descriptionInterval timer for digital cameras.
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last changeSun, 16 Dec 2007 22:52:11 +0000 (16 17:52 -0500)
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An open source, open hardware interval timer for digital cameras.
The goal of this project is to make a simple, open interval timer platform available for time lapse photography based on the Atmel AVR platform. Currently, this project only supports Nikon cameras that support the ML-L3 IR remote. Support for other cameras is more than welcome!
Push to the mob branch with: git push master:mob
2007-12-16 Matthew CoatesBetter debounce. High current output pin.master
2007-12-16 Matthew CoatesInterval set by example. ATtiny13 RC Oscillator.
2007-12-12 Matthew CoatesFixed line breaks.
2007-12-12 Matthew CoatesInitial commit of OpenInterval.
2007-12-12 Matthew CoatesInitial draft for Nikon OML-L3 include file and Impleme...
2007-12-12 Matthew CoatesAdded unmodified code for Nikon signaling from BigMike...
16 years ago master
16 years ago mob