-to-gl-type dst-type)))))
125 ;;; }}}
127 ;;; {{{ FIX ENUM SPECS
128 (defun set-enum-specs ()
129 "Extract the enum specs from *spec* and resolve all the values"
130 (setf
131 *enum-specs*
132 (labels ((resolve-enum (enum-name enum-value &optional used-groups)
133 (cond
134 ;; the only end-value type (there are no strings or anything)
135 ((numberp enum-value) enum-value)
136 ;; nil value means we have to look everywhere for a value
137 ((null enum-value)
138 (resolve-enum
139 enum-name
140 (block find-value
141 (loop for enum-group-name in (getf *spec* :enum-spec) by #'cddr
142 for enum-group in (cdr (getf *spec* :enum-spec)) by #'cddr
143 do (unless (find enum-group-name used-groups)
144 (let ((resolved-value (getf enum-group enum-name)))
145 (when resolved-value
146 (push enum-group-name used-groups)
147 (return-from find-value resolved-value)))))
148 (return-from resolve-enum :unable-to-resolve))
149 used-groups))
150 ;; it's a name of another symbol, re-resolve with that name
151 ((symbolp enum-value) (resolve-enum enum-value nil))
152 ;; a use list means we look in another group for it
153 ((and (listp enum-value)
154 (eql (first enum-value) :use))
155 (resolve-enum
156 enum-name
157 (getf (getf (getf *spec* :enum-spec) (second enum-value))
158 enum-name)
159 used-groups))
160 (t (error "I don't know what to do with the enum definition ~s -> ~s" enum-name enum-value)))))
161 (loop for enum-group-name in (getf *spec* :enum-spec) by #'cddr
162 for enum-group in (cdr (getf *spec* :enum-spec)) by #'cddr
163 unless (eql enum-group-name :extensions)
164 when enum-group
165 nconcing
166 (list enum-group-name
167 (loop for enum-name in enum-group by #'cddr
168 for enum-value in (cdr enum-group) by #'cddr
169 nconcing
170 (list enum-name
171 (resolve-enum enum-name enum-value (list enum-group-name)))))))))
172 ;;; }}}
174 ;;; {{{ SET FUNC SPECS
175 (defun set-func-specs ()
176 (setf *function-specs*
177 (loop for func-spec in (getf *spec* :functions)
178 when func-spec
179 collect
180 (list (first (first func-spec))
181 (second (first func-spec))
182 :return (first (getf (rest func-spec) :return))
183 :args (loop while (getf (rest func-spec) :param) collect
184 (prog1 (getf (rest func-spec) :param)
185 (remf (rest func-spec) :param)))
186 :category (string-strip-ending (first (getf (rest func-spec) :category)) "_DEPRECATED")
187 :deprecated (first (getf (rest func-spec) :deprecated))
188 :version (first (getf (rest func-spec) :version))))))
189 ;;; }}}
191 ;;; {{{ LOAD
192 (defun load-spec ()
193 (setf *spec* (with-open-file (in (merge-pathnames #P"src/gl.spec.lisp" *base*)) (read in)))
194 (set-type-maps)
195 (set-func-specs)
196 (when (getf *reports* :type-map)
197 (loop for n-v in
198 (sort (loop for name in *type-map* by #'cddr
199 for value in (cdr *type-map*) by #'cddr
200 collect (cons name value))
201 #'(lambda (a b)
202 (string-lessp (string (cdr a)) (string (cdr b)))))
203 do (format t "~& ~s:~40t~s~%" (car n-v) (cdr n-v))))
205 (set-enum-specs)
207 (remf *enum-specs* :extensions)
209 ;; print out initial statistics
210 (format t "~a functions~%" (length *function-specs*))
211 (format t "~a type-maps~%" (/ (length *type-map*) 2))
212 (format t "~a enum-specs~%" (length *enum-specs*))
215 (when (getf *reports* :property-counts)
216 ;; count up the properties of functions, what's useful for parsing?
217 (let ((property-counts ()))
218 (dolist (function-spec *function-specs*)
219 (dolist (property (plist-keys (rest function-spec)))
220 (incf (getf property-counts property 0))))
221 (let ((*print-pretty* t))
222 (format t "Property counts: ~a~%" property-counts))))
224 ;; categorize functions
225 (dolist (function-spec *function-specs*)
226 (push function-spec
227 (getf *function-categories* (category-of function-spec))))
229 ;;Work out which categories are actually extensions we want
230 (dolist (category-sym (nconc (plist-keys *function-categories*)
231 (plist-keys *enum-specs*)))
232 (let* ((category-string (string category-sym))
233 (underscore-pos (position #\_ category-string)))
234 (when (and (integerp underscore-pos)
235 (plusp underscore-pos)
236 (every (lambda (char)
237 (or (upper-case-p char)
238 (digit-char-p char)))
239 (subseq category-string 0 underscore-pos))
240 (not (find category-sym *extension-names*)))
241 (push category-sym *extension-names*))))
243 (when (getf *reports* :function-category-counts)
244 (format t "Category function counts:~%")
245 (loop for cat-name in *function-categories* by #'cddr
246 for cat-contents in (cdr *function-categories*) by #'cddr
247 do (format t " ~S: ~S~%" cat-name (length cat-contents)))))
248 ;;; }}}
251 (defun gl-extension-function-definition (func-spec)
252 (push (lisp-name-of func-spec) *exports*)
253 `(defglextfun ,@func-spec))
255 (defun gl-function-definition (func-spec)
256 (push (lisp-name-of func-spec) *exports*)
257 `(defglfun ,@func-spec))
260 ;;; {{{ EMIT OUTPUT
263 ;; this is the real template opengl defpackage
264 (defun make-opengl-defpackage (exports)
265 "Returns the defpackage for opengl with the exports list given."
