Documentation, compile, and initialization cleanup.
[CommonLispStat.git] / lispstat.asd
1 ;;  -*- mode: lisp -*-
3 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005--2006, by AJ Rossini <>
4 ;;; ASDF packaging for CommonLispStat
5 ;;; Provided under a BSD license.
7 ;;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'cffi)
9 (defpackage #:lispstat-system
10     (:use :asdf :common-lisp))
12 (in-package #:lispstat-system)
14 ;;; To avoid renaming everything from *.lsp to *.lisp...
15 ;;; borrowed from Cyrus Harmon's work, for example for the ch-util.
16 (defclass lispstat-lsp-source-file (cl-source-file) ())
17 (defparameter *fasl-directory*
18    (make-pathname :directory '(:relative
19                                #+sbcl "sbcl-fasl"
20                                #+openmcl "openmcl-fasl"
21                                #+cmu "cmucl-fasl"
22                                #+clisp "clisp-fasl"
23                                #-(or sbcl openmcl clisp cmucl) "fasl"
24                                )))
26 (defmethod source-file-type ((c lispstat-lsp-source-file) (s module)) "lsp")
27 (defmethod asdf::output-files :around ((operation compile-op)
28                                        (c lispstat-lsp-source-file))
29   (list (merge-pathnames *fasl-directory*
30                          (compile-file-pathname (component-pathname c)))))
31 ;;; again, thanks to Cyrus for saving me time...
34 (defsystem "lispstat"
35   :version #.(with-open-file
36                  (vers (merge-pathnames "version.lisp-expr" *load-truename*))
37                (read vers))
38   :author "A.J. Rossini <>"
39   :license "BSD"
40   :description "CommonLispStat (CLS): A System for Statistical Computing with Common Lisp;
41 based on CLS by Luke Tierney <> (originally written when Luke was at CMU, apparently).
42 Last touched 1991, then in 2005--2007."
43   :serial t
44   :depends-on (:cffi :lift) ;;  :clem) not yet but soon!
45   :components ((:static-file "version" :pathname #p"version.lisp-expr")
46                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "lsobjects")
47                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "cffiglue")
48                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "defsys")
49                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "fastmap")
50                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "lstypes")
51                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "lsfloat")
53                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "compound" 
54                                           :depends-on ("lsobjects"
55                                                        "fastmap"))
56                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "lsmacros" 
57                                           :depends-on ("compound"))
59                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "dists"
60                                           :depends-on ("cffiglue"
61                                                        "lsmacros"))
63                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "lsmath"
64                                           :depends-on ("lsobjects"
65                                                        "compound"
66                                                        "lsmacros"
67                                                        "lsfloat"))
70                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "matrices"
71                                           :depends-on ("cffiglue"
72                                                        "compound"))
74                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "ladata"
75                                           :depends-on ("cffiglue"
76                                                        "defsys"
77                                                        "lstypes"
78                                                        "compound"
79                                                        "matrices"))
81                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "linalg"
82                                           :depends-on ("cffiglue"
83                                                        "lsmath"
84                                                        "matrices"
85                                                        "ladata"
86                                                        "lsfloat"
87                                                        "lstypes"
88                                                        "compound"))
90                (:file "data" :depends-on ("lsobjects"
91                                           "compound"
92                                           "matrices"
93                                           "linalg"))
95                ;; there is a circ reference which we need to solve.
96                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "lsbasics"
97                                           :depends-on ("lsobjects"
98                                                        "lstypes"
99                                                        "lsmacros"
100                                                        "lsfloat"
101                                                        "matrices"
102                                                        "linalg"
103                                                        "dists"))
105                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "statistics"
106                                           :depends-on ("lsobjects"
107                                                        "lsbasics"
108                                                        "compound"
109                                                        "ladata" "matrices" "linalg"
110                                                        "lsmath"
111                                                        "data" ))
113                (:file "optimize" :depends-on ("lsobjects"
114                                               "cffiglue"
115                                               "lstypes"
116                                               "compound"
117                                               "lsmath"
118                                               "lsfloat"
119                                               "lsbasics"
120                                               "matrices"
121                                               "ladata"
122                                               "linalg"))
124                ;; Applications
125                (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "regression"
126                                           :depends-on ("lsobjects"
127                                                        "lsbasics"
128                                                        "compound"
129                                                        "lsmath"
130                                                        "matrices"
131                                                        "linalg"
132                                                        "statistics"))
133 ;              (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "nonlin"
134 ;                                         :depends-on ("regression"))
136 ;              (:lispstat-lsp-source-file "bayes"
137 ;                                         :depends-on ("lsobjects"
138 ;                                                      "lsmath"
139 ;                                                      "dists"))
142                (:file "ls-user" :depends-on ("lsobjects"
143                                              "lsbasics"
144                                              "compound"
145                                              "dists"
146                                              "fastmap"
147                                              "lstypes"
148                                              "lsfloat"
149                                              "lsmath"
150                                              "matrices"
151                                              "linalg"
152                                              "regression"))))