Merge pull request #11 from esorton/bugfix/add-constexpr-keyword-to-arduino-ctags
[arduino-ctags.git] / sort.c
1 /*
2 * $Id: sort.c 747 2009-11-06 02:33:37Z dhiebert $
4 * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Darren Hiebert
6 * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the
7 * GNU General Public License.
9 * This module contains functions to sort the tag entries.
15 #include "general.h" /* must always come first */
17 #if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
18 # include <stdlib.h> /* to declare malloc () */
19 #endif
20 #include <string.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include "debug.h"
24 #include "entry.h"
25 #include "options.h"
26 #include "read.h"
27 #include "routines.h"
28 #include "sort.h"
34 extern void catFile (const char *const name)
36 FILE *const fp = fopen (name, "r");
38 if (fp != NULL)
40 int c;
41 while ((c = getc (fp)) != EOF)
42 putchar (c);
43 fflush (stdout);
44 fclose (fp);
51 # define PE_CONST
52 #else
53 # define PE_CONST const
54 #endif
56 extern void externalSortTags (const boolean toStdout)
58 const char *const sortNormalCommand = "sort -u -o";
59 const char *const sortFoldedCommand = "sort -u -f -o";
60 const char *sortCommand =
61 Option.sorted == SO_FOLDSORTED ? sortFoldedCommand : sortNormalCommand;
62 PE_CONST char *const sortOrder1 = "LC_COLLATE=C";
63 PE_CONST char *const sortOrder2 = "LC_ALL=C";
64 const size_t length = 4 + strlen (sortOrder1) + strlen (sortOrder2) +
65 strlen (sortCommand) + (2 * strlen (tagFileName ()));
66 char *const cmd = (char *) malloc (length + 1);
67 int ret = -1;
69 if (cmd != NULL)
71 /* Ensure ASCII value sort order.
73 #ifdef HAVE_SETENV
74 setenv ("LC_COLLATE", "C", 1);
75 setenv ("LC_ALL", "C", 1);
76 sprintf (cmd, "%s %s %s", sortCommand, tagFileName (), tagFileName ());
77 #else
78 # ifdef HAVE_PUTENV
79 putenv (sortOrder1);
80 putenv (sortOrder2);
81 sprintf (cmd, "%s %s %s", sortCommand, tagFileName (), tagFileName ());
82 # else
83 sprintf (cmd, "%s %s %s %s %s", sortOrder1, sortOrder2, sortCommand,
84 tagFileName (), tagFileName ());
85 # endif
86 #endif
87 verbose ("system (\"%s\")\n", cmd);
88 ret = system (cmd);
89 free (cmd);
92 if (ret != 0)
93 error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot sort tag file");
94 else if (toStdout)
95 catFile (tagFileName ());
98 #else
101 * These functions provide a basic internal sort. No great memory
102 * optimization is performed (e.g. recursive subdivided sorts),
103 * so have lots of memory if you have large tag files.
106 static void failedSort (FILE *const fp, const char* msg)
108 const char* const cannotSort = "cannot sort tag file";
109 if (fp != NULL)
110 fclose (fp);
111 if (msg == NULL)
112 error (FATAL | PERROR, "%s", cannotSort);
113 else
114 error (FATAL, "%s: %s", msg, cannotSort);
117 static int compareTagsFolded(const void *const one, const void *const two)
119 const char *const line1 = *(const char* const*) one;
120 const char *const line2 = *(const char* const*) two;
122 return struppercmp (line1, line2);
125 static int compareTags (const void *const one, const void *const two)
127 const char *const line1 = *(const char* const*) one;
128 const char *const line2 = *(const char* const*) two;
130 return strcmp (line1, line2);
133 static void writeSortedTags (
134 char **const table, const size_t numTags, const boolean toStdout)
136 FILE *fp;
137 size_t i;
139 /* Write the sorted lines back into the tag file.
141 if (toStdout)
142 fp = stdout;
143 else
145 fp = fopen (tagFileName (), "w");
146 if (fp == NULL)
147 failedSort (fp, NULL);
149 for (i = 0 ; i < numTags ; ++i)
151 /* Here we filter out identical tag *lines* (including search
152 * pattern) if this is not an xref file.
154 if (i == 0 || Option.xref || strcmp (table [i], table [i-1]) != 0)
155 if (fputs (table [i], fp) == EOF)
156 failedSort (fp, NULL);
158 if (toStdout)
159 fflush (fp);
160 else
161 fclose (fp);
164 extern void internalSortTags (const boolean toStdout)
166 vString *vLine = vStringNew ();
167 FILE *fp = NULL;
168 const char *line;
169 size_t i;
170 int (*cmpFunc)(const void *, const void *);
172 /* Allocate a table of line pointers to be sorted.
174 size_t numTags = TagFile.numTags.added + TagFile.numTags.prev;
175 const size_t tableSize = numTags * sizeof (char *);
176 char **const table = (char **) malloc (tableSize); /* line pointers */
177 DebugStatement ( size_t mallocSize = tableSize; ) /* cumulative total */
180 cmpFunc = Option.sorted == SO_FOLDSORTED ? compareTagsFolded : compareTags;
181 if (table == NULL)
182 failedSort (fp, "out of memory");
184 /* Open the tag file and place its lines into allocated buffers.
186 fp = fopen (tagFileName (), "r");
187 if (fp == NULL)
188 failedSort (fp, NULL);
189 for (i = 0 ; i < numTags && ! feof (fp) ; )
191 line = readLine (vLine, fp);
192 if (line == NULL)
194 if (! feof (fp))
195 failedSort (fp, NULL);
196 break;
198 else if (*line == '\0' || strcmp (line, "\n") == 0)
199 ; /* ignore blank lines */
200 else
202 const size_t stringSize = strlen (line) + 1;
204 table [i] = (char *) malloc (stringSize);
205 if (table [i] == NULL)
206 failedSort (fp, "out of memory");
207 DebugStatement ( mallocSize += stringSize; )
208 strcpy (table [i], line);
209 ++i;
212 numTags = i;
213 fclose (fp);
214 vStringDelete (vLine);
216 /* Sort the lines.
218 qsort (table, numTags, sizeof (*table), cmpFunc);
220 writeSortedTags (table, numTags, toStdout);
222 PrintStatus (("sort memory: %ld bytes\n", (long) mallocSize));
223 for (i = 0 ; i < numTags ; ++i)
224 free (table [i]);
225 free (table);
228 #endif
230 /* vi:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */