complex: Add initial complex support.
[altfloat.git] / Data / Floating / CMath / Complex.hs
1 {-
2 - Copyright (C) 2010 Nick Bowler.
4 - License BSD2: 2-clause BSD license. See LICENSE for full terms.
5 - This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
6 - There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
7 -}
9 -- | Bindings to the standard C complex library. The FFI does not provide a
10 -- mechanism to call complex-valued functions, so we create a Storable instance
11 -- for Complex CDouble which exploits the fact that, in C, @double _Complex@
12 -- has the same representation and alignment requirements as a @double[2]@ with
13 -- the first element being the real part and the second being the imaginary
14 -- part. A similar instance is created for Complex CFloat.
16 -- Bindings are not provided for the cimag, creal and conj functions as they
17 -- wouldn't be useful in a Haskell program.
18 {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
19 module Data.Floating.CMath.Complex (
20 -- * Trigonometric functions
21 c_cacos, c_casin, c_catan, c_ccos, c_csin, c_ctan,
23 -- * Hyperbolic functions
24 c_cacosh, c_casinh, c_catanh, c_ccosh, c_csinh, c_ctanh,
26 -- * Exponential and logarithmic functions
27 c_cexp, c_clog,
29 -- * Power and absolute-value functions
30 c_cabs, c_csqrt, c_cpow,
32 -- * Manipulation functions
33 c_carg, c_cproj
34 ) where
36 import Data.Floating.CMath.Instances
37 import Data.Floating.Classes
38 import Data.Floating.Types
40 import Foreign
41 import Foreign.C
43 unwrap :: (Storable a, PrimFloat a) => (Ptr (Complex a) -> IO ())
44 -> Complex a -> Complex a
45 unwrap f x = unsafePerformIO . with x $ \p -> f p >> peek p
47 -- 7.3.5 Trigonometric functions
48 foreign import ccall unsafe "cacos_wrap"
49 c_cacos_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
50 foreign import ccall unsafe "casin_wrap"
51 c_casin_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
52 foreign import ccall unsafe "catan_wrap"
53 c_catan_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
54 foreign import ccall unsafe "ccos_wrap"
55 c_ccos_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
56 foreign import ccall unsafe "csin_wrap"
57 c_csin_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
58 foreign import ccall unsafe "ctan_wrap"
59 c_ctan_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
61 -- 7.3.6 Hyperbolic functions
62 foreign import ccall unsafe "cacosh_wrap"
63 c_cacosh_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
64 foreign import ccall unsafe "casinh_wrap"
65 c_casinh_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
66 foreign import ccall unsafe "catanh_wrap"
67 c_catanh_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
68 foreign import ccall unsafe "ccosh_wrap"
69 c_ccosh_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
70 foreign import ccall unsafe "csinh_wrap"
71 c_csinh_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
72 foreign import ccall unsafe "ctanh_wrap"
73 c_ctanh_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
75 -- 7.3.7 Exponential and logarithmic functions
76 foreign import ccall unsafe "cexp_wrap"
77 c_cexp_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
78 foreign import ccall unsafe "clog_wrap"
79 c_clog_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
81 -- 7.3.8 Power and asbolute-value functions
82 foreign import ccall unsafe "cabs_wrap"
83 c_cabs_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO CDouble
84 foreign import ccall unsafe "csqrt_wrap"
85 c_csqrt_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
86 foreign import ccall unsafe "cpow_wrap"
87 c_cpow_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
89 -- 7.3.9 Manipulation functions
90 foreign import ccall unsafe "carg_wrap"
91 c_carg_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO CDouble
92 foreign import ccall unsafe "cproj_wrap"
93 c_cproj_wrap :: Ptr (Complex CDouble) -> IO ()
95 c_cacos :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
96 c_cacos = unwrap c_cacos_wrap
98 c_casin :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
99 c_casin = unwrap c_casin_wrap
101 c_catan :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
102 c_catan = unwrap c_catan_wrap
104 c_ccos :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
105 c_ccos = unwrap c_ccos_wrap
107 c_csin :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
108 c_csin = unwrap c_csin_wrap
110 c_ctan :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
111 c_ctan = unwrap c_ctan_wrap
113 c_cacosh :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
114 c_cacosh = unwrap c_cacosh_wrap
116 c_casinh :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
117 c_casinh = unwrap c_casinh_wrap
119 c_catanh :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
120 c_catanh = unwrap c_catanh_wrap
122 c_ccosh :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
123 c_ccosh = unwrap c_ccosh_wrap
125 c_csinh :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
126 c_csinh = unwrap c_csinh_wrap
128 c_ctanh :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
129 c_ctanh = unwrap c_ctanh_wrap
131 c_cexp :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
132 c_cexp = unwrap c_cexp_wrap
134 c_clog :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
135 c_clog = unwrap c_clog_wrap
137 c_cabs :: Complex CDouble -> CDouble
138 c_cabs x = unsafePerformIO . with x $ c_cabs_wrap
140 c_cpow :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
141 c_cpow x y = unsafePerformIO . with x $ \px -> with y $ \py -> do
142 c_cpow_wrap px py
143 peek px
145 c_csqrt :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
146 c_csqrt = unwrap c_csqrt_wrap
148 c_carg :: Complex CDouble -> CDouble
149 c_carg x = unsafePerformIO . with x $ c_carg_wrap
151 c_cproj :: Complex CDouble -> Complex CDouble
152 c_cproj = unwrap c_cproj_wrap
154 instance (Storable a, PrimFloat a) => Storable (Complex a) where
155 sizeOf (real :+ _) = 2 * sizeOf real
156 alignment (real :+ _) = alignment real
157 peek ptr = do
158 [real, imag] <- peekArray 2 (castPtr ptr)
159 return $! real :+ imag
160 poke ptr (real :+ imag) = do
161 pokeArray (castPtr ptr) [real, imag]