266 `(defpackage #:cl-glfw-opengl
267 (:use #:cffi #:cl #:cl-glfw-types #:cl-glfw-scaffolding)
268 (:nicknames #:gl #:opengl)
269 (:shadowing-import-from #:cl-glfw-types #:boolean #:byte #:float #:char #:string #:pointer)
270 (:export
271 #:enum #:boolean #:bitfield #:byte #:short #:int #:sizei #:ubyte #:ushort #:uint
272 #:float #:clampf #:double #:clampd #:void #:uint64 #:int64
273 #:intptr #:sizeiptr
274 #:handle
275 #:char #:string
276 #:half
277 ,@(mapcar #'make-symbol (mapcar #'string-upcase (mapcar #'string exports))))))
280 (defmacro with-output-file ((out name) &body forms)
281 (declare (type symbol out))
282 `(with-open-file (,out (merge-pathnames ,name *base*) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
283 (when (getf *reports* :files-output)
284 (format t "Generating ~s~%" (truename ,out)))
285 (format ,out ";;;; This file was automatically generated by ~a~%" *source-filename*)
286 ,@forms
287 (fresh-line ,out)))
295 (defun output-core ()
296 ;; write the main bindings file...
297 (with-output-file (out #P"lib/opengl-core.lisp")
299 (print `(in-package #:cl-glfw-opengl) out)
301 ;; dump all enumerations not in an extension
302 (loop for enum-group-name in *enum-specs* by #'cddr
303 for enum-group in (cdr *enum-specs*) by #'cddr
304 unless (find enum-group-name *extension-names*)
306 (let ((enums-to-define
307 (loop for enum-name in enum-group by #'cddr
308 for enum-value in (cdr enum-group) by #'cddr
309 nconcing
310 (let ((existing (gethash enum-name *predefined-enumerants*)))
311 (cond
312 ((not existing)
313 (setf (gethash enum-name *predefined-enumerants*) enum-value)
314 (list (cons enum-name enum-value)))
315 ((eql existing enum-value)
316 nil)
318 (warn "Won't redefine enum ~A as ~A, because it is already ~A"
319 enum-name enum-value existing)
320 nil))))))
321 ;; when this group is not empty and there is a name that isn't already defined
322 (when enums-to-define
323 (format out "~&~%;;;; {{{ ~A~%" (string enum-group-name))
324 (loop for (enum-name . enum-value) in enums-to-define do
325 (let ((constant-name (constantize enum-name)))
326 (push constant-name *exports*)
327 (print `(defconstant ,constant-name ,enum-value) out)))
328 (format out "~&~%;;;; }}}~%"))
329 (remf *enum-specs* enum-group-name)))))
331 (defun output-category (name category-names)
332 "write out the extension named by category name"
334 (let ((enum-specs (copy-tree *enum-specs*))
335 (function-categories (copy-tree *function-categories*)))
337 ;; collect up the elements of the extension, the enums and functions
338 (let* ((enumerations
339 (loop for category-name in category-names nconcing
340 (loop while (getf enum-specs category-name) nconcing
341 (prog1 (loop for enum-name in (getf enum-specs category-name) by #'cddr
342 for enum-value in (cdr (getf enum-specs category-name)) by #'cddr
343 unless (gethash enum-name *predefined-enumerants*)
344 collecting
345 (let ((constant-name (constantize enum-name)))
346 (push constant-name *exports*)
347 `(defconstant ,constant-name ,enum-value)))
348 (remf enum-specs category-name)))))
349 (function-specs
350 (loop for category-name in category-names nconcing
351 (loop while (getf function-categories category-name) nconcing
352 (prog1
353 (loop for function in (getf function-categories category-name)
354 unless (let ((deprecated-at (getf function :deprecated)))
355 (and deprecated-at
356 (find (intern (concatenate 'string "VERSION_" (substitute #\_ #\. deprecated-at)))
357 category-names)))
358 collect function)
359 (remf function-categories category-name)))))
360 (extension-specs)
361 (core-definitions)
362 (extension-definitions))
365 (loop for function-spec in function-specs do
366 (cond
367 ((find (category-of function-spec) *core-opengl-versions*)
368 (push (gl-function-definition function-spec) core-definitions))
370 (push function-spec extension-specs)
371 (push (gl-extension-function-definition function-spec) extension-definitions))))
373 (setf extension-specs (nreverse extension-specs)
374 core-definitions (nreverse core-definitions)
375 extension-definitions (nreverse extension-definitions))
377 (format t "~A from ~A:~D functions, ~D enumerations~%"
378 (string name) (mapcar 'string category-names)
379 (+ (length core-definitions)
380 (length extension-definitions))
381 (length enumerations))
383 ;; only when we have either of these components, actually generate a system
384 (when (or enumerations core-definitions extension-definitions)
385 (let* ((core-version (find name *opengl-versions*))
386 (top-level-asd core-version))
387 ;; write out the ASD definition
388 (with-output-file (out (format nil "~acl-glfw-opengl-~a.asd" (if top-level-asd "" "lib/") name))
389 (let* ((system-name (string-downcase (format nil "cl-glfw-opengl-~a" name)))
390 (system-package (make-symbol (string-upcase (concatenate 'string system-name "-system")))))
391 (print `(defpackage ,system-package (:use #:asdf #:cl)) out)
392 (print `(in-package ,system-package) out)
393 (print `(defsystem ,(intern (string-upcase system-name))
394 :description ,(format nil "cl-glfw's ~a binding" name)
395 :author ,(format nil "Generated by cl-glfw's ~a" *source-filename*)
396 :licence "Public Domain"
397 :depends-on (cl-glfw-opengl-core)
398 :components ((:file ,(concatenate 'string (if top-level-asd "lib/" "") "opengl-" (string-downcase (symbol-name name))))))
399 out)))
401 ;; write the enumerations and function bindings
402 (with-output-file (out (format nil "lib/opengl-~a.lisp" name))
403 (print '(in-package #:cl-glfw-opengl) out)
404 (format out "~&~%;;;; ~a~&" name)
405 (when core-version
406 (print `(eval-when (:load-toplevel)
407 (when (and (boundp '*version-loaded*)
408 (not (eq ',name *version-loaded*)))
409 (warn "Loading cl-glfw-opengl-~a over the top of already-loaded cl-glfw-opengl-~a~%" ',name *version-loaded*))
410 (defparameter *version-loaded* ',name)) out))
411 (dolist (enumeration enumerations) (print enumeration out))
412 (dolist (function core-definitions) (print function out))
413 (dolist (function extension-definitions) (print function out))
414 (when extension-specs
415 (push (format nil "LOAD-~A" name) *exports*)
416 (print `(make-extension-loader ,name ,extension-specs) out))))))))
419 (defun output-everything ()
420 ;; some nice printing options
421 (let ((*print-case* :downcase)
422 (*print-radix* t)
423 (*print-base* 16))
425 (output-core)
427 ;;Write the bindings for the core versions
428 (let (current-categories)
429 (loop for extension-name in *opengl-versions* do
430 (let ((deprecated-extension-name (intern (concatenate 'string (string extension-name) "_DEPRECATED")))
431 output)
432 (when (find extension-name *extension-names*)
433 (push extension-name current-categories)
434 (setf output t))
435 (when (find deprecated-extension-name *extension-names*)
436 (push deprecated-extension-name current-categories)
437 (setf output t))
438 (when output
439 (output-category extension-name (reverse current-categories)))))
440 ;;Remove them from the lists to be processed
441 (loop for name in current-categories do
442 (loop while (getf *function-categories* name) do (remf *function-categories* name))
443 (loop while (getf *enum-specs* name) do (remf *enum-specs* name))))
445 ;;Process all the extension categories
446 (dolist (category-name *extension-names*)
447 (output-category category-name (list category-name))
448 (loop while (getf *function-categories* category-name) do (remf *function-categories* category-name))
449 (loop while (getf *enum-specs* category-name) do (remf *enum-specs* category-name)))
451 (with-output-file (out #P"lib/opengl-type-map.lisp")
452 (print `(in-package #:cl-glfw-opengl) out)
453 (print `(setf *type-map* ',*type-map*) out))
455 (with-output-file (out #P"lib/opengl-package.lisp")
456 (print (make-opengl-defpackage (remove-duplicates (nreverse *exports*))) out)))
458 (when (and (getf *reports* :leftover-functions)
459 *function-categories*)
460 (format t "~&Leftover functions:~% ~s~%" *function-categories*))
462 (when (and (getf *reports* :leftover-enums)
463 *enum-specs*)
464 (format t "~&Leftover enums:~% ~s~%" *enum-specs*)))
466 ;;; }}}
468 (defun main ()
469 (load-spec)
470 (output-everything)
471 (fresh-line